g Col TR RN pg RR "PATTON COURIER © 7 ESTABLISHED 1893 STAR PRINTING COMPANY B. L. BUCK, Editor. W. H. BURD, President A a a IES et TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION $1.00 per year, payable in advance. ser nes ier ern ot - oc re fy 4, Me No papers until alt arrsarsges are paid, unless at the option of the publisher Entered st the PostofMce at Patton as second class mail matter. ADVERTISING RATES Legal notices $150 per moh for (OF the prevention and cure of diph-| three insertions Cards of thanks 6¢ per Une Resolutions Be per line Pusiness locals bc per line Political advertising 10¢ per line or 0c per inch display. parsble strictly in advance. Foreign advertising must he paid for imvarably in advance. No oom mission paid to advertising agents Pebruary 3nd was groundhog day. In practically all parts of the county ‘the day was dark and dismal at Jeast In this vicinity such was the esse. Professor Groundhog was un able to see any signs of his shadow, ‘and go, aceording to the popular superstition we sre ‘ns have an early spring. As facts have shown in former | | | { Taken From The Courier of Thurs day, February 28, 1895 TT Antitoxin Used in Patton i Dr. 8. W, Worrell, of this place, performed the use of the wonderful new diphtheria remedy antitoxine, on 1 ithe children of John Williams at Me Cormicks mineg one day Inst week {with gratifying results. The dis icovery of antitoxine as a new agent i therin was announced by Prof Emil Behring, of Halle, about four years ano. Although received at frst with (more or less incredulity, the new ‘remedy has borne successfully the test of actual nse, and it [a now re cognizved by high authorities ag one of the beneficient and interesting dis coverioes in modern pathology . Horsts are now exclMively employed ito fumish the blood serum in which jUlnir, Lower Yoder Towuship. Isadore Farabaugh, Carrolitown,: and Elizabeth Kline, Elder towns {ship : | | William Aschom and Minole Wal. (ters, West Taylor Township. i Albert Yeager and Charlotte M : {Goughoour, Conemaugh. | John G. Lixfleld, Gazsam. Pa. | Esther I. Berrigner, Mahaffey, Pa. | Personals ; B. Straw, the husiling clerk In Balls store and John Mitchell, spent. Sunday with friends at Irvona. i { Mr. Fltapatrick’'s new buliding on Magee avenue is rapidly nearirg com. pletion. § i . "Richard Williams, the son of John Williams who wag operated on to re. eve a bad case of diphtheriatic croup, which mantion was made in i this paper last week, Is reported fo the astitoxine is developed and con® out of danger and recovering, tained Banquet at Cresson (rapidly. { i On Sunday John Bender, who lives! On Friday evening tae Ebensbhurg ‘ ®t of Patton received a very pain. lodge of Masons held a grand ban. [quer at the Anderson house at (res! ‘son which was to be the finest ever! held In this section. Johnstown South Fork, Wilmore, Portage. Lilly, ‘Gallitain, Patton and Hastings were repreviented. The banquet table was years, howaver, this popular bdut charmingly arranged and the menn fallacious guporstition has not been Substantiated By facts. The weather burean record; for a long term of years show that a shadowless groiind. hog day presages a ale spring oftener than it doeg an early spring. This year since that day we have had undroken winter for four weeks and vel. actordiag to this fad we ware to have spring-like weather daring these four weeks. Consequently re gardlesg of the weather which is to some, the theory that this animal mows something about the weather = again proven to be false. Buperstitions could not live long if people would only take the tremble to vam them down. drive them back Into thelr holes, and stop up the holes with solid chunks of facts. Thera is nothisg superstition hates so much ag facts; In short, superstition cannot Hyves in an atmospheres of truth: It flourishes and thrives on error and nothing euperstition hates go much when people degin to think ' me by two pins. but dropped the second by a iarge margia. Ia the Saal round they came from behind and Duried the locals under an elaborate. Ed James of Ebensbhurg was master of ceremonies and among those who responded were Alvin Evans, George A. Kinkead, Henry | Taylor, William Mitchell and county superintendent J. W. Leach. The fol. wing people from this place at tended: R. McPherson and wife; John Somerville and wifa: John Aah. croft and daggbter, Maggie; W. C Baum and wife; Dr. J. J Waelda and wife. L. 8. Bell; Dr. 8. W. Wor rell accompanied by his two sisters Emma and Minnie of Clearfield A Sad