w— ~ _ PATTON COURIER | ~~ ESTABLISHED 1893 STAR PRINTING COMPANY B. L. BUCK, Editor. W. H. BURD, President TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION $1.00 per yoar, payable in advance. ANNOUNCEMENTS. STATE BENATOR -] an Inounce my candidacy for the Republi fOAn hereby nomination for from the 35th Renatorial District, sub ject to the decision of ¢ ‘voters at 16, 1918, he Renablivan the Primary Election May w 1. BRTINEMAN, wn No papers discontinued until all arrearages are paid, unless at the eption of the publisher Entered at the Postoffice at Patton a8 sdcond class mail matter, ADVERTISING RATES Legal notices $1.50 pear inch threes insertions. Cards of thanks 6c per Una Kesolutions be per line Basinens locals Le per line. Polithcal advertising 10c per line or 20e wer inch display, payable strictly in . vance Foreign advertising must be paid Yor twvarably in advance No com indnslon paid to advertising agent's I Tas) CLEAN STREETS AND ALLEYS . A party of women of Chicago's ticket, is i. Thirty first ward observed April 1 by Johnstown, : donning overalls and cleaning up his Iie As dirty alleys Chicago is not the only apprenticeship place that men need assistance of Wiching shop of the this kind. COMIAnY, Washingtor The officials, who have charge of and Jefferson college, graduating | the streets of & town, often act as if the class of 1X80. Hae town cleanliness were a8 mera publie schoola of Johnstown feminine fancy. The fact that they Years, studying law at the same time went over the street the day before and In 1884 was admitted is sufficient reason for not cleaning law in the bar of Cambria It again, oven if It is Just as dirty as Durieg a continuous it was before. then Mr. Rose bas Some people seem to think they He laa the respect and esteem of all have suficlently cooperated in the his fellow practitioners cleanliness movement when they . In 1%88, when Cambria have removed unsightly refuse from overwhelmingly Democratic Mr Rowe the front yard to the rear. ‘received the Republican nomination If the strests ‘of a town could be for assembirman He made maintained in gomewhat the same de pain which developed nore than gree or order that prevails in our own party strength, was elncted and took houses, a town would look homelike an active part in the serious work of and Inviting, both to strangers and the legislature. He old residents Queerly enough, there known throughout the commonwes are plenty of people who wonld not as “the whistling s'atesman’” litter up their own rooms with waste As mill man school teacher, student paper. who do not hesitate lo throw and lawyer Mr Rose bas acquired a refuse in the streets. ; wide and influential a ———— throughout the Every property owner shoud make congreasicsal distrier composed of It hig particular business to see that Blair. Bedford and Cambria counties his ‘property bas the advantage of a He {8 prominent fn all the civie com spring cleanup Back alleys should mercial and ind be cleaned up and all rubbish re the community, removed to a point wher: it does not and known wsadanger the health. brilliant and e i o—————— Thremph his law practice EX-SHERIFF GRIFFITH'S thoroughly familiar HOME DESTROYED rea! estate, industrial and Ebensburg, April 25—Firs which interests of bedh the city and rural completely destroved the hondsome dixtricta, and his intimate ssquaint yellow brick residence 51 ex Sheriff ance with the men In the shops, Webster Grifith on High street, ad mills and mines has alwavy kept him Joining the enurthouse. abogt o'clock this evening almost ated a panic in an assemblage of about T66 people gathered in the courthouse to witness the vaudeville show given hy the Dauntless Pire cempany as the concluding number of Michael McGinley of a hometalent Chautaugios course ch pt Two of the performers. Tom P Albert and Alfred Wend! Al Fleeson and Charles Hamp. the for. '098A youlhs Who are alleged to have mer a vocalist and the latter pianist, Dluniered Michael Me added volume to their number, in Ginley at Blippery Race woods, Oct. progress when the alarm was sounded '+ 1915, were seen Friday io in an effort 