aes ; 1 = i | A N | FAVORS WOMAN SUFFRAGE. Fighting The Hessian Fly | HOM IAIDOLLIA reer } r. : sie { s Fy i HH cn § Studied Up Life History sian Fly and tive Measures Ag By U. 3. Dep: Agric aR event oer ak a 3h Ere re om THE Lie of the Messen Fiy soos me & & Su = Arms The life history of the Hessian Fly is shown above. The life of the adult fly Is but a few Jays, probably but 3 woek or less, and the great mass of the flies will appear at about the same time. If the wheat is sown after the flies aveear by the tine the whet is vp they will be gone and the plants escape the attacks of the fy. ons i i 10 sow wheat late in order to escare the n Flv. PET hl you that the best vigids are secured from plants that enter the winter with strong. healthy growth. y bw seeding late and hastening the full growth by pounds of fertilizer containing 2% 10 3% of swall- Acid Shutonale 2% will at give BY Desaes fi! o£! everul Hs rtsendd : pe * rh 1 year. the 2000 effects upon both the when! and a DE ne ile Tal and Nat te reine rimce Al be WwW? the wheat, will repay many times the cost of the added ammonia. h al show you the re IRL Re, road to smoke-joy! ~ ET Pam On of Aer These PU Fro0 DIE Prue sv s + sue = covmmme aL order io gr he nsprl's ¥ ent. ing 2 ; : i SF WIRE Biss aK hak WJ Sewn LY i AEG 403 PROMISE TO REDUCE THE | DUTY OF THE ADMINISTRA. ed the esrichment of tie 8T OF LIVING TION TO STOP PLOTS AND fusfauns PrenRrALIon, Ml aeloet Co : and properly sowing the Led » Ps wy NOT KEPT CONSPIRACIES. nro =. RINCE ALBERT was made to create tobacco : at fing sit where it never exited before! It per- Our opponents promised to re We denvunce sil plots and In the samo bulletin, be found s a j conte : t 4 : mir ft vsti ae "“ y duce the vost of Uvinge This conspiracies in the interest of stisa lon of the value of seine quick acl 0 fits men to smoke &lf the; Wren wallinat geting they bave falied to do. int they any forelin natin, Utterly ine ng fertilizer gs & preventive measure #8 sore tongue, Wilnotl any comeback but real a 3 ¥ ; 4 5 &¢ 5 4 $0 3 i go 4 wy Foods . . did reduce the opportunities of tolerable §8 the use of our soil The secund statemient was LR paw tobacco wiovment! The rateraed process by which making a Hving. Let us pot for for alien intrigues, Every Anger ing $ Pri Al wrt tr swim (and controlled A or tr eitespd ot the coelitions that existed in oan ligt uurewrvesdiy En “The appifeation brivadeast of nce AIT I5 IEG tan Lakh ition Aen ad bude W 5 iy a. A BT w “eo && « ee CACC is country upder the pow tariff denn them and support every soe gic acting feruiliuer com. ot by us) fixes that—ond cuts out bite and parchl! Production bad decreased, busi. here also prompt, vigoteus and ohaite (phosphorus) made we soon : ness was languishing, new enter adequate measures on the part | reneral Imfestaiion le apparent : prises were not undertaken, in- of the miministration were need ill cause the plasis to tiller mow stend of expansion there was ed There should have beet wo freely and give then snuficlent curtailment and our strests were hesitation, Bo potién that & was i - sand politic ts delay. So ‘3 filled with the unemplosed. What wise and podtic ha Qeay. Fuel thus Incromse the rember of | the nationcl joy . WF ) a & 5 + ¥ v, » 4 _ 4 - gromd is there for sEpecting au abose of oti terrft ry - baaith ¥ milena the fallow nH wring. 