The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, June 09, 1916, Image 4

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    PATTON COURIER vous Ao ied we a iti Courier in EXAMINATION FOR
ea AtisuED ms Nekemds or WOVE Sem = cE When any or you young men come in
W. H. BURD, President i Dts wer ets. Anden ee I a and Say.
TERMS GF QUBRCRIVFTION Mestingn at Taylorsville and
81 66 per vear pavable in advance \ Ridye iat 8 > a (44 ’ . bb J
Haziett M P ren HR] MEHTA y 1 : ’ 3
No papers discontinued santil ! loch ; a : . § ¢ ri 8 F Bawing ¥ Fay 3
RITEATAE Cs ars skid. linbess i the > : : a = ; a ir to y
option ol {he publisher
Eatered a! 186 Postion a1 Patton eas , i i : it ata the ; thera oY ~ t f XT/ x hy Fe A _ : ave Ye
as second class mail matter. | sit ot mei a : : it dC IM IL 0 ¥ Ou VW 1 sooner Ol ater---
ADVERTIRING RATES ig : ; car Aipsvins Hid YT . ; -
Legal notices $1.50 per fuel for ail
Sarde of thanks bc per lus ca % ns uss oh : Pre a : wilm ak ‘ 1 £0
Reantutions be par line Sa
Resiness jocaiz G¢ per line
Pr'iiical advertizing 1c per line
display, pavable sirictly
must he paid
sdvance No com
inn paid to advertising agents
focal Patton authorities on Wad
fnesday morn Viera tified thy?
they di ; ga t: 3 0 GIR noes
several Gin ia % Aaving hey 1 P.M
didn’t Kn ris
Naturally this created some ite Devotional TB. Berk
ment in the rural £ tell Fenart of Deparimant Supe
wears rung
the girls were rallied sey : A
but in the end they found 3 { Addroxs--
[38 8
were oniv around } rom Retr M
Home. They 3 gaffe at bome andi Ofering
may ‘hes ct Bosra § Yagen 2% fh and | Fler #
also give the poor A JH Loni
ak —_— (lenaral
Mon Ves Slampi re 1H fis 6X esears :
ehange far 1iu arth morebandizge Chnneral Yaersar lon Fie { EPH f iy Y fairy .
at Kinkead's Stationery Store Masi ol rr Hote a ar fuk N x7 Sh rts N r Ne vk roar New 11 S
we Torco Frnt Ker. pra ime ean veo J New Shirts New Neckwear New Collars
tacky fg 8 guest of the indibie Evening Session, 7:10 P.M. SeInY Te
hoe e this : re Rarvies
Mr and 8 ! iia 4 Navatianal Rav Phwlks
am Fo RTT 15H ¥ i Williams Ltd mf Tavern ive ® Fs FLEE BL +753 rn a R14 td i k §
Ry ide : : x oe es N p : 54 4 iil E a ‘ , . » bd AT
part Pa Mr Hie Fi rp iT 44 4 Tha FARIS | Sy a ? he SLY
\$ rar mere ”~ tha
day. Mrs. Miller expe v epend Lirmer Business” Rex € 0G. Morrow
Mrs. RH
viitng frente in own ie week | Winer Woodsite of Surman ws by fair silos seed 0 on PATTON, PA.
Arthur Jones in Now Well Man, Made
by Taniaz vith the
Beautiful new styles in ; fants ‘le Tesntiod from Tumis WOWIT TIUNE afeinet (hw we WEG SEY well and We If futher
White Crepe, Palm Beach, | New styles in Crepe daar mma ie Sa
werden of
Whip Cord and Pique and | Chine and Silk at er er ee ee a rt mors
nutes of
sent ‘0
Priced 98c to $2.98 | $1.98 San ome wet ware 1,10, en 3 SO ST he ett he dnt
Underwear For Women A : = Hed 5 : : 3 pi AC". HARRY GREENWOOD, JR
ci nA S10 Ar
Women’s Gause Lisle Union Suits, low neck, sleeveless, § wx rust semana 10 me S00 0 To lent Rcknell node supposed on be thar of Macey
RE ren y
erar f Harry
% 18 Foren
* . . . ry gd is a er . . ' a ge #tudanty built a i fo 2 he si dr. thirtvitwn vears ald
with trimmed loose kuee, full size, Special at 25¢ fr or ive aren it for ateat ro TOUNTADS Sack of Milton ti WAR was found in the woods tear Baru
x Hin
Ladies’ Suits | Ladies Coats ee toe ore ve © nto 2 5 : > : : ao me oes Rr son om
Values up to $22.50 now | _ Values up to $12.00 now and ett ha.
r going at $12.75.
Boys Knee Pants ~~ Boys Union Suits
a, Short sleeves and knee ——
Sizes 5 to 15 special at lengths. Special value at | wr sci o wu
23c | 25¢, all sizes.
wrhaine his
r widow
iack and
mM. Edwin to
He is also survived
J : . #3 By thes $a ¥ } he, pris? > a TE 3 an, a % 3 a im by yr > 1 and mother tlarey and
funeral VAS : n ihe
in } Decarrrent of Forestry, many of Undertaking partors of eMillen 8
Patton, Pennsylvama EE ot Tiling fury SLANE oat Fitna IE ot To dalek. Tous meee
Ilancing a3 Saturday night a a tl with apart arrestery ind n ero duel 4% i Rew A
NEW FRIDMAN HALL RARNESR: @ 1 Fg Salrolmen } Broads
was made
fangerons SeRsOn no ii arith Barnesborn cemeter)