TeMng of Those Whe are Visiting, and These Who Have Visitors, With Other News of Gur Busy Little Town C—O AR Martin’ and Mary the Masars George Maurer at. | Birchall ami George Crago of Hote dale were of Miss Mediicott on Sunday. : « *» & Misses Mary Dr. CJ. Baldwin, Dentist BE Mr. and Mrs. L.. W tended the Circus in Johnstown Monday. | Westover and on guests sable Aldean yacation in Buffalo, Rhody with N of Plttaburgh, | Misses Rhoda and this week among 3re spending thelr friends and relatives Y. Murray Jackson, spent several days relativeg and friends . ¥ » . Eimer Cooney, of Williamsport, adofned the Palmer House over Sun day. Mrs of Hudy Medion and Hite daugh. Me relatives In for Pleasant town. * 9 are visiting Miss Florence Ball iy the guest of her brother, John, at State College this. week. Misa Nora Sullivan of Carmollitown visited friends in town Taesday even. . ing. LE of Lamber City friendy | / es Ry Misses Anna Jack and Alice Mo Devitt, of St Renadietr, spent a couple of dayy among friends in town this week. gna town Cupps, ve Among Mr. several this week. Mr family attended Tresday. and Mrs, PF. B ard the circus In Altoona 0 Morey Missns Juli Ars and Margarat Paleho visiting friends In week | a Washingion thie . "a Mrs. Ear] Sharbaugh Carroliteown Morey home, and Ruesta Miss Hida Karlheim, of Poriags was among relatives and friends in town this week. of Are “13 'e Ww hasehall fiam Meehan the well known from Philadel apond Don’t neglect paving your sabserip tion uinr came Monday, {0 Ay Hx 0 phia on goveral awn with friends, * 8 9 A number of Patlon peoble attend days in 1 od the Cirrus in Altoona on Tuesday . 9 2» Miss #5 Rise Havden stent Sunday § mati Mo Fol it i iw $24 ie ¥e puta wl ITORGH 17 BATRA OAOTD Many a man fails to hear the } friends in Ba Inty knock of opportunity doing a little “knocking” account. a a» hecause he | ors his own! Bases! Wenkland a student Collage his iB is gpending «a with his parents * 8» Helen Bearer, of Carrolltown, spent geveral days here viziting at home of Mr. and Mrs. Farl Bearer . * the! Bam Really of Chest Boringw callie on friends in town Tuesaday. LA Misses Elverna Kane CClalre Mor Cyril saw tha sun rise the rmoraing ey. Marie Weakland and Leora Kane pa came from eosalport. attended the COMME CAM ercises at Carmolitown Tuossday even ing. ant $34 fy . Fox. of many Frod ng Wednesday evening. * " » = Clarion, tall was in on his friends town Cyril Fisher. Ralph Kal ! Willlame and Dutch Noomar were the tubes that attendasd Od Home Week colebration in Spangler . ® 0 or. 54 Walt ey, Mra Jim the cotiage Mr. and gecnnyYing of Are of Murphy Fh tha On tha Corny Drag Stora, 8" Mra MM, Kally ia visiting her daughter Mrs this week. *. w @® rent t fF [E81 the A number of the younger [faction aped their friends and : went fishing and stayed all night. * 0 “Nats” spent Wednesday in In diana. it seemg that Nate dont like to see his name In print, but febastians movements interes! us .- "» Fr { of Reading Pa. 1 Out We Baldwin, v in Hob Was tywn Tuesday. Hamilton of Broogivyn N renewing old acquaintances . i road” Rave & strawberry festival | Mizz Bessie Kassner is apending her at the Corner Drug store on Tuesday vacation with friends and relatives in night. { Altoona. *« "eH t Well, ake got the diamond ring. Miss Helen Kelly of We do not know whether to say called on friends In town Monday. Matt or Bil] but one of them did not La know the population of Akron, OO. Mr. and Mrs. H, C. Yerger at and it cost him something to find It tended the Commencement exercises out. : at State College thia week, * en : es 0 i Wil Thompson made the excuse 10 go to Johnstown Monday, to have go to his eyes treated by Doc. Barker, but. night, too much fed top or just lout? while there took in the circus. {What rent did you pay Mr. Semiles. re iherger for all night lodging? Misses Dee and Mary Campbell of LE "Akron, Ohlo, are spending