The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, July 21, 1916, Image 3

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    BE li Rs SSA E
a A 5 AS A B55 mic - aot 4 >
{| Parasol at $195
Women's Parasols, salssmen’s
ramps nes made from differ.
ant materials and shown in all
#tvlem and oolora Worth up to
Moth Bags at 6c
Moth Bag, size x2 ft 2 in,
alrtight, prevents wrinkiing and
protects your wraps, sults ; 88 CYT RYE
blankets, fore ete. from moth , A i i De
and dust On special saie 6¢ § Qs
iN 2 VEY B Ba
b -— dei : XE » H \ | fl i *
while they last: cach / hs THE LOW PRICI LE iil : J aie ww $1.93
Shall they be determined by
Industrial Warfare or
Federal Inquiry?
To the American Public:
Do you believe in arbitration or indus:
trial warfare?
The train employes on all the railroads
are voting whether they will give their leaders
authority to tie up the commerce of the
country to enforce their demands for a 100
million dollar wage increase.
The railroads are in the public service—
your service. This army of employes is in
the public service—your service.
You pay for rail transportation 3 billion
dollars a year, and 44 cents out of every
dollar from you goes to the employes.
Our great buying facilities enable us to offer you mountains of summer merchandise at prices that cannot
be duplicated in this section of the State. Our July Claarance Sales are now in progress--take advantage of
them and save money.
$5, $7.50 and $10 Garment Sale
Dress Bargains Worthy of Investigation
Ome lot of Women's and Misses’ Dresses, made from Ta®eta, Crepe de Chine or Crepe Ma.
» y
hh eg wes
3 Arie
HL) ir ORs, TRY Belgiar nayy blank ran SREMLIRDTS. oe,
' , BTRY, ; ¥. . RB? : RI DRgTe,
a s * * 1 1 iY + sy
ing stvies Finished with (reorgetie collar
(reorgatta sleeves, Mh
18 many
and vakteas INCRE ITE DOR CA pif posta SOE With
ain flare or faney skirta Going at the following prices:
Dresses worth 85 00 Dresses worth S7 — 0 Dresses worth $10 00
to $15.00, at. _. . to $22.50, at... ot) to $30.00, at © .
Hundreds of Coats to Go at Slashed Prices
Women's and
made of Ponling, Gabardi
wy - § HE 1
and Silk Jersey, ete, in all the most wanted pian
: ¥
ei um inip ind NY... 1, $a A, tin)
ehillag are ineluds ade in Dara, heited and
Tt . § Fesl] 3 ¥4
These cont’ going e following prices:
S500 seh, 21 99.00 S00 wan we $71.00 0 $10.00
[Note the Price Reductions on Women’s Suits |
¥ %
} %3 ; SE ni” Shyyt 5 ¢ Ein vas boil a a ve ig X ee a 4
Wemen's and Misses’ Saite; made from AlL Wool materials and fancy silks, in every style
R car rafil § * 3s 5 1 Se vhs oer nse rvari ad on Tow aE Fn um evel %} im
GeRITRILw OF LOIN Sa@sisii. PUTIN COIN OF BRrrow igi 9238 Nal SfanaInat an
S¥s in Yo ia i, . hes ) } Ewer . . ae. 11
color collars Skirts made in gathered, baited, Nope, shirred and other smart offocts. All
3 uit oR Ee »” ob } aT loings ws Sow a gg
the new plain and faney colors. At the follow ng prices:
er 155.00 SLs S750 Zio S100
Rousing Sale Prices on Men's Underwear
Men's Union Buits, odds und
ends from our several large pure
chases The kind for summer
On all the Eastern Railroads in 1915, seventy-five per cent of the
train employes earned these wages (lowest, highest, and average
of all) as shown by the payrolis—
Passenger Freight Yard
Range Average
$1641 4,99)
Range Average Range Averuge
$1585 $1303
2992 $1753 | oyzs $1543
1553 1552 F145
3004 1831 2901 1642 1991
951 a33 752 1
Firemen 1704 1128 1762 1109 1633 93s
957 862 834
700 M181] ye 973 | jens
wile, ornaments
Eagineers .
