The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, March 17, 1916, Image 7

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Al Wires out o of Columbus
Under Military Control
No Confirmation of Story That 1500
- Cavalry Men Have Crossed Line as
Advance of Army—Ei Paso Police
- Raid Cache of Munitions Secreted
By Mexicans—Refugees Coming Out
of Mexico; Some Refuse to Leave
El Paso, Tex, March 15.—As rigid
censorship as prevails in the Euro
poan war zone has besn established
‘By American forces along the Mexi
can border.
Signal corps operators were put in
charge of the telegraph and tniephone
9fMces at Columbus, N. M. the con.
‘ceniration point of the American
army of occupation, and troops also
‘were placed on guard in the oMicew
‘of the 4d spatchers of all railroads en:
tering E! Paso, so that evary per
‘sonal and telephone conversation was
‘Beard by a military man. The resull
was that the public was denied a:l
‘mews regarding the movement of
© However it was known that a spe
¢ial train carrying army engineers
‘arrived here from San Antonio and
one company, said ‘to be Compeny G,
‘was left in Ei Paso, wiiile three other
sompanies, said to have been con:
panies E. H and F, went wast,
The greatest secrecy is boing rain:
‘tained as to the movement of the anro
plana corps from Fort Sam Houston
for use in the fleld in scouting Villa's
location. It is feared that the train
‘nay be held up and It is believed hers
‘that the aeroplane special has passed
through here early and is pow in Co
Incoming passengers from Colum.
‘buy stated that the military camp at
"Columbus is assuming big proporiions
dut there is no indication that the
army will be in readiness to move for
thres or four days. It was stated that
Aha delay In getting started is Sue to
Inek of train equipment and the re
'moteness of the New Mexico and Ei
Paso frontier from the garrisons scat: |
tered throughout the country.
A esmzorship against pictures men
‘was sald ‘by the arrivals to be in
force and the “movie” men were leav
Img for other points.
Jt was reported that the First cav
‘Blry, stationed at the Presidio at San
Francisco, has reached Douglas, Ariz.
© where it will be stationed.
Munition Cache Raided,
Suspicions of police that the Villista
were seised by the police from
Bouse on South EI Paso street. They
: 999;
‘Bave been sent to Fort Bllse for safe
& raid was made by a squad of
! upon information that the
this corner was deing used
i for it
‘ mansuver, avidently so as to present
‘a difficult mark.
Submarine Gives Up Chase When
Sticks Are Pointed at IL
New York, March 15.—Four dummy
runs made of spare spars and mount.
od on the after and quarter docks of
the Harrison line steamship Director
saved that vessel from becoming a
| aubutasing victim, according to C. A.
Hivers of Santa Fe, N. M. a horse
, man, who arrived og the steamship
| Cam Sfogia from Liverpool.
Rivers said that on Jan. 26.
Fs about 200 miles from the Irish
'cosat, # submarive was sighted sev.
eral miles astorn. “It immediately
gave chase” he sald, “and for two
hours it hung on. Finding that the
submarine was gaining. the Director's
captain gave orders to bring up from
the hold a spare derrick spar. It was
sawed into four lengths, wiicll were
mounted in a conspicuous manner on
the decks so that they would re
semble guna.
“It was evident that dummios were
immediately npoticed by the submar ge,
slackened speed and bugan to
Our capiain, to keep
up the deception, also did aome ma
peuvering and, withoul lessening bis
speed, endeavored to convey to the
submersible that he was trying to get
into position for a good Our
biuff suceeded, for the rubmarins
soon gave up the chase and disap
Man Refused to Hau! Italians Beyond
Destination, Shot.
Wilkes-Barre, Pa. March I5.—Six
builets in his head, causing practically
instant death, was the revanges tlires
Italians inflicted on John Melvin,
twenty four years old, of Port Gril
Sth, a jitney driver, because the latter
refused to hiul his three passenger
beyond his regular destination.
Two men arrested by the state po
Hee as suspects in the murder of Mal.
vin wern identifisad as the men who
murdered the jitney driver. They gave
their names as Samuel Salvo, twenty:
five yours old, and Louis Crambo. The
third companion, it is sald, hus been
identified as Gluseppl Pettary. aged
iwanty four, and the police have
trailed him to a mining hamiet in the
hills known as the Boston setilemant.
Origin of Fire Undetermined; Loss
Placed at $150,000.
Cloverport, Ky. March 15.-#ire of
andetermined origina destroyed the
roundhouse, machine and car repair
shops. of the Louisville, Henderson
apd St. Louis Railway company.
. Bix engines, six passenger coaches
and part of the work train equipment
also were burned. The loss is esi
mated at $150.000.
Chicago, March 15.
