Ben a BRIEF HOME TEMS OF TINELY INTEREST Telling of Those Who are Visiting, and Those Who Have Visitors, With Other News of Our Busy Little Town i J 3 br. C - iin Wopue piapiont {ha i i) : L Mrs. E | Vilkins ig visiting her good to Bim he intends Ay thers : 4 (rT 4 ; Po yon realize how much your appearances depends on brother Ti maugh this week fx Frank Marri . ‘hy & vb oyand sin $ eh easier and more seanomis if vour frame is fitted with a rt oan style David Dmaniison of ‘hicago, who ! an Asis has Been viziting relatives and | 3 dhl. which iw so often heard now. friends for the past several weeks Gust Bobilin and wife will move to {ise Father Harvey 3 Bet yb mm eannectian with the pew Corset should not mislead returned fo his home in that place O80 Tarsnian Phe i gpenred tind GH A ih tor ii 10 FIERA Les vo. ¥ A Win i THINK 11 it Ineans An uncorseted figure Thursday i ion in tho aluminum works and |. a § ba angerous falisgey, Physicians and Sergons auires support of a good Corset Willinm B | : 1 id} 4 8 Withinm | nust whightly higher at the waist it amestown srlpptiy A yi F dh j i damm 9 perfectly flat, at the front and back and shows the eurve of gpoured employ . : i oh i : % at the grde. The hips we the normal sive Inder the : akirta there im no nesd to submit to discomfort to re- Rev . § i $I i 2 x th of July amon srds at Cherry of his regi he Fleventh Penn oe i he hips and mak im abnormally small, for the same Tree. vivant via rtign dss EVE Ty iy TX EE FA 5 x . = / Pa RsiOom Hod argst ox not oa AS NE AR iN farmer $OARONR RYCY Or YOUP ADDY wal two widely advertised Cor. 3 he Madam a i 3 FOR SALE "amato, Caht ; TH ] ae Phe Gossard Corset whieh laces in front also Caglifower and relory ani § L William Ree and family weit ra ; : rh # - . i / ; ; go Whe * #04 {4} ‘ ive Bodh RK y lia front and hack mee Uhr Spring Fah og hie hy t i 3 . wat BP 4 3 J. Yahner, inelndes the pew Hesh shades Miss lolz Marrow tives and friend, week Messrs Cahen Freadman and Hiodk of Altoona spent Tuesaday with friend: In this place Er rhiaimalism 3 rvpen A MOLI ME SL RR ean Sl HE mn “A Wife's Sacrifice” at the Majo 6 shia ta work tis Theatre next Monday night . 0 Af. Mrs BE. 6G. Zeaver and Miss Mary nn motored git Mrs : Zwaver lef: this place on TuesdA¥ ruhsaren Mrs Sandbure rest hr ATTENDED GRADUA. TING EXERCISES morning lor an sxtans) ing Harrisburg Philadelphia alt «no a Yes i ¥e rig. coven gigter and brother more. Washington, Gettysburg : “Tha Porbidden Advent other points of interest they. also ifs. Fras I Manarnises at SA EO SE BISA AAO tend to take a trip down the Delt poo Theatre Friday ni ware and for several hundred miles ’.e on the ocean Inky Il 151 Eten was one '0f the | tastent gy of tn , 8 busi PRIETO THI nace 1486 ki Haas “rhe Irom Claw’ iz considered the - Fer sister fis. Ear Loo i wees ; ] 4 fp aris pvp produced tends the sime school 7 » aS 1 O day evening, July 1] he guest of Miss Marie Flaher . 