ho tS Sn Se Rs np A ts A i SU Po bi PATTON MAN MARRIED COALPORT GIRL t \ : A TeHing of Those Whe are Visiting, and Those Whe Have Visitors, With Other News of Our Basy Little Tows LADIES’ $2.50 and $2.00 values marked down to $1.50 and 81. at 80c, 90c, $1.00. Were $1.50, $1.25, $1 3 shoes for the savin CHILDREN’S Chae A new supply of Queen Olives in vacuum top jars, large size 25¢ Also a fresh Jot of Soused Mackerel, Salmon, Sardines HEALTH BACK AGAIN HAD ther nrornarad forte wish nd Clanhabpl Te | verge § Other prepared foods such as Spaghetti in Tomato SUFFERED FOR 10 YEARS ' v es Sauce, Baked Beans, ete. summer heips for the housekeeper Chas. F. Pitt Co. Patton, Pa. WILL EAGLES CONVEN. TION AT SAVANNAM eae i 3 32 453% Corn iD that [lice it resigned #* § sf Pe. Ra ThE 3 “ a3 HEP P SOB EER PPD ERSLE PIS Pne Pd Sunset Park Attractions SKATING EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT REGULAR WEDNESDAY EVENING DANCE .RNCON AND EVENING aw t 12, Scotch Pienie LA IX A Cop nr Ee wi vinnie pil) i Sr a? Mas Eee. an Sa IM RRR ie SR NT 5, Pena Central Employes Martha Jones of Flew rest of Mrs Howard Holes “yn Wednesday, Angust 23, St. Benedict Sunday School Picnic SA a ¥ 1 i Pharsdaw, Augest 24, Business Men's Basket Picnic pom g 1... nk ME Wo : Saturday, August 6, Nagle Reunion husiness In town Taeuday ; j 1 “a Thursday, August 31, A. 0. H. Picnic Mrs Henry Swope was tah =n apeannt of tha Ans ’ d . § * ® ; ™ * * danghrar Mrs 1. Camphell Saturday, September 1, Eagles Picnic ERS LA ORE AE SG IRA SE ; v Mrs Sirwbhridee of Williamsnart ; LY = {Piety he 1215 3 : : 3 3 . 3 i : the gaest of ker dauphiar Mra 3 0 Woke ¥ ner wm "a Se ymin : : x § Mond a3, September 4, Labor Day Dance ; red av 8 orperiget sagt §3 J. A Johnson is visiting friends at nlace thie weak ; E fe) para : oo 3 Tha day, A : 14, Big Fair Dance ¥ 7% Wi. wen in 3 3 AY y ¥Y * g TE So. re was 8 Pat Ed A ; RY nade tor engagement of Y #3 OX AANm FR% 8 3E X32 FART ot fis ton visitor this week his plake las wiek Cop Bofalo XN 3 : £s IN TOUS the QO. 3. Wright Colored Saxophone Orchestra, of ‘Pat famiar of Cialnart vigited : . 3 i Ee . ! er ; \ § 11 His } 3 R Li y diXig {3 . L Nee rt and dance on friende in town Saturday PROMINENT MERCHANT Marcedes GH of latrohe iz the MAS NEW AWNING Dome ter ax exteoned I NORTHERN CAMBRIA STREET RAILWAY COMPANY Mise Margery Waters of Barnes. promirent me t ; teu MEET P I ¥ hing : J L M NELIS borp « the great of her aunt, Mrs. hi®fdrve pf business with a perfectly] Oh ATV ioe Examination to 3 Ewin Bolg Rf ih . > ¢ Chas. Hobart. new awning Thi . be ! 3 TI A oh Brumba gh al the ; Miss Mare McMahon returned the a“'rmetivenesy of the nlaes an } ost (fea 3 horoughle Many lneal eas dwners haw | relatives at Mt Jewett. ‘business to tle popular merchant and it wow looks spice and spa for iwfarmation S900000000000000000000 0000 004000000