A a Se ————— Wo ono i HS SES Bs A hs = matter of fact oleo- margarine fs a belter and purer Butter than nines tenths of the dxiry roduets marketed” Dr, A. GL Stoekwels, New York City, - Signs 1 " sonal Ars Now Lacking | Germany, While Sidestepping Exact “Try 'it/ with your next meal’’ Everything that goes into * Morley “ al Oleom Frock andis tested rine is ca by scientific refully as aT ds A vid iyi Where Quahity and Ecbhbnomy Meet The name Moxley, has stood for highest qual. ity in olcomargarine for 35 years. There are of necessity many grades of butter; there is only one of Marley THE B Charved by FACTOTY BRANES ’'s Special “1t is rads Wm. J. Meier, Inc. Chicags. ‘iar Pio Arwen Patsbargh, Po 17 Callowhill Stress, Micvdelpibia, Pu. Write Low 64. P ase bank of Famous Becipes-- FREE APARNA BESS The Fist National ark PATTON PENNSYLVANIA Capital paid up - - - ESTABLISHED 1893 1k The Oldest National Bank in Northern Cambria A general bankilig business tricasacted. We ilvite personul «oe «$100,000.00 $0,000.00 Word “illegal,” Admits Attack on Vesné! Carrying Americans was Un intentional and Wili Makes Repara tion on That Basis, and What Is im portant, There Will Be no Repetition, Washington, Feb. 9~—The United | Biates and Germany have resched an agreeinent for a complete settlement of the Lusitania controversy, Official sunouncenient to this effect wis made following a conference hetlween See retary Lapsing and (Count von Bern gorfl, the German grobassador, Acearding (vo American officials, the getitement uv based on a complels compliance by Germany with all of the demands of the inited Sites as at forth in the first American pote Of May 13, and reiteriied in the potas f June 8 and July 11, A similsr statement is made in Ger. man circles. ab hourly it is declared that by avoldance of the expression fllegal In deberibing the act of re talintion against Gren! Britain which resulted in (he siaking of the Last tania Germsny bas saved herself from humiliation, All int respning ¢ » done ix the engragirient of the aprecment in the ahiape of a forme! node from the Ber fin foreign fee hearing the signature pf Count von Jagow, Wie Gergian for eign painister La & mited gtely gfor ihe 5 purterance von PBergataell sont 8 #ireless meNsape to Berlin announcing the gevestnent and suggesting tat the text of the agreomnent alt wich he Prwarded hy cable thradgh ie aint gepnr ment and the United Sues on basay in Berlin, be signed it naes and returned with Intrnctions wideh will enable an Imoediste pulidication ; , of the agreement These Insirneciions, the ambassade: Poets to recatye an oF before hext Monday, along with the formal nate Al thE ame tivee Te aRressnnt 14 pohlished. the state depariment it is declared, will make public a formal AdcHplanes af the agreement The settlement affected wai annirs iy on the basis of the memorandum which Count von Berpstorfl pryssnied tn Beeretnry Lansing last Friday Afternoon from his government. Thal memorandur, the ambassador made clear, represented the absolute limit ‘to which Germany would go and that it constituted, In Germanya view, a complete acquiescence in what the United Stntes was demanding. OMcinls described this memoran Idumy as contsining “language sal mterviews or correspondences with firms and individuals [Wishing to establish or thauge their banking relations INTERESTS PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS | ~ Stecuship Tickets for all the leading Lines: Foreign Dralt . payahie in the principal cities of the world Safe Deposit Boxes for nse of tur patrons furnished free. You should have one or more of ovr Saving Banks in vour home Will teach the children practical lessons of economy wm. H. SANFOR D President. FRANK 1. BROWN J. A. BOCHWAB, President. Ve a . - i A MSc —————— BARA SR SMI Sh 0 GIR Eel A oT ; aa A M.D BEARER, Cashed Yr. Jd. I VAN WERT, Vice Proaic dent. b. G. DUMM, Asst ‘THE GRANGE NATIONAL BANK oF PATTON PA. ORGANIZED AUGUST, 1006 Deposits Dee. 31st, 1906 Dee. 31st, 1907 ' Nov. 27th, 1908 - Sept. 1st, 1909 Sept. Ist, 1910 Dee. 5th, 1911 Nov. 26th, 1912 Aug. Sth, 1913 Sept. 12th, 1914 3 PER CENT Interest Paid on Time Deposits 3 SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT $60,000.00 20,000.00 $ T6.T773.52 201.964 18 224 Rains 379.2749. x} S91 hah.li: 421 612 ; $00 550052 576, 741 96 Drafts Issued on all Parts of the World. A General Banking Business Transacted. We Solicit Your Accounts THE ADVERTISED ARTICLE is one in which the merchant himselt has implicit faith—else he will not advertise it. You are safe in patron izing the merchants whose ads ap pear in the Record because their goody are up to date and not shop worn. % Notice. A meeting of the stockholders of the Harnesboro Building & Loan As sociation, for the purpose | ficlently broad to cover substantially the demands of the United States” The United States ian not inoreased (its demands sinde the controversy first started nor hax it reduced them, [ As wo have reached a seliiement you can infer ar to the extent of eatistac tion obtalsend, was one high official's version, / 3 : From a reliable