The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, May 19, 1916, Image 1

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5 AR
raduate of Patton High School sos spp Reverses Form Shown on Previ-
PATION H. ». ni8% Cambria County Supervisors Being Urged fo ous Saturday FROM GRADE 8
re a Make Prepavalions Immediately J ne fe mined To Hg
BO HEH TONIGHT rooarme wren ne matensy ota) 0 br ae 0 Xe ark had Bown secomplianed In oma we or he wei coves SCAO00 NEXY Year
eighth grade class ever
Was empl ae Palion Schools re
iplomas as! evening in
fhoatre before a (Are
Yer. Eatmenaint] a. lt 6d earner of th | Sa g 8 ay | : i" is a . Del bat . A : erin of si An auraeigtive audienoe There
Bot continne #0 IONE. ; Br ting lass of the Patten ~~ i > hs : yt Erma are tat pred - texto The Earners SEG Pn br comers 8) dn 0 clans amid a vast
The principal address will be given TH J hud ww BR i" Is ' ¢ have fra hye | wp SE ret Lyte. Bing Swapkosky who sUmeX f work was consumed in
By Denaty State Su ; ihe 86 3 G \ fle. exarc.sed
B Teliri Mr g is ap ik si hm 7 REL nlia ats : ? vig . “Ink cud isk ’ ee \ . Damen wile Fim wie ¢ i! rogram which was carried out
eloquent and forceful 5 and The : Te A . . 9 of By : ‘ Fling yx f X ereibny pia gn le aye ' . when the fisitnrs # OL OF inst night is as follows; il
evervane should attend f ; ris : ah ; Aranirhad nw bi reid we » yh gx EO ya y EVE fe Ee fae oes rier tightens $1 x : Address
A Sloiim Hmsibhen
Harry, of Fo
splendid addresy }
Arid alt. a member Iman : ! 1 ! : : ]
The program as Arranged | ; z ’ Flin raft ‘ i ve vy gh an # . ois Fa Bay gr od bry eR her remainder of th 3 . lines Pronhees {ius Delogier,
i [tate College . s 3 ; 3 3 : x i v
follows: er 4 Ta rh pba taly | iid at wha fa AY vx. hips Vil rani Christin bo Frank Mac Wiliam ohn Dworchalk,
1. Chorus~— High School Girls both Bua 54 Ee Sent | atin prep a Ried Berlin comer seh Having no chinese ln the fied g +} ¥ Kdwin Nolan,
2 Some Famous WwW Hen 8 i WILLIAM FARNUM Is
“Was on ; . PRCT pe ng Pit Ar they mre goinr is } TH wd Walter shell David Chait, 'Hdwin
Brown. PECULIARLY FITTED vatitrn the rr Een wild have buckles ta it with . { wary ATO¥R IR TUN Gis slugging was Smithbowe John fen Mit
3 Reading Margaret Beveridge BY BRAIN AND BRAWN Rr r TT {f hig 1} er and Feterva ing LE Ba od RET ast aiar 3 Zama
4. Violin Solo-Florence Beil “ not orat too fate 10 i woo kKE 3 Flies ieacdera F. iha ROUEA nhitg with Christof ) Recitation Miriam Salter
5 Class Daonor--Katherine Me. Physical Powers as Weil as Dramatic organize jor das of re rk on i Ove nian Ars going fo double ang PUD i s;aasbed th TR il Debate Edwin Christoff, Ed
Mahon Art Required in Role of Gypsy iw geiile 1) ER De of Rae pitel ar oul tear the left fleld foul win Lip Ravimond Powell and
6 Preparedness Charles Swap mi Poseph W. Hunte hating High iDle 3d with tha vi Jue y Hime Dut it was foul. Not discourmged
MAJESTIC THEATRE MOM NIGHT wavy Commissions : % tha View: tha re an nfluental wn. ee slammed th Mish over th vo Rpanish Drill Ethel Jones,
Ralo-Rose Tate New actors. grantiog tin! £ hey Regina Biller lda
Preparedness Miriam possessed #4) Foye it BARTON ships get Duay ne % £348 alr H3 : rinted nyitarions is BRE MRED. Wilky AAO ee able Toh Anna Lehman Marie RBremnan,
talent would have been guaiified 1 early poigilile haw many wnylimdy and everybody whe oan | H HT BI ave Lghrning speed Klisabeth Dangak. Bertha Lacue,
% X £% oy : el it & #s «$4 & Aonld Anve “dy iy ae Be £818 &, LIE EE PAE i gd i. » kb
“Pay Your Toll'—Hester Gold: play Daniel Esmon Wi i Par th can get fe re ay Ww fy dew Willi De na ol fi As HBV Gil as he fairly Beatries Cavanaugh, Larstta Stress
aum's role in the Wiliam ¥ slate. AN “iE Wisi 3 3 na position AUSNGARC Lit vou i & Bix i a flew around hee Sawen crossing the ser Marie Sunkwiler Katherine Me.
