PATTON COURIER ESTABLISHED 1893 STAR PRINTING COMPANY B. L. BUCK, Editor, WwW. H. BURD, President TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION $1.00 per year, payable in advance. No papers discontinued until all arrearages are paid, unless at the option of the publisher Entered at the Postoffice at Patten a8 second class mail matter. ADVERTIBING RATES Legni notices $1.50 per three Insertions Cards of thanks $c per Ine Resolutions kc per line Business locals Hc per lino Political advertising 10¢ per line or Me per inch display, parable strictly In advance Foreign advertising must be paid for invaraby in advance No com mission pald to advertising agents inch for BAPTIST CHURCH 13MIN % hy bee BON Chapel it Bebo! Preac! at nels nrhond § ang The Thorsiay Firs: Bang $3 ere rips 4 batter He on car the Sunday = go free? Why Kehoo's of oo ue Al cars gr ve oil ganddy Same sol &E eos molasses rou Lelong anywas Do vom interd 10 Baloo: alreads amas: rants. Hurrah for the pionie Hurrah for ths White and Bite! The best ionic! we von) Fite Eames BOX SCORES OF THE PATTON-- EMEIGH GAME LASY WEEK i . ene nt as For town the we hare score; of ~ u Emeich on {he the Patior ation Wednesday atiernoon The liveup: HI PATTON Chrisin®. of Coona:, 0h Jenkiss, #= Novick, {if Manusl 2b ¥ Behiwsb, rf PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Pa i {6-30 pnd x Ia woraitip Sabbuth morning a Sabbath 1 arftde arftdwdy arfudw by Rey TT. F. Kerr of Manor. Pa. sehool at 11:45 A. M. A cardial inv alimirfidw a sSahbah to attend thease TRIN 8 1 services nded 10 all Rohnebly, Migistar EE THE TRINITY : EPISCOPAL CHURCH Holy Eplscopal Calobrstion of ths Trindiy Rrpnday morning Auguet 6th yiolor k Fhe calebrapt Rev, Alfriek 1 R of Baroesboro 5 a iid Goldemith Myr an Mrs. Thoraas hWigdh of 8 dry; py neet the gvening at tot] PICNIC HELD LAST SUNDAY iene was held last Sanday afternoon on old Gras Patton A geperal declared Ov all the Barger (arm pear god hne was who ware present and an extra word of commendation was given lo Inneh that dginty Ty ided fallow! t Cran dy Alary Kane, Marie Hen rad ¥ v FT Wieakiand fares and tiolen Maria Ranker and Woakl Winalisg grid FNDING JELLY a ime FIRST NATE AL FIASK, YTREAS HER GLEARERAL FL vp tid pitivrs i PINHE HSEMENTS m ¥ FANCTIAL Hin SENN RECEIFTTS 3 § # x STATEMENY OF PAUPTONY BOHOL GH SOHOOL DINTHRICY FoR LAD DINE HR MN TR ARFIFLD "WLI Tax ERLE TE a LERITS FUSE f HITS RE NERAL STVR ING Ft sb Ftp RESOURCES LIARILITIES Farsherg, 1b OXxatil o. Gili . Schwab, rf Totals Rumuay, Warne Zimmir {ease Hadle Btrim Ih Kritzer, ef Ressler, p Patton Emeirh Two nase hits—-O'Neill, Forsberg, Novick Strum. Threehase Bite! Chrisioff. Streck out by Gill RX by Resslor Bb. Hi* by pitched ball by] Gill 2 Bases on balls off Gill 3: off Rossler 2 Time of game 2:20 Umpires Thompson and Dalsy. Playing Tennis by night does not! appeal to the man who Govotes many. of Bs nights to that grand old game fa which bluffing plays a con Who's Guilty? UNDERSTAND The Photo Play Production starting at The Majestic Theatre SATURDAY is not a serial picture but is a series of pict. res each one complete in itself fires STRAW HAT SPECIAL SPECIAL LADIES’ WHITE $1.50 CANVAS SHOES $1 00 Per Pair Any Niraw Th Ti geNiss Hat § ; i; : A - Teme I wlYes, we blow our own horn. We blow it hard, Why not? Don’t We Deliver the Goods? Hats 1 Also Laaies Black and Tan Oxfords at $1.00 per pair, iton, High and Low Heels aps. Underwear for yourself, your Pegi EEN satisfactorily for you. Wa ard the tive ; 1141 4% ; > xk ; EEN Prada Hr poriant a ail is aur wanls, Our stocks are Lares JOH as yoy could any. Specials in Oxfords, Straw Hats and Summer Goods MEN 8 OXFORDS MEN'S AND BOYS SPORT SHIRTS T9¢ 39¢ SPECIAL LADIES’ OXFORDS iA A % he ir Men's White \Fiapegel : ; white and stripped fects D0 sud $5.00, § $3.60 $4 FREPAREDNESS ity cathop i y » MISSES AND CHILDREN'S PUMPS 0} Veale iy OXFORDS W.L. THOMPSON'S PATTON, PA. : Reductions all this month on our entire stock of summer goods - KUSNER'’S PATTON, PA.