0 Gilbert Parnell. of Indiana, was fe in “1 : Pow mh hp tiene or sei : ar = g : Patten, Pa. Patton visiter thi; week 5 . y= TE» RN J B Hoffman ro renewed acquaintances in 10WR OB cya, pan Claw” you remembar 1OIGER OT SL LANTERCE YOUTH KILLED BY BEING Thursday. Tre (lotehims Hand” well thin Is 23 rar Better ‘xt the Majeutls Theatre ENORMOUS SAVINGS BY USE Rev. D. C. Sehnebly, left Thats sezday aly 11 OF HOG CHOLERA SERUM MOTORULUYCLE WHILE TRAVEL : 3 : : oe wl taxing 34 ies { 3 3 COE Hie shaw £3 siapiebit . { day morning tar Ebenaluirg, where ING AT HIGH SPEED : : at misn - i } : hi = . a. bi : Y 2 4 $33 Ete? £5. ig s Faas bagaist : “grt \ an in tile 34 (# Mi. LNT eax iw THROWN MEADLONG FROM be will give several lectursg Presbyterian Church. Raerifice’ tha 3 yagipp (10 tae caFmely af 8 date 9 osu! Apparently Fractureg and catidliion never develnyjed bhiin] beh FACE ndor present eee aE i Caf its bra rd ; ga ad 3 23 3 { prose : i diiads : Neck Dislocated By the impact Charles Dawald of Johnstown annsyivania Departmen? of Airs ¢ : ; . ; Average WAR is PPE Ve Enant i! SIX COUNTIES PRODUCE OVER 18 per en! and 1h averyihing re cirat vi thiz place gent the 4th of July wile Min Lao! th BORs Bea Filed @ i : fons W ! 4 | raEnbas ONE-THIRD OF WHEAT CROP Hi i ol a) : : , ee ” , I : by .e parents, Mr and Mrs M MocNamara i Fel : F ay ould ta Pearl White Grieghton Hale, Shid af this place don Lewis xho appeared a! the Ma jestic Theatre some time ago In the ney Siewart, the Sunshine Biscuit '« : baa. , vee motoreycle “Clutehing Hand” are again 10 be pan of Altoona, spent Thugraduy fterum | by Shaw Mines Bout | halt - SIE Ant ol SUMMERMILL MAN'S JAW featured in the now serial “The Irn gang friends here HYesior kK Ruvnd By i Re 10 aan Mevaradale amt Ravavsn Tha! Cumbertand asd Chester FRACTURED BY A HORSE Claw” which starts Taendar evening. “sn $1 4a oo j ¥ spent Wednesday among friends in farry McNamara. of Philadelphia Wt an HAR Young man was picke scion. TTR 1 catia neat tn, July I.~-Harty W July 11 Mauda McoTulley, spent Sands Th ti of the Livestock Suan clogn aud never rallied Fist that These connties is repart Ro BOD ow pawn citizen "0 4 % % $5 " x % i x s 1 18% Fob aw Fa * o rR Pal Ax LR 3 TEAR EX + ; : i i ify i3 5 i ire 3 # 3 with friends in Cresson al Fo i a condition He if. sure y py an ! i 2 h the Altoona Casper Schubert. brewmaster for son vit} th and lleen 8 Mp the Patton Brewing Company for the sri. fulia Paleho, an ais 3G irae 3 y . gin 24 ’ sodden ; y thet ai Ravnio § rare Brit hars an fo ed ¥ Y [har ar mi . 3 AN $1 { a 3 k 1{310% ogre : IN arn past several years will remove to Mi tended the Penn Central dance at wall diseanes THTon AINTars § # ners wii} fie puting Pasig ¥ 14] 2 sy “35 sien § § 3 1 y Tunnel old home in Washington. Pa Altoona, Friday aig id the hog cholera work ix { hably be held Toesdas ! se wring Ra pitino Te from in stained ow! Hy WHS *. ® 9» G. G. Glatras owner of the PaMST Fink Allison. of Homestead spent Year Candy Kitchen has remodeled hie ipa 415 among relatives and friends &mined store and it is ome of ‘he finest In (n nig place Northern Cambria County * 0 wy wy on Fo Rah men Be a0 Mr Bittner w i a. We Sa de at wlwaen ir when thes Panay] Ham John R. Dengle manazer of CAR gir confined hile Bi F. Pitt Company store of this pee gir0c0k of rheamatiom and who has been ahsent for the past «sa several week: on a fishing trip 8 wise Thelma Brown, of New York State has returned Lomi (he guest of . ee / ~~ eek “The Forbidden Adventdie” at the Majestic Theatre Friday night Mrs Dold. of Clemtfeld is visiting rs ae iy ion ra to oe . . 