The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, January 05, 1917, Image 7

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    BC eR i RA
| This In a Possibility of the Fihure
Says Plant Expert and
Indoor fruit trees, supplying the
{ needs of the family table, are a poss
: bility of the future One sucli tree has
y the Sng of bird shot fired from
; shotguns of their observers, the
als were captured single handled
; and with comparative esse hy one
the showmen.
[ In the regular act the bears are ac
to drink sweetened witer
Suggested bottles. With this
mind the showman placed & mam
of fissks of the liquor in a motor
* and pursued the fugitive trio
© ARer some little perruasion he Hae
Fr 2 puticing the hemes [910 the
fowneau, where they spied the Fm
cf bottles and commenced consuming
thelr contents while the car was
deven back to the circas zrounds
Z-Popular Mechanics.
WH a yen — 5 2 0
A 366d Way. \
™ That tam 1 say comple tars
about this singer? Hie once hag a
. teyrible beery sQuad”
“Tees talk about his Uguid notes”
Officer in the Grange Bidyg.
E. J. Callahan ©
Paul T. Bearer
8. Yale Nathanson
FANN Ey Se rp
Tells How Vinol Made Her Strong
In her eighty serond vesr Mri lohn
Wickersham, of Russellville, Pa, HEYE
“1 was in 8 res-down, fecha condition
and had Jost flesh. A seiphbor asked
me to try Vinol, and after taking two
bottles my strength returned. | am
gaining in feeb, it das built up my
health sud 1 am feding fer a
woman of my sve, #0 I got ar ound md
do my housework ™
The ressom Vimol was so susesntul
fa Mrs Wickersham's case was be
came it sontains the very elements
praded ta build ber up.
Grippy weather
this. Better get a
box J
The old family remedy in tudie
form—~sefe, sure, savy to take, No
opiates no snplesasnt after eects,
Cures ocdds in 24 hours—-Grip in 3
days. Mosey beck H it fails. Ge
the gemuine box with Red Top sev
Me. Hill's picture om #25 cents.
At Any Drug S4ove
De You Know the Benefits
of a Medicinal Whiskey ?
Not a beverage, mind you, but an
absolutely pure distillation of thor.
malted select gram. In fact,
a ed food in bguid form
for ts Duffy's Pure Mait Whiskey,
During 56 years, it has been a recog-
pized standard tonic and stimulant
Jed the sick and ailing the weak snd
ran down; recommendsd by both
i and the laity as a wonder-
promotor of health
Du 'sS
pure MATE wissey
taken in tatdespoonful doses
‘before meals and on relir-
jing. Stimulates the mucus
aartaces and little glands
the stomach to healthy
ction, thereby asisting
1g and assimilation,
np this manner the body is
a and fit for ex-
excise and work. Don’t say
you're " Not feeling well”
iY human ailments
to the judicious use of
» Bure Maik Whiskey
where drugs and other medich
fail. Ca ds of ier
you'll fee: fit and fine if you,
* Got Dufty’s and Keep Well”
At most druggists, grocers and
dealers. 1f they cant supply a
write us. Send for useful house
: siready been produced. It in scarcely
& foo! high and yet it has Horne full
grown fruit.
