ER AT TI Sm SEIN SS Sr IN TR The First National Bank PATTON PENNSYLVANIA Capital paid up Surplus . $100,000.00 75,000.00 ESTABLISHEI 1893 The Oldest National Bank in Northern Cambria A general banking business transacted, We invite personal - gee ER E’ x : ° “3 3 & > yg > % ur % 1 IRIerviews or correspondence Wil irins and individuals wishing to establish or change their banking relations INTERESTS PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS .. Steamship Tickets for all the leading Lines: Foreign Draft payable in the principal cities of Safe Deposit Boxes for use of on $} . 1.4 the world You r patrons furnished free ir i should have one or more of our Saving Banks im your home Will teach the children practical lessons of WM. H SANDFORD President. J. A SCHWAB, President. Dr. J. I. VAN WERT, Vice President sconamy FRANK L. BROWN Cashier. M. DD. BEARER, Cashier, DG DUMM, Ass’ * THE GRANGE NATIONAL BANK OF PATTON, PA. Capital Surplus $60,000.00 20,000.00 Deposits Dee id : [ee Nav, Sept. Sept. | roe NOY, Ang. Sept. 1905 1st, 1810 ath, 1911 26th, 1912 th. 1914 12th, 1914 . £ 7677352 2031 .963 16 226,286 U3 279.279 00 1 612.64 M08.55%.02 H76,741.96 617,447 59 3 PER CENT Interest Paid on Time Deposits SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT Drafts Issued on all Parts of the World. Business Transacted A General Banking We Solicit Your Accounts Both Phones in Office H. & C. Phone in Resideree J. EDWARD STEVENS Funeral Director and Embalmer Careful and Considerate Services Modern in Equipment All calls day or night Promptly Answered Main Street CARROLLTOWN, PA. Residence on St CAR CRASHEST INTO A HOUSE, KILLING MAN Victim's Brother, in Same Badly Injured at South Fork Bed, South Pork, July 1 in their Ww “ ile ¥ a - Rig ol zt t Whey 13 36 oF he kX aslesp heeds * fast ight. rack Saljvitti an tan! foreman on the KQaunth Fork Branch if fhe FP i i. RAE inatantly killed. and pix brother Asperino, was i : seriously shaved into an injored when a box by a freight tran Ewen ape iB pushed in stopping block the house in and crushed wisich the them Frank Salvittd his neck having brother was pinned and some difficulty in getting him ou! ig hy says he Is ruptured. bu walk about The Salvitti eould not the wreck crew pulled the freight car cout house. The lyes of twa or children were probably fact Wag Kille Lean sloian i fies able U body of Frank be removed from until Tanemang! 4 Fog Va gab ve that they moved only res from a bedrooms next to the ra tracks a room in the end of the house into The brothers boarded vitt's wife and three children are Ttaly. His brother {5s =n The house, a arti frame structure IW stories high, standg ten feet from the bumping block of a siding into Crisman flour and feed mill car stood on A freight train switching on South Fork Branch, from which Crisman sidetrack runs, the branch, ran into the sidetrack switch, which left open. and bumped Into the box car at the Crisman mill. The bump! ing block was knocked out and the freight car shoved through the rear end of the house in which the men this siding last ni came down Crisman had Deen Benedict Street » i Ra Iris a grave man bet their aches and sald 10 Chronic A WORD FOR MOTHERS xe for mothers sl lence thi rirss wid o vor w exrial rg is strengthening thousands of Nir alcohol. not hers—-and will beip you, soot & Bowne, Bhomeld, N. J. fons and suey ID Sick ’. PIR: How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Re- ward for any case of Catarrh that ean pot be cured by Halls Catarrh ure. Hail's Catarrh Cure has been taken by catarrh suffersrs for the past thirty-five years and has become known as the mest reliable remedy for Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure acts thru the Blood on the Muuvous surfaces, ex- pelling the Poison from the Blood and healing the diseased portions, After you have taken Hall's Catarrh Cure for a short timo you will see a eal improvement in your general ealth. tart taking Hall's Catarrh Cure at once and get rid of catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. ¥. J CHENEY & CO, Toiedo, Ohlo Bald by all Druggists, Tia Bits of Byplay By Luke MclLuke Copyright, 1818, the Cincinnat) Enquirer 2a Ma Cane Bring It Right in! ¥ qd f i § “vi £3 4 its] at tla GH ik A Names (3s Namen Things to Worry About. Pavel IB al exdeiient antl Our Day Special, HEF Fiask¥a it Yi #1318 Luke Mel uke Saye may have noticed that most of 4 a t ews A thie p Hy vO Are Wining the ex will always remem! wre gl Peorle who live In glass bouses ¥ i ghostilidn’t Hek thelr flngers when thet get through eating When most people pray they expect | the Lom! to be more liberal than ther | would be i atances, under the ame i | When you Weil dull care : Auli > the old “1 t 7 YY O01 can gt awa pack a smile home with you at take a brace every now size tobacco. - That bx won't do for you-you want send comiort that FIVE BROTHERS Long Cut wil band you. Eo ¥ 4 dad 4 FIVE BROTHERS is made for you. Choice, care- fully selected old Southern Kentucky Long Leaf— aged and ripened by Mother Nature's own process -— the way to bring out the richness, sweetness and fragrance for the hearty smoke and the tasty chew. FIVE BROTHERS is sold everywhere—got a package today. WE AMERICAN TORAGSS SOMPANY Shiv Sh A— SS 1 ALD Facts Versus aciles AEN Y i8 an appar. J FALLACY ru r exploited 4 4) A i tn sat types ds . Prohibition Fallacies that : dren g ry ZEN 11 Pie % oe 150 oA 4 ——— FACT is thorat rded that some men age innate Men are Always weak and have fall uncsr exces 0 : ¢Oo0D kind or a ort placed upon be bev : ; Drink is Always 3 » ’ IX A 8.358 as # 3 ? *, monn $Y { ¥ Crag Ohmi} 1 VW. nent WHICH theve Luntington Wilaam te Dottom ot aul WOME Ded SUPPo rbd gpporiunt ing conditio cach dav, Ye? a ; men have access to liquor all their ltves and oniy a i FALLACIES yer i 1 arcptgoe of them becom ra ! “oy Ie 1s 3 im o ee — 4 ALL | ALL - 3 v $i { MEN : MEN K ad ¥ i 9 AT 3 odin not a FACT that the blame for Gluttony is placed on f WOULD 4 WOULD Fo ’ i - ~ E » i roan who eats to excess, and Is it nota FALLACY ww STEAL DRINK oy 1 Given the Chance n ¥ 4 } 5 i » EY 9 + it on the Pood he consumes? o_o na nyvery man 3 inG yer very tew ne ~ 03. i Tenia: gL i Pennsylvania State Brewers’ Association elreum- | VED = YZ DR. B. J. OVERBERGER DENTIST Office in Weible Bui ling What Is the Best Remedy For Ta: Constipation? This is a question uskod us many tines ench day. The answer in ’ We gusinntes them to be satisfactory %o you. Sold only by us, 10 cents, Offiee in the Good Ruilding, FATTON, PA, PATTON, PA