10 Chorge— High School (Girla play mixsterpioece wo ¥ TON : 7 f 11M giie much as Bhan Vi pargne gndd Arts sie ¥e b Ate aba én’ yard, ahead i tha Hale Violet Morgans, Grace Dinsmore
a int ¥ preN Has FTO RARE 3 i
11. Address Deputy State Buperin: This tupendous Alii 1 do YO Vad 0s Am pleka. drags, atid ha rou will be aligihle DAI Cooper played an exesllent Velma Kohnley, Alleen
tendent. RR. BR. Teitrick with the destiny f 3 vay lover 840, Sal AVOry man can ob PUL; RIOT 8 ¥ { nf Kame at third having some star 8 Cantata. American Enter.
12. Class Song and necessarily cally for an artist 10 actual work you RAAisls Hwapkoksy also had some tainers Dorothy Chapman, ' Isabel
Immediately after the exercises skilled in romantic acting Mint i= It ia anderstooxd that the regularly Lagy mes will not be allowed to ine assists which he handled in good | Hauge. Edith Kelsall, Estehr Shep
53 .1 Pus
i $1 3 \ LT iy 2 wed di ; A “14g i \ ¥ “gi Y cy mean. HEYIe only siinoin i a vit eo hane “LH PY and in Co To
there will be a dance a! the Munich nol all however for it mikes one alactad supervisory Will have achive 1 th fH at ak Ike FH 3 siping up on one chances, pard, Bella Keres, Alice Astbury
CL A 5 Nn a ag IIR i
Ban Be
pal Bailding This dance is being othe requirement—hra'sn charge of bork men asd work and tons bly bona man, who | a hard ane at that, Maduls caapht a FEaglish Co George Wonmer—
held by the Juniors of the High' Were not Farnum the phisical culo the men who go tolwork are expected | willing irk, wili bh Howe arn MR league game Behind the bat and Josephine Fitrpatrick
School in honor of the griuduating ture enthusiast that he ls he would to be amenable to the instructions of the race we R in addition to that slammed st two French Conple~ Theodore Brown
class. About 206 invitations ware never have survived the fight seane the professional road huiiders T hm Pray ¢ afrile ty bring poir Nita and scored three runs Kuuner Daisy Morgan
sent out and every indication points in "The Broken The play js SUPervisors and their rosd omsters in appelil with you. or be siren Bad no chance to show his ability in Seottish Couple--Irvin Deitrich
" 4 s 4 i go) ¥ os amps Bo by pit ad 3 fev 4% od ad 4 A wd vn oy i eis J Rall Font HP + 3 5 i “ by pwn Bs 8
to the fact that there will be a large cas! in England in 1856, and the fight = h township will be able to dirpet folky al pots ¢ tha the Aeld but scores 8 rin. He stole M Tarnball
crowd In attendance, ‘hetweesn Farnum. as Eamon and ha work of several fhe sand men cred of road {ern Eu ane NG BRRes However Bearer played a in} Conple Gerald Gaunine
Gasper, who also aspirea 1o eh over the IGWwnalp Ba 3 Thuey at RON tid Brean an Rood game at second Me felded Katherine Ford
s——— - feat Hu ine aspir hi
\ . a hy $ | £ fu on py ofl gp “3 % 3 To sl Ig 2% #1 By ga 8 t¥ Wis Te “ 3 ¥ p "
T : » i a Man Wu oe A IRTIAS AAR WE Liki 3 pag fanitiesaly and had ree 3 1 German Robert LAns mare Mary
“GREEN 4 OCKINGS” . re : : a : ; j 3 & Falk # 4 ETIRAD is nr i 3 ¥ Ma
oF Ait
£ coming
gpartune times His Zwayer
The above production is now being!