At the preccnt this unique idea is
oniy in the experimental stare, but WW,
H. Bach, ita originator, a plant wiz
ard of Bouthern Californin, ig serious
Jy at work on it and believes he wii
Interesting innovations in Hogse
work would result from complete de
velopment of the indoor tree. A jelec
tion of toothsome varieties could be
cpatierad about the kitchen or as
ranged in a8 sunny bay wirdow gon
sorvatory., The fruit huckser would
be a thing of the past. Orchards
aoeLEary oaly for contper
would wm Rzy cai for comm
Cini purines. "
Dwellers in sparfments tow
conld solve the fresh fem he
b sii : Proviem
. of 38 Tok iP -
¥ Pace Ta indoor apple Use, an oF
0 tree, 8 lemon free ail perhaps
another variely or wo on the window
tedres (ips 1 Yor
fruits each wyorning
House Wives i yd
pleasure of hot cakes
a sedection of dwarfed
dace family orchard
seal added attraction
engld ipcregie
Fhe suceeusts
trees Thad
nerd t
size arg
tventy wa
toms peach
"The Linw Is the Seihet
grows wild in India. The
fruit comes off freely, making
{In hich'E = a et
Roberts Cul are near
of subtropical pants and
peered from ail corners of
Cae of the specimens works 5)
Lon 38 a species of spinelies casing
“My eacius came from Palermo
fiat.” he nald “it will go forty tops
tC the are at six months when
rabsed under the most favorable can
Gilions. Hallans tel] me (hat it will
produce twenty tons of figit ta the
However, the commercial valps
the spineleis cactus has been grea’
“Yerestimated. lis greatest worth is
ax & poultry food A 8se jelly can
also be meade from 17
A St
A New Weasel Word,
In Boston a photograpber surrepts
tioasly snapped a4 young hionde. The
young blonde called him an impudent
mammothrept. He had strength
enough left to grope for x dictionary,
which informed him that In the
soung blonde's eyes he was a “child
reared] by its grandmother & spotied
EE oat Jo aatiesad Your urength | wasted;
h tonicfood to nourish your nerve-centers, repair
e tissue, improve
your blood-power,
sharpen your appetite and gradually re-establish
yout strength.
Do SCOTT'S for yourself, or remind some ailing
friend that SCOTT'S has
proven these words for
thousands of others, hes prow tor this Trade-Mask,
Scott & Bowne, Bloomfield, N. J.
Why He Golfed
“Trathfylly speaking,” suid *he pros
perogs looking man, “T age not out on
these golf links every day Yo become |
an expert and win 3 cop 'm pot even |
out Bere to learn the game | dost |
| know a mid-iron frown a niblick snd
Gon’ care to Anad ns pot hers Tor my
Then what nn °% Bunder are Cg
ait Bere for? gahed the may ;
If ahelier
“Listen Woe petra] Lhe pro
GENE man It Sives Ine an
anitly to wilk aryusd in knee
if thore's anviding in hig world
its a chance 14 roll several
day in short
alin Hidre fo
"XO Can you
sd vegetables until he nies
cnws and chickens ve had all
can eal st least The just Sime | wa
at Uncle Bariey’s frequently =
ready te have & lug Cncle Barly
would ome ONY TATTYIRRE A axel
waterygeion asder vach arm and |
would pet sxeiieg Blekin i £4
have some Jast
sane Bappy Hitle
fon he wonld tura o
iW the pagaty 1 Pre re
open (he mslon:
manGte inspe
fectly ripe ary Pia
If they didn’ look good +
ples be would tox
vrs feed their pias
“Every pow Lod
would get a similar
“i told uncle aad 1 Boga it Be
shoud pick ou! # it amit wend
ther te market He olained his po
sition in this wis
“The people who bu
vegeiabies in the cy are so Kia 1
me 1 oat kaow hal i AE SAW ADY
of thegm and 1 dont care if | over du
I Jon't care whether the frail spd ved
elahdes agree wili
wr credit if they do ang
they doa't. | don’t care whether 1he
timate consumer guts fat or thin oa
the grub I ain { ti=nin’ them for the
“Bat, you sev uncie was fal
stock for the marke! so he saw
that they had every
“Well™ replied Mrs
may be the way with yogr uncie
my neole is different. He takes
much pride In fattening guesis as
tittening his pigs He glwavs fakes us
tn the scales and weighs us hoth on
cur arrival and on our departure. If
we bave mined during our visit he ls
very proud Yes, perhaps he dows fy
ure out how much we would he worth
it we were hogs or something”
fikewine the
Comoe 4 hy Tho Mirai Bros I Magee Oo
You can be warm afl over. You don't have
to be roasted on one side and cold on the other.