10 calm the fears of the Cincinnatl O, by George Bastain of ax dlence, while Superior Court Judge 3°12 Fourth avenue Atoona, accord John WC. Kephart in a collected, yet ing to the Atoona Times firm. ‘Tmuns* demanded that women! Mr. Bastian was returning to and children keep their seats De. 10008 from a visit in Kentucky, and spite these efforts a small panic was the Wendt boys boarded train at witimsed. luckily without Injury to Cincinnat!, coming to the same coach muyone. The show, however, was in which Mr. Bastain riding. almost broken up. The Atoona man knew the boys and The Griffith residence was unorcu. “hen they recognized him they pied. and the origin of the blaze is a mediately left and went mystery. Flames were discovered in another part of t train. Mr. Bas the rear of the bulldiag and by the M8 followed the boys and found time the firemen, most of whom were Where they were located, and he at the entertainment. arrived on the mediately informed scene the fire had gained great head. train about them : way and all efforts to stay the flames The conductor refused (oo notify proved fruitless noice authorities at station, The loss 1330000. The residence, 30d It wag at that that which was tiiree stories ard of ornate ' tudis. who were probably frighten design. was purchased by Mr. Griffith ¢d at seeing Mr. Bastain and afraid last fall from ex-Judge AV. Barker of haing captured, got off the train, and carpenters had been at work on In a statement Mr lastain em- the interior ever since. Mr. Griffith phatieslly declared that if the had recently installed about $3,000 Wendt boys whom ha worth of new furniture, which also knew them for several consumed — Johnstown Democrat. the conductor of the train the station ahead they would now lodged in the Blair county jatl Pa WANTED Men ¢ Hoch iourn over $135 00 por today for position Avery opportunity CENTRAL deglirs With Af tor adiancement PETROLEUM. (CO CLEAVELAND, OHIO to us saieaman: write for POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT JOHNSTOWN MAN 14 | IN CONGRESS RACE John M, Rose Annsunces Candidacy for Republican Nomination in This District Tribune Ap Hose Ba CONETERR From Jahn M Alion Altoona candid for On tha a ngtive of 3 rnd served 8 where he IAA 8 boy he of four venrs in Cambria then entersd n tha taught in four cOMntY preciies ginon heen surceaafn! SOUNLY was & fam aly became 12% Leal connection entire Ninetoenlh af astivitien high everywhere ustriad stands soc iRily a speaker Ha with is ns "nt 4 84 artaining Tg Fuse CONG th © financia’ 8:55 in close touch with the workingnan procint. ss Cla'ms He Saw Murderers Thus Constable fry 81 Al the Rs im the car tis a ne im the conductor of the the next pace 18 Was ns he Had wirnd to LE VORTE Lier rt i COMPENSATION FOR PATTON POLICEMAN a The State Workmen's Insurance DO YOU KNOW THAT Fund is paying compensa‘ion to Wm. Walking ix the bedi! J. Giil. a policeman at Fatton, whose the cheapest? right wrist was fractured recently The United States while he was attempting to arrest an Services administers 1¥phol insane man armed with a hatchet. gratis to Federal employees? A little cough frequently warning signal of tuberculosis? exerciss-—and Public Health +d ae dec wo—— is tha BLAZE THREATENS THE : NIXON AT CARROLLTOWN Bad teeth and bad tonsils may be The Nixon Theatre, Carrolltown, the cause of rheumatism’ was threatened by fire about 4:30 'npasteurized milk o'clock Tuesday afternoon but the spreads disease? firemen succeeded in puting out the The airtight blaze before much damage resulted. the grave? Men were working in the theatre Moderation and one of the films eanght fire. The life? film and some alectric wiring were de stroyed. frequently dwelling in all things prolongs The carless aspitter Iz danger? WANTED-—An experienced girl The real Republicans of Pennaylva for general house work. Must be nia ara concerned most in party able to cook. Apply in person or by cess. They are exceedingly mail to Mrs. J. BE. Parnell 231 South to get party succeas through Sixth street, Indiana, Pa. harmony. i an ian a public SHC anxious DPArty Ranresantative to practice