is Peale, three acres in Carroll township, fy Hannah Woffendon to Robert Mont- : 2 ation Con ri er. ler, three lots in Reade township, $5600. —— TRANSACTIONS IN REALTY, Properties In This End of the County That Changed Hands Recently, Anna B, Ulemison to Logan Coal company, two lots in Carroli township, $1,102 a Andy Osajki to Mary Csajki, lot in Barnesboro, $10. Mary M. Garrity to Francesco Macel, , lot in Cresson township, $200. i Francis Huber et ux to Horace Colin, lot in Elder township, $5. Willis Westover et ux to Pearl Han- gon et vir, lot in Susquehanna town- ship, $1. ¥! Peter DeFaris to John Bernordo, two lots in Susquehanna township, $600. i Henry W. Fox to John Ott, lot in! Qarroll township, $30.47. 0. F. Fraser et ux. et al. to Joseph A. | Gray et al., lot in Spangler, $200. Willis Westover et ux. to Emma | Westover, lot in Susquehanna town- ship, $1,000. Amandus H. Sharbaugh to George! Renu, lot in Carrolitown, $7,000. { Frank C. Lantzy et ux. to Rembrandt | . | Charles Auna to Frank J. Anderson, | lot in Patton, $50. Willis Westover et ux. to William | Ringstrom, two acres, 32 perches in | Susquehanna township, §220. | W. M. Kimball ux. et al., to Joseph | A. Gray, three lots in Spangler, $65. | Albert Vozar to Annie Vozar, lot in . Susquebanna township, $1. For 10 Days ON We-offer men their choice of the justly cel- ' ebrated Kenyon or Werner rain coats at following prices: Men’s $20.00 Coats Cut to $17.00 6 18.00 17.00 15.00 “ 12.50 é 6 ~~. Sizes san ffom 35 to 42. A 42 of the above makes is equal to some makes of 46-inch. The sale of Fr s8cs: = BH yt T= og, , children’s : suits has fg. i, » 5 2] tk ISN% wt been a | no nausea or distress after eating, no | Executors of John Flick, Sr, to P, @. McNulty, five acres in Carroll town- ship, $305, | Antonio Bongiavvi et ux, to Martha Brown, lot in Barnesbhoro, $600, STOMACH'S IMPORTANCE, How to Strengthen It so That It Will Ael us it Should, | To enjoy both health and happiness, it is absolutely necessary that the stom- | ach and digestive organs should be | strong enough to properly digest the | food. If they are weak and inactive, the body will soon be in a state of semi- | starvation. | Nothing equals Mi-o-na stomach tab- | lets in giving strength and tone to the | whole digestive system. Use this rem- edy for a few days, and you will find the appetite keen, the digestion good, | sleeplessness, no nervousness and the backaches and headaches that are the direct results of a weakened stomach, | will soon be overcome. | Ask O.F. Wolf to show you the | guarantee which he gives with every 50 cent box of Mi-o-na. Itis the one remedy he has enough faith in to guarantee, All the high grade chocolates and fancy candies, nuts, etc., for Christmas at the Acopon. Do not select your gifts before look- ing at our beautiful display. You may like them better. LUXENBERG JEWELRY Co., Barnesboro, Pa. LY 6 16.00 15.00 13.00 10.00 (4 [1 (1 :- § The sale of 4 boy's reef: ers and overcoats THE PATTON COURIER, DECEMBER 14 i906 The Bon Ton Store Is full to overflowing with Toys, Dolls, Fancy Goods and Useful Articles suit- able for Christmas Presents. w THE CHRISTMAS PRESENT PROBLEM «2 SOLVED & friends. duction in price. CHILDREN'S COATS, Sizes 1 to 6 years, made of As- trakhan and Bear SKin, pret- tily trimmed, worth up to $5.90, for $2.49 WOMEN’S COATS. Long Black Herey Coats,trim- med with velvet and braid, worth $10.00, special at