You needn't lug coal from the cellar and
carry ashes down from epstairs.
You needn't get up in the cold 1 build fires.
Yous needn't spend time and elbow grease
You «-----
But wing's the use? Yoo new the advaptages of 3 foresee withont or willie pen
You've pone without a furvace or the ser rewncn that 06 ve smoot for of wear con ome Sasi hae
you thooght yoo mast. Hoces Wresdy bolt colle not sstalie 0 190 seen 0 ot Mies in
he house and metal pipes Nothing wo it Thone obiections are deiddel Du ast wows s wom Sollee,
Cror wonderfs! mention makes former Dooney aomeoesnery. The Calo P Lorian BF armaon sae be pataling ir ery hones
Darr of old Decuae thers wre te pepe 0 pot #5 Vo wed Jat Sy 90 Ade Lp ee single Tega nism danely above the formece. The
(Patented (Patented
Borns col sob or wos wed in gumemesent on seve 115 of pear fost This Our Sigh owmiowios charstet mewides Fur Om uring of Ter Sr.
toes bunt meaing seeped by means of Ber Sowltile bed Seep ond Baben collin cw Sel tet, wll selene wisad pr sen Se oliabey U8
Nigh OGosned combomans Chemie Aine hei sre Te Epes o8 TONE WWE is ews of Bussey Bh pening, Ween pus vee Ue Calocte Pipeiens Farnese
ee, pants ge Dam lw haf Deki Beem oF MNES a paw snl, A wen Bowes end
Thos Grable “Siting of dhe Srmpon smalilan Ue WE WEOWTE surdpen stones 8 pod» eel ceed EL
Uhr pails WENT mer ilelag RUT Te cnashects SpE geen Dae Bi A Sowiher Sor pave g in miele br the lett Chet ne heat in Com iE pla
dreamin we 15. FB coal @ therwgiie Ducted sul RB win Ge RS Te Buck. it mam Cog it + ahd or Stbaned Mang ihe Bowe.
Srilflaaeiig Se dares Tum. TAS. sas ; 3 a
Ahint design and Dw single regime i Sota kk pio an vist Sindy. des Sg any a
Tide Seeger wp huvten hall ent Juet wd ie what! pons Heattog proses is wed we wi)
whose vag Bow I SVE
k! Strong Guarantee!
This 8 our darmg method of proving © you what the Caloric
Fipeless Purnaoe will do for you Wi do not expect you 1 believe the
strong points about this furnace on somebody's say so. and therefore we
make 8 guararwe offer that Seeetofire was absolutely unheard of on
the furnace busiess. Here i our pripositon
Chas Ed lala dL of he sega
Bowie SLO 0b fee mie dpe he edEnery Bortwmsn
Fonrenied for {iow pesen
Youu pert the Calor Plpeiess Furnace 0 your house, whos, hall or other Dol.
ng and pve it» Geir test, Worknut alg material fed Denting Tenis are guarastend,
Bl movtione duran the foe your yoa Red his Pipmiens Furnmce sosetigihctory, we
oil correct . Neha cms be lager Chan tine
li Come In to See It
ow cams (hee taglyiy spernciun: the Calawic Pie.
{oes Purnetes sintess vis a swnily wee 3. We con sanity
deger to roe ed thx fprsasie WIE heat Bo eRlire
inane worl mi pipes snd amily see regisser We
whee wennt Be dell pou aloset dee sRbg Londenrie
Sumram tow Chat alatloel 7 peritecie 3s.
For Sale By
Pipe Smoking Tobacco
FIVE BROTHERS 1s an honest,
h ealthful, puretobaccofor men who
like their chews ing or smoking to
have a sclid satisfaction to it. You get tobacco hungry Jots of times,
ao insipid “hash” will come anywhere near suiting you.
and vim mn
T : h :
of pure FIVE
have a flavor and
ing cueanlty you can et
other way.