The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, January 19, 1917, Image 7

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AE ia As A So
pa MS 5
hn we cy Aa pe pv
A ROR 0 TA pas i ni.
A AA le A SO %
ankets, Quilts,
Bath Robes
We Have a Pleasing Line of
Teddy Bear Blankets
uddledown Sets
For the Babies and Youngsters. |
For the boys who are out-of -door much of the time we have overcoats
and suits and trousers in good looking materials and up- to-date
styles.. Let us fit the lad for you.
Chas. F. Pitt Co.
Patton, Pa.
I ro A nse vs
"Facts Versus
FACT is a real state of things. FALLACY ia an appar-
ently genuine but reclly illogical statement or argument.
ROHIBITIONISTS. far enough away from the “Jr” Suite of
Kansas to safely circulate FALLACIES to (informed
people. Swe declared that it is in “wet” States where insanity is
most prevalent from liguor's misuse. But the : { Xarsas)
State Jouwrral, in position to know, tells 3 C.grent story. That
journal is quoted:
44] NSANITY inctessed nearly 14 per cunt an Jan
That was the uiatpmer: maved today by Senate
‘Secretary for the Baate Hoard of Control. The rence
missions cf 70% ney WADE patenis to the
Osawatomie and Parsons in the last yer, 33 co:
record of 671 new cases [or the yoor ending Tune
Baggot 8 2 Su
ting features of the rerort is the tremen
tiie number of canes of lneamicy. |,
3 i |
tected originally gs an Inatirution
#7 SPE * frets?
tUnon: In the roel ; id i
11.858 patients i= poe. Moat Hlancia as
Omawatomic, 113 = read, PAS 28 Plice.d 380 ut VW
in the Atchison Caton 2 Tome”
LL of the aforestated 'eacTS ro
testimony of Seplarable cond’ AT x mere l IN DRUNK INN Ss
Prohibiticn State of Kansas, which or fers berds ned with pre. lun ie
hibitory matutes for the long period oi #5 yours. Disvie a IAN WI BTATES
PALLACIEZ official data proves Kansas 14 wuose in drunlenness
| .
and its yeaulls tudn Lowi. liege Novols ves i deoud 8500 Tew.
lated by law.
AN ;
A ¥ Yi ag {
SR S—— | AA A
Pennsyloan io
Ads in this Paper
teduety AS ¢ tagfred Rp AY.
Taxes are fied 1bne the 'wsrler of the
els, They facet italdy Jdesenng along
thar wr'gle mind ae stirred In
thee FRE Boy 3 3 EE a es
aed 53 Ar
Glie attitind
; 1 indifferent
| on the pert of public officers and poit
{dans The history of industrial com
| munitied where such burdens are Lis
| pimed. however, fu the best evidence of
| whether such a polley pars anybody
Two manufucturers in similar Hues
{ of Business, ane operating a plant in
| Massachusetts and the other located in
i Connecticut, were recently comparing
| notes. They discovers that for every
| $100 In taxes which the Conuectiont
| plant pays per anaum the Massacha
i sells plant was paring 81.000. ar ten
thnes as much The answer to this sit.
i antion ts t! Aut Masssichonstts Bas heen
| falling behind iu the percentage of
growth as sn foduatrinl state come
{with some of | ber nelghboring comms
| nities whee fe f
i altos) at bie bur
| ard Ehren en
Taner Tal
{ Mane
Po dremdedd rat
FART In oB recent Lesne of ff 343
| maguzine TY The Fore River Lay, pee
[wenta fn oa faly w a7 the averass hasd
| ness mans view ou excessive nation
of industria plants:
“What in gous} for Fa Pie Rix er lig goed
i for Quinney, suid what Is good for Quin
fey is good for Fore liver
| “The offf-ery and swplovees of this
| company aml their famtiles make op
| more than a quarter of the population
| of the city Their ioterests are tho
{same as the Interest of Quiney and of
the Fore River Shipbutlding Corpor
i ton
I "This company’s business is hailing
| ships. which briugs us Inte compet]
from with companies bol og ships In
other States. An thing that Pore River
| must do (a this commus pliy that other
: shipbuilding companies do got have to
{ do fn thelr cities will in the long run
! hurt us.