3 wey io Pram d a ¢ As Bool ms ; : : . healthy stimulus of the war has oughpdng action, As soem | fetehed” to bring forwaid ks a pre will do for you what it has done for thousands of and workiugmen are exposed to plate snd Conspiracies it Wa 58 ment of the soil, a fertie pofl wil | pipe or cigarette smoking the coeeriul 2 5 Incking in resources. Its re Europe? with little injury sttarks (hat wil : sorsaibilit hedr contin ith tlie jury miacks that wha , a + Pek It is plain that we must have sponsibility for their contine | prove disastrous to plants growisg | Prince Albert is tn bo had What we tell you about Prince inte. ) ‘rpm ot an iiopoverizhed or thin soil | tonmy red bags, Sc; tix red AThert Is a fact that will prove out Mr Haghes' Stecch of Accept. condersnniion of otters From : tims, 0c; Mandsonse bevimpriy erin h dig tH CE i amd im that clasny poend : i Rony a ance HIpvetiahed sols that the ervetal-glase humidor wah gg you lay in a stock and fire-up! On the remmrse wlio of 1s tid 0 O -~l uity of sowing izle endiigh 2 sponge -moistemer tog that 1 i a " « i » PR = 4 Lew wety THe EO See oo - ———————————_ evade the fall atime Sm at to 1 ine shag ahaa! EL REYNOLDS TORACCO CO. Winston tales XN. {. ai a one tonal Safi Patry ize our advertisers they are 4 same lime secure & growin sat prior to the outbreak of the war. effort for thelr suppression aut ining a large peroeciage of phos. vigor to withstand the winier and ‘ servi an rrp? 3 Yor . - - . wa Ad : a 2 better conditions when the un- naraded hmmediite and thor While it may seem ‘far | comes right to your taste fair and square! And it . ic on «ou bes of } spent its force and our industries the admlaistration Lad notice € preventive mwasare ihe emnried. r 13. Ci { ; the competition of an energized duty to stop then. It was not produce plants that will withstand est of your pleasures! 13h © Pe Pe p : everywhere protec iy £* pphsiiding policies, — 13 wt t Ie on nw i tie oie also on the 1hin ; cond Radigowmd Ameri o vour satisiact: 1 nickels ance Mr Hughes Speech of Acces v= x AR Biv VA HIB need fam ers $0 VOUT S@tBiaction just #S quuTkKly CoP : - f ., i dh will oad Process Voweied July Wel or < ¢ Forse the tobeces in such pe oi Printer, ink has basn responsible ficient 15 withstand the winter |i all boos ers and deserve your bust ness for thonsand of busihesg BUCCesses erevunieread and whatwser can be done to obviate his difculty will conatitu’e 8 preveniPre oessnre™ TW.101 SkeDn Lhe] ee “Mary, I've not only found og! about [the Hessian Fiv, but "re found oof | \ the Government advises that the st be combate], and Pn going to! Facts Versus Pret 4 mapnly of these hllmine and put | the proposition 4p to the farmers In § @ this community,” said Parson Brown | Bo during the next week Be spent | a a C 1 e ———— much of hizx time talking Hessfan Fy ilo the farmners, and the Indications are . ihat nh work is going Tre rr : ot ~~ * x is i k ge £ lo aR mo or . s eagle of thom, FA [LACT 12 An 4 * a i t2 8 ™3. A he 2 1 Ire knd better wheal per acre in that : sounty. ently cemuine but raslly logue datement or aryumend SS BS pl A 3 A A, BEAT YOUR WHEAT YIELDS! ; ] N the corre ef wm peoples greisle er the Im Popemen af alcholic i Sm——v— ] beverages or the human bram the .iicaesicr Herald says: FARMERS RAISING OVER 30 BUSH. i FY an . i" : " Aik i : ; i =" i QTAL rhatirencs rrooapanist peg prysarded wmriomx ELS PER ACRE PROFIT FROM : American cites vith notices to th~ co ec: at ‘science sry’ THEIR SEASON'S WORK. that even moderate indulgence mm wicoocl ranrds thuniang for — hours, and they sioganire their placarcs wish ‘salety Ars’ The f(ndicated average yield of >" & . : . $45 TO fq tein) "im pital Dan pamela Sv ae sd wheat for 1916 ix