\ away down in the oid town, and never dreamed of becoming queen's {ruit- (&){ivore 99993593933539939599 By ANNIE ASHMORE. CECE CECE EEE EEEEEEEE a respectable girl can't sit in a first. class car without being insulted.” A long tunnel? Yes, sir, and a dark one, too. Frightened? Well, no, sir, not exactly that; just a bit sick like. The smoke? No, no, sir; it’s the memory of what once befell me in that same tunnel, 1've gone over this line some ten times since, and every time my heart gives the ‘same twist. If that big lion they call Bre was alive and growl- ing, 1 couMn't feel more scared ev- ery time I go or come from Edin- burgh. You would like to hear what happened? Well, if you care to pass an hour hearing the plain story of a plain woman, I'll do my best. I'm bound for Glasgow, and if you're the same, we'll just have the hour. All my kinsfolk belong to Glas- gow—1'm going to visit mother now —but John, my husband, sir, is an Edinburgh man. Maybe you've no- ticed that big fruiterer's shop on Prince's street, with the queen's crown over the door, »nd “John Mait- land, Fruiterer to Her Majesty,” across the front. You've been in it? Oh, thank you, sir, to say so. Yes, my John is a pleasant-looking iellow, and just as good as he looks. But that's neither here nor there. Ten years ago, when he kept shop ‘erer, we were married at my moth- er's on the eleventh of “his coming month, and I took my first trip to ®dinburgh as a bride. I had on a white bonnet with orange blossoms in it, and a white cashmere shawl that my brother {brought me from India, and John Lhad brought me a great wedding boucuet of real orange blossoms and white camelias and lovely white roses from: his own greenhouse, which I was so proud of that I must carry them all the way back again. To this day the scent of orange flowers and heath turns me deathly sick. Pity-~i8n’t it, that one’s nose should have such a long memory, as one might say? Well, as mischance would have it, what with .bidding them all good-by, and running back to pass wedding cake through the ring for Sister Jes- sie, and crying with brother, ou-s was the last carriage that rattled to the train statio: and John had bare- ly time to get our tickets, put me into an empty compartment, aud rush to get the luggage on board. vie While he was away a gentleman jumped in very hurriedly to the seat opposite to me, and beckoning to a guard, gave him half a crown, and some directions. The next moment the door was shut, and we were mov- irg off without John. I tried to open the window and to scream for them to stop. ii wasn't very pleasant, you'll agree, for me to take my wedding journey home alone; but it was the express train, bound to be :t Edinburgh to the minute, and there would be no stop- page at any station by the way where I could get out and wait. While I was shaking at the win- dow, the tears of distress running down my cheeks, I was pulled for- ¢ibly back by the gentleman I have mentioned, who cried, sharply: “Keep inside, or there will be a head off!” He struck his hands together, and looked so fierce as he said “a head off” that I felt quite startled, and sat down. He was the only person in the compartment with me, and had such an odd—such an unaccountable ap- pearance—that the more I looked at him the less I liked him. He had the dress and air of a gen- tleman, but his face was curiously bleached, and his great, burning black eyes never rested for a mo- ment on anything; and what with a queer habit he had of licking his lips | like lightning, and biting his nails | till the blood came, every other min- ute, I thought him the most un- canny kind of a stranger I could have been left alone with. Just as I had come to this con- clusion a conductor opened a window to get our tickets, and stood on the narrow footrail outside, holding on. “Oh, sir!” I cried, ‘‘can’t you leave me off somewhere? I've come away without my husband.” “Impossibie to change until you reach Kdinburgh. Don’t be uneasy, ma'am; I'm pretty sure your husband got into one of the cars behind. Saw him jump on,” said the good-natured | official. Then, being assured that he would get our tickets, he disappeared. § would have been qui.z consoled at his assurance horribly shocked at something my companion made a move to do when the window first opened. He stealtn- ily tried the fastenings of the door, with the intention plain in his ey of dashing it open and shoving tie conductor down on the track. Ior- tunately the door was securely f{as- tened. As soon as we were alone, he pui on ‘a very bland smile, and remurked: “What a pretty bride you aro! 91 What is your name? I was so flurried that I forgot ihat | f§ had a married name, and an- | me swered: “‘Alice, sir.” “Ay!” said he, devouring me with his stealthy glances, just as if he was making rabid snatches at me, “so you are—I know that. I know that white bonnet of yours; you wore it when