Alterations Free
of Charge
Conductors 1315
Skirt at $1.95
Silmerhlocm Wash Shirts foe
wornenh and misses, tn ie sen
son's most fashionable
Some with belte
Finished with
ap to $5 ceelly
at BAT and
Waist at €90
Winnens ReftelGured
mada from oie
Valle, In white or
Moctn. Mnidhed wiih
short sleeves. AS ame
Table Linen, Napkins, Toweling, Netting, | |=. =iz®®
Dress Cottons and Silks at Clearance Prices Drees a: #7
Brakemen .
The average yearly wage payments to oll E:sern tran cre
ployes (including those who worked only part of the yen! a9
gray mivfures. long or shart. Man's Underwear, balliigitan,
yr sire ne anie-length y
phi hg 7 find She “rvs | long or short sleewn shirts and
air O08 mii
garment, at .. 37c i ankle
come in Egyptian, bisck and
length drawers Those
Men's Union Buite, elther hal.
= pr on t byl §
* & & 0 Prigwan or elastic ribbed in
shown by the 1915 payrolis were— wear. Worth up to $i 29¢
Men's Undon Suita Ane alastio gray mixtures Warth 19
. $1796 $1546 $1384 ribbed, short slreves and ankle " x 36c a garment, at Cc
\ either white teyptian, black,
0 8 we 1724 1304 1238 proved styles Wall made ind prixtares and ay striped of Man's Underwear, Ming or
finished. Warth $i a
M U rdle 3 Ford ¥ ? beng oi pl
on’ wierwear, balbrigian, LEE a mult, special colar. Vary good quality,
1018 858 990 in he blue and rr th this sale a 89c worth Soc = in at 33c
A 100 million dollar wage increase for
one-fifth of all employes) is equal to a S per
cent advance in all freight rates.
Passangor Freight Yard a sult, tomorrow at
jength drawers The latest im-
¢o « vo 1033 903 844 sult, special a1 Gc | In Sha ce lang eve en A Hr
men in freight and yard service (less than
The managers of the railroads, as trustees
Mime! and Children's Two.
for the public, have no right to place this
burden on the cost of transportation to you
without a clear mandate from a public tri-
bunal speaking for you.
The railroads have
proposed the settie-
ment of this controversy either under the
existing national arbitration law, or by refer-
ence to the Interstate Commerce Commis-
This offer has
been refused by the
employes’ representatives.
Shall a nation-wide strike or an
investigation under the Gov-
Yable Linen, highly merceris.
of In a variety of neat figured
patterns. 72 inches wide Vath
up to he a8 yard, .
special at Me and. ..... 9¢
Table Napkin, mercerized
Hen all sizes Nicely Bemmied
Warth up to $4 doren, S$
special at $1.98 and. 1.49
Yowelinig and Crashes, bleach.
od or unhisached Warth up to
$5¢ a yard specisl in this S¢
sain at 17e, 12%e, Be, To
Turkish Towels, Lleached or
unideached, plain or smbhrotders
ed All sien Price sach Q¢
Bo, 19¢, 18, 13s, 110 and
Silk, In a very pratty plaid
combination, 3% inches wide shee
cial the yard in this sale 69c¢
tamaorrow at .
Mosquito Netting, In white,
mont Sunhionabls colors Worth
uly to lfc a yard special 5
in this sale at : ‘ Cc
Faille Silk, 34 inches wide in
all the most wanted shades Tor
simmer. Special the 87c¢
yikrd tomorrow at
Silk, in ithe novelty awning
sripe-—@ very popular material
thin meancn. Bpeciad 85¢
the yurd oe nh ‘
Voile, silk stripe 34 and 40
trol widitha a new and fashion.
