TWENTY-ONE nd BoA i Bi Sh Taken From The Patton May 2nd, 1895. Beech Avenue Opened Street Commissioner commenced working on streets In good earnest. During last week he | had a large crew of men working on | the extension of Beech Avenue which | was completed. "This affords the residents of the Anna addition better Access to thelr properties as well as Jas, Mellon, who has considerable amount of real estite on the west end of Beech Avenue. A Printer to Wed Invitationg have been issued an. Bouncing the bans of OC. A Repsber, ah empoyes of the Coutler to Miss Mae Campbell. of Carrolltown. to take place at the Carrolltown church on | Tuesday, May 7th. at & Delock, A. M Will Build Mere John R. Cordell, late of Thomas Mills, but now a resident of Patton, has purchased a lot on the north side of Magee avenue, near Mr. property, and will erect a dwelling thereon this summer. The Courler is pleased to welcome Mr Cordell in our midst. He was proprietor of the only hotel at Thomas Mills, which Wag consumed by fire Inet winter Mit His Tail Short Bl. Richards is still unfortunate He lost his famous dog. Tiger ie either | strayed or was stolen ahout the 18th | He had sold bim a few days before to; Lide Hile, of Lumber City, for $99.21 and was to deliver him the next day | He now expects to sae him Courier, | Tackson the has lotta’ for | damage. He was a hlooded dog being OMY for W. Va, but #aving for a short time part setter and part hunter, more sotter than hunter 8i 8 reward of $75 and no asked for his return — Bower respondent to Cearfleld Monitor To Members of Board of Trade There will be a meeting in the club | rooms In the Good building tonight, at 8 o'clock. Business relative tn the! Sewer Pipe Works. parnestly requested to be prosent. offer Must Not Be Sold tion of the law punishable by five to catch trout and sell them. The fine | is 32 for fish sold. The object of the law Is to prevent the depletion of the transferred mail route No. trout streams. © There is nothing to tween Patton and Pr sart, Cambria prevent a person from catching all he county, wants for bis own family In seuson, known as route No. 80 long ag the fish are not less than | will be 24.35 miles. ia : and T 24 * {make a monev-making scheme out of and 7:30 BP. §) n; £4 cleaning the stream of trout, and the tor KE. G {about and see that tha Lingleg ‘accident, {duties a large rock fell from the roof ‘below the knee lreaking it removed to hiz hoarding place and a physician | Patton, Richey questions *all boy Is a common occurence in Cor. | Patton these days. CANDIDATE MADE Baptist Church a * * A ¥ 16s the Baptist Church thers will worship as usual at 10:30 A. M M In the morning Pas Zwayer will preach on resident fish warden propose to look WHY Should We Take Conmimunion?®™ monthiy five inches long. but it is nat legal to jaw is pot The Communion will be ignored awhesrved and it is specially requested member The 1 that every {14 Leg Broken hae tn Monday morning Lowis Johnesn who Is an emplove at Mages with pregent hand those fellowship will he given and whn have recently hernmae vip Bern . : ealllery, members In the While Inet attending serious wvening thea his % subject Beh 6 Me wii} !} "Are Any Hawies Taomt, or wre All Children Wha Die Baved? and if saved?’ in Infancy Rey, how Bre and what Bible teaches on that matter, If pos. of the mins siriking him on his leg they He was {Torre gan the summoned who set the in Jured member At present Mr Johnson is doing could he expected. Personal Alex Dunsmore, well writing 88 there are not enough Bibles in the fs well as church to supply the whois COnETRZA- tion Bpecial singing by the choir, under the of Mr. Fred Mitehell leadernhip known in Se FP Pp ng Tuesday and prayer meeting Wednesday PM, geryicen has succonded his John Dunsmore, deceased. a. superin tendent of the Rloomington Crial Mining Co's operations at Glen n brother Banday Rens! at 0:34 M. Y general at 7:45 all to meet Everybody weleome Mrs 8 M Wilsan and her danghter Katle are spending a few Oil City, Pa J.P. MeCana and son Mobert of 8t. Augustine, visited friends Patton and vicinity this week E C Brown making several decided Improvements on his lot on Beech avenne during the pant week. John Truman has had charge o! the work. Missy Ceiln Dunegan, of this place left on Friday morning Is company with Mre. HC unegan and HH. 2 intends daye a! Chapel i= very of at Riley's at 10.30 A M important It that every mmember Prd db ¢ % 3 Doth the School should be there this Runday Preaching Friday at 730 P.M. All who live In that neighborhood are cordial’'y Invited ts