you married Number One. Do you know what became of him21/" “What do you mean, angry enough, y¢ white?" asked he, paying no manner of heed to my words. you can deceive me? drunk. licious triumph, *‘I can see what the world is blind to. spotted with blood, and tied witn tue hair of the murdered man.” “what do you mean? was only here! stranger, wickedly. the wedded pair. the guard to ke» us by ourselves, and John will never see you on earth again! “You bravely. now, and as sure as there's Llood spilled darkly, an cape! them away from mine, began to trem- | like a rocket up to the skies. | look you, in every one her gracious | majesty was befouled with the iil- if 1 hadn't been | v OF { { TIME } \ ceceel “eeessceseset “What makes your flowers 80 “Do you think an I began to suspect the man wie “Aha!” cried he, in a voice of ma- Your flowers are “For merey's sake, sir,” I {altcred, Oh, if John retorted the “You and 1 are Ha, ha! 1 tipped “But he isn't,” Look at me, Alice.” He bent forward till Lis breath Liew in furnace gasps iato my face. needn't carry yourselt so Mark you, I've found you an open hades vawning for the guilty, you'll not es- At these dreadful words, and his wild looks, the conviction seized me that I was in the presence of a mad- man—shut up for the next forty minutes—completely at his mercy, unles by the mercy of Heaven I could save enough woman's wit to divert his fury from myself. Almost fainting, I yet managed to force a smil2, and to say, very sooth- ingly: “vou're making a mistake, sir. I'm a perfect stranger to you, and only changed my maiden name of Alice Hayden this morning for that of Alice Maitland. My husband, John, keeps a fruit shop in Edin- burgh.” “Curse John Maitland! I hate him and all that belong to him!” cried the brute, and he spat on my beau- tiful white flowers. ‘How dare you sit there with your innocent smile and blooming cheeks? Do you know I can hardly keep from beating the smooth simper out of your lying face against these partition walls, and throwing your bedizened carcass through the window?" and he licked his lips till my flesh crept. “Am I plump? Am I ruddy? Are my eyes full of deceit? Are my hands filled with flowers?” At each question his voice rose and his excitement kept pace, until at this last -he thrust out his bony arms, with a vell of frenzy, as if he would have torn me in pieces. Sinking back as far as the seat would allow me, I looked up in help- Jess expectation of a blow, and for the first time caught his eyes. All flaming as they were with murderous intent, he tried to drag bie, and cowered down in his seat at last like a beaten dog. Inwardly thanking Providence for thrusting this weapon in my hands, I resolved never to release the fren- zied wretch from the power of my eyes until help should come. “I—I—I mean nothing, you know,” he stammered, rolling his head uneasily from side to side. “I'm only telling you my little sory. Where was 1?” And he clasped his head between his hands in pitenus confusion. “Was I at the Double- Six, or the Queen’s Bloody Head?” “You were at the Double-Sis,”” an- swered I, determined to eschew any- thing pertaining to blood. orppat's false!” retorted he, is- piciously. “1 was at the blood: sprinkled bills. Do You know, when she brought them home, and laid them one by one before me, one hun- dred, two hundred, three hundred, four hundred, five hundred Hiils ot the Bank of England, and said ‘Theza are yours,” I felt my brain spin off And, dew of blood, just as if somebody Lad daubed her off to express that son:e one's contempi for her and her laws Why, you know it was so plain that 1 cried immediately: «his is your painting, Alice— done in good heart's blood! Why, you're Alice! you're my wife!” ex- claimed he, breaking off abruptly. “No, no,’ 1 returned, as calmly as I could, ‘‘go on with your story. 1 never heard anything so interesting.” “Didn't you?” said the madman. “never heard it before?” “Never,” answered I “Phat's good,” he returned, eying me critically; “it's something to have a new listener ot last. The story 3 | fifteen years old, and nobody has ever let me tell it through yet. Fools! they pretend to believe me mad. Well, do you believe it's true?” «I haven't heard it yet. Go on.” «Oh! 1 thought I had told it. She said she had found the bills in a wal- let beside an cold lime pit on Hep- | bane Moor, three months ago, when iT was ill wth the affair of the | Double-Six—all her lies, you £ee; and | {that the body of the wretch who had | gained my all from me was found in the pit; and the authorities had sent the money because I had lost a | thousand pounds to the murdered | man. And then, .aving ‘~ld me | this damnable lissue of lies, she per- snaded me to leave the county and go to Glasgow. Mark you, all softly as she put it, IT wasn’t deceived. I knew that she had committed the murder and stolen the money. So my ace left me; I felt that