- 7 CHRISTMAS RINGS, BRACELETS, LOCKETS AND CHAINS, $1.00 to $10.00. Pretty watches will delight wny lady fitted with the best move- ment. Only $10.00. DIAMONDS. We have a good assortment of Rings from $3.50 to $50.00. As a gentle reminder here are a few : a Rosaries in full jewel, Umbrellas, Fountain Pens, Cut Glass, Silverware, Cuckoo Clocks. nD) | NE nS He [=~ YI Toilet Ware In Sterling or Silver Plate fncluding Large or Small Pieces. SAUTER, rm » FHE RELIABLE JEWELER, PATTON, PA. A BOON TO WOMEN. o_o Advertising consists simply in pre- senting before the people the goods you have to sell in an intelligent manner, whether it is a house and lot or a pair of shoes. It is too late at this day to expatiate on the merits of advertising. That has been demonstrated so of- ten that iteration is futile. Everybody now days knows that advertising pays. The main question is, what medium to use? Advertising experts long ago settled it by declar- The Bane of the Average Female Pomptly ~ Eliminated by a Simple Remedy. Backache, whether due to natural or the result of disease, can be promptly alleviated and ultimately cured by the use of Dr. Wood’s Kid- mey and Backache pills. Thousands of suffering women can testify to the ruth of this. It is a purely vegetable compound and does not contain any poisons or deleterious substances. It acts prompt- g ly.and in addition to relieving the pain » i up the system and makes life worth living. A trial will convince * and a trial will costs you nothing. If they do not do all that is claimed for them your money will be cheerfully re- fanded. . Dr. Wood is a reputable physician who has had over 40 years of exper- jence in kidney troubles, having made it a specialty, and these pills are made from his own perscription. Don’t, suffer any longer, but buy a . Box now. Price 50 cents at Wolps| ing that newspaper adver- | Pharmacy. tising was by far the most FT “| effective and brings better returns than any other extant. ‘The merchants of this section long ago declared that better re- sults were obtained by using the COURIER than by any other means. It is read every week by hundreds of families and goes into the homes of the majority of the people of Northern Cambria county. (Pennsyivania Division.) Beech Creek District. Condensed Time Table. du Read down 1 Exp Mail In effect June 17,05 Exp Mail The rates are low, Just NO oar Soe Ross and equitable—one price 920 150ar Patton Iv 16 10 1240 3 ia" Westaver gio in to all and the small ad- r 0 430 100ar Mahaffey ww rw 3s| vertiser gets just as good 767 j281iy Herrmoue ar729 3 a rate as the large one 2 yazzam . 767 1212ar Kerrmoor 1v729 410 1 hin New Millport Ti 113 If your business needs % Janta 2 15D sticholls Tin i a tonic, come in and let y Clearfield 4 ak ii w Wondiana 130 us ak the matter over 4 allace! ’ - ating oma Mines you or send us word 02 v Munson am lowly Philipsburg ana we will have a repre- $2 lo Mar Min. cor sentative call on you and Bm Winhyme explain everything about iE i our plan. You may do jai DWE business without adver- 3a 32 Lock Haven tising, but you are certain x2 752 Jersey Shor Jat +2 50 17 30 iv Wilimsport to do more by advertising. 4 d 1 pm m i pm am Phila & Reading R R pm pm y It is an investment that Har illiams Ti v 22 é a0 30iv Philadelphia ar 730 650 will repay you an hun- Dp IM am » 200 i N Y via Tamaqua ar 1040 dred fold. ne 900 Iv N Y via Phila ar 1010 1902 We will prepare your am pm Pm am #Daily. {Week days. #7 p m Sunday: {1100 copy and take complete a fa Sunday charge of your advertis- Connections—At Williamsport with Phila- delbnia and Reading Railway: at Jersey Shore ing campaign, however large or small, without, extra cost. The Courier, the Fall Brook District; at Mill Hall with Central Railroad.of Pennsylvania; at Philipsburg with Pennsylvania railroad and NY and P CR R; at Clearfield with the Buf- alo, Rochester and Pittsburg railway; at Ma- “hafley and Patton with Cambria and Clearfield division of the Pennsyvania railroad; at Ma- haffey . with the Pennsylvania and North- western railway. J. F. Fairlamb, Gen’l Pass. Agt., 5 New York, W. H. Northrup, Gen. Agent, ‘Williamsport, Pa. —————————————————————— - DECEMBER 14. 1906. OURIER, THE PA 0 hristmas IS NEAR AT HAND And the Question in Everyone's Mind is WHAT SHALL WE BUY? If you want to buy something that will be good and usciul there is no better place than a Hardware Store. Below We Make a Few Suggestions: Bissell's carpet sweepers 2.25 to $4.50. Sad irons 25c to $1.50 per set. French sad irons 1.25 to $2.00 per set. Flounce irons soc. Carvers 1.00 to $6.00. 12 dwt., Silver knives and forks, $3.00. Nut picks 2c. Child’s sets 25c. Gillette safety razors $5.00. Ever Ready safety razors goc. Savory roasters 75c. Lisk’s Selt Basting $2.00. Roasters 1.75 to Skates 50c to $2.50. Sleds 75¢ to 1.00. Coffee percol. .ors 4.00. Bread makers 2.50. Cake makers 1.75. Pocket knives 1oc to 2.50. 