* Ta a li hr Riad CRA OF Telliog of Those Who are Visiting, and These Whe Have Visitors, With Other News of Our Busy Littie Town Dr. C. L Baldwin, Dentist Herman Osman, of St. Lawrence, was calling on friends here last Sat urday. ° Mrs. John White, of Willinmsport, was visiting at the home of Mrs W J. Donnelly last week. Miss Bessie Kusner, who has been suffering with appendicitis and who wag in Philadelphia recently under going treatment, is again under the «are of a physician there. An opera tion will probably be necessary. Angelo Marks, who underwent an operation at the Spangler Hospital recently. is again able to return to school Preeman B Williams is in the county seat this week szerving as a Jaror. Misg Gertrude Huber, daughter of AK. Huber was taken sick last Ny while visiting her uncle In Hastings and has not recovered sufficiently to return home. "W. J. Morgan, Superintendent of the Patton Silk Mill, intends having the Interior of the mill painted with Misses Maud and Ora McCulley ‘were visiting in Westover last week William McGee, of Lumber City, ‘was bere last week calling on friends Miss Josephine litzinger was a Johnstown caller last Satarday Miss Ethel Litzinger is visiting mn Pittsburg this week. Ex-Burgess Jerry. Ford, who wns sonfined to his home for the past month with grip. ia gain able to al tend to his work, George Glarth, brother of Harry ‘Garth, engineer of the Patton Silk Mill, has returned to Altoona after visiting here for some time C. Black has resigned his position a8 night watchman at the Silk Mill He is sncceedod by Albert Law. Miss June Rhody, Clarence Austin, | and Wellwond Winslow attended the dance at Cresson last Monday. A. S:iadier, superintenient of the, Portage Silk Mill is visiting at the pome of W. J. Morgan Rey. I [) Kauffman, formerly of the Methodist church of this place hut now jooated in Altoona, spent Wo few days among friends here thid week. Mrs. LL. 'W. Maurer, spent Tues. day in Carrolltown visiting friends FOR SALE-—~One lot of ground S0x1560. well jocated Inquire of Gar field Wilkins, 5th avenne, Patton Pa Mr. and Mrs. MF. Edmiston and daughter Anna and Rath, bave re turned to thelr home in Jersey Shore! after a vis! lo the formers parents! Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Edmiston, MISS ROSEMARY WIRTNER iI TENDERED A PARTY Carrolllion, March 8 - Patton and ail those people Who are interested in the movement for {the Kberation of women, and grant Ling them the ballot, had an oppor tunity to express their sentiments and tha appreciation of good work ‘that has been done, by being present at the meeting held in the Miners | Hall, W adnondty. March 1st A splendid program was arranged and the organization was fortunate in securing the wervices of Mrs Kiernan, of Somerset Pa. to addross the audience Mr. Garfield Wilking president and Mrs. V. A. Murray acted an ssors Leary. After a few preliminary re Marks the mesting was opened with a song hy the andience “he second number wax a Vocal goln by Mrs. Carrie Rogers of Spang ler. Pa The third numher wis a song by the audiance The fourth number was as rocal Aast hy Misses Merdith and Good of Barneshoro. | The fifth number was an Address i by Mrs. Kiernan | Next followed a “vocal solo by Burley Evang Mr. Evans 8 3 new domer in Patton and {ss connected with tha Central Supply Company {Ha has made himself popular by his activity in church and concert solo work AIR. Both Miss Merdith and Miss Good wera the reciprocants of very hearty Applause No. 8-8olo by Mrs. Carrie Rodgers Mrs Rodgers in the selection sang Mrs. Kiernan The Principal Speitker i A Few Now is the time to begin the usual Summer Sewing. We have many things to offer that will be of interest to professional dress- makers and home sewers. Lonsdale Cambrie { Nainsook finish per yard 18e Fine grade Mush Nuinsook, per yard, at Be, 10¢ and 12¢ 18e, 18¢, 200, 26¢ and 30¢ , por vard, at Long (loth, per yard, at .... 1be, 18¢, 20¢c and 25¢ Flaxon, {Plain and Faney Dinety, per yard, 25¢ and 38¢ ®t : . 185¢ and 2bc . per yard, ut Plain and Seed Voile, per yard at eh . 38c Silk’ Shirting, per yard, at Hook and Eyes, I froess (Clasps, a ecard (edlar Ntays, 50c and 85¢ a ecard ‘il ; ; : Be 5 and 10c each : is : i le NT Epoal Cotton, a spool : Cia Se < Pearl Buttons, a dozen Ne Te-A vocal solo by Miss Mer Boned loside Belting, a yard | Eg nae ea 100 Siag Folds, a ecard oi Tt Sy iaaiikK Bias Linen Tape, a card Thimbles each “Jerusalem.” and the spirit that she put Into the song. the peronality of and long clapping of her hearers. Lilley whose ability is well known in Best grade of No- 3A violin solo by Richard Patton. Mr. Lilley was accompnnled iat the piano by Miss Mirian Lilley Na. 3 {The tiosing number) the singing of “America” by the audience. It would be interesting for everyone whether in favor or appousd to the movement to have heard the talk of iMrs. Kiernan. She opened her