regorted by the iN" i Ou ST SONNETOe friends are committer an ae . ~ / LE mtellectnal dishonesty when thoy +00 al these nimrar? ° 3 ” : United States Departinent of Agricel f = fl : ge : The Brisk Smoke— Bull : “ bi ; : iby muni Agrienl rd hecar ne soiTule hg BLE Creo Faucet that it saws iO Ai we 4 a 3 ture anly 141 bushels per acre course. certiin 1 nf ncience do, ped if thoy were content be mes » : : conipared with 14% bnchels per mere the matter 10Gs, thotr would be vo somes a melon fos -100 nina ] ¥ ’ : ; ’ : : : : iyo mine hi toh -h When you s¢e an alert lo king young na .¥ lag) vear, Nine million less sores sre | i Ces re tO “ous bess tonal phrniinencs ve lively argument roll a" Bull Durham cigarette —1t 5 in wheat and a decrense in total iwid that ‘ste € EITC Hive ay early handling of (he rrop. in the natural thing. He hikes to punctuate a cnsp ig o ree hundred mitieh Daniels Toms z “ 1" h His mind i than xs! vear ia predicted Wheat is sentence with a puff of “Bull” Durham. s 1's Sigh nricid crop aad every buskel responds to the freshness that's in the taste of it,tand Bi tounte wh : : ; _ » : : b | Weather conditions during the ree 11 5 as 1 5 TE 2 > oa no - yf RETIN rink HE artes’ . A ; ‘ vi " : . his senses are quickened by its unique aroma. A i mainder of the current seasson will juli +e imam om In ict ¢ men of sClece wo. believe the 2 »"» - 3 - - il sy % ra 5, wf whe AP [Bom sa & , cigarette of “Bull” Durham just fits in with keen fb ,... on cotect upon the yields | (itd ; i exact enmmary + Ye tu of them wrote a book only 3 few thinking and forceful action. [ | tactuding PRAY Ahab ain Ea ars Einery Bred Jogen aa \ | na, of the et ri total! adatiainer. GENUINE \ ! tian Elvan a th pas of - es i b - = " § ii 2 rer Ye mine rember af wiemtists whom we Nive “ 9» x s tion given tn the fertility of the sud i : ol raven Dire been rrasderste drinkers, and we have heard \ X and to the supplying of plantfond to TT Ua Lhe ; x gf {nls Earcmrses alter they had been drimitng; and if it be : : ) I give the crop a rood start and carey {t ] re : tree thet ter drinking did retard heir thanking while discoursing, | Along 10 maturity, are armopng tha fa di - me it vm 3 hoe flees by Blessed hing, fur otherwise we gh rot have SMOKING TOBACCO I tors that determine whether next been able to tale 2 21 thot they Bad to say. It 2 a f2¢t weil known & Fo FREE & of ; year's when! fald will make a profi ; re pit Ba peal sheets inere phat SOME DETLONY sae to fhe alle to 30 : i 4 package I TL mad dela Lidhooia better work after moderate indulgent In acer] thar fbn ¥ Made of “bright” Vi nia-North penal with each be sack . 5 over and above sxpenses i ii a hn x tps a ph diy by et & bin 34 qe gh a : 3 gt re. ou Carolina leaf, Bull rham 1s ‘ > ara a —- . asses won. poversat antler af he time bag it i said thar ths ting Th M d asd rich, fragrant, mellow-sweet—the ; 7 SR \, p.. . pemtie sim rl wire he was quite unalile to real ir gly, . Odea g mildest, most enjoyable of smokes. | | ] iF. I HE Dodencund bce louie hug ru tioe mee § Drinker Adds “Roll yout own” with Bait’ pro | EN ny 3 0 [| | seals, and ol the produce. of the world's drinking men could Ls I Most To The Durham and join the army o tM a Foy eh | irta the other. ould bs We ea Terness of | orld K i smokers who have found that so 3 wind a 3 a3 AL an RANA 5] uw anmamay fos : tor 3 Knowledge good a cigarette cannot be ob- 5 % : : tained in any other way. oy $s jet, showing correct s EN RE lb § sides gr BROS ave Dakin — “Rofl Yout 4 ot ryr . } VEL kage q A Bue Sed.