re hearsed, by local talent for the
benefit of the Patton Fire Company. |
mi one of the beat ;
’ and promifes (Oo be one of the 1? i k ¥ in # Algerie Fbopoin la Ha thisgry Be game. when he dropoed the ball Paleho
home talent productions ever given gy
in our town. The play is being
eoRehe ; r Ray E rown, and J . Sk . . : . . “ ’ ‘ \
ached hy Mrs. Ray E Hegwn, and | BUDArVISGTR GAYE DARASOL ASE Wooand bring your iv forde 10 ‘atches in centerfiald hut fadled Chinaman Edwin MacNamar,
arranged io propa tort MON The i hoy als Hl wie on double scored two men IH the xh fraly- Frank ality Mary Mon
feta and It oil De OXY 4M r 3 rN Anna only pick stan find Window played Rin game tanner
the exean if one period of Sipain—-Winfred Dumm Agnes
hurriedly and an errar was Holland William (iki Bessie
sarged against him MoeCann made Monteith
comprises the beat local talent of the
community The fire boys of the
town will ha around in a few days
selling their tickets for the play and
certainly deserve Your patronage It
ix seldom they eall on the community |
for any support whatever. They are |
also arranging a programme, and | ot. aiinaidi wo 0 a Ap OPEN DATES vo winner will walk off with he Mare Sherry
hope that the merchants of the town rr sat i slg . wan a - ni : Ye rr i : . ssrawe did renee. HAI
will respond iibherally. The nhjisct of y i i ‘He Phoenix Rase! ; £0 Fo Fan well Addie Na
raising money a! this time is to we | i len 4) ia Fe- toon Aveling tes HEDGsen of a. .
cure new uniforms for their drill § nila REE : Hl ar 4 _- a. aa Linon; A434! aseball An PATTON , 4 Class Sang
team, which has drilled constantly’ hile ; : . RSPR a with 3
| | goed rule weit] Mor a Belping hand . . . » a tomp————————————————
during the past year and which hopes ; var 4 ny club in Paton or the surrounding rt ha 8 9 8i08 WANTED
to carry off honors st the different’ WILLIAM FARNUM jr : ah towns for May 00. Decoration Day, or (qu 3 1 ! ‘ as .¥ N
conventions during the summer : ! July 4th, or any Satu Way Cooper, 3b 1] The School Beard authorizes the
Thereby holding up the good repu- of the clan, is with bare fists in ac Harrisburg, May 13-—Esthasiatih sue phoenix is the mest seasonable Suoretary to wiverise Ie sealed
for “statewide good roads day I oo ; wg % Gam a vir g
tation of the town “Groen Stock cordance with the boxing rules then * res club in Altoona, any leam having the Sqdqla eo
Chester county is ipereasing all the sin : acini ig : " . te 318
Inge” will be produced during the first in force. And the ght ly teal--thrill : : : grounds and wanting games maY Kasner g taxes for 1318
ils Erie oy *h na ta O windy [ina . ~ 1% { 4 ¥ % By d
part of June the exact date will be ingly real-—-in so far as the weight of i Sd oe r ’ wi un make arrangements with GO { Rearsr 2h : } Parties making bids must he able
: *iwtzors’ Association of which Thomas § Rarer AGT Kt vi : wren ! !
