promi THE PATTON COURIER, OCTOBER 26 Patton Courier. EE —————————————————————— Roy Eaton Decker, —————— irises — — ESTABLISHED - - 1893. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, One copy, one year, in advance, - - = $1.00 ANo papers discontinued until all arrear ages are paid, unless at the option of the publisher. Entered at the Postoffice at Patton as second. class mail matter, _—— ADVERTISING RATES. Legal notices §1 per inch for three insertions, Oard of thanks fe per line. Resolutions 5¢ per line, Poetry 5c per line, Business locals be per line, * Display ads 10c per inch flat. Foreign advertising must be paid for invar- fably in advance No commission paid to advertising agents, These are “best” rates—no others go. ————— . v DALE'S STATEMENT. In the Johnstown Tribune on Mon- day appeared a signed statement by Jesse E. Dale entirely at varience with the contention of the COURIER in every issue since ..v. Dale was brutally and uncermoniously kicked off the Re- publican county ticket as a candidate for sheriff. What motives actuated the late can- didate to sign or write the statement |" in question the COURIER does not know, but the writer does know that by so doing the author has humiliated his hitherto warm friends beyond reparation and especially this paper, which from the time he was first men- tioned as a candidate until the present writing has fought his battles, not with the hope of emolament, but because it thought that this section was entitled to political preferment and’'recognized in Mr. Dale a man who fittingly repre- gented it and who by virtue of his gervices to his party, his sterling in- tegrity, unquestioned popularity and eminent fitness for the position en- titled him to the place. The COURIER has no apologies to offer for the course it has pursued and does not retract one word, jot or tittle it has said in connection with Mr. Dale’s retirement from the ticket. Per contra, it now and here reiterates every word it has published in that connection. Jesse E. Dale was forced off the ticket for the sole reason that he could not and would not put up a ‘corruption fund in keeping with the demands of the gang of Johnstown political grafters. That is all there is to it, all the statements bearing Mr. Dale’s signature to the contrary not- withstanding. Moreover, the COURIER is prepared to prove that every word it published since Jesse Dale was “crucified” is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, even if that gentleman him- pelf has decided to ‘‘carry the cross.” “More anon.” . INDIGESTION A CRIME. Don’t You Want a Keen Appetite and Per- tect Health Once More, It is a positive crime to suffer with the ills of indigestion,such as headache, backache, sleeplessness, nausea, and distress after eating, with despondency and nervousness, now that the guaran- teed Miona stomach tablets can be obtained from O. F Wolf. Use thie remedy, and keen appetite, . vigorous digestion,strong heart action, pure blood, nerves of steel and natural strength and health will be restored to you quickly. Miona is entirely different from all other remedies that are recommended for the cure of indigestion, for it strengthens all the digestive organs and is not a mere digestive. Ask O. F. Wolf to show you the guar- antee he gives with every 50-cent box of Miona. The remedy will not cost a penny unless it cures. A New Railroad, | The Jersey Shore Herald says that the new railroad line of the White Deer Jumber company from near White Deer to Loganton is being rapidly completed and will be opened in a few weeks. The company now has its passenger coach on hand and are improving every part of the line. The bed of the road has been changed at several points, offering better grades, and the line now follows the pike closely from the old farnace to the western terminus. From the ‘‘rock oak’ to a point be- tween Mile and Lick Runs the road has peen changed, making an entire new route, crossing the pike beyond ‘The ‘Kettle’? and running south of the pike goveral miles. A large force of men are now at work at this point. When completed there is no doubt the road will receive a good patronage, and | the enterprise of the company certainly deserves substantial encouragement. ‘For Sale:—A desirable double resi- dence on Beech avenue, Patton, Pa. will be sold at low price to quick buyer. T. J. SCHOLL A. G. PALMER, Cashier, WM, H. SANDFORD, Vice-President. President, First National Bank OF PATTON, PA. : Organized October 10, 1893. Capital—fully paid . . $100,000 ‘00 Surplus - . . - 40,000 00 Stockholders’ liability - - - 100,000 00 Total Assets - . . 850,000 00 DIRECTORS. . Geo. 8. Good, James Kerr, A. G. Palmer, BE. OC. Brown, Chas. Anna, H, J. Patton, W. O. Lingle, Geo. E. Prindible, Wm. H. Sandford. A general Banking Business transacted. Interest paid on time deposits. Banking by mails a specialty. We pay four per cent per annum on deposits in onr Savings Department, compounded semi-annually. Why send your money to institutions in dis- tant cities, strangers to you, when you can do fully as well at home? Call or write for full information. You should have one or more of our Savings Banks in your home. It will teach practical lessons in economy. Saved wages become wage earners for the saver. “Not what you get, but what you hold, Eases life’s burdens when you’re old.” ZER’S AIR TIGHT DouBLE HEATER Appeals to the housewife who tries to save where others waste. BURNS THE CHEAPEST GRADE OF SOFT COAL OR SLACK WITH THE SAME SUCCESSFUL RE- SULTS THAT OTHER STOVES DO THE BEST QUALITY