Bits of Byplay By Luke McLuke Copyright, 1018, the Olnoinnats Enquirer - - Space. ey am sells g spsace in the Jeri street cars swab] the sdvertising agent as he greeted th “What” man indignantly robdiig atroet CRY Company Roibg to remove the souls heres fler $ [RIRITIRS fan wbivitited] the bhisinexs At hoy i% thu The Fall of Man. “54 fe mot ro eledd, t dani vou ate wed Training. Hie a port” waif as he fared the editor you to ask If it ia ir me to take any special “1 woul ike to Las the wousig man “And 1 ealled necessary training’ "Well" reliled the ssditor, start in and begin to train get ulong about four week." “you night yourself to IneRin per oh Giddap! “Just hall your wifs as Som sald Bian, “And you wil find her falr and warm, Bait if you dc not lat her reign You'll find she's Duiaghty sure to storm.” Pour Old Paw. Willie Maw, my tes-her says that thers are germs in kissem. Are there? Maw Yes, my son Wille s{'an you catch things when you Kiss? Maw Yes, my son Wille Id you ever catch anything when you kisses]? Maw- Yes, [| caught a lazy. no ‘count, ornery husband, my son Paw Young man, you go get my m™m sor strap and come out in the back yard Bess Ther Mearts! Bhe's just fftesn low sia dows grow! I speak of Mary Binnie Now sbe'll quit a. Lay And start 15 wea ng i know, ne eEN Hla Redbeit's Grace. Dear Luke—1 was in Pigeon Roost, Ky. for Bunday dinner. and sn old fellow named Hedlel, a3 neighier, dropped in just before the meal wis served and wan aaked to partake of | and lo say grace l4lare we sat down Thls f= wha! he sald: "Heaven grant that we may be ghie to ent ewverribing on the table J. B. i ——_ Booze “My good wife bawis whes | get full mid ruinany Mr Foose & SEA CARA every fiomn | corms Rosne drank ste BEarte in muking booms” C'mon in, Milt} Dear Luke an Milton feneyes of Georgetown, O., watch over the club chicken coop ¥- Charles Kresi On the Waiting List. Recent applicants for membership in the Names Is Names clab ate: Stout Dirk of Parts, Ky. Miles A Feld of Clreleville, ©; Vera Crulse of Neiman ville, ©. Moore Bull of Johastowa, Pa.. Fraock Slept of Altoonn, Pa. and Hyacinth Madd of Springfield, Ky We'll Pair Him With Darke Oxford. Dear Luke-Tanns Shew mins a bar ber shop in West Baitimors, ( Can you fod a place for Sim in the clab?- ED Narmies is Names. Robert B. Stil] {ives at Potieroy, O Things to Worry About. A bee has to travel 45000 miles to get a quart of Loney Our Daily Special. Yoga never get an eucore whem you sing yoor own praises Luke MclLuke Says: Once in awhile you will find a aunr- ried man whose idea of cruel and un usual punishment is to have to spend an eatire evening at hoe. A tine of the pleasures of eliting a newspaper is the fact that every min who Luvs a copy of sakl sewspaper re serves the right to control the policy of sak newspaper Some refurus make more poise apd sceompiish less than anything else ever introduced in this country A girl's eyebrows are seidom as black as they are painted After a man gets along into middie age be discovers that children do not ask all of the fool questions. You can neglect a ail of the other dave in the year but {f you re member to bring ber something on her birthday she will forgive you the neg fot. The fact that he hasn't a postage stamp i» always 28 good encugh excuse to make a man put off weiting to his wifey But if he is writing to some other man's wife he'll get a stamp {if he has to walk ten hiocks fore it fet a man his ear for two hours in a vchatr after dinoer and when he wakes he will tell vou that he merely doged off for a f seconds, A barber cun always make a wh friend ont of a customer by telling 1 that he. the customer, has the ronhest heard he ever saw Every day must be the in the vear in some towna, Daughter sn't mach acecunt at help ing mother with other things but she ts alwavs willing to help mother tell father where he ges off wife pound up pest day ‘hig When any of you young men come in and say: “I'm Interested in Good Clothes” and most of you will sooner or later--- then we'll say - «31 Ane New Shirts or pian! One, 'wo or three ink bmtton wea? What ROPt of Ww REE for 4 WE