announced In the next week's the blows 8 concerned, of 2 Reiff, Sec, 1067 Sth avenue, Altoona, Winslow, 1b 3 to furnish bond. Board Ywserzes the
Courier While Faraum's pt | R. McWowell, of Elkview. is Pres
. While igmn's physical prowess ;
{ i pay a pre aN dent. is taking a prominent part in
tis also called into pl lion he res | | i a a] Vv. A MURRAY. Sesretary
$ called into play when he res tha plans for the day Tie = DWH
SURPRISE PARTY LAST WEEK caves hig sweetheart from drowning in fart they won't he satisfied with] ADVERTISED LETTERS Total
the photoplay makes its princijal ap alae The following letter,
¥ apvihing else und they are going to remain un CONEMATGH i Vill DRIVE NEW DRIFTS
peal through its ander, underlying have them by giving their services called for in the Patton Postoffice for R H a | ;
iT waean™ ftussinn Couple-—Gabriel Christoff
wrisen Kaohnley
Conemaugh palved razed bal 5 Sepp on-— Joh Cairns - Martha
+ A
fleld having errors { ro Coehran
had five errors in the feld warway--Oerald Figher-—Mara 1a
Darneshars and Patton will stay partes
seins Somos immas— we deciding contest this week and Savitgeriand 1} Withrow
0 Confarring Diplomas
: bids for =x soliectlor for school
Ps McCann, of { ‘ (right to rofect any and all bids
tlove story. It is am’ 1 ve : ; ie
Ralph Winslow Pleasantly Surprised ine Farnum's beat Ve op of charve, this one dayof the the week ending May 11, 1914 Ribblett, sa {bd.p. ... 0 8 X
ihicle since he has been a ficroen star | pan Barnes-
’ aT “tlivear C = ariley 3eii Altemu x i} Purchases
Last Week and it i, one of William Fox's great- E Manley, Al Gold, Rey Altemus, Empire tom y
« En Fo . i { “ide iy. * . ¥ §
In the way of making decided im Dobighevaky M Coslng, Celestine Wisainger 3! boro Coal Lands
! " Huston, p-3b 1
’ woos te Mezxzomo and Frattaroll Gloseppo dl :
women and children of Chester T Kuhn, 1b
est achievements since he invaded :
Last Tuesday evening the home of the picture world
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Winslow Was | ae o———— |
the scene of a very enjoyable party SARAH SNYDER
held in honor of the anniversary of] Carrolitown May 11--A requiem |
the birth of their son. Ralph The | mass celebrated Wednesday moming
guests assembled at an early hour in St Benedict's Catholic chureh |
and the evening was spent in games | bere for Mrs. Sarah Snyder, widow Ome
provements in the roads the mel,
. via 114 fey 23 ¥ writ} : : irda .. “ ;
county made a wonderful record for Persony calling for the same will Custer. rf ' yg ! Empire Coal Company of
themselves last vear and there was, please say they are advertisad
{ 1 fo id nas purchased the Garman
J. Wissinger, | a 4 in af coal lands, located near the
Empire mines at Barneshoro The
Rodgers nf i { & 2
i * Kahn ef { Ppurchase of this property means that
: 3. Varner. x \ the Empire mine will be good for
another 25 or 30 years and will give
and music At a late ‘hour thejcf! Frederick Snyder, who died at the
guests departed, but not until they home of Bn J Snyder in areal] employment to about aan or 250 men
. a {
had partaken of the bounteous lunch township Monday though she was Py yy 4 § haat an . a The tract of land included in the
set before them. {#0 years old, until last Thursday ste | j Con vg h } 41 40 6 6 2lpurchase containg approximately 65
The following people werp present: [had been able to be about and she! Wien inger | Surface acres The Empire will
Misses Irene Rhody. Margaret Frank joould see to read and sew without
i « Rewankiosky Home mine-Gi rive two new drifts into this new
Roumayne Worrell, Corrine MeGone- (the aid of glasses. J PIONS d tort. huge or Reet. Patton | coal section mgking a total of sight
gal, Laura Winslow, Marie Fisher, rn t
ene an hala. Huston 1 jdrifts run into the hill from that side.
Ruth Noonan, LaRue Winslow, Zella | Schwab Coming to Loretto a i ——— shel Beankoaky. 2 Crempek | The new tract will asraduce about 500
Mullen, Geraldine Yerger, Liian Loretto, May 4 —{Tharies M : i Hie Heri w RihNlatt 1 Swan ans of coal more a day than was be-
Goldman and Ada Winslow. and Mrs. Schwab will be here probably next] ext Wi “a wt = Fe ada ge lh Ld Wn mnnad © hy ‘a kT pti ng mined from the old drifts
George Flook. and Messrs. Claire! month to visit relatives and inspect? tah 3 ck P.M 1 ssary for Hd ve tas nin \t+ nresent the company has about
Kelly, Clarance Bearer, Goorge Het the work on his fine new castle at | mo i Fy EY odpnedue el nd gs
rick. Morgan Airhart, William | “Immergrun” Tha steel magnate ing hou i Be {4 wisi fhe Ara ap : AT AW
Woomer, Isadore Hoover, Walter will make his home in the old man. to & : vind
Williams, James McGonigal, Edgar sion, which wa: removed to another YWashers away abs i bogie WR i xe xhin nlae 3 nied of
. Cooper. Wellwood Winslow, Barton section of the estate last fall to make are giving (res ; ; : NER Gr 8 TE ey y #3 bear Tle ras Born and
bry sian Wi
men in its employ in this section
ar the new mine is apenad there
11 he on eg for 16006 to 150 new
{ men
= =
Winslow and Ralph Winslow. room for the new hodsa ! washor
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