ad. dress with an explanation of the new which would make Wo | amendment men Suffrage a national issue Mrs Kiernan congratulated the State of | Pennaylvania on its near victory in the last selection She praised Cam. ‘Bria county and even more lauding "Patton on the splendid returns here She quoted that 53 per cent of the [donired majority was obtained, like (wise an Wcreass of 55.000 votes Bhe explained the large cost and sacri fice that was made by soms women: ‘and the large amount of money that {wag expended, nearly $80,000 in all, ifor election funds. | Mr Wilkins prior to passing the basket for contributions made a play’ upon these statistics, and informed the audiencs that they were having ithe collection that they might meet (the deficit of $51,000. ; Mrs. Kiernan in a scholarly way | began showing analogous movemen's and the way they had been opposed ‘by the majority of people. She showed how Galileo was imprisoned | for Bis beliefs: how everyone was skeptical, Later in regard to the | specasaful steamboat, how the in| [vention of the telegraph was fought. | She related a very funay story in re | gard to the railroad, and a popular | better that it wis emissary of the event Her stury of the first cook (#tove was Indeed discussive of a person whom It is heard to com Vince. On the whole the meeting was ‘a srand success, and shows the mani | festation of the spirit of the people and the feeling of those who worked hard that the women might granted the ballot. Considering the inclement weaiher coaditioos, the turn out of people was a credit to the, organization and Mrs Kiernan | prophesied next year she has no. doubdt that the Womens' Organiza’ tion of Patton will increase in like. numbers, "The Two Orphans” at the Males | ‘tie Theatre, Monday night. Featuring : William Shay. Theda Bara and Jean Sothern. | — oma ont GET OUR HIGH GRADE BUTTERINE | BY PARCEL POST 8 pounds our Special Brand, 25¢ per Ih. 9% [bs $2 2% 8 Ihe Our Royal Brand, 23¢ per ib }9 Ida. of Our Peariess Brand $1.50 Peerless sent in 8 1h packages only KINGSTON’S MARKET 234 FRANKLIN STREET ~. Johnstown, Pa J. Lo Kingston, Proprietor. Sims... i... $2.00 We pay the postage and give color A PATTON INTERVIEW Mrs. Cairns Tells per Experience Newdlos (all sizes 4 The following brief accaunt of an, Cinterview with a Paton womans six. years ago, and ita sequal, will be reat | with keen interest by every citizen Mrs. J. Cairns. Terra Cotla Ave... Puitog, saya “1 bad severe pane across the small of my back, especial: | iv after | did any washing or {roning. I suffered from dull, dizzy deadmches pearly every day, 1 used different prescriptions, but couldn't find relief’ untii 1 took Doan's Kidney Pills They strengthened my Back and relieved the beadaches. [| kept on uring Doan's Kidney Pills until 1 was well and strong as ever.” MORE THAN SIX YEARS LATER, Mrs Cairng said Pils have cured me and the cure has “Doag's Kidney | been permanent. | am pleased to tell (all my friends about Doan's Kidney | Pilla.” simply ask for a kidney remedy ge! Doan’'s Kidoey Pllls—the same that Mra. Cairns ha twice publicly recom. mended. Foster-Milburn Co.. Props, Buffalo, N. Y. rnin Tr TI 7 be | Don't mise Theda Bara and Wm Shay in “The Two Orphans” at the Majestic Theatre Monday night. | mae 'Catarth Cannot Be Cured i with LOCAL APPLICATIONS as they . cannot reach the seat of the disease. Ca: { tarrh ie a blood er enastitutican! disease, t wnsd In order te sure 11 you must take in ternal remedios. Hall's Catarrh Cure is {taken Internally. and sets directly upon the Blood and mucous surfeee Hails Crtarrh Cure ie pot a geack medicine. It wis prescribed By ene of the best phy | ghrians In this country for years and Be a regular preseription. It Is composed ef | thie best tonics known, combined with the ' hewt blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combina “tion of the two ingredients ls what pro dicen such wonderful resalls In euring EP eatmerh Mend for testimonials, Tree LF J CHENEY & CO, Prope, Toiwle, O Haid hy Drogeinte pris The Take Hails Family Plies for senstipation. DR. B. J. OVERBERGER DENTIST Office in Weible Bui ling PATTON, PA ! REUEL SOMERVILLE Attorney-at-Law PATTON, PA. Ofiee in the Geed Building. Price Lie at all dealers Don't Pins, a package Sharps Chas. F. Pitt Co. Patton, Pa. ai We have the exelusive soiling rights for this great laxative. Trial mze, 10 cents. GUNN DRUG CO. THE REXALL STORE If You Are Thinking ‘of buying a automobile now is the time to place your order for spring delivery, we have the following cars in our show reom, come and look them over: The Ford 20 H. P, five passenger at $440.00, F. O. B. The Dodge 35 H. P, five Passenger at $785.00, F. O. B. Studebaker 40) HP. seven passenger $545.00 F. O. B. Mitchell § or 16, 48 H. P., seven passenger $1285.00, F.O.B. Write or eall for ( atalogues. i HASTINGS AUTO COMPANY Haotimgse, Pa. Meatereanne Sel pel us Sh