in suffer: Aljce to live I had sold myself t& How I fH :ted her! for fifteen years [ have hated her as deeply as I loved her at first, that was love! And do you know Ah, My innocent-eyed! my white-souled! Bah! I loathe to look at white. I could tear those lying white garments from YOU mm’ “Let me hear the end of the story first,” interrupted I, fixing my eyes anew upon him with revived courage. I had seen a glimpse of Edinburgh in the distance, and knew that fifteen minutes must take us there. “Yes, I must get to the end,” ve- sumed the maniac, nervously. “If¢ may never have such another | ¢ chance;” and he eyed me 80 hun- |g grily that my blood curdled. “Little | g by little I told my secret in confi- dence to those men whom I thought my friends. And what then? Curse them! they dragged me before a council of doctors and got me pro- nounced mad, and so I was shut up in a madhouse, where my tongue would tell no tales, and she lives free to this day. Free! ha, ha! is she?” “Stop,” 1 said, holding his blood- shot eyes, ‘you have forgotten one | part of your story.” minutes more! “What have I forgotten?” the madman, scowling. “1 don't understand about the Double-Six."” asked the story.” “pardon me, but it is. I can’t make | j out beginning or end without it. I'm sure a gentleman of your mind ought to make a plainer story than that.” “How can I give youn brains and information, too?’ retorted he, cun- ningiy enough; ‘‘or is it that you have only been making a pitiful pre- minutes more. ‘You have interested me so deeply in your sad history that out, as one may say, the very text of it all.” “You want me to criminate my- self,” said the maniac, sullenly. “Nothing of the kind,” cried I, with cheerful briskness. “I only could make you ill.” “Ah, you don’t believe it? Well, you see, when Paul Etheridge got a hold of me—curse him! how was I to know he was a blackleg?—he worked and worked round me until my money was all staked and lost, then my land, then my house, and last, what think you he proposed? My wife! Ha, ha! my wite against five hundred pounds! And I flung he flung the dice and got the double- six. Ha, ha, ha! that was grand! that was rare! .m I criminating myself?” “No, no, go on! The illness?” «Phen something crashed down in my brain, and I knew nothing until weeks after, when they told me ® had had brain fever, and I lay and lan- guished in a white room, where de- mons in blood-red haunted me every night, and told gme that Paul Ether- idge ley murde¥ed, by my hand, in the old lime pit. Ha, As he shouted these words in mad frenzy the shrill whistle of the en- gine approaching the station smote on our ears. The next moment we had plunged into the throat of the tunnel, and the spell of my eyes was Beifcre I could realize my danger, before I could raise an arm in de- fense, the manias was clutching at my throat in a murderous strangle, and shrieking in my ears, far above the roar of the wheels: have to gun for partridges, which get hopelessly drunk feeding on poke berries, and are then easily captured. A number of intoxicated partridges have been taken there. picked thirteen bushels of apples : . gelman farm, and they weighed from The city was now in sight-—five | seven to thirteen ounces each. Me., has been experimenting in pea- nut raising for two years, and this year has raised two bushels of nice “That part is of no consequence to | jarge peanuts. mate is not favorable to peanut rais- bated other day after the death of Henry J. Behrens, an inventor. by John A. Foley, a lawyer, who pre- pared it for Mr. Behrens, March 1, tense of interest to cheat me? Do] 1867. vou suppose I don't see through your little wiles, and despise——" The village of Stowe, Vt, has “Come, come!” interposed I—two | yoted to adopt the curfew law to ap- ply to all pupils in the public schools, without regard to their age. The cur- it will be a great pity if you .eave|few will ring every evening in the week at 7.30 p. m., except Friday, Saturday and Sunday. a French florist, china peonies have been most want to hear how the Double-Six| fairly preserved after five months in the refrigerator. periments he has cut peonies with stems sixteen inches long, putting them in water, trimming the ends every three weeks and water each month. form a regular article of diet. peasants eat them with bread that has -oftentmes been rubbed with gar- the dice and an ace and a five, and | lic. ered good, replacing meat to a large extent. make oil. similar in taste to that pressed from olives, and is employed to adulterate the latter. prisons are engaged in cracking wal- nuts and picking out the kernels, which are pressed into oil. sands years ago has been taken from a copper mine in Chile recently. Cop- ha, ha!” per oxide had mummified his whole body. clothing of the ancient Inca work- ma were also two mallets, one fashioned out of granite and the other out of ironstone. tied with thongs made as double handles. hide and the sticks were as fresh looking when found as if they had been in use only the day before. “Devil! 