erage itl A — PENNSYLVANIA APPLE cROP In seventeen counties of the State the apple crop is expected to reach the: normal yield, {fourteen countiex the yield wiil be twenty per cent, or more below the normal, ac cording to statistics prepared by the Pannsvivania Department of Agricul ture. In the fruit belt Adams Frankiin, Cumberiand, Lancaster. Fulton and Perry ties the general percentage is about elghty five per cent. of a normal yield. There was a big June drop but orchardiszts report a splendid vield in sight Pennavivania ranks fourth among the States the pro duction of apples with only York, Missouri and Ohio leading cording to the present production for this year about 13.424 470 hushels, Statistics ahow that ths Baldwins are the most populariy grown apple in the Sate with Northern York "mperial, Ben Daviz and Island Greening, following In larity. in the order Build § ns form about twenty per cant of tha, crop ETown while in consisting of York, coun in Now Ac axtimates the shinild be [ow Rhoda POL. named The in the Rate with twaive er cont &¢ Sy Gg ; 3 Rote of the prountries wh mal Vield are aypecisd are Cardin Hire Center Clinton, Foros Mercer, Erie Luzgrne van, a Sus jae han abon ve 3 aegquehanna ni county len per normal vield is {Erie Mercer county elght per pant. . i It six toe and county per cent, The count where twenty Crops are { heater, per ax 1 i 18 cent. below normal Peaver, Daunhi Juniata, Philadelphia, 17 Westmoreland pected are: gheny Gr bl Eby Delaware, Favetle Montgomery, Perry, nnd PT nion, Washington SELF FED HOGS BALANCE THEIR OWN RATIONS IN TEST seasons the Far viania sevaral Pannsvh [ate College has ments oan ohne ting ext pasture oro ‘ aga on the feeding t $y onary 1a Ei) 1M % ra haing » addi comparison af the reals Lar parimasn summer § an re In mide 00 yen Erie of welf.feailin and alin a gwine on Hpsla Te i cons One fouriy acre pints ping are. Db ake t af 1% range he wi a tht the piggy and most ysed an may “ny ty gs t Dost Some 4 y py ERE With tan wide 8 Cro H pigs are amt to fesirad as Mv the fran they CORY IMS rotation FADS BA Fiand fon Belffed VME 0H is tar Rae ita tie ¥ grays gu ¥i4 halos og 4) Smid pind a—" Ey Hi # The Clubby Smoke —“Bull” Durham You sl: x yrvn gb L x it 4 Ng live! Yy kL ER fn you prodt nce “Bull” Durbam in a ciowd of hve-wires and start a . 3 nN 4 “rolling you fragrance of £“B.