alle material, special a 49¢
yikr:d tomornow
dap, China or Tub Silk, 3¢ in
wide in plain and fancy onlors
siiecinl the yard 44
tomorrow 8% LL . ine Cc
Siik SBhirting, 32 to IH Inches
wide in solid and novelty come
bination «fects Npeolil 37c¢
Dress Linen, #ither natural or
fancy colies. 38 Inches wide A
very serviceahls material. Worth
tity Los The a yard, 49¢
fpecial ar
Chiffon Silk, 32 inches wide,
Im all this ssason's most waited
shades Special the yard 23
toma row Kt Cc
Pain Beach Cloth, popular
matyrial for suramer. 3M lnnches
wilde, in alain and novelty shedes
worth op tis he a yurd, 19
al Ve and ia C
White Pigue, I Inehoes wide,
in & beautiful novelty corded of.
feel. Worth up io Fe a yard,
sie iat bere at 19
33e, Te nnd : . Cc
Everlasting Buiting, licen fin.
inh, while, a Dew surcons? mates
rial 34 inches wide,
Mecs Middy Dresses, made from
gingham paue chambray or
rtine In solid colores piald and
striped offectan Nicely piped
and trimmed Finished with
noe or pious collar at
$1.98, $1.49, $129 and 87c
Gown at 23c
Children's Nightgowna made
fram Cambric or Nainsook, In all
size. Niowly ‘rimmed
sch nt 39a, Me and.
Blouse at Tc
Boye Sport Plouses, In plain
white and the most wanted
shade Made of good service.
abide materinin Warth de sach,
going in the
ernment determine this issue?
National Conference Committee of the Railways
ELISHA LEE, Chairmen. A B. CREIG, Mes. to Resstonrs,
PR ALBRIGHT, Con? Manager, Be Lewin B San Frasstese Lelleond.
Istamere Lam
Line Ratirood. Cw. RAATRY, Cou Monagen,
fa We BALDWIN, Gan) Maswgn, A a he Rh.
Lonersl of Coorgie Redbenr. BV. Bela Cen
© L BARDG, Con? EATER, Co a
RD. MANKR, Vio-Prosidons,
A i i
AMES RUSKKLL, Cont Manmgw,
Drsmrae 8 Bibe loremde Batbrond.
also a number of this season's the yard tomorrow al worth 30 a yard,
Muvelops Chemise, in efther
white or Mesh Made from high
grade Crepe de Chine: hand.
asardy rimmed with
Lace, aael i $1.69
Apron at 19¢
Children's Aprons made of
Haht or dark oolored gingham,
Specials From Fancy Goods Section
Women’s Gloves, made of fine itond quality, In all the new Woman's Collar and Cuff Sets
quality silk, with double tipped upring shades Two tlasp. Con in lace. mown and embroldery,
fingers and heavy stitching. trasting oowor stitching, 98¢ wpecing Bow at 23¢
worth 5 # ¥
Bpecial the palr 87c¢c apecial the pair Toe, 3% and ... ir be ppecial 19¢
Allover Lace, Jt inches wide,
DOW at .“» Noa # C i * .
amen's cilare, made from R
in a large onoilsction of pretty mpers at 19¢
Women's Two-Clasp Gloves, lawn or argandie trimmed with
4 414 Ah A EVR lace AIL tear . : : vy, ‘
made of sili with hind ar feb ‘Ao and emnbroldery 19¢ patiherna Special the Ba " Midran'y Rompers, made
trasting color stitching White ut 39 and . yard at 87c and ........ i C from gingham or percales, in
aly or farey colors: ages 2 to
and fancy cooiors Double tip- Vesteea, male from organdie,
ped fingers Roeciald 39¢ in pretty styles trimmed with Embroidery Flouncing, 1% in § years Price each
the pair at iace and embroidery, wide, special the yard
Women's special at Me and. while it lasts 28 and...
Neison Brown was born in Ebens
vr A Clearance Sale of Hats
Vida L$ : RES Manufacturer's surplus stoek of Women's and Misses’ Pan.
