ARO dd RAO 4 sob BBE EE A mpi So 47 4k Sn hho AR ESR BY Sn (OR NB 3 nr ler News Mrs. Geors r¢ Proud and Mrs. Frank Niehalaon aponit Saturday in Johns town zi the guests of Mre Proud’s parents, Mr and Mra Reed. x x * Miss Clara Gray spent Wadnesday with friends in Eo x Miss Mary SeCrtey chief opers- tor for the Bell Telephone company is suffering from Ahe_gripe. William ah of this place was hurried to the Miners’ hospital early ay icing and was immedinte- he operated o . Grace McNulty who underwent an . operation for appendicitis nome time ago is much improved, and expects to leave the al i a fow pon Joseph Gray" left Monda for Har- Fishutgs 10 meet of Mi io Commission eonce loading of Wagon cont. a. ia &: Sezer fade a business trip Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rowley Sunday in in Glen Campbell with a » John McCann : Fa few days With friends in town. Mr. and Mrs. TW. Guyer of Pat. ton spent Saturday end Sunday as the guests of Mr. er's nts, . and Mrs. 3 Sy pare Philip Dolan of Pittsburgh left Wed. nesday for that place, after spending some time hare. ¥ Miss Odussa Cour returned home Sunday after spending a week with relatives in Alcan wd Juniata, Mrs. George Nr emaets has been suf- fering for several days from an attack of the grippe. ¥ 3 3 Prask | Wood returned home Thurs ay trom Harris after spending ew days I business. Romeo Poiger A Veen sufferin “Tor several days with an attack o the grippe. ME Sod Mos. eae Gresnwa have taken up housekeeping in Barnesbor:. ¥ ¥ Miss Martha Wiking has been con- fined to her home for several da suffering from a severe attack of t last | called Bradley Mine a » ¥ ¥ ’ : Feturnsu home Sania r some e wi Lia 4 in Denver Colorado. ole returned home Senden visit with her ps duane co ht {ENA HRA sos aH GOING WEST » Si] nha a, fibout the : § noni, where Be ex pects to take up farnine Philin Lantey, his brother, has established in farm to another brother Andrew Lan. tzy, of thiz place and has all arrange- ments to be ready to move, OFFICERS ELECTED FOR "$i On Friday night the members of the | Patton Fire Company met in their building on Lange avenue for the purpose of electing new officers for the new year, the following are the ones chosen: President, C. C. Crowell; vice pre. siderit, Geo. Howe; secretary, Ed Hunter; Sresuret: J. R Cornelius; trustees, I. 8. Bell, John Wm. Fisher, Wm. "Howe, and John Mon- Te [Scheid is an experienced fireman and He will appoint his a —— A. EB. PATTON A CANDIDATE who is largely interested in the wel. riominate the party's presidential can- didate. ion rh CALL AND SEE 1S Er We are now removed to the large | door to the First National Bank, and | ax + S—— application will be made to the gover. nor of the Commonwealth of Penn. sylvania on the 5th day of February, 1917 by John E. Zimmermann, Charles Day and Robert C. Shields, under the Act of Assembly of the Common- wealth of Petinayiva nin, entitled “An Act to provid the Incorporation and Regula tion of certain Corpora. tions,” roved April 29, 1874, and the li nts thereto, for the char- ter of an intended corporation to be the character and object of which is 1s to have and possess and en. y all the rights, benefits and privi- of the said Act of Assembly and its supplements. Jamey Collins Jones, Solicitor. | 1-12-8¢ JUST GOT OVER A COLD Look out for kidney troubles and backache. Colds overtax the kidneys and often leave them weak. For weak kidneys—well, rend what a Patton MAR says: MA mine owner, Main St. Patton, and then | have ment 3 oud, which has settied in my back and The result had heen and kidneys and Props., Buffalo, CHILD BURNED TO DEATH Gwendola, the little three and one- ‘af year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Michaels, of Emeigh, was burned to death on Monday