HAVE STYLES aided Vi priate fie far eyary purse {)r i HAT itd appreciate the privilege of Wa votikiier is RO, Wie Wy 1 Ist canpiets $1Yie OF UP. TO.DATE STYLES county ¥ New Spring #tyvles of Stetson Hats #4 06 Enher Hats at 2.00 and £250 New Neckwear New Collars EVERYTHING NEW AT W.L. THOMPSON'S PATTON, PA. State Highway Commissioner Dies at Age of Fifty-Six id. © Bighway os and the lomders of the Republican party died 2 Hobert gnningham 548. Aged wnmissionar, former of in ate Weadnes- slate atate genalnr fis vears Ge Allegheny 2, cngaty fran an day .in se fo Mls #arnarh hardening of the arteries after Wf finews hres weeks Mr Cunningham Elizabeth, 5 $s4 i Lr sR wad Allagheny and county in ed nomad the irsahure ra hile Ha the SNewicklevw se hods and Sewickley academy saoryad seven Years In home h coanei served controller 1 3x8 in Aa of Alegheny sounty Il to Ha was slocted to 1508 and verved {iN He cagtrniler which the slates senate one terrn resigning ny held anti} highway oy in then hewame of office he apnainiment sla’e commisioder April 13, 1815, Bradibangh His wife died tha dan dash er, nn, Edward Rs By Gav mar ane and HIrVive ne #0 TO ELIMINMCE PUNCTURES USE DUPLEX DOUBLE THICKNESS AUTOMOBILE TIRES Guaranteed 5000 Miley Service Abaciute’y Puncture Proof . 2 #3 » Duplex tires are made of the hes! al from standard tries. This wearing of mater: ii} fant mens 1 per which means added life and there 13 no chance of a stirince, $e vi tam Ure puncture ar constiraction Rives tia #a ¥ 10 to 12 plies of fabric use the DUPLEX from ¥ fire or rosgh oduatry he axcelied And they as Space with vary rant as market ‘a which They tha oar aiimination ping to fiy Ye are many ridin apy on the and paenmatios The alr prassure As them the most save the sams makes raonilent are owner and sf puncturea for tha T) KLOD of this Jovern economical tima by tir troubles Tires gre tged by the UU < meant and large corpormtions We have a limited stock we will aff or Bix 2 Wy dis 3 ty 33.4 Tan All sigh ad skid 'Tarma discount theas iripg now, fnllowing 3 tha nrices 5x4 1x4 Tax4d 4% 1Tx4% 7x5 al hey $17.85 "1 RN 29.90 24 08 28.79 far 141 25 18.15 18.158 1% 40 alan t tor Whar gtandard sizes Add '¥ per cen non Net cash at per cant ARHITE todar and to irder Try sond Fd ary woampt de several | Harriet, | William Fox Big Production of “Carmen” at the MAJESTIC THEATRE MONDAY NIGHT Featuring THEDA BARA, The Vam- pire Woman First Show at 6:30 Admission 10¢ and 20c firyt offense and $54 for the third gharge. The second charge was dis missend, Carbangh gave hail of $400 making remitzance hy P.O. Money Order, draft, ar cheek. Sold direet to consgmer only Descriptive folder the at in pon request sum far his Appearancs Akron Duplex Tire & Rubber Co. kid AKRON, OHIO. Under $400 Bail For Killing Deer # hs STREET IMPROVEMENTS ARE PROMISED SPANGLER r———— Spangler. Apri] 18 Spangler Coun submit to the election a groporition harongh in the sum of $42,000 to cover tha cost of paving blocks of during the summer fl last evening voted to aitizens al a special fy hond the 1 dis ustaInn White g' mach deer hy bt os Pe IAN ir Rel two 8 Near Henjamin the RUIDK Bigler sanatorium flarbaagh Avenue Pine The vote for sireet improvements inanimous. Spangler now has 14 Blocks of paved Fwalve more completes into Com. plata the paving into Bakerton, The atreet will he 20 feet in width, with & atid gx imeh stone projecting eurh, the ChAT eY ving killing a and past ession There are three WHE Fi against Cartaasgh. that of oF Hireats seascn. killing a doe Hp of and biocks will reaguired Bigler four toy fee; meat In his the paving Barneshorn Avenue are more toy pending af NATE ®S veil a fine Hal Baum, vatman., Lemoyne, met protectors Harris bur Wire whose In| ty tigation jad When the Carbaagh g arrest first Was found Civilization is the heat avidence ‘of undaunted opine A can't measure notions higger than his own nature. The pint jar spills half of the ouart that's poured into it BHREHE WE Fe Ae hs unborn lawns vel Confidence hy fool HMR man Afser a} than three hours duration Sgaire Small of Mt ALD earing of more a fBne of X30 for the 1 probed