their, vacation with friend, in town + Campbell News resched “es ‘last week. It has a sleep in the green medows all LET ve iF our pleasing i Miss laura Winslow spent Monday pearance and shows signs of future, : } Tuesday evening, June 20th, at § % ur on AH members of ¥ 8 | prosperity The buinssamen that ; : place, realized that a town lo Russe] Commons and Derr Win- the map must have 3 newspaper, slow rubbered around Hastings Tues formed a company to publish one day evening. Editor. Ancel ely: EC. Ake, Preaident: BE. BE Irwin. Vies Presi dent: J. A Manner Seseretary; W H. McQuiken, Treasurer and J. P. Fitzpatrick, Business Madager Mr. and Mrs. MeoGargle willl 28a motor to Pittsburg Saturday to spend some time with friends. * =» in Altoona. Shiv * Met Dumm and family spent day with his parents, Boun- pay al Red Feather Photo ‘Grand Tueatre Saturday nl * 8» is Mrs. Minnie Rumberger and sister Miss Tamazine Holder, aft ! Wednesday for Rossiter, where Mac Denlinger a student of Notre will spend ome time at the home Pame Indiana, arrived home on Wad. thelr pansnis nesday, to spend hls summer vaca. tion. George Jones of Cresson in town, ee they f 3 * 8° FE. C. Brown and Allen Sammer see ville spent several days in Winburne Mrs. Skelly, of Carrolltown, visiting at the Jones home week. fa this week this i *. 0 The niet Theda Bara picture at the Majestic theatre wil in The Woran® It is said that {picture is better than "A Fool There i Was"” den’t miss seeing it at Walter Sussman of Pittsburgh was Majestic theatre, Monday, June 28 8 busines caller in town Tuesday. ese * eo» . 9 Mise Goldie Allison ‘Clearfield. he Is visiting this cs the Mr. ard Mrs. Glen Humphrey of Friends of Mrs. Samuel! Sdmonson: Barnesboro was in town on Sunday will be sorry tn learn that her con- | of Mr. and Mrs. Ed dition has not improved i i az the paests Humphray One of the first issues of the Olen “filold and | friend, Qperator Was “at the Now Fridman Hall ‘3 Giant to wi Hastings Monday Carrollitown | 3 Well Jerry and Eddie, how does it, | mow A —— 7 A NG TSA ” 1 i $ 3 gn ICRESSON NURSE YO TAKE Claire Smale, chief stamp wpent several days this week . & » Hoker fishing. Mr. Cioodd McKew. Hire empibved hy the Geo. Brick Bint Company, at Lamber City Sunday with in town, * 5 9» “Eddy” totien Hunter pons - William th Fox 1 ®irey BrpRonte Kellard Her Majestic wi ¥ {yreen Mother's Sesret” at the Theatre, Monday Med aormick. To Bent Miug Harriet 3: i¢ £3 pany, at week Brgy Y eral thin Don Coder 8 9» Mrs feoft TN en OF SAR a - To% of Fisla Sander and ann thin week for make Plrtabuargh thelr . + whore they will Bature home Miss Fthel Liteinger, of Johnstown the uent Mra 1 of her mother Mary lLitzinger, Sandav. * 8 9» Naney O'Neill a {ra the Maleate tonight in Witen ” Mrs been Ramue! Edminston. wh *% ie Phillis ia £3 hax in the shure hospital far fnme ime renoriaid 10 he alow] improving. « & Charles Halst attended tha Eagle's a dele. Nos convention at MeRKeespart, as Ale 1244. Pray tha Fat aye A ardp iti) 15 a £5) § ¥ LE William Beaugon, representing the Ganenner Brawing Caomosany. of Johns town had businesag Patton Amys in several last waek LE Www Bm £1 Raprogantative haw heen advised hy thp if g#Riaunae pensions that svn ion kag hen A i Mr Ehenaburg granted ot to Matilda Hamiitan Hamilton 0s Be Yep ® ged aon § ¥ » Bie 2 ¢ oH 3 hy regiment Pennayly bry &; eS a M Hag give rnd HMapsan's antedale anent i oat t REGR : 3 dave wi ti: ia a1: Biaca Rr Do you realize how much your appearances depends on your figure and carriage, how much easier and more seconomi- cal it 18 to dress and look well if your frame is fitted with a Corset made to fit with comfort and style. “Natural figure'’ which 1» 80 often heard now- connection with the new Corset, should not mislead into thinking that 11 means an uncorseted figure. That would be a dangerous fallancy. Physicians and Sergons agree that the body requires support