Rog»--Bulk, $5.7009.90; light, $9.28
mixed, 3500955; heavy,
$4099. roughs, $94599.680; pigs,
Catile-—Native beef stears, $7400
996; stockers and feeders, 35.900
8.10; cows and heifers. $3.7098.70;
calves, $850911.25
Sheap-~Wethers, $8.2598.85; lamba,
_ $0.76911.50.
"General Villa and his basdit dand,
‘said by creditable authority to total
Sot more than 400 n.en, were reported
beading for Galena, east of Casas
‘Grandes, a distance of twenty seven
Biles. It is necessary to cross through
iste pass, which divides a range
of rough mountains, to reach Galena
{from Casas Grandes or from Colum
ua, N. M., the present detraining
of the American army.
ve columns of Carransa
in pursuit of Villa, according to
‘Carranza Consul Gara
‘ One of the expeditionary forces
Juarez from Chihuahaa City
in command of General Lais Gutier
yes, military governor of Chihuahua,
‘and wént into camp at a bridge belew
Juarez. They are expected to move
southwest over the Mexico Northwes:-
‘ern raliroad at once and begin a cam-
| General Gutierrez gave out 4 state
‘ment that besides the troops holding
‘points and maintaining patrols, five
columns of 1.200 men each are closing
‘wp on the bandit chief under the re
‘spective commands of Gutierres him.
self and Generals Luis Herrera,
‘Rafse! Maldonado, Benjamin Gara
and Jose Cabazon.
Refugees Reach Agua Prieta.
. Douglas, Ariz. March 15.—A train
Sringtas approximately 200 Ameri.
eans and 100 Mexicans from Nacosaro
bas reached Agua Prieta. Employers
at El Tigre had decided that the situ
ation d.d not warrant their lesving
and remained at work, so the passen
‘gers reported. But American em
‘ployees of the Moctezuma Copper
‘Lompany came away, .«aving the prop
‘erties in the hands of Mexicans.
Mexicans Also Leave.
. Laredo. Tex. March 15.—The ex
odus of Americans from Mexico con
Li | through this port. Many more
is of the American Smelting
Pofintne samnaany from Mateh
la. San Luis Potosi, have come out
: M-~=v wealthy Mexicans
penton ha,” mericans because of the $10.15;
troops :
Wheat~May, $1.08
T84ec. Onts—May, 44Nec.
East Buffalo, March 16
Cattle-—~Prime steers, $3389.25; ship
ping, SR25@080; Dutihers, $8.15@
£85; heifers, $85008; cows. $407.50
bulls, S6@ 750; atockers and feeders,
$5.75 735. stock heifers, $506:
fresh cows and springers, 350100.
Veals, 4012.50.
Hogs~-Heavy and mixed 310.160
10.30: Yorkers, $350@1025; pigs, $9
@9.25; roughs, $925@9.35. stags #4
Shesp and Lambe—lambs, $80
11.58: yearlings, 365081935. wath.
ers, $7020.05; ewes, SER 51. sheep,
mized, §85048.75.
Pittsburgh, March 185.
Butter—Prints, 39@20% ec: tubs, 1%
@33%c. Eggs—Freah, 1245 6 Me.
Cattle—{Clhoics, 338925; prime, $3)
09335 good, $358098.90. tidy bu’rh
ers, $E25@0.75; fair, $38@826; com
mon, $8Q7. Reifers, 6/25: con
mon to good fat bu'ls, $8 %: common
to good fat cows, M@T7.50; fresh cown
and springers, $3E@ 75.
Sheep and Lambs—Prime wethers,
$909.25: good mixed, $5.4008 55: falr
mixed $7500.75; culls and common,
$5006; lambs. $75001150: veal
calves, B11@I11.75; heavy and thin
calves, §7@1850,
Hogw---Prime heavy hope, $10.35;
Reavy mized, $1030: medtums and
heavy Yorkers, $10.25; light Vorkers,
$5009.75: pigs. $9@9.25; rougha, $9
©9850; straps, $3@550. :
Cleveland, March 15.
Cattle—Chaice fat steers, §7.750
880: good to choice butcher steers,
§7#%: fair to good butcher steers,
$85087.25, good to choice heifers,
$6.25@97.35, goed to choice bulrther
bulls, $587.5. good to choles
cows, $684.50; fair to good cows, $b
@&8° common rows, 4#S
Calvea—Good to choice, $11 811.50:
fair to goed, $550@ 11; heavy and
common, $639.
shewp and Lambe—QGood
lambs, $114811.15; fair to sgood, $350
§10.58; good 10 chalice wethers, N50
€9: good 10 choice ewes, $RBR30
mix X=d | ewes and wethers, §R.20588 50;
Hogs---Yorkers, $10.10:
ta choice
$10.10; pigs, $3.75;
Vitions in the republic wags, ¥ 50; Tougha, 13.