GIRL’'S COATS. Made of Mixed Cloth, made $7.90 $2.75 WOMEN'S COATS. Women’s and Girl's Coats, ig Slot well worth $5.49 sizes 1 82 25 CHILDREN’S COATS. White Bear SKin Coats, to 6, worth $3.00, for For you can find something here for all your Being progressive, we have installed the best lighted and best arranged Toy, Doll and Holiday Goods Department in Cambria county, not Northern Cambria, but the whole county. And we're not behind our Johnstown brothers in point of quantity and quality, for the depart- ment is crowded with pretty and useful things. SALE OF FURS AND COATS For Women, Girls and Children. Throws, Scarfs, Muffs and Sets. of Coats and Furs to select from and at a big re- Furs, Boas, Splendid line FUR BOAS. Isabella Fox Boas, with tails, worth $6.50, for $5.00 FUR MUFFS. Sable Fox Muffs, new {flat shape, worth $5.00, for $3.90 FUR SETS. Women’s fine Fox Set, new Tail Muff and Boa, worth $20.00, for $15.00 COONEY SCARFS. Black Cooney Fur Scarfs with tails, worth $1.25, for 75c Children’s Sets in Angora and Lamb's oo Boas and Muffs, at $1.50, $2.00 and i still contin- : ues | hummer. ‘We have ordered | two good | phargaing as j e house | bifered us bait. Took two | full lots at a a price that § | saves you seme to you is L sem 1.00 to 2.00 on 1.00 to 3.00 on every | each suit at this sale. garment. LAE Commencing Monday, December 17th, the store will be open until 10 o'clock p. m. Christmas Eve until 11:30 o'clock. THE BON TON STORE, PATTON, PA. we picked up two lots of big bargains in these and the saving THE GRANGE NATIONAL BANK « OF PATTON, i ni - 12,000 mc Lumber Manufacturers. THE piece of Silver- ware which you received on Christmas wiil lose its lustre and turn to a brown color if you do not keep it wrap- ped in tissue paper away Schenk from the light: You will & Perry. 1 not care to do that so you | | | | Capital Surplus {John A, Schwab, Pres. IM. D. Bearer, Qashier. Opened its doors for the banking had better get a jar of business of the general public on SILUER (REAM, Lumber Cut to Order] the made. THESE LOW CUT PRICES Apply Wednesday, Aug. 3th, 1906. «=~ to all the Suits and Overcoats. finest silver polish . | ] at ii : Saw and Lath Mill at| We invite the accounts of individuals, merchants and St. Augustine, Pa. manufacturers, JOZERS,! ~——— | Post Office & 'Phone A 274, 25c at The $6.50 Ones Cut to $5.50 “. 6.00 °° € 5.00 5.00 4.00 4.00 3.25 3.50 2.75 3.00 2.25 2.00 1.65 is at THE KEYSTONE (1 66 © é¢ 6 | Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Ko- Collections Promptly Made. dacks and Supplies. 66 [3 Chest Springs, Pa. 6c 6“ INTEREST ON TIME DEPOSITS. ‘6 [13 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE, T.R.MORRISON Parnell, Cowher & Co Dentist, —Agents for— : FIRE, LIFE AND i PATTON, PA. THE COURIER. | ACCIDENT REAL ESTATE AGENTS. in Brady Building. | @ood Building, Paton, Pa.—'Phone No. 9. XL £0 4 « (Estate of Catherine McNaspy, Deceased.) Letters of administration on the estate of | « Catharine MecNasby, deceased, late of the township of Carroll, ln Cambria county, Pa., having been granted to me, all persons in- debted to said estate are hereby notified to make payment to me without delay, and those having claims against said estate will present them properly authenticated for set- | ilement. i H. 8. BUCK, Administrator. | Patton, Pa., Dec. 11, 1906. This Sale - Directly Opposite the First National Bank, Paton, Pa. Plant an Ad in