of a good Corset. In the new Corset the bust slightly higher, at the waist it is perfectly lat, at the front sand back and shows the curve of the figure at the side. The hips is the normal size, Under the new full skirts there 8 no need to submit to discomfort to re- The term ! A-dnys in iN Woman dure the hips and make them abnormally small, for the same reason the Corset is not cut as long as im former seasons. Wea carry for your approval two widely advertised Cor- The Gossard Corset which laces in front also The Madam both styles, front and back lace. Our Spring shipment has Just arrived which includes the new flesh shades. sats {arace Corset In Time fo start a re Ha Price of shoes going ue & Trogngss Natleparg fo oMen, Ge aach Tome and srend 5 pisanant PVR. Mura args refined srnwds At Pro Dancing avery Saturday night Harnesharo Pa A FIVE CAMBRIA COUNTY YOUNG MEN GRADUATE AT STATE COLLEGE a FOR Ca SALE ififlower Tamia Cahhnps ami Celery A Patton R ve ia Plants € Yahner'a D Rint College, Bu “Har » 4 Theatre Pax’ Mathear's Monday arodduetio . " 3 -e Berra Ma. ha st Le 5 % - : 3: be And #Ikiy Hing nen hundred wld Ar f 4 ; . 4 ho ig aa Ewen Wale fisiRy graduated am 8 ns Pernesivania State College Liies . ew : - sn riENive carson ien i Mrs i 3 J “arnelins rallied nt Mera nt Was 9 megcement exercigen were on aceount the dehwal saditariam JE of SHH LOTS gerious # Hice, war onerated West Peun Haspital several weaks amo. so ineag af her later Dir 2400 relatives of th presence mare than 4 | who on the of the th © Rule Pittabureh $i Ladd goliega of darrian sommencament n and Heoaupe the time required award the individually the nf Cornell tail Samuel Brown a gttudent YY. I» his parents, Lex se address wWAs niveraity. Tiihiea, N ding his vacation with Mr and Mrz. EB OC * * Tonight (Friday) O'Neil at the Mejestic Theatre in the “Witeh " LE Raby. yin areceden tad State Tha omitted, a hintory departure af of a 1 ; the Penn Brown. Fiat Aik 1 ONinmence fal german feading features wae program in The > merit cluded the inwing way praached on Banday Faswin HH. Hughes, of Ban Pranciseo; the bv Naney : : : BReokinureale hy Bishan Miss Geraldine Yarger 's attending . : wis reviewsd Cammeanceament axerciaes Ross, K|ixth graduata of games ragiment P K 8 a TA if meet endlet tg * : Av fa tan 1 iJeglenan cavalry. UU ¥ Penn HNiale; $ Hiate Collage this week Har her Howard heing a graduate of the Miry department LE ATTENTION FIREMEN Thera Fire Myon : A ¥ x ™ % two hall ! 1 ; raienraity tha University track and fled ingtitstion, performance of 3 3 with Pittabareh, and the A with Rama of Pation Association on § 1.3 fhe Commences “Hore will he a meeting Compuny Relief ment and uo ¥ There" ro 1 parties the Thespians; alumni = anisna by from fais clingany ranging i YE ti ¥ are roguested 6 he and & score of house aresent ar the fraternity houses re i FP. H EE aad THOMAS LITZINGER ACCIDENTALLY spon a KINKEAD trims Cam i a he following students bein pounty wore gratuated with dis Hinetion SHOT Fu. Pa Flachelor of Betence Dairy in srier t hapdry—Howart CX ir. t st Saturday while Thomas Litzin. pn ¢ walking down Fla af this place wis ald through rifle i ralor of Se Lees it fa Flach elope Agronomy -— dw fg fix of William 1 wo he rallroad at the Karl D INALOWN ridantaliv shot 3 nimnl Jr. Selanne iy " Be FEE +3 L i : a calibre biilat Mushandeye- Horner t 5% ne thigh at the Toahnstawn Tha freA Inde Bachelnr of I.. Beiter fe through ms was exiractid 3il the and lodging In It hi way of In Haorticul 8 Red hala fans HRD the log just i Iahnstown Link, under the skin ane in BP Irestry days later John A shooting was fow hy # physician this nlace owned I Wilmore * Murray, of ie ug Barely IES E ET being in the VI han 3 i 28 FAMIL D Barney i TE nephews not Hn Litzinger r ve fam have heen 18t how Kun was discharged is known County has heen Mins tdiana strike saxernl ¥ f¥dhiar at for mi fae mies la i