fotiden IE wii asoer tained that the tormnd note focgy Ger pany will net invisde the “word [Millegal” In deseribing the si! which cansed the death of 115° Apserican Pen, women and children who wers Float when the Lusitinia was sent to Pthe bottom. D-fa on hia word tha ita #a bE EEE ramir ay phe bafarmsl Begoliiliond during the past wo months have center In sybstance the note an This vital point will say that inasmuch as the American eitizens came to thelr death ! by an set of erataliisiian which mn Pvolved the killiae of sentral PETEONS, Germany feels instilled in paving In | demnity in Geran auarters I is estendea that this statement does not involve ian admission that the act of retalin Chon Weel? was (Hegnl, as the United i : Amuarican-Hawalian Company. Retires Leag-Hawaiian | States has maintaingd. At the same I time pach government, it was nggest. i | od, is loft fee to interpret to its own | Hi [ king or advantage whether an ad | mission ix made by Germany that the act of retaliation, per WE, WAR iHegal. | STEAMSHIP COMPANY WITHDRAWS SERVICE Until Canal 's Opened, | New York, Feb. 9-—The withdrawal | of twelvé steamsiips, the largest | American freighters in servica in the | Pacific, was announced by the Amery | Steamship company, | practically the only big conipany I whose flee sails unger the American i fag in the Pacific. The stemsnship company has had 81 i teen hig cargo vessels in service be tween Néw York, Sun Francisco, Seat tle and other Pacific poris and - Hawaii. sailings from New York being made every five days. The cloning of the Panama canal for an indefinite period on account of | glides and the congestion in the rail road vards in New York, making quick handlicg of shipments from ow of town destined for Pacific ports Im of electing possible, are the reisons given by the oflicers, directors and auditors for company for the change. The ships the ensuing year, will be held in the released by the company will be used First National Bank building of Bar as free lance freighters, opem to nesborg on Feb. 2lst, 1916. between the hours of 3 sad 3 P. M. charter or profitable service with | reasonable safety ia any art of the no Geo. ¥. Wildeman, Sec: | Workl. | So — —— i ES Pe Oversee me wm wit event og NESS manners SESE a - ora aa—— Be wir we os All the winter day you look forward ! the evening, to serving supper, to seeing the family gathered in the sitting room father reeding, the young ohed git ting their lessons’ done, you vourself sewing-—all surrounded by a soft flood of light from the Beaming lamp on the center table That sume lamp is Important, for upon the light if casts depends the good eyesight $f your family, To avoid any possibnlity of eve strain and the beadaches and nervotisness ht follow, make certain that each room--sitting room, oaror, kitchen —i% lighted by Rayo Lamps. As @ retail of var widely advertised ieguest, thon Atlantic Rayolight Ou is the very ben) thing your degier for by name. It costs no more than the onlinewn, antried kind. fate of cae al foaiseanves fell is that ¥ Row far pot sili windows cad mirrors, brivhaening fod Bd parpens, restieing Ha team elt. N of work, & is important fo get the very finest pra if Retiutane 40 be ceria 10 ask ATLANTIC %,. TE a —— And to get the very best results, fill them with Rayolight Oil. Rayo Lamps are mievhaically perfect—they never flicker wor smell, but they do throw a flood of soft, millon [pita Heht that is ides! for rend- | min, semving or pliving. And the Rayo is a beautiful limp~-special designs for Special roditsbat every Rayo Lamp can be easiby and quickly cleaned. Of course, Atlantic Rayolight Oil does best in Rayo Lamps, but it will improve the digit of any lamp. Really the best for heating, lighting and domestic uses. It Burns withoat smell or smoke, and it burns ecamnnicailty. sd SRR ASH. — ataritite, for ths kind PSS Sense A Rt ATLANTIC REFINING COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA MIA ot ON 8 ps SE ‘ EE a To A Rls sonny vs fs—— ¥ H { i LA ih Hd Bh A Oa Sn Se that it juot rakes al man n Savy he didn't get wind of this pipe and cizerett smoke long, long ago. time, qui a3 the goodness of Prince counts it lost Albert gets {rm set in his Lic ! The patented process fixes that—and cuts out bite and parch h! Get on t'2 right-smeke-track soon as you know how! Understand yourself how much you'll like | the national joy smoke It stands to reason, doesn't it, that if men all over the Watch your step! I's emuy te clinngs the whepe smd color of waasiabile bounds % Copyright 104 hr RL Beynoiis Tobmixe Us bor eantste thir dues Nibert tally rod ben, dul i ie desi hde te antate tha flavor of Prince Aibert Yobivieo patuntad | process protects that! jo nation, all over the world, prefer P. A. that it must have all the qualities to satisfy your fondestijesires? Men, get us right ori Prince ' The Albert! We tell you this tobacco will prove: better than you can figure out, it's so chummy and fra- grant and inviting all the time. Can't cost you more Jif® than Sc or 10610 get your One Little Ad. Won't Do It You've Got to Keep Them eA he oe }