“Today thers are more ships to be
| built than there are yands to buflld
| them. When the war is over there will
be more shipyvanis than there are
i ships te build Then the yard that
| butlds the chenpest will take the con
| tracts, and the var! whose costs are
| highest will discharge its men
“The other hig shipyards do not pay
tle taxes. Some of them pay no taxes
fat all. If you own a house sod rent it
[you add your taves Into the rent If
| vay the taxes
yon rent a honse you oo
when von say voir rent
ist a hil its Paves
yo IE BR ed Tar ta dnerease this com
| par Y's sessment 8 oer cent and to
Increase its taxes pearly 8 arr Cent
this year as agulnst a year age
“You know that a great part of the |
company’s motey spent in Improve
raents haw Deel spent (oo ake Pure
River a better pace to work. There
are etill manny Jesaniments seeding
trey Dibdaegs nen SEA LPOOINE, aw
: ad of iH
A Texan i aior tecotitie offeited
for ensctmwect ¢ BI (estgmsd to pire
Pent sede cellistony between rudls
road trains tn hl Hint The dn
EY of So YEE gatiof x When £1
rains, onan fro oppesite dines
Tene, aphids ls oo rosin, Both shall
on, fr
thier has Pasme}
ail crows anti] the
The man at the bench is the oe
worker of the man in the office. Let
thems get together for the common
Stick to your oh. The sun who
junips from aug fob 10 another never
jearns enetm salvia any particular
clans of work to become valuable in it
snr sri
Every luminessm Bas three partoers
Cardial~the emjilover. Labor-the em
plares. The pulito-the cotuxomer. No
nd REFY Chas Bve AF coaneration
a eking. Noo huis
coon] tant hae a shoes
pach perifier
civ feet Fes
This town Is your dome. Help to
make It ua better Bowe by voapernt.
ing wih its merchanes and Business
men, Treat rour Industries fairly. sod
they nina lw fair ti TNL
Consumers shouhl renilte that whe
unfair legislation makes busise ui
dance they all ove to pay the dior
"When you attack sua who eae utain
pasrolis you hit the wage earner, kick
Ais wife and cull’ his children.” — Ebert
Elubba rd,
a SA SH A, Si st
Menutacturing in the lackbone of the
very man in industry helps prose
JRoturns in wages and profits are ma.
Jaterdependence ia nedessary in all tia.
£ ustry
(Onpttalints mciide every mag who has
a dollar or more
Add your beidel In the future off oar
nation's weaith
\ ational strangih in
J ptustry suppoits 100,000,000 persons
inthe 17. XB
Nothing oppresnive to industry should
be tirlerntiod
[Hen be moled by agitators ar hy
. Biarmiets
[Taite te make
yy Dis
we tinnd Beem in vis
RT "
: of industry
industyy foun
belief (0 the flatts
[reat every Rn Son
Poh a
Remember the interests of on ployie
anid em ple ee aw the mame
Y our alieg lance:
Wark with aa o
1st, To Amerion: Ind To Your Hom
drd, To Your Business. —:
The fillowing raven fir “The Com
pictn Busineis letter Writer for
6," by 2 Parker Nevim, iv going
the rounds of the
Model Mo. 1--Quoting Frice for Gooda
Fie 3 Postat
[ids id af the Sth,
die orga aes] diuior the
Clo, tertiBeate did in the
the Recretury of New York
. a aiviae Jom
LEged we ean aed ah Bayi of F0 i we
United Ristes Revie Satiites, laws
af 1834 wee. 18: per ton, esvtosd lots
(ow Interstate Commerce Ruling 26
wee alio dicta In 128 1, 8. 204: Bobhen
te. Pormaglvanta BR. Co, 168 Pa.
WT This quotation is special to you
{ew ruling of Department of Justice
in the matter of Brown Nilling Co.)
wd WW made subject to our right to
claim [nnpunity (see N.Y. Penal Code,
pp ES). IT you receive a better quotas
tion from sauy other of our competitions
you will, of course, advise us ander the
uthority of UU 2 Revised Statutes
pp 2207, sub 2. We shail be glad to
Hil your order (sublect to eale nid
down in lewiting ease of Jackson oa
Cobb, 1368 1. 8. 2% and will ship ae
gording to your hstroction (see Role
8, New York Public Utitity Conimile
LEE Very (rily yours
h Pyeandend,
HAaNvravTunizg CG
sas ue vf the hee
¢ 3g afore! aod Bas ese
ia teed That deponest ie
PRs ation NOT ¥
Jones Masufaorur! rar Cumpany has Dee
or Lad ite charter forfeited. now de
ponent ever been ldlcted by either
wr Federal Gest Jury
PP WHITE Notury Publis
The lives o? practically ull men
in the business world as shown
history of lmlustry during the
twenty-five years will prove to you the
practical value of the “stick to i#*
ple of life. Armour stock to
Harriman and HUI to ratirosds, §
to electricity, Carnegie and Schwab to
steel, Rockefeller to ofl, Morgan to
finance, and so on without A
these captining of :
the country. 1 see in he Pature 4
this heed iy given a
well Prevent the
nny be, with his own initiative
30 uot be a aE watcher n
traks of fodustry. Those who
Por Lines by strike or whistles to
and “sebller” at the bench, machine
fe the olflon seldom or never
far abeasd in the ranks. 1
Hel any mors pay because
i1ert d often
leas this ther gob
udnge that & man who
never gets very much pay.