from iret inthis men THE STATE EXAMINATION Among graduate Cambria County take the | Board examination in Pitts. burg on June 14 will be Miss Frances! J. Callan of thiz place is a recent graduate of salty hare been striking say fl wiil Mondav, of ev now the nurees 1 i urn to wark on alleging whi wii that the 25 ringleaders hands families if Wars State the tragble al nt re there has heen Twelve families have heen RO +% i Miss Cullan javicted from the fw home a school injindiana County, wis a strike Massach ¥ NINE GRADUATES FROM wha: Hicks. | Chas. F. Pitt Co. Patten, Pa. 90 YEARS YOUNGER - ASSERTS WOMAN. DUE TO TANLAG PRISONER IDENTIFED i iY Ly ER wd hy Be £ had WAR Marie Schulz Recovery Tells of Remarkable Through Using Master Medicine Woe Wikis tocatud Al home on Park vende st thal! ————— die) and ' bash” Grantham St, Pa., "since 1 fel twenly sears OR when of Pirtsburgh. # x i ¢ vyarnger LAT00e WAR RL0wWh LAW T- Hike 10 Marie Side & Bid ing's residence in Tyrone, he having i h ’ Rehule, aid Nartlhs only resided there far about four or five months The family came there sesns to take Tanlae “1 hid sulfered #ith rheumatism, shorinass of : wera glways giving trouble Fimavir, HE ee | for days at a time without! sleeping, because of my terri. condition. v3 (sf they after the first yoar room tip was time stomach, and my ong ms a in ahora Oe upied of {an tnh, hand £1 ; heat? how for some time thet farm Mrs POA IWols ne father, Samuwl if ie his goods and came on to Tyrone and Downing 's afften went owning, tired farm sold out | Ble nervoie I a I had | waald get such quick relief I had taken half a the | rheumatic pains left my lHmbs My son stomach got so good that | could eat i my meais and never jward, My bowels got regular When I would down at night. my head would hardly touch the pillow until I would Pus? When I awak- 1 felt rested helleve it was antered the ret] sweat Dusiness, pur stock {he reid shop corner of Tanth street and ‘Washington i J who “ily hattle idea After Bot no ghasing the aud fixtures in about bottle, oN “tick avenue, wht Woke 1 Thompson died An apar Gar and uteddby » lalre, from Hifuries re feel bad alter peived in sutomobile secident, 5 INsowriniy Kept the shop ie and solid out adain Hinee + $3 ANIL hat time he had droppssd rom pubbe he in aslesn was emploved Bald Fale Half Moon tahers Dow. family Morin bees WEW BUDANTS ¥ a bs ry : RNGP the ! ered mOrning, ‘ : hi hardly snd eon ned! : “Hiner I have heen taking Tanlae, | have not gas aroaing eat i the neds ies my- from af Yaars sriinally t HON ae £ Rs wy OT 80104 ret Been tronbled with Lear, AMONK and 0 a) 1 & farm near Vall up against i vigi! my 1 2 family Fp gtatés he has Dol DOO why lems ge ant wall gome time past and it is and thorn if 1 ant afraid my presumed that |} of ie Wax friends. and want to go thea { any Aa mind wien tank inbalanced tra have of no time sick A nies he never am heing { TROY Taniae sid in Patton ax. SCHOOL AT GALLITZIN aluwivels hv Deis. Co. whale the had premier orenaration can now be 116 ™ Patrick's sf of Bt ning, Bradlay "8! vi araduaiing lass number Mow Leanna so ond fa i ———— ADVERTISED LETTERS The following called for fo wank follows Mpg Mareedos Rn sadon, MoeClnekay, A IITA, lettores remain an. Past Offica 14, 1914 Heder a Angels Uronour the Patton in va Troxwil and Josenh hyn ending Iane Condon Jennie Romaearville (irace Bat. ler Persons and He gsehool term closed Thesday held Humdav expreiges atll he Patrick 5 1g, June 1% the closing exlling for the same will thay are Acting 3 vw Church advertised aurety plefse Rav ND Ww AB morn after the lates Jones tor mass Tumberger, The Dacpasad Rey. Father J. I Deoasr wil} pregent the diplomng and the program will The OM These the girls are not meal bags fixed little merely CORts Are nn the wearing with a fashion. inecinde mitaie nl siecial ehinrch will be decorated for t ribbon, hut ahle smocks Ap ———— les feawlon