1 knew you first! perdition! Down with you! down to hades, my false wife from I've only a minute of time, but it's long enough to push you into 1 And as the blood surged through my whirling brain, 1 seemed to be falling, falling through blood-red the Down, » How the Combatants Are Trained and from a trip to San-hui, a large walled city while there visited the guard house, darkness, while a thousand cannon broke in my ears, andgthen I gave in to my doeoeni. 1 looked u pin my husband's arms, and round upon a pitying throng. The dread minute was overpast, and I was saved! How? We had shot into the light, ard the conductor, summoned by those in the next compartment, who were alarmed by the noise, had crashed open the door as the fren- zied wretch was kneeling by my fallen body to complete his work. In a few seconds we were at the Prince's Street Station, and while John took me to the nearest ladies’ room, the madman was quietly se- cured by two keepers who had been on the watch for him, and taken back to Glasgow. And that was my homecoming. Rather a black one; but my John said that evening at our own little fireside as he tenderly hound up my bruised neck: “It’s been a great escape, Alice, my dainty, and in token to our deep thankfulness to the Hand that was stronger than madness Or murder, we'll from this night on make our vows: ‘As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” Yes, sir, you may say that I look as if all had been blessed with me. We've been happy together here, and we look to be happy up yonder. Here's Bonacorde Station, and there's my mother. Good-by, sir, and thank you for your good wishes.—New York Weekly. ting things. other day Yo, and 1 watched, watched fo ok Times. A Lost Subscriber. Ke Kendah postoffice authorities have a somewhat blunt way of put. Copies of a Penang paper posted to a subscriber were the returned, marked dressee hanged for murder.” “Ad Bang: An Australian flower of the hibis- us species is often used as blacking, he juice squeezed from four blos- oms giving enough liquid to coat a hoe with a fine lustre. Hunters in Canaan, Conn., do not Daniel R. Lash, of Reading, Pa., rom one tree on the William Gun- Edgar H. Benson, of Oak Ridge, New England's cli- ng. One of the oldest wills ever pro- in New York came ‘in the It was filed Of the ice-kept flowers of Vercier, enduring, some being In his latest ex- renewing In some parts of France walnuts The The hygienic effects are consid- These nuts are also used to it is much clieaper and The prisoners in certain A miner who lost his life two thou- Coarse sacking, evidently the yn, was found with the body, as These implements were into bent sticks Both the CHINESE CRICKET FIGHTS. Pitted Against Each Other. A. E. Parker has just returned in Kwangtung Province, and where he saw six or seven earthen- ware bowls of fighting crickets. He was much amused as to the description of the methods of sta- bling and dieting these insects. Dur- ing the day the female and male crickets are separated, but as soon as night falls they are mated. Their diet consists of water, boiled rice and a little ginseng, the latter being to give them stamina. In matching the insects to fight they are weighed, and a lightweight would not be pitted agairst a welter- weight. The insects are spurred on to combat with a very fine piece of glass, which treatment naturally rouses their anger. The belief that crickets are dis- tinguished by pieces of colored wool is a fallacy. They are recognized by their owners as we recognize our canine pets. In a contest the first cricket to run away is edjudged the loser. The officer in charge of the guard house mentioned that a dispute which had arisen over a cricket con- test three years ago had yet to be settled, each party holding that the other man’s cricket ran away first. Some of these crickets are indeed svorth many times their weight in gold, several hundred dollars being sometimes paid for a real cham- ‘pion.—South. Chins. Post. Music in the Workhouse. The Isle of Wight Workhouse now boasts an official harpist. Her duy- ties are to lighten the dull hours of the inmates of the imbecile wards | hvith solos on the harp and piano. The appointment was made by the guardians on the recommendation of the Lunacy Commissioners, and an lelderly woman named Grace has been selected for the post. Grace pos- Gov. Terrell, of Georgia, Advises Ap gesses her own harp and piano.