A WI SB Ss psy 5 AE ARRAY HM 0 i 1 i Salty ——t ne leer TOGETHER FOR | f the E es { ACT TOGETHER | PERMANENT PROSPERITY. I Lhe yes 1 T0STorrioons Co-Operation by Counties, the State and Nation Suggested | 1—--Don’t Read Fine Print. I | lay o>" t Read By Dim Light Or By Direct Sun- % CONGRESS PAVES THE WAY } faye. be t i ] > 43 a TO : wernt on} P Binoy teragse your laosmmge lx dif 3. Don’t Read While Riding On a Train. | | as a = -Don’t Read While Lying On a Lounge Or After | Enacts Legislation for Joint Contribu | yer superintendent, manager or woer to Bed. tions to Funds for Erection of of t dant in which you earn a living -Do Not Bend Over A Book And Look 8 River Regulation Works in { is no ee for misunderstand ing your Down. When You Hold the Book About 14 Inc ht i: Ail Parts of Country. | own common Interest ln praaperity by | : iB If You Are 0 or 8 jad or One of Your Eves ge | bating your partner in your own In | Owe Future Prosperity Depends on » -Is Better Than The Ot asses Fitted to The ! dostey or iistesiog to and following Setter Unilerstanding and More Prag. Much consideration and study fr) the gospel of dissension and violence tical Application of Get Together = YOUR EYES NEED GLASSES OR YOUR GLASS. Bn ARE TO BE CHANGED CALL OR WRITE AND RR Dob + Fr RT | - tp Every man sol woman apagsd in i 1 te fg 58 3 2 Amwrivan fa wed, mills snd pines, | i L whether they know Epgiih or epenk | F158 tir mre on FPR rey i Hien Dh De 4 - § ; : POT Beiween Capital aid La lor, SAY INTERESTS ARE MUTUAL a SA Sowied timpeR with ns Evry Description For Employees. A ————— PHILANTHROPY NOT INTENT. Ai ———— which selfish agitators so often preach | being given the fofm which the river |} 4 Apisatons 0 u | | 5Pt in lndustey-~uet Eliminate Considered Paramount. | regulation Jegisialion to be intro Do aot hiihdly fellow the May whe | Trouble Breeders and Agitators Workers 'LL CALL TO SEE YOU.. IF YOUR GLASSES ARE BROKEN MAIL THEM TO ME. I'LL RETURN | 4 | tells you how hard your lot bs Ofves | uced at the next session of the Jog | be is doing so outruthfally and for the THEM THEM REPAIRED. EYE GLASSES GIVEN ON TRIAL. DON'T PAY UNTIL FOUND SATISFACT. isiatare shall take. The plan which purpose of getting you to contribute has the most advocates is the one membership mosey for his own support Dr. Ale der S. Ryesky OPTOMETRIST under which the necessary works are in idleness. Agitators get rich by pray. Formerly a Resident of Patton : 0 be constructed by the federal war ing on the men In Ameriesn Industry, { | department out of funds provided by | Paul Azzara House BANESBORO, PA. P. 0. Box 442 pt y RS A better pubile anderstauding and appreciation of the newly and problems | of ove Americsn Indowt ries Is opocnded i every shie to tie one of tha lmpore- Hundreds of millions of dollars Dave en expended during the past decade by American manufacturers for those fortum of Industrial betterment, in De interested in A iL CNTR, pain fw work 1h sw than they pet | fac | Remember the old adage that & man gach! who never diwis any mare oF aw Beh works snd projects shall be mmde ax be gets paid far, never pets paid ander the directipn of the Sacretary | for any more than be does — faduatrinl of War and the supervision of the | hie of Eagineets: aml eens ther Bre al Werth any more, CAS 3 4 a Begonias PY 5 ata AeE i a " “ ts pi t oatrol hereafior authoriped amd often are worth b shail Te | persp dad suid 1 ‘ yous {ics om 8 Lo ep KPERGea, 3 Bi) SXITMUOALMONDR, YT i yeys and Improvements of sarkaining rictiness. Scott’s creates warmth to farow off colds and gives resistance to prevent sickness No Alcohol in SCOTT'S. Fovery Druppist bax it. CNTY A BOWEL Hlasenfald KB 1, { Comaervaliion, NF ANB AHO NY pgiatind jaw relating Ia ox a ion al SAI 1 SY ard survey 3 wea ekEsam ‘ | whom they urge into anlawfal or harm | taut sation! requirements for ‘he de. half of employees. tht are generally | "he states and counties affected. a2 oy; ou by misrepresenting conditions | velopment of our fotare Industrial | nth sud the | well ax the nationpl government 804 |. holding out foolish and false prom- | prosperity. Few people ssom to un. Saweis 34 Puligtivasie ot beso cots Seting in Soopers io with the State oes of better things If they follow | derstand thst the majority of our Lawl. acta y Te 18 ures ts Brake zach u plan wets thelr orders. Yon koow conditions | ness men are fair misded, resonable | ont manufucturers--and they are : able In Pennsylvapia pew legislation yourself, 