Accident On Tuesday an accident oceyrad in the family of Marko Suma in which a twoyearold daoghter Jost her life Mrs. Buma was washing and had taken a holler full of water off the stove and ait it on the foor and the Httle girl fell backwards into it. She was scalded to bad that the flaaki dropped off. Bhe died in aboul sight hours after the accident. i A Sudden Death The Courier very much regrets to learn of the death of Mr. John William Burkey, of Patton, which took place on Saturday aftarsoon at 2%. Mr. Burkey was !akoen sudden § iy ill on Batarday night, February 17th, but aot thinking his disesss a dangaeroug one, conssquently did not call 8 physician until Tuesday noon, when Dr. Murray was summonasd sod aftar & most careful sxamisation diagnosed hig ease as developing sp: pendiaitis, which later showed symp toms of diffused peritonitis, the 3 _proguosis of which ig very grave in ‘dead. and on Friday after sveryihing 117 28 Nn 106 28 128 111 12% 123 128 58 11 18 Patton ; Ave i 122 148 122 132 i 104 13 134 156 137 106 108 88 8923 107 108 97 10% 13 A CARLOAD OF FREIGHT EVERY SEVEN SECONDS FOR AN ENTIRE YEAR ———— means to handle the freight by art of surgical aclence, aad Drs. gy The Allegheny township! known to medical sclance had been practically tried with seemingly no improvement, his ouly hope eft was Ries. of Hastings, Murray and Nooa- | aa. of Patton met i» consultation. and after explaining the sarious con. dition which axisted to the family, they concluded to take the only | chances left and oonsented to an ioperation. This revealed the fact that lie had gangremous appendicitis which had ruptured, letting the eon- | ‘tanty of hig bowels into the peri tones! cavity, this of Iitssif belax jenough to have caused him to perish | in a vary few hours. However he lived about fifteen hours after the presents a vivid picture of operation sad was eonsciong to the | last moment. death being due 10, 0 Mrs Yahner, Mrs. McMullen, of one of the great raflroads shock resulting from perfarmatios of srs. Little, Mrs. Youmg Mm. } country {the vermiform appendix asad from : the your 1915 the New the rusdsorption of septic matter lo Central Rallroad haadied 4.507 sarioads of freight, an equivalest every seven seconds. arg is placed in lias would a train 34150 miles long—e to the circulation of the Nlood. ! Mr. Burkey was aged 27 years and i with 5.000 miles left over to form s Sclemtious man. The funeral ser elrele around the United States as sa setting. This will conevy some idea of the immensity and eficlency of modern toamsportation by rail, which has revolutionized the commerce and efvillzation of the world within less han » esntury. a ANNOUNCEMENT vicey were held in St, HBenadict Catholle church at Carrolitown on Monday at 18 o'clock A. M. and his ‘ramalins were aid to reat at that place. - The ceremony was conducted by father Marceilius. Marriage Licenses i The following marriage llcensas iwers issued by the Clark of the Wisgey Catherine Gorsuch, Catherine Orphans’ Court for the week endisg Asmouncement is made in am ad Thursday, February 21. 1895: vertisement elsewhere in this paper William M. Wissingor and ANNA Monteith, Elizabeth and Margaret that the merchants of Johnstown are Elizabeth Bheam, Stonyereek town Boggan, Marie Lowes, Mildred Turn- again uniting in a Combined Spring ship. Opening. Thiy means that om the Logis Sherman, Johnstown, and three days chosen, Wednesday, Thurs. Cathrine McDermott, Houtadale, Pa. ' Anderson, Bertha Lacus. Amanda day and Friday March 15, 1¢ and 17.) F. C. Sensabaugh, Dunlo and Zoe Rowland, Bernice Shunkwiler, Celine the storeg of that city will show Fleming, Cookport, Indiana county. latest thoughts in all lines of Honry Stoltz and Maggie Kirk goods, all the way from hats patrick, Carrolltows. shoes to furniture and new 1916 John Bentel aad Fate Horfek of farming implements. eelebration such as attended i Joheatown. the Trade Expo in the Fall is being tal, Johnstown. sitempted. Each merchant is pre Frank Koniesak gnd Rosalia Bach and Rev and Mrs. “Schaebly. paring, however, to offer special at- Jods. CGallitxia. - tvustions {n hig own line of husiness ft Albert M. Jones and Mary J. St ‘ladies won by 72 points Mra, Bar baugh. i {Allegheny township. (leavey a wife and two children. He 5 moved to this place from Trust Pr. A very pleasant surprise party was O., Adamg county, &bOAL OA JOAT|,..4 1441 Tuesday evening sf the teaasportation ring around the world SEC 8nd was a= industrious and con |p 00 of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard - Flizabeth lacue Alva Radieliffa, and . patrick, Robert Flaher. Donald Haist Frank Thomasherger snd Augzasta (lark. Thomas Turnbull, Charlas ful accident by being booked in his! right ayd by a cow. Although ant! seriong the actident will cause him considerable trouble for a few days. The work on the new M. E. par sonage, which ig being ersecled op : Palmer avenue is bhelng pushed very! rapidly under the supervision of Bloom and Spencer the contractors. AA AIRS SB st Recent Parties geenl raries ——— 4 SURPRISE PARTY HELD 4 AT NEARBY HOME ' i Last Thursday evening & very pisasant surprise pariy was held af the home of Mr. sud Mrs. F. E. | Farabaugh, in honor of Mrs. Farw | saugh, it being the Oly first anniver sary of her birth : The avening wag spent in cards| with the Tollowing present | Masdames and Messrs, F. E. Fare | baugh. John Urich, Ed. Sherry, Thomas Bishop, Barth Young Ed. | fditie, M. F Farabaugh, Henry Donahue, Walter Little, A, W Smith | bower, Chas. Hobert, Joseph Fisher | Joe Bitmbower, John Long, William Lamont, Frank Campbell, Mesdames § John McDonald, Mary kdizinger, Mary Fisher G. MH. Langbein, Paul Biller, Plus Yahuaer, Fred Smithbower Jos Karihelp, Misses Mary, Mayme and Neilla Mopkins, Elizabeth and Kathrra MoMahon, Martha Anon! Ansa Lehman, Regina, Rose, Beribu, Mary and Agnes Farabaugh, asad Monsrs. Chas lanbein, A. EE. , George and Charles Farabaugh. After the gagieg Wire Over an ef. codlent lunch wig served On February 20 a slelghing party of ladieg from Allegheny township came to thin place to play euchng aga nat the Patton ladies. Af 7:30 am aysiar supper was served 10 the slaighing party af the home of Mra Ed Sherry. They played euchre until nett won (he prize, & handsome auty: mobile vell. The following are the names of the Allsglteny township ladies preseat: Missy Margaret and Alma Cramer, Dora and Aasnle Kaylor, Margaret and Rosa Little, Tiille Fradley, Maude Roy. Linnie snd Title Conrad, Mrw. | John MeGough, Mrs, Joseph Short, and Mrs John Barnett. The Patton ladies were: Mrs. EBA. Sherry, Mrs. Thomayg PBishop, Mra, Hurd, Mra. Mary Flasher, Mrs. Le- mont, Mrs. Doashue Mm. Fame Fisher, and Mrs. Modestas Fars A return game will be played in Ao SH SS 'Lacus, fn homor of the anniversary of the birth of their son, Joswph. The ‘avening was spent in musie and Ramey After which a grand march ‘wan rendered while the children ‘gathered around a beautifully decom. {ted table wheres a palataliie lunch wag served |! The following people wars present | Wedlake, Mildred Hincox, Margarst i Lacue, Catherine Gibbon, Margarst bull, Clara Cartwright Boertha Wi kinson, Louise Dechamp, Augusia Lacue, Sallie Wilaom, Mar Hart's, : Messrg James Fitzpatrick, John Flite. Paul Gibbon, Palmer Lees Raymond Walty, Lemiah Fisher. Josaph Laeus, rn We have one of the largest and most compete ; .» cs of up-to-date merchandise in this section Shoes! WE CARRY A $10,0000 BTOCK OF MEN'S, WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S SHOES IN ALL THE LATEST STYLES AND LEATHERS. OUR SHORS ARE PURCHASED DIRECT FROM THE PACTORY AND ARE ALL SOLID LEATHER AND GUARANTEED TO GIVE SATISFACTION. WE NAVE JUST OPENED FOR YOUR INSPECTION A LINE OF LADIES’ GYPSY ROOTS, PATENY LEATHER, DULL, BRIGHT KID, WITH EITHER WHITE OR BLACK EDGING $350 AND $4.00. oes! i Educator Shoes For Men, Women and Children. Co-operste with nature and let the ALL LEATHERS. child's foot grow as it should. Prices, children’s, sizes 6 to 8, $1.75; Misses, 8} to 11, $2.00; 11; to 2, $2.50; Women's, 2 to 7, $3.00. Try our line of Dr. Reed's celebrated, only original shoes for men. The cushion kind. Price $5.50. Cal J. P. Smith and Co. Shoes for Men. An exclusive line. Black and Tan English Bals, bench made. Price $5.00. # & 3 “a! it rings the Advertise In The Courier. W.L. THOMPSON PATTON, PA. Sp Baba = ave your ol obaccos in the vat good old FIVE BROS t long Cut and { the others” Its got ‘em all ¢¥f 1 amiic. Foro or chew and every way you load up with it Body, richross, snap--that's FIVE BROTHERS! You can rail your tongue around a plump chew of FIVE PROTIERS and know you're living. And it smokes siow and cool—a flavery smoke that makes you grip your pipe hard end po to it. The leaf for FIVE BROTHIIRS is aged from three | to five years to give it that rich, mellow, satis- fying taste the hearty smoker bungers for. A week's trial wi] make you a permancut user of FIVE BROTE- ERS, FIVE BROTHERS is sold everywhere—get a package today. THE AMERICAN TOBACCO COMPANY ) every time = RIT PR SAL: Se —-— 0] bet that if you