— EDUCATE THE FARM BOYS, propriations to Colleges. In his annual message, Governor Terrell, of Georgia, gives more at- tention to schools, says the Savannah News, than to any other subject. “He is particularly impressed with the necessity for educating along ag- ricultural lines. He advises that an appropriation sufficient to erect agri- cultural college buildings at the State University be made. He points out that the prosperity of the State is largely due to agriculture, which, therefore, cught to be encouraged in every possible way. That he is right in this matter, there are few who will deny. In connection with the proposed agricultural college at the State Uni- versity, he believes there ought to be an agricultural college established in each Congressional District, and if it is thought not to be advisable to have so many agricultural schools supported at public expense, he thinks there ought to be at least three such schools, one in the north- ern part of the State, one in tae central part anc another in the southern part. There is now one in the northern part.” The South has developed its man- ufacturing industries in a way that is wonderful and has become a great manufacturing section; but it is still a great agricultural section, and its manfucturing industries make the farming industry all the more vale uable. The South has many teca- nical schools for the training of men in the manufacturing branches, but she has neglected to provide ample schools for the training of men in the art of agriculture. It is encour- aging to know, however, that this subject is now teing agitated in all the Southern States and that the peo- ple are becoming more and more im- pressed with the importance of bet- ter school facilities for our embryo farmers. It is a branch of education that must not be neglected. Agriculture is the very foundation of our wealth, and it ought to be conducted by men who have had the best scientific and business training.—Richmond Times- Dispatch. —————————— Size of Heads- The average adult head has a cire cumference of fully twenty-two in- ches. The average adult hat is fully 63; size. The sizes of men’s hats are 6% and 67 generally. “Sevens” hats are common in Aberdeen, and the professors of our colleges gener= ally wear 7% to 8 sizes. Heads wearing hats of the sizes 63 and smaller, or being less than twenty-one inches in circumference, can never be powerful. Between nineteen and twenty inches in cir- cumference heads are invariably weak, and, according to this author- ity, “no lady would think of marry- ing a man with a head less than twenty inches in circumference.” People with heads less than nine- teen inches are mentally deficient, and with heads under eighteen in- ches are “invariablyidiotic.”—Young Woman. ne Bereavement in Bombay. \ { Lady Curzon made a point of col- | lecting any amusing attempts made | { | by Hindus to write English that came under her notice and had many curious specimens in her scrap book. Once she got from Bombay a letter that two brothers sent out to their patrons on the death of their father, who had been the head of the firm. It ran: “Gentlemen: We have the pleasure to inform you that our re- spected father departed this life on | the 10th inst.. His business will be conducted by his beloved sous, whose names are given below. The opium market is quiet and Mal. 1500 rupees per chest. O, death, where is thy sting? O, grave, where is thy vie- tory? We remain, etc.”” — London Standard. Diving For a Wife. In many of the Greek Islands div- ing for sponges forms a considerable part of the occupation of the inhab- itants. The natives make it a trade to gather these, and their income from this source is far from con- temptible. In one of the islands a girl is not permitted to marry until she has, brought up a certain number of sponges and given proof of her skill by taking them from a certain depth, but in some of the islands this cus- tom is reversed. The father of a marriageable daughter bestows her on the best diver among her suitors. He who can stay longest in the water and brings up the biggest cargo of sponges marries the maid.—New York Herald. immo ings on Her Finger Nails. A famous Philadelphia beauty, Kate Furniss, hardly more than a debutante, though she is now Mrs. Thompson, has been the sensation of summer, displaying her rings—w are countless—in a most original and barbaric mauner. She wears her jewels only on the upper joints of fingers, weighting the slender her and rubies, and sapphires and emer- alds, leaving the bottom story entire- ly vacant. The effect is certainly bizarre and not altogether fortunate. But what’s the use or being alive if one can’t be unique.—Louisville Courier-Journal. SE ——eiia——— At the railway stations in Russia books are kept in which passengers may enter any complaint they wish to make. \ London Tit-Bits. L And mamma had such Such bows, and hearts, and stars! And papa had such splendid yachts, The dinners and the dances, Are miracles Bright Boy—*‘Yes'm."” “Name one.” i — I REMEMBER. | remember, T remember The house where I was born, The stained-glass windows where Came peeping in at morn; diamonds, a An fovely private cars! i remember, I remember The parties they would hold, The favors were of gold; For papa was the president Of an insurance co. But when the public got too wise, Our grandeur had to go! Teacher—‘A miracle is going against the natural order of things. performed to-day?" Teacher Bright Boy—‘Well, mamma says papa is always turning night into day.”’