] s :
all His ife . 3 . : :
ama fats, with the latest style crowns, * Rolled brim, sailor and Fut S
vy y
N people of his acquaintan W ; mushroom stvies. The hat that 1s mueh In vogue for this sen.
o eODe Bi CGuUKinlante : ? ; * '
elson A. Brown, a son of Mr. and PO i : ; : gor. Worth up to $10.00 each, ut 88c, $1.69, $1.98 and $2.98
Mrs. Joseph Erown, of Ebensburg, Some years ago Mr A
: : . Women's Hats Children’s Summer Hata, made
and a brother of Mrs. Wm Coyle of Eaged in the ice cream manulaciur Milag Hemp in all the mom af TAWSR eto. IN assorted shapes |
this slace died very suddenly Sun. ing wanted colors. The wide beim oor trimmed with ribbons, Ndlage,
Ly 3 - d gh Owe ¥ n Finished pit faa ¥ oo Wurth ba, 3 Lig
day evening, shortly after he had recen’ly he has been Se ya Ainhed li foomern, ote. Worth from $3
partaken of his supper.
Mr. Brown had been enjoying ex- Cleveand, 0,
cellent health and felt well during chinist
5 oe : row turned home to :
the entire day. At § o'clock in the Mr. Prown retur i home ; gE potdat, fSeld mouse, ote, Finished | new oolors Hata wurth from |
evening he ate a hearty supper after his father with the harvesting al tae “ §: with band and buckle $1 LN ¥iSe Ww 1G each TT $2 62
which he walked from the dining farm just east of Ebensburg, and : worth $4 emch, at . clad at BRIS $3.62 and . ie)
room to the parlor, where he sat wWork.d with Lis father ail last week
3 - y - -
down. A few moments after he was harvesting the hay ET IT “THE LOW-PRICE WAY" AT SCHWARTZ BROS.
seated, he became very ill and fell:
6. 8. WALID, Pie Pron & Con? Manugeny
Sameny Lantenl Lines :
i Ads
mem A, ep fo as een SS Wo Ee FAI EE vs I rs vente tune snsom
Kid Gloves, very
usc A Se um a
about until 7 ¢'clock. when He passed
Neilson A. Brown, Brother of Mrs.
Wm. Coyle of This Place Called
to the Great Beyond lived
- He wag popilar amoung the youn
there practically
Bross en Neck Pleces, made from soft,
Auty white Fax Par Very
fashionable this summer. Just
made from
huwiness in Barnesboro
ee received a big shipment The
fel with
: wpeciai as .
ork . a BL to 34 emch, special
orkin As m
orking a kt $1.08 and
Aboot = werk or more ago ho ks Cuting Mata,
Analst § x 3 gundity felt, in white
Women's Mate, muds off chip
Braids, hemp ston, tasty trimmed |
iT Many charming styles i
fre handmade New alias ara) |
~~ 98¢
made of fone
cpow Blige
Fancy Qstrich Neck Ruffs, |
white and leading high colors
iyet one of these NOW at a8 sav-
iT Neck Ruffs worth up to
\ $306 wach, going in this
lenrances Sade at 3c)
Sone |
: A \ ma | iE osmeh at $1.87, $1.69, 3 Cc Rind worth 37.50 sacs,
the Stearns Automobile C in SE RL i and bows Hats made lwo sell at | Wo, 8c and 98 {
The deceased was x member of the - is epee
from his chair to the floor in an urn Catholic Church. from which the fu
conscioug condition. Dr. F. C. Jones pneral took
rama nt one Be one of the merry crowd at the Firemen's
O'Neil, the pastor
was suffering from heart trouble, In Fathar H M
% ®
a few minutes he was revived and be- The deceased is survived by his
convenuon In Lresson July - AUgUS
about him he stated that he was and sisters Mrs. Julia Cavle, wife
better. He remained in this condi- of William Covle. of this place (Chas O ] 1 ] § »
examination sated that Mr. Brown quiem high niass was celebrated by!
came perfectly rational and to those parente and bs the following tirothers
tion for a short time, when there wins Brown of Helper, Utah; Hattie |
& reoccurrence of the attack and he Brown and Walter Brown. both at
again became unconscious and tossed home