after. won at its home. The little tot had wen left alone for a minute while ts mamma was out for water. When he returned the child's clothing was “re was fruitless antil too late. Bu. tery this afternoon. NEWS OF TWENTY-ONE YEARS A that locality several vears apo and is prospering. Mr. Lantzy has sold his: John Scheid, better known as Jack | was elected chief of the company. Mr. men and hosemen some day next week. | The Courier is plensed to note that A. E Patton, of Curwensville, and | fare of Patton, is dnounced as a can- | didate for delegate from the twenty’ eighth Congressional district, to the Republican national convention colled to meet in St. Louis next June to! store room in the Good Building, next | NOTICE is Rerchy given that an | Company, personal property of the Patton Brow. mining and selling coal, and for these ‘fr. Byrne had. XN er Milburn Co... wm fire. An attempt to quench the rial will be made in East Ridge ceme- the Rev. H. 1 of Hasti nya Were the poeahs Chas, Wasson last Wedrneaday * * = : Ex. Sheriff Dale moved into his new | (property on Magee avenue the first | (of the week i : * * * . Father Ludin, of 8t. Augustine, | | preacing his farewell sermon in the | ‘hest Springs Catholic church two | {weeks ugo, he having charge of that {congregation in addition to the one in St. Augustine. The Chest Springs congregation will henceforth have a stor of its own in the person of ather McRarren, who wus lately ap- EB inted to that charge by the Rt. Rev. chard Phelan, bishep of the diocese. On the Beeth Ee railroad the grades are so favorable in many pla- ces that locomotives are able to haul sixty-three loaded cars x Rx Jas, Patch, of Pittsburgh, and P. GG Bander, of Lock Haven were at the Commercial Ho Hotel, T H D Ah ragh representing Fisk, Krimm & Co, Music dealers of Williamsport was a pleasant caller at this office Monday. * * » i W. C. Charles of Coanlport, was a caller in town Monday. * * * The Baptist congregation will hold services in the Yeager building next Surday. Rev. O. I. Berlin, of Clear iat 1:30 P. M. i * * * { Fditor Williams and H FE. Clark fof Glen Campbell wore callers in Pat. iton Monday, * * * das. Allport. of Hastings transact fed | husiness in town Saturday. RECEIVER'S § ALE OF VAL UARBL E REAL ESTATE AND PER- SONAL PROPERTY By virtue of an order of sale is- sued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Cambria County, Pennsyl. vania, the undersigned will expose to public sale on the premises, in the ough of Patton, Cambria County, Pennsylvania, on Monday February |* 112th, 1917, at one o'clock P. M., the following described real estate and (ing Company: All that certain piece or parcel of land situate in the Borough of Pat ton, in the County of Sashes, State of Pennsylvania, composed of parts of lots numbered 10, 20, 21, of 2 and 24 in Block No. 17 on the a Plan of the said Barong Lott by the Chest Srasic Jan provement Com and described as fo to wit, on the north by an Alley 417.4 feet, on the east by fourth avenue 140. feet, ot the south by Harriman avenue 206.1 feet, and on the west bY the right of way of the Putton Branch No. 1 of the Cambria & Clearfield Roitrosd Company 185.1 feet: having { thereon erected a large brick building bailt and eq as a brewery. Also, at same time and . will be offered ail of the "ry | wagrons, horses, office furniture, oases, bottles; and all other Sd Vetwery. in connection with the and owned by the Shove i from Ten par cent of the purchase money at the time of sale, ‘the sum of Seven thousand dollars | ‘upon the delivery of a deed, and the | balance in five equal annual payments, {with interest at six per cent an ‘mum, secured by the bond and mort. of the purchaser, or by other satisfactory real estate security. Arthur C. Simler, Receiver Patton