—Lile. They tell us many a microbe squirms the sun when ~Town Topics. i Upon the dollar bill; eria’s Well, we can only say, with all vigora Its germs we love it still. to ful —Boston Transeript. chills Premier Safetypin says he intends ne to inaugurate an iron rule for the tried purpose of putting down the revolu= remec tion. Meanwhile the terrorists are have understood to have formulated plans Many for putting more iron into his sys- remedi tem.”’—Chicago Record-Herald. by the “Why are you bowing to that man? a Pent Do you know him?” asked Madge, in in his surprise. Yes,” said her chum, “he with X walked over me so many times get- DT ting out between acts at the theatre over I last night that we got real well ace om quainted.”—Detroit Free Press. As A young thing of some fifty sume in Ne mers was playing the piano before a leg: the open window, and said to her FITS. maid, “Maria, do you think the maner Signor Stuzzini opposite hears me?” Resto “Yes, Senorita, I am sure, as he is . H. shutting his window.”—1I1 Diavolo. «Aren't you afraid that horse will run away with somebody?” Possil «Friend,” said ~ Broncho Bob, “it Ne ain't nothin’ in Crimson Gulch for a Th hoss to run away with a man; it's 10 fan when a man tries to run away with a world hoss that there's danger.”’—Wash- prehi ington Star. cently When a man’s a big gun, Austr BL may gute up you mind times By Tar dant monu —Philadelphia Bulletin. years “Do you understand the meaning Sma of the word pedestrian?” “Yes, sir. bo A pedestrian is a man who stands on have the curb and watches the autos go other by and wonders how he'll ever get primi across the street in time for his 6 appar o'clock dinner.”—Cleveland Plain where Dealer. masse Pretty Daughter—So you don’t And like Tom?” Her Father—‘No, he negro appears to be capable of nothing.” asian, Pretty Daughter—‘ But what objec- yepre tions have you to George?” Her ery Father—“Oh, he's worse than Tom. cienc) He strikes me as being capable of the 1 anything.” nerve “] suppose,” said the newspaper a tele clerk, who was figing up the death numb notice, ‘“you’ll want the regular and | ‘Relatives and friends are respect= havin fully invited,” cte? “Lemme see,” ; fibers repiied the widower, ‘‘mebbe you'd White pettersay: °‘Relativesand friends, also ea the neighbors.” ’—Catholic Standard. limite “Did you ever make any money on er rac the board of trade?” ‘Yes, I made ra an e one hundred and seventy-five dollars diffict there one day in less than twenty negra minutes.” “Whew! What did you Centu do with it?’ “Oh, they got it back before I had a chance to see it.” — . Chicago Record-Herald. He S Papa — “Is the teacher satisfied with you?” Toby “Oh, quite.” Papa— Did he tell you so?” Toby Ev —‘Yes; after a close examination he work said to me the other day: ‘If all my No scholars were like you I would shut hard- up my school this very day.” That docto: fashionable watering places all this i 3 1 rich | digits up to the nails with diamonds | dianapolis Star. Acorn-Bearers. smallest acorn. tiny cups. most distinct acorns. acorns in pairs. shows that I know enough.” — In= ee —————————— No doubt the willow oak bears the The Spanish oak’s acorns rest in Even the dwarf oaks show the The chestnut oak bears its pretty Among the small acorns.are those ‘often or los gets Ohio “A sult © ng a he d ealt) as eck "y bnst prodigal brings along his own calf.” —Harper’s Weekly. of the famous live oak. # *" petite The beautiful burr oak bears big, loss handsome acorns in fringed, mossy force cups. tion. The dainty and beautiful pin oak “1 has put forth correspondingly dainty and ¢ acorns. ) heart One finds small acorns nestling weak close to the branches of the laurel tatior: oak. after But there's some distinguishing “Si trait about each and every member came of this great family. pleas sult. Up to Him. than It is said that Chairman Sherman, mont of the Republican campaign commits and 1 tee, was recently approached by a morn somewhat unimportant Ohio poli= Ai usual tician, who, though formerly a Re- ae galt « publican, has of late years voted the L “M State Democratic ticiets. i ‘ ryerm It appeared from “the man's cons : physi versation that he had seen the error a8 WO of hig" way, and was now once more living prepared to vote and work for the use « party which he had left. At the often same time he hinted he would like “T a job at campaign quarters. { Well «rm sorry,” Mr. Sherman is ree A ably ported to have replied, “that I shall Ls patie have to disappoint you. Glad to see edy. you back; but in these days the wise Batt] sou.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers