- y; Ll lM J ey y ' a ais dicated by the reports in the volume — - —— i $i BN 7 of mail matter carried Further 3 : gi nil stimulus, it Is claimed, will he given - : this increase were letter users of the T ires upt FOR country permitted to mail sealed | ma 1 ) | : [wiars onder & one (ent rate, | Nl IF ER POSTAGE =. those letters which are old vo with FIVE BROS ea (out that if a letter ean be carried from New York to San Francisco for o 1 A Review of What is Being Accomplised by the Nafiopal i won ais evr sou ong Cut dont have 40 One-Cent Letter Postage Association That the government is now making a handsome profit is not denied. Friends of the lower rate ) : ; Ww ovel Nation wide in ita extent is a jetters In all cities amd towns where claim that the department was Beever i campaign which lg being waged for deliveries are ppade, Later if la the organized for the purpose of making i : the securing of one cent letter [OS purpome tn secure a general one cent A profit, but rather for doing business BB * : (tage, a reform which would save rate on A cost dasis, | 1S Cf or uu : iietter agers of the United States Several hundred zational orzanizs “We are in this fight to the Swish” Lover $T5000600 x vear tions have comdially endorsed the declares George T. Melntosh, secre 1 Fifty three separate bills calling movement. and thousands of local | tary.treasurer and general manager : for a one cent rate oan letters de organizations. steh as Chambers of of the campaign. “We have received a oY a four cd ilivered in the city which they Commerce Boards of Trade and assurancey from every part of the ‘originate have been Introduced In similar dodies have given It thelr couniry which leads ss to Delleve 1 ° : onmgress during the present session, approval that wea will secure the undivided X 4 1 1 | in d foot | forty-four of these being introduced: At the pressnt time according to apport of hundreds of organizations Or e i il the House of 4 of Hepreseniatives, axperts who are familiar with the representing many thousands of twenty two by damonrats and postal conditiony at Washington, the users of [etter postage Congress twenty-two by republiitans. In the (‘nited Histes goverament is de must and will listen to our demands, Senate two democrats have presented riving a sarpiun of ever §15000000 a and we feel confident that at so dis similar bills. and seven republicans yasr on ita letter postagn, While a fan! data a one sent letter mate will have fatherad measurss for the lower two cent rate iy charged for carrying be obtained ” etter postage rate. It may thus De istters, it bas bean shown that they | ene #man that the campaign bas 06 cam be handled for ome cant. The HICKS FAMILY TEAM political significance, bul that {t ia experts say that with the Insugurs WINS GAME AT BAKERTON being waged on behalf of the letter tion of A Hae cant letter postage rate, | [users of the country ia sn earnest the (ncrease in the volume of mail | In an exciting game on the Wal . ‘ . Laffort to Jower the present high rafe matter would recompense the ¢ 4a ~ tie T1 t u i : : ih a COMmpan he come Anditorium floor st Bakerton Just you join the lucky bunch and ; gh Pp charged for carrying letters [government for any reduction thers Iaturday night, the Hicks Family FIVE BROTHERS 365 days in the year. | Back of the mevement is a aational might be doe to the [oauguration of Team won the lsurels Dy the scors Jorganization ksown as the National the jower rate lof 28-4. Following 8 the Nneup: Load the old pipe with FIVE FROTHERS for a long, id Sas hattar Postage Association, | Several scors of “ha leading mem picks Team Welcome Five smooth, comforting, restful smoke. uck 1 away in “ To i al Cleaveiand | ners of congress are Decking the ficks, T. ww " ‘ ALB » « ! i ! % % s In president movement, and working sarnestly in liek Ww. » Morte your cheek for a plump, juicy, lasting chew with body Hicks r AHS and Geores T Molnlosh is seorstary its behai? Hicks, J Strong : i J and snap to it. jrreaurer And getiaral Manager The | A serisq of mestags, under (he IHieks A : G Marphy (organization has a iargs membership auspices of tha Flouss Committess in Hicks, R. 0 Mitehell Both ways FIVE BROTHERS gives you the full- [in svery stata In the union, and is charge of postal matters Is hetar Hicks, J. oy Cook flavor of choice Kentucky Long Leaf, aged and cured | [being backed by thousands of letter! held and many SIONS AFUED(s &T8 Fle goals—T. Hicks § W. Hicks | visors int the offort to secure lower being presested in behalf of the 088 3 1 Hicks 3. A Hicks 1, R Fieks 1, at least three years to . Lpotings rates. The immediate plan cent rate. Mortenson 1. Poule—W. Hieks § of make it rich, mellow, fra- A Cut ly of the campaign is 1> secure one cent’ That the busines of the depart- 1a. Murphy 2 of 10. At the end of grant and tasty } hE loiter postage on locally delivered ment !s rapidly lacressing 14 10 gret Delf the score was 14—4 Buy a package on your way home and try it. You'll be glad you found out how much comfort and satisfaction you can get for your smoke- nickel, FIVE BROTHERS is sold everywhere — get a package today. THE AMERICAN TOBACCO COMPANY § i ah iid reed dS ARE ST 4 BROAD, Va Ireland exists, and | Ebensburg Saturday. While in that people ever since | the people of that country found 8 re | town he attended ua mesting of the th | fuge fa the United States, such as Cambria county principsis, “inh Mmm {has never besn sujoyed In ADY Other | esememmm—— VERY B( DY kiows there are wn eggs {country. Mr. Keily bas a od fn] - - : ube 90 such occasions » rember of JUST THE ONE | B= 1 eggs, fresh eggs and stale eggs. You tell the dif- ST. PATRICK'S DAY | ean to give & & hn He received | FOR THE Division No. 19 A. O. H., of Barues great applause iz 3 Y om boro and Spangler, beld a social) The Spangler Band, under the able: A : £1 == But how about kerosene? There is good and bad event in St. Patrick's Hall to com direction of Prof. Jas. A. Shasbon, mo kerosene just the same as eggs. How can you tell the amore By Pauitks Nouv Meg Present and madered a number Ic NSE. | s=== difference? Certainly not by taste or smell. No, nor th--an rogra ofl p ng selections. t t ~ De — : : ; : carried out. Following the school children’s | S23 — by: , for buy the best kerosene sold at no The ‘sindents of BL PAWNS) samber and addresses. 1he emtortaice lS === greater cost than the common kind if you will ask Parochial School entertained (be ment was brought to a close, and (CT as DE mm_— your grocer for large audievce with plano and violin the Dolan Kirkpatrick Orchestrs ey al 4 ; ve solos and singing Donald McNells | furnished music for a dance. PE ry wr snd Ignatius Dolan rendered approp | Tne committes tn charge was as No UREPCRLASAIRY | os AT LA NTI C riate solos. Both young men Are aC is, u,: J J Hogan, chairman; NE : ni complished singers, and consequently 1 J - ; "i i stout John E. Reilly and J. L. McNells. ese numbers especially were great , . : ; ly enjoyed. The Ladies’ Auxiliary of the A OO. H. assisted in making arrangements for the affair and did their part. nobly as the ladiey always do. Assistant Principal M. Ive Kirsch | ni 2 al wag & visitor in Cresson and Altoona i esliiment of BABY COM. He proved himself equal to 1Ibhnig,.,.4,y and Sunday FORT. There is mo carriage on the market thm occasion, and concluding. Introduced | .... wisces Hancock, of Mahaffey, [8 27oroach it at ihe jria we afer it wa you 5 i : thie baby Yee minted ie mul be $3 vaarmet ” a 1 t | y ? + Mr. Martin Brady, a agent Of St.i_.. visiting at the home of Ed. Leh. tr koinas tha ys bare he BIST samen : Rayolight burns longest and brightest Prausle Polls. us. J iradra recht | pyr this woek. a a A ati timex. | and produces the greatest heat A T. J. Sullivan, principal of the the Dudey Lax pricin wail ssp y pu scientific process of refining prevents ary gestures were gracefully put into! i — ~ . . . . a fo rodvel 3 Beavy) local schools. was a business caller at THE DIRECT SERVICE CO., ORANGE, MASS . it from cha ng ks or causing encore. == b Gray, editor of the Spangler a aay | | p 3 a smoke and soot. Neither will it create a hh nt, and was called on] | unpleasant when & It for & apsech by Mr. Hayes. Mr} | Romer is the most economical kerosene Gray in the introduction of bis ad-| : i you buy. dress made a few joking remarks’ : | — can that kept the audience In one con. ; ! ; : . Insist on having Rayolight Your Hauony SpSuar. HO i grocer can get it for you just as easy dwelling along the line of prepared-| as any o . ness Mr. Gray is a warm advocate ther kind of “National Preparedness.” and) cited a number of instances where | | 3 | How'd you ut getting ri this issue was of Pat jug ¢ -, The largest stock of fine Woolins we have ever put on dis . \ ! dab of : set Shout . rid of a Owing to the Rey il at ree play, all the newest colorings and designs that will be worn }i al pant on 18 I ? coran limiting his tin el: this season. The easiest thing in the world—rub AR 1 HS SR ES RS RE NN A. O. H. COMMEMORATES At the conzlusion of the eater. tainment rendered by the school, Mr J. J. Hayes, chairman, made a short, but impressive introductury speech. haqurs, according to Mr. Gray's state ment, the Spangler editor had to Ta, GOOD NEWS FOR OUR TRADE | it off with Atlantic Rayolight Oil : to reduce his : ey : a ST 2 ay in With prices of woolins and trimmings going up by leaps J} Never thought of that, eh? But do rib vn ars ‘} and bounds, several months ago we contracted for our present § you know another user If Following Mr. Gray's address, the big stock at the old price—which means that you 5 your | do think one up, hold it for a f pext speaker to be introduced was Spring Suit at last year's price thereby saving $0.00 to $7.00. : Dr. P. J. Keily, of Patton, wall | a days and maybe you can ex known in this section and the entire $ | : it for something your heart desires. rsa wa | Dinsmore Brothers | = You'll see something about it in the call was entirely unexpected on . Pe os adverts ents. his part, and as for giving an approp- : -t these © rtisem riate speech for St. Pairick’s Day. : Be was unprepared. However, he made a good talk. dwelling at length upon fhe Irish people. of whieh te 18. PATTON, : : : PENN’A. | = THE ATLANTIC REFINING COMPANY a descendant. He spoke on the persecution lavished upon his native, ‘ | — Pittsburgh and P hiladelphia Spe A RR