Heavy Battalions Reported by
French Airman Bafora Yardun
He —————
Austrians Lost Two Ships by Torpedo.
ing After Eleven Hour Fight—-Artil
lery Action Continues at Verdun,
B:oriin Reports Clash Between the
Greeks ard Allles—Red Cross Sup
plies Burned at Halifax,
London, March ~Activities on
the Verdun front continue 10 be ch of
ly thore of artillery arm. wach
still in being vigorously employed
No infantry attack by the Gorman
bas developed of the Moga
where thers Pave been signs Lhat ®
renewal the drive in prospact
The afore, tir
have shifted in
give io the oth
indead, seats
its most inten:
hank of the
reconnaissance in
Haudremont wond, west
the French
wher a
forces in the
of Dednan
te have been checked oy
curiain of fra
Sogtheast of Dousumaent,
gon of Vaux a 4 Damionp th
vic! bombardment eon
in tbo
German axl
guns are busy pounding op
posing positions,
Heavy Gerpian
arriving at the Verdun
German artillery
rifle bombardment
Delaved dispaiches
elt report the oh
Germany frontier to insure secrecy fo!
roa movements,
teat by
is report od
in the ro
region, both
tira whila
Tr 5
PgR oh ¥
Seno n
reinforcements Are
Franch fleld
SON LIn ges tas
from Swiss
ina ming of The Bw
aviators, howsver took ad
vantage of unusually clear weather
and in alr invasions far back of the
Teuton lines ohserved the
of fread enemy legions.
Harold J. Tennant, under sacretary
for war introduced Ary
mintes bill in the house contmang
The measures palla for an army of
4.000 006 men al an sxnenss including
munitions, of $15.000.0060 daily,
Mr. Tenant said that it was not in
the public interest to give the num
bers of the men now serving in the
army or training for it,
Greeks Clash With Allies
There is increasing friction bolwesn
Greece and the ententa powars, ac
cording to advices from Qerman
sources. These declare that Premier
Skouloudin has notified the entents
ambassadors that the Greek govern
the mall
ment is indiaposad to transfer to the
entents the administration of rail
roads in northern Greecs and Mace
donin, to withdraw troops {rom
Macedonian region and to mest other
requests by the entente, Greek and
French soldiers are raported fo have
clashed on tie island of Mytelene
many hy Norway as to whether it was
a German submarine that torpedosd
the Norwegian bark Sillus,
with seven Americans on boari was
sunk last week off the French coast,
according to reports from Christiania |
Intense Itrlinn artillery firing along
the [songo front is apparently a pre
inde to an Important action,
Rome correspondent of the Times re
ported. The Italiau
blasted away enemy entanglements
and the Austrian artillery in replying
lesa vigorsusly, The [tallan osnsor
hip prevents the sending of more de
tails. err
Naval Battie In Adriatic.
Rome. March 15-—An eleven-hour
naval battle off the Albanian port of
Durazso preceded the sinking of the
Austrian destrovers Lika and Trigiay
The ministry of marine recently an
nounced the sinking of the enemy war
eraft. A letter from Franz Lugano
sn Austrian sailor of Italian origin,
from the Aastrian prisoners’ camp to
relatives in Italy, brought details of’
the action.
“Coming out of omr naval base to
bombard Durazio our fleet
tersd the Italians” Lugano wrots,
“We had notable successes but los!
two destroyers, thanks to IRalian sub
marines, Destiny maarked out my
own boat, the Lika, for one of the
“The battle occurred fust off Du
razzo. The first shot was fired at 7
a. m. and the fighting lasted until 8
o'clock at night. Shrapnel was burs!
ing all over our deck and 1 don”
know how many men [| saw die. The
dying were calling for help, bul thers
was nothing we could do. In the mids?
of all this the Lika was struck. Her
boilers and munition magazines ax
ploded and she lsaped into the alr
breaking in two
“Of 118 ten men on the Lika abou
B80 were saved, Ton or as were plokeg
up by Italian lifeboats. 1 had been
foating on some debris for two hon
Tha others were hauled aboard the
destrovers with ropes.”
Red Cross Supplies Burned.
Halifax, NR. March 15-4
amenity of Red Cross supplivs wus
burned in a fire which destraved No 2
pier of tha ateamship terminals here,
The loss is sstimated at $200 000
Mre. Casey, in charge of the sap
plies, who was in the building when
the fire started, was spizsing later
snd it was feared that she had lost
her life,
(Carrie Chapman Catt,
have been made of Cer
gunners have |
"Se et
Makes Roses Grow Ka
in Little Girls’
Don't let
4 $ O AY, A
Quality an
{al is Pure Food, and delicious, too.
rejudice make you pay more and get
less in wholesome food value.