104 yo kre a ih 0 beings, Jegliimacaly engnged i thes des | the vast majority—as are the decent | was required And 0 that end & Bill) know tht the man oF Ten whet the velopment of oir ccanomiie PesOlPoss onople of other classes——are opposed to | was prepared whith permitted coup | Sgitalar ho patos yous FmpTOyer 4s | In the oninion of our business lead- Zrindtag child lnbor, and they strive to % ties to fssue bonds the proceeds of | on iahanian driving machine i setual | ore this misonderstagding lends the wy a Uving wage to sil of their em {| which eoull be expended by the wir =F - jarshey " ih Feouh { public, through the ‘egisiatorn. Wty | yovees They go» much farther than fomartme At in confunction with othe: } Bying iil fant or nis Tastry ¥ sgecesklul {hes phtlens sitacd BANGCOSSRTY Btu of fhat, ue a stady of American Cdustry | tunde appropriated by the state and | ey are sin 5 eh Plast for | rerrisal against all braoches of Indo | will show, They devote thse, money | mation. This WAR pssst 1a KH] sr ine gts TE i __— Fansa I try. which ar often lnlmika] to the | and effort to provide every possible [pension of 1911 [No new IeRIsEAROD | x ix bes ne an WELL ost fnterents of thelr nun cominanity. | mpplementary means for promoting U you tire easily, subject to cold hands or feet—if you by this state was required 16 entirely | on oo 6 wr serra a on : Tis cure this bunentalde condition it Ie | the oonvenionce, the comfort, Ya | tagabies privcesdtng with the waraes: = 0 oH ERS JOU Ay mn fhret epsentind that a clser deitroe of | health, contentment and happiness catch colds readily or ve rheumatic pains your blood or. Re , hori fs ; : po B fig wiry yf Stamp leva Ut a dant. a I “nat for the osmuson | thelr workers and of the Masitivs of circulation i is probably at fault and you need Worx in th way. bgt oan 54 : es Bum Say id >= - ang Thee Te be patabilabnd bestwwesis erm Dana Very few manuihotarers ah oe | . res : I " _ onEraee eam : y pect ! £ =i bk hy il 0 Saves andi ernnlorery The Hist wien Lntieider such work or expenditnre 1a of the Dited Hirtam Barama gy | ATTIRE TH OAT TREATY Lin thie direction fn to eliminnte the he philastiropy, Lut, rather, a Deces - ; |p val Wilh Bix Blea of coopera oo a etl destroetive agitator. This hag. | eary Teature af their business, While i | and at its recen seasiot enseled Fao . om ot i - it . : hog ia pr event mond greatly facliiate 8 thwlie motives may be as sltrnilstic as nr Came which put of jin inciple inte ot ] . eg 4 TE EL 2 # ee . ds ' Sr jrenera] pet bogellier soir dmong ene | wee of the average of mankind, they a The jaw p ie fey fat bene, machine or in hs dich overs god workers il tint it a good, fea the huge | Feiates to Flood Control | pever pot ahead in the mnks of lo The Work That Men Do, ie alae, CoD LIVER OIL That all mane ¥ appropristed for | duster. They never get any more pay Tha confronted with more eountrial Bettarument pays. i moras and projects reluting to found | an ever before-ships ty beild Fradiatrinl betterment ments an al rorion Sr enlaree. raliwass tn cape femint to provide the best Kind of work- plete. new foreldnn baisboess to La at mr and living conditions, snd It om tracted aod lain to be extended to the olive the co-operative responsibility of nnfirtaaats on the other sida. There fhe wage earner aud the employer in | wre aboot E00 men 8 work they helnging those conditions about and in work ten totes a day that ls 100.000. | haproring them from thine to time. It ! il the pro | : OF hoses 3 day or DESO O00 BEG hoarse a not 4 dole to be handed to the wage : iad {PUTTING UCIKESS RIGHT a year 1 they work oi0ht Bois " Is omer. hat fe a token of that spirit of e— ws Tm Ls & and to works | oe ; TEES Edt or a Jillerenca of AN TN bed nnder right cond HARD 3 iniprovemant ff rivers snd Barsors | YiITH THE PUBLIC Ned LUE hevitw mo Year Li OEHE aa Ls erat & tuduatey. Made Well by Delictous Vinol | 0%" or sles rotating 1a | organics Ere CF dustrial | 1400/00 mrs won BEM be o)iPORUE | prone aetiviiies In | the United : i i of am ; db WLI B 2 Hh ans i's ga 3 i Lael 'R Xi IRENE Ba Lil ; i ire pores stmee (han Lee . : voluminans thie pow te fond in the - ames ight be fare work af a the National any, for jostatce Flarvester boa apd 3 3 i “iE Po Hines Stee] Cariaen ra, the Curtis Pub wher Bleed {seriens Telephooe and wa, fhe Eastman Ke we leading Phe Real 3 fn mR of iher Gray Hair Retr oils Natur I Color TH ah ; Re : 2m fie EF hiten a EL 0, . Boyt 7 TEE Mem bas Fares Bow Look les “a wind Hens ¥ mb MR A AI RA F535 3 A" H————. and ho it full of Tife, tustrous, | Removes all traces of dandruff, os scalp and stops falling hair, too yo—harm jess to hoger cannot | : Slerplens less Night and Days of Constant Remedy: Write for MORGAN'S PRESCRPTION OINT- MENT NO. 21 By its use the skin is refreshed at one, the itch gone and gradually the Price Hc. eruptions Sample Box 25¢ DB emical Ceo. TOONA, PA. ite Antiquity, Joke Writer—You say you can't nse my joke? Editor-I'm afraid not Joke Writer—Why?t It's a good Joke Editor~I know it. The first time 1 heard it 1 almost jumped out of my norse’s arms. — Florida Times Union. - Up te Date When husband starts and Hihis his pipe Home solace sweet tu get Hin eyes expand ad wife comes in And puffs her cigarette Yonkers Statesman " §relary aealthy, soft, wavy and facinating. | | from thelr reapectiive departments to f saniat the Enzisesrs of the Army in their din uli the request of the Sap of War, detail represenialives ¥ of wy Wn We 4 § 5p "4.38 LE 5 2 a eet iy the siudy and examination of such watersheds, to the end that duplica tions of work may be avoided and the various services of the Coverament sconomically coordinated therein; Provided. That all reports on prelim inary examinations hereafter author ized. together with the report of the Board of Engineers for Rivers and Harbors thereon, shall he submitted to the Secretary of War by the Chief of Engineers, th his recommends tions. and shall be transmitted by the dered to be Faderal Interest Involved. “In the consideration of all works and projects which may submitted to the Board of Engineers for Rivers and Harbors for consideration and recom mendation. sail board shall tn adds tion to any other matters upon which it may be required to report, stats Its opinion us to {a) what Federal inter ast. 1 any. is involved in the pro posed improvement; (hb) what part sf the expense. if any, should be borne by the United States: and (¢) the advisability of adopting the pro jt “All examinations and reports which may now be made by the Board of Engineers for Rivers and { Harbors upon request of the Com. piittee on Rivers and Harbors relat fag to works or projects of mavigs- Mon shall In like manner be made upon request of “the Committee on Finod Contral en all works and pro fects relat! tn food control™ Thus the machinery for participa. tion hy the | federal government Is provided by an Act of Congress. Teo completely cirry out the proposal of cooperation by the counties. the stone and the pation. all that is re ruired ts an [Act of the Pennsrivania legislature committing the state to such river regulation projects. The passage of spch an act will be sought a the sesslom of 1917. | i that much good will come from ft.- Asin sae culiressions tasioess fs belng permitted to speak for Hteell, and a Roy ement bas Neen In stituted bLiy the leading budbess men of the country under the title of the | National Industrial Conservation Move | ment for the purpose of repairing the | damage that bas been dune Nothing revolutionary is contemplated. The | Han ts simply to edorate the public by taking ft inte the busicess man's coal dence. Moetings will be held in ward ous trade sod dastrial centers. Al classes of citizens will be lavited The purpose of these meetings in to give the public a pew and correct viewpoint as to the offwcty of drastic legislation and restriction of bosisess on the prosper ity of the country. Every offurt will be made to give the public a clear view of the probiems and difficuities which beset business. Special favors are not sought through these meetings, only falr play. It & believed that once the citizen grasps the situation his whole attitude towart business will change and that he will readily cooperate toward bringing about better conditions, Comnwreial and other civic organisa tions and the local press are aiready showing great Interest in this move ment, and It Is reasonable to believe Industrie! Comerrv tion, XN, YT. Comman Capitalists. Every man or woman who possesses a dollar or owns 5 set of tools is a | capitalist People generally make the mistake of thinking that the enly form of capital tn existence Is the pationa’ tarrency--the dollar frane, ruble mark. lire or pound sterling Yet every body knows that many a seccessfal business Man's only original capital was brains knowledge ability, deter mination or ngensity. It would be well for mere peonie to recoguine this trulsm before abetting, either by ac thon or attitude. ceaselesgeforts oo the part of some peoiftical or other self stekers. to hobble business men and In dustrial development. Such is the spirit of tndustrial patriotism which Is need od In Americas. ~ Industrial Conserve tion, New York ‘elgn pations amounting almost to seven Blom dod not this prove that the futereets of | freight moved one mile and the nem | ber of passengers moved one nate ; | mm or benkers Lies the foite pane, urns reliant aind gardens. It 1a a dozen Umes thy outing of the mines: It in lar bined musufactiires of any Labor received, as ite shure of the fruits of hdustry, wages Inrs In the single year of 1914 Does employees arc joint with ties who employ them and that a real partner ship exinta? Today there are over 100,000,000 peo- ple In the jand who must be fed, clothed, sbheltersd, kept warm and many of whom travel for health. pleas ure and business. The railway systiins are io many places overtazed in dolog thin work. What witli be the eunditions when there are 10000 people to be served? This mesns an addition of att leas 50 Per cent tu the number of tons of ror than the coin | we for f There was a total mileage of 41.988 | i the hands of receivery In 1915 the | total eapitaltimation of which wus $2. 204.000.0001. In that year alone NL143 | miles of read went Into the hands of re eelvers, aud these roads had a total cup | fRulization of $10TH808 C28. This com. pares with 4.227 miles In 1014 with a total capitalisation of $190.5T1L.44 in receivers’ hands. This is net » beaithy | condition: it Is a maisdy that affects directly and directly every one in the country Rallways do not belong to a few rich Ther are at least | LODO owners of the securities of Anserican rallways. There ate 1.500. OX) men spprotimately empiloved in the raliway service. The Insuraoce companies hive $1.500000.000 tnvested | in raflwsyr securities representing 30.- 000 polley holders: savings banks have SNONMINGD invested ln which banks thers are 11.000.000 derision. From XS to 1913 the States saact ed 0.001 and congress enacted 2.41% new laws which Invelved the consid eration of more than ose half nillion legislative propositions. or an annual prodaction of over 12,000 apw lawsg to be asisimilated by the business world. | lusurance ar benef | pensions are some of the fustomary $rEile : i ne av markable extent Nan sanlir for the larger forpors thomas th pat trained soevialists ri Aare of the sarioae bragehes of fustrial betterment work, The fundamentals of industrial bet reriuent are observed In furnishing sleasant, sanitary, safe working condi tions, Edoeationsl and entertsinmest fontures, facilities for study and reer wthon, special opportunities for the ex: prvise of thrift and provisions tending to remove the dread of and to mitigate te sufferings occasioned by sickness. disability or invalidity are mater which pext receive attentica Well dghted, well venttiated and otherwine pisasant and safe working places, res taarants, reading rocms and Hhraries. rast rooms, emergency kits and bowpl tals. club rooms, assembly roms, gym. pasiuma, lockers and bathing facilities, recreation grounds. bonus sud profit sharing plans, special housing acvom muadations, facilities Tor the purchase of Bomes on easy payments, discounts a the purchase of goods, industrial and other educational classes, lectures for entertainment or Instruction. mov tug pletures, excursions, feild das medics] attendance, safety committees for aceklent and fire prevention. «hk pews, disability and invaikiity fonds associat tons and we Ir RB OW be 54 . wighiy featiires of Indnutrial betterment work, (the variety of which bas oe Umit Tens of thousands of lives are saved rach year and hundreds of thousamls of ; kenmore accidents are prevented antmlly throuzh the acchlent prevention cam patgn amd feature of industria! better tent The Eastman Kadak Company in ive sears resivced the mecldepis fn Its plants by aver 15 (wr vent per anpgm through a progressive safety cambaies The Pensnsyivania EBEatlroad in tm months decreased the serious artes of Fts T3242 abiop soenlor eos aver 48 per gent by the Installution of safety de vices and by the constant instraction of the workmen by exercising due esntion As a resnlt of Lx safety campaign the United Staves Sieel Cortera ion edn: od serious amd fatal acckleonts in its rar plants by 43 pec cent since [al Each year 2080 of the rou empioved by the rorporation wecape who would have bey injured under the previous conditions we