5 All Kinds of Scissors and Shears. [t Will Pay You to (all af BINDER co Patton, Pa. our Store Before Buying. o [AE], PATTON PENNA : - - wn N N Ww J » i £ | be) si a re—— is - cai S——— —————— | . . ‘Northern Cambria Street Railway Company The Acme of Perfection { Schedule of Cars. ’ RUNNING ON A FORTY-MINUTE HEADWAY. { First car leaves power house for Barnesboro Blbuirremsasanssiin 500 a, m. | Second car leaves Carrolitown Junction for Barnesboro at 555 a. m. This car makes connec- | tion with P. R. R. train at Spangler for Cresson. FO 5s First car leaves Barnesboro for Patton and Ca rrolitown at 5:20 a. m. Second car ‘* £, * #: $ “ “ 6:20 a. m., and every 40 mins. there- ter antl 11 p. m. The 11:40 p. m. car to Power Ww t d b lut I u d i ouse only. arran e ans First car leaves Patton for Ashcroft at 6:00 a. m. 0 e y p re ar ree from ; | “ A * « Barnesboro and Carrollitown at 6:20 a. m., and every 40 mins. there- i after until 11:00 p. m. The 11:40 p. m. car to Power all deleterious substances. ol House only. fg First car leaves power house for Carrolltown at 5:20 a. m. This car remains on the Branch and | connects with all Main Line cars at Carrolltown TR Y IT | TRY IT! { Junction. First car leaves Carrolltown for Patton and Barnesboro a m. 4 Second “ 3 f 4 Bi ol 1005 fa: m., and every 40 mins. there- FOR SALE AT ALL THE LEADING BARS IN THE COUNTY. a First car leaves Victor No. 9 for Barnesboro at 5:04 a. m. PATTON BEER IS UNION MADE, Second ** ie J 4 1 3:06 a. m. and every 40 mins. thereafter until ‘ . 3 1:26 p. m. uo First car leaves Brandon Hotel for Barnesboro at 5:10 a. m. i Bell TH] , PATT N B 5, * 348 Second “ i " 6:10 a. m., and every 40 mins. thereafter until PHONES: { Local KE 0 REVING QO: Br N, PA. ; 11:30 p. m. First car leaves Brandon Hotel for Patton at ¢ Second Li “ be & I. and every 40 mins. thereafter until 11:05 p. m. First car leaves Victor No. 9 for Patton at 5:31 a. m. Second oH tt Hw 6:31 a. m., and every 40 mins.thereafter until 11:11 p.m. First car leaves power house for Patton at a. m. Second * 48 4 a. m., and every 40 mins.thereafter until 11:16 p.m First car leaves St. Benedict for Patton at 5:40 a. m. Second * " Hey 6:40 a. m., and every 40 mins.thereafter until 11:20 p.m. First car leaves Carrolltown Junction for Patton at 5:44 a. m. Second Lo 44 i 6:44 a. m., and every 40 mins. thercafter until 11:24 a, 2n. First car leaves Baker X Roads for Patton at 5:45 a. m. Second * A 8 oe 6:45 a. m., and every 40 minutes thereafter until 11:25 p. m. First car leaves Asheroft for Patton at 5:48 a. m. Second ** 4h “ 6: m,, and every 40 mins. thereafter until 11:28 p. m, First car leaves Columbia for Patton at a, m. Second ** Li a 50 a. m,, and every 40 mins. thereafter until 11:30 p. m. First car leaves Patton for Ashcroft at 6:00 a. m. Second " " 6:20 a. m., and every 40 mins. threafter until 11:40 p. m. First car leaves Patton for Barneshoro at 6:20 a. m. 8 i ft 11:00 p. m, Asheroft i 6:31 “+ 4 11:11 p. m. Baker X Roads “ 11:15 p. m. Car’'ltown Jet. “ “ “ “ ‘“ ““ “ 5 Second $6 $ 6:36 8 24 11:16 p., m. First 4 St. Benedict i 6:00 * Second * o $e 6:40 i ¥* “11:20 p. m. First car leaving Barnesboro at 5:20 a. m. will connect with the N. Y, C. & H. R. R. R. train leaving Patton at 6:10 a. m. for Mahaffey, Clearfield, Philipsburg and Williamsport. Baggage and packages carried on all cars. Special cars can be arranged for. July 23rd, 1906. J. L. MecNELIS, Supt. Home Killed Meat No embalmed business in ours. We deal’ strictly in | meat killed at our slaughter Mellon Millinery Store, PATTON, PA. Our stock of Winter Millinery is house. Everything iti SeasOB being sold at less than cost. All hats 5 trimmed and untrimmed, wings, . 1x plumes and fancies to be sold below | Little Bros., cost. Butchers and Dealers in All Kinds of Fresh and Smoked Meats. PATTON, PA. Sale begins December 18 and lasts through the Holi- days. The best business men use the best stationery and get it at the best office that does the best printing. Of course that’s the COURIER. Old papers for sale at this office— only 5c a bundle. Is this your pape ? IN TI One Jackll wast Yea Wor Fra Meeting For pu effronter, action © league re in Erie ls franchise ‘The prin is null a legal au said, L. ] Jacklii gue last able fail this writ erages 0 have no! This i ago cor elub in | fon had ers left | the othe ed by ot straight its best they ha the seas State le fional a As an ousting one of COURIE ter sig doesn’t in whic not to ¢ bat Fre the rec served Was aX and ref Patt for its ious, for its otherw the fra of his of Joh gun to fair pl: win. if F gue lev the sa Digger and t) place thwart whose fairne: tism, 1 chise | of su] eyider league what that h Hov in the byac alread additi neck « the le league ten ac an att thoro ing gf assert One stood town it was with roe: what son Ww know elubs weak ver, We t Brad with even She li town stree 80 diffic ham] the g ouglk that