4 rata : tal hi} -DAY | THURSDAYS Railway Co RErting Te relatives and SEASHORE July 20 Martin Thomas, brother of John geek VACATION y Thomas of the Central hotel who ake bo shistarm asrpss do titi EXCURSIONS August 3, 17 and 31 spent several days visiting friends Mike ord of this place will farm in Delaware (aunts een Phe meeiile Rp atin : in Patton, returned to his home In 4in rhe tion gang al Cresson (age of Qealbs GOONER AMA In ore th p ate ron sanded pa Altoona Monday FOE isis Loved ow ol Wise tad 1 dh nt the at ld bit i John G. Wilson, who has been cin SHE who splay na ot and atte Ltd LAT Hi at yg 4 : - ys ; : : ds l or Al 10 ; fined to his home for two weeks, ia gan IR upending the weak at i SLT ha Fgh i has ; : $1 2 bg : { 4% amin’ : 3 es aie ne : able to be around ieme of his. parents, Mr and Mrs ® is : ed ' IRS = i ¥ LW i fn i" Hn | jes yma "ee William Gi bam Freud sel pan # RD ¥ifINa i rare wri iy &§ g3icf Fh 18a : William Mitchell has moved into LE infacipd Racks are lost wl arstwest Gat . : thnahing the Smithbower house on Palmer Mitelda Whitford, student o ! Ld cl : 34 Boar rhe on « Hy ¥as wered #5 or id or 10 avenue. Taek Haven Riate | Cohen] {simakes the serum mia a yif ot ih + back of hi - ® ® spending Ber WEE) Tee { Sea 3ire, oad Miss Florence Bell returaed from a parsnts in this place Fr wld ET hpi? vo cledn ng : bi smaten ht Rw ty Boint leks rid 5 seid two weeks visit with friends in Lock * sw. : Haven and Siate College Friday : aul MacNamara \ A} r CE URRY : V Byenptinen Maps Wane bp The addition to the Sisters’ home parents. Mr and drs {en len, used during the ear 852.9 skull had arcad hie va +: hrain Special Daylight Train of Parter Cares and Cosches through to Atlnatie ott Sixth street is about completed. Namara of this nlges on 4 ry ee] MP ky Sic wing i earifind fa = tivy It will be used as a chapel for St kot has whelive wmnisn. iu il atl waa a HORata goo for mu toon Speatid Tro on trains leaving Pittas Mary's church. Joe Milas 9 Hd tal Es Wi ‘ ah ny £5 ap Fig AP BY aaah Ah shaw Bualibad i tn xii ; oe es ong 8 P 5 Hiesping Ours oaniyy, 164 Pp es R8s several davs i . sd Lous sod pays a % ; : = ay RRR 343 ATE thedt Hrinesst ions ' . TEAR au 2h o tie centimeter, and the ghle th attempt too Much ax fon STOP-OVER AT PULL 21P BY REL Aes Carl W. Peterson who has been em- Derr Winslow : y . ; ; : HILADELPHIA AND MARRISBURG RETURNING x ¥ Faia § & 3 Ivy ¢ ¥ of 34 4nd tI $n § mops by oa by 5% Gr? Hah 4 yf $4 Bis od PEIRLIN, stapn-oviair ornivileores Noted : : : ¥ Ea UN gal tint i Ad yy a ployed by the Star Printing Company ‘ l farmers tha Ren r the Year intgmy Theps wers indications ale Agents 4} Shformation Sensuit Ticket for the past several years left Thurs A ramher nf ladles gathered day morning for Chicago, lil, where Lome pf Miss Emma king irate ai ; - i, ; 10 . od or a f Sore on hs To PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD yg % being completely paralvzed he will spend several weeks among Wednesmiay evening to hear the nse of the ram in vaccinations Ritmer was rst examined his pulse |