OF FUEL. Prevents cold floors, and establishes an even temperature in all parts of the rooms to be heated. A continuous fire can bemaintained throughout the winter, and the amount of heat can be regulated and controlled to meet the actual y requirements of the household. SAVES ONE-FOURTH THE COAL LESS ASHES—NO DIRT. . — We invite your inspection of PRIZER'S AIR-TIGHT as we believe we can please in quality, appearance and price. BINDER & STARRETT, PATTON, PA. — The Acme of Perfection, PATTON BEER... Warranted absolutely pure ard free from all deleterious substances. TRY IT! ALL THE LEADING BARS IN THE COUNTY. PATTON BEER IS UNION MADE. THE PATTON BREWING CO, PATTON, PA. TRY IT! FOR SALE AT Bell PHONES: { Loui Reuel Somerville, NEW BIG LINE OF WALL PAPER JUST RECEIVED. Attorney-at-Law, Patron, PA. Office in the Good Building. Parnell, Cowher & Co All the latest patterns — Agents for— and designs and at the mini- FIRE, LIFE AND INSURANCE mum of price. ACCIDYNT Picture frames, room mould- REAL ESTATE AGENTS, ing, ete. Good Building, Patton, Pa.—'Phong No. 9. JOS. FLICK, T.R.MORRISON Dentist, PATTON, PA. Patton, Pa. Home Killed Meat No embalmed business in Office in Brady Building. Estate of Jesse D. Fox, Deceased. ours. We deal strictly in Letters of administration on the estate of | meat killed at our slaughter Jesse D. Fox, late of Chest Springs borough, h . Ro hi : deceased, having been granted to the under- ouse. Everyt mg in season. signed, all persons indebted to the said estate are requested to make payment, and those hawing claims to present the same without delay to Lewis Fox, Administrator, Chest Springs, Pa. Liitle Bros. Butchers and Dealers in All Kinds of Fresh and Smoked Meats. PATTON, PA. Sept. 22, 1906. Old papers for sale at this office— only 5¢ a bundle. The COURIER is better prepared | than ever to do first class job printing at right prices. Competent workmen The best business men use the best stationery and get it at the best office GHENT DAY AT PATTON mim Nees Nov. 8th, 1906. ‘When there Will be Sold at Public Auction 100 Beautiful Lawn Lots IN THE CHAS. ANNA ADDITION now named the Grand View Terrace Addition to the Borough of Patton. These illustrations chosen at random demonstrate how readily good profits can be made in Patton property, owing to the steady, ermanent character of its growth and the increasing scarcity of good lots. To the far sighted man or woman, looking for a gilt edge investment, or to the home-builder seeking a desirable resi- dence site, it will appeal strongly. Lying in the immediate pathway of the future expansion of the town, just north of Palmer avenue along the trolley line. Suf- ficiently undulating to secure perfect drainage, a. commanding ele- vation environed with delightful landscape, within quick reach of the business centre of the town, and with water and electric light facilities immediately adjacent, ready for extension to purchasers of lots upon application. Grand View Terrace addition, or better known as the Anna addition, is unquestionably the cream of available Patton residence property. This property was secured from Mr. Chas. Anna and the public is cordially invited to visit and inspect the arrangements of the streets, alleys and lots which have been made very attractive. BAND CONCERT. the entertainment of the audience. Public addresses will be made and the famous wit and auctioneer, A. W. Cummins, will conduct the sale. Ladies and all others interested are cordially invited to attend. Of all the opportunities for a profitable investment that have been presented the people of the country in recent years, few, if any, equal the Patton plan of lots, right in the heart of the Bitum- inous Coal District. This tract of land is in the centre of the great wage earning section where millions are spent annually. Only a few minutes’ walk from the P. O. and business centre of the town. ) 5260 LOT GIVEN AWAY To all those in attendance at the sale a free opportunity will be extended to secure FREE a $250 lot. that each ticket holder be present in person on the grounds during the sale. A square deal is guaranteed. For any further information call on Wm. H. Moudy at the Palmer House or address the UNITED REALTY GOMP NY, and superior stock are the things we | that does the best printing. Of course For particulars § “eA. H. Swope, Johnstown, Pa, \ gs brag of. Send or bringin your work. | that’s the COURIER. Patton, Pa. "A brass band has been engaged and will discourse music for The only condition is Sl —Bor 1 Bishop- ~Ale a phar visit. ~The interere issue. ~The boro ar $18,000. —Fra tic del evening —Flo Davis, Monda; --0. timely 1 this iss ~The Thursd: of Nov —The this wee legal ac —J. 1 general was her —The mation 20th, as —Dr. New Yc serious —Ar the stor conduct —Pat of lots « _ .... adverti —Ab urated ¢ Read th column. —Pos in sma banks a sion che —Rt. bishop ¢ class at Sunday —Gov Charles Barnest by the head. —Gus a pensic pay amt ‘was pro George —Cha Litzinge J. Yeak roll tow wed dar —The Warren Bryan gress in approye county —An Mrs. M x died at | Russell pneumo conduct interme , —fAno we Steel Mi out the | two mir is suppo striking by Sam firer, wi —T. C ident of America Miner's the inte dates of Lewis is tion an {by a lar; | —Aga minder is appr easily 1 there wi moon al to stand made th be very ingly hi —Johr been a p spring, by Detec steamer | was in’ eigner’s gome ti mother | her offsp —We |] vice pres : ; sign on | | McPhers past thr | aggressi to being + the posi trict No suceessft tion. W ‘a positior . pany.—T