“Try it with your next meal’
Moxlev’s Special never varies; it R sive surety! of purity
andsavesyou a good deal
Churned By
of money,
Wm. J Moxley, Inc.
Foetory (170.122 Flest Ave,
Branches | 117 Callowhill Se.
Pi Be.
Phi ttshurgh,
Write for 64 page book of
Famous Recipes «— Free.
Party Conventions in Large Numbers
Suffragiste Attend National
oA ai
DD &, March 6
of wornen, far
ie accredited
delegateg of twa
conventions of both the
and Republican parties
sccording ov a watement made by
the National Woman Suffrage
The purpose behind this move is lo
scire a party plank in each plutform
favoring voles for woman Mra
President of
(he National Assoclatinn, is now
devoting much time to planning the
seloction of these delegates, which
political attend the
In furthering (his
ton, Hartford, Manchester and |
Burlington in the New England
states, and will then go to New York, |
| out hed obligation wm
work | oO
Catt Yas recently visited Bos |
| seting directly
Pennsylvania, Ghlo, Michigan, snd
The work to be done at
conventions will Consin, merely
of parades and public demonstos
tions, although what promises to be
the greatest parade of
history is already assired
the two
at the
Chicago convention, but the de enates
10 support |
the suffrage plank, and no stones will
will be personally arged
he left unturned to commit the two
great partiey
party poilery.
How's This?
We offer One Hundred Dollars |
| In Tie Hu
Reward for any case of Catirrh |
that cannot be cured by Hull's
Catarth Cure.
FJ CHENEY & CO. Tolndo, O
We. the undernigived. have Known I
{ Cheney for the las 5 veurs, aiid bellave
him perfectly hongradble 1a all bushoess
) : | transactions asd
will represent as broad a territory as. aid Saancialn Ein 30 eure
lai fren,
Toles, (h
Hall's Caturrh Cure ie taken Internsily
upon thie Blood and mu
com surfaces of (he syste: Testimoninis
sent free Price 5 conta per bodtie Seid
by all Drugatats.
Take aii v Family Pills for sesstipation.
the family
ting their
‘center table.
of your family
of eye strain and the
each room-—sitiing room,
Ax a nesult of
murrors, brich eming faded
of work, if 3 enportunt to
your dealer jor
by name.
All the winter day you look forward to
the evening, to serving supper, to seeing
gathered in the sitting room
—father reading, the young ones get
: —all surrounded by a soft flood
of hight from the beaming lamp on the
That same lamp is important, for upon the
light it casts depends the good evesight
To avoid any possibility
nervousness that follow, make certain that
~—18 lighted by Rayo Lamps.
A +e et FE eS T RS ——— rE ——
7 n
We Teall gait!
you yourself mellow light-—a
| fjreates
suf rae
to equal suffrage as a
World-famons Temor, Saye:
| completely
satisfies my
important of
all, from a
Tuxedo does
not irritate
“Tuxedo Does Not
lrritate My Throat”
T hat’ 5
what the w
tenor savs
uxedo. That's what seu
| will say about Tuxedo atter
you've given this mildest
and pleasantest of all tobag-
cos a week's trial,
Petfoct Tobaccs for Poe and Clout
The original '' Tuxedn Freee
of refining mild Kenta by
mellowed by 3 10 5 +
prritively removes eo
harshness and 'b
Put Tuxedo to the ape 10g at
will show HTH
of men, Tuxedo Cust
right’’ smoke.
Read the puarantee in the top of
every tin,
You can buy Tuxedo everywhere
YOu wwii ta rad
the only
midars, de
and 80¢,
la Clare
Shand ade.
Some fellows advertise like they
take salle, and expeet the same
thorough resalts.
ee r—
And to get the very best results, fill them
with Rayolight Oil
mechanically perfect—they never flicker
ror smell, but they do throw a flood of soft,
light that 1s ideal for read-
iniz, sewing or playing. And the Rayo is a
beautiful lamp—-special designs for special
Rayo Lamps are
rooms—-but every Rayo Lamp can be
headaches and
for heating,
parlor, kitchen
best teing they Know for pol sh
regtoring dn vues, eit Notura ly,
the very finest grade of xerasene
- RSS cH Sa tea
easily and quickly cleaned.
Of course, Atlantic Rayolight Oil does
best mn Rayo Lamps, but it will improve
the light of any lamp. Really the best
Hghting and domestic uses
It burns what smell or smoke, and it burns
ur wideiv advertised request, thousands of carerud housewives tell us that
Atlantic’ Ravolight Ou is the very
i wirdoes and
far this Kid
~$0 Be cerran fo ask
It costs no more than the unknown, untried kind.