Brewing Co. Johnstown, Pa., Jan. 15, 1917. i b— The following pieces of mail re- main uncalled for in the Patton Post Office for the week ending Jan. 20, 17: Mr. John Seott George Cunnila Miss Agnes Kruise Persons calling for the above pieces of mail please say they are advertised. Ww. pilingar, Sr, ins mo at A AR SS ENE BBE AAI BN SAE SOE HEAT OISAE SAL SACI FI Sc SSA S38 ANN ib rE rR ERR Ere Er Ee ‘SPOT CASH STORE | When yoo buy it here, you sre sure of getting the very best at low- # «st ores at any time. Sugar, very best granulated, per I eT Fie Aaa Seid will preach at 10.30 A. M. and | Postmaster. | ; | REAR EAA ik ¥ rk A v 4 ¥ HERE RP RRIF RI RPA PRR rR FR Rie erleee SWEATER COATS REDUCED Semi- Big reductions on Ladies’ Coats and Suits, Furs, Girls and Misses Coats, Men’s Suits and Overcoats Boys’ Overcoats and Mackinaw Coats. Men's Suits and Overcoats, regular $10 value. Now .... Men's Suits and Overecoats, regular $12 value. Now . Men's Suits and Overcoats, regular $15 value, Now Men's Suits and Overcats, regular $18 value. Now ......... Men's Suits and Overcoats, regular $20 value. Now . $1.98 $2.98 and $3.75 $4.75, $5.75 and $6.75 Boy's Overconts and Mackinaw Coats, now Men's Mackinaw Coats, now Ladies’ Coats, regular $12 value. Now Ladies’ Coats, regular $15 value, Now Ladies’ Coats, regular $20 value. Now Ladies’ Coats, regular 825 value. Now Ladies’ Suits, values up to $13. Ladies’ Suits, values up to $05. Now Ladies’ Suits, values up to $0, Now Girls’ and Misses Coats, now | $1.98, $2.98, us, $5.98, $7.50 and $9.98 If you could see the bargains that we are plfering to you it will be of great interest and sav- ing to know that you can Li such standard merchandise as we are in habit of special izing. The few prices we quote here are only few that we can offer you at our store where we will further convince you prices as facts. : 50c Men's feaced lined underwear, shirts and drawers extra heavy quality. These same garments are sold for more than obove price eleswhere. Clearance sale price. . ...I9C 50c Mens’ working shirts of standard make. Market prices will advaiice. Clearance sale price 38¢c Reduced prices on Men's Suits and Overcoats $18.00 Suits and Overcoats, reduced to .....,.... $11.98 Sauer Kraut, Larpe cans, solid parked, with best kraut, per enn . $17.00 Suits and Overcoats, redaced to Oranges, Indian Rivers, they are the best and sweetest oranges that grow, per dozen . Penches, the finest California Petches packed, regular 26c goods special price, per can ; #15.00 Suits and Overcoats, reduced to . G13.00 Suits and Overcoatss reduced to ; pa 11.00 Suits and Overcoats, redueed to Ginger Snaps, highest grade, light and crisp, por Th, only t x i : 8. a3 {fond pe nly : a $4.50 Mackinaws the reduced price we ® quot te 1 fou is a real treat. Were we to reorder from our m mu wturer we would have to advane former price. Price during clearance sale $2.98 Ha, of Paton.’ mu tate Walter Baker's per Ib. only .. of Mr. urd Mrs. John “horolate, Walter Baker's, per ID, ¥ Colles, a fine drinker, por DD, only Nuts, assortad, regular 25¢ poods~-Specinl whily : of Xanty-Glo wan I town, Bay Jweet Potatoes, fancy chunky Jerseys, per D, only $1.50 Mens’ Union Suits at great saving to you. Sale price. 98¢ a " Ne $1.50 Boy's Sweaters at such a bargain that we are giving you. Will quickly Fed ¢ our stock of the above lob. Sale price........98¢ oi Bs 5 KE A a A. AARONSON Opposite Commercial Hotel Patton, Pa. Crean Vegetnlt'es ond front Praita, everthi find it here. Letture, Endive, Caler, Caslidow ge 3 Lnctmbers, Groen {Ininach, ete. 1% Oranges, per doen | Tarzerines, per doses... FRESH FISH AND OYSTERS ¥ Spot Cash Store Pation, Pennsylvania | HE EN Se Reiter SNE EP IR FEAR | * » MN Doll dedutibah sail Lo Shoe: — : ne § FW EE A CP