THE PATTON COURIER, OCTOBER 12, 1906 A BOON TO WOMEN. Mirror Mad, ’ Freaks of Rxplosions, “What!” exclalms the astonished Qunpowder explosions have one re Rattlesnake Polson, EN s Average Ie s Pr render, “is It possiBla that there are markable feature, The bodies of per “Years ago. when 1 was a boy at | The Vane of the Averag! Female Pro | : \ any civilized persons on the face of the ®ons killed in such an accident are pome,” sald a southern man, “an un. | Eliminated by a Simple Remedy, A] IAL YORK earth who are not in the habit of be. always fon] without clothing, put ele of mine, who lived near Mont: | Backache, whether due to natural ART J holding their visages reflected from frequently oue foot will have the shoe gomery, was out on his plantation one | causes or the result of disease, can be | | DIG B time to time in a mirror of some kind? | 0 This is trne of horses also. It day when he saw an ewormous rattle | promptly alleviated and ultimately LI N E OF WALL gv i one of the feet is iu the air and ane snake stretched Ina furrow of a cot- | 4,064 by the use of Dr. Wood's Kid: | Bho (Pennsylvania Division.) Surely this caunot ve so! Wrong, 1 ton field, H ized ub lying near T quite wrong, ¢ontle veader, for at the other on the ground, the shoe will be ton Held e seized un hoe 18 NEAT, 6y and Backache pills, Thousands of PAT ER J us ) orn {ron y foot tHat was y , 58 the monster, n . { found torn from the foot that was on by and made a pass at the mo 1ste suffering women - can testify to the | present time, sirdnge as it may ap : i mack t hil pear, there are hundreds of men and the ground and not from the other. At the same time it struck out &k BH | up, of this, RECEIVED. | women in the United Kiugdom who | When wen are killed in powder ex and broke off one of its fangs on the A . “ Eglo Nol plosions, the foot that happens te be edge of the hoe blade. My uncle dis- | It is a purely vegetable compound | ed the snake and then picked u and does not contain any poisons or : " PA All the latest patterns Beech Creek District. have not gazed into a mirror for years. The convicts confined in British pris- fn the air when the shock came will patch : ons form members of this community. be found wearing the shoe, while the the fang and brought it to the house | deleterious substances, It acts prompt- : x a From the moment of a conviet's en- other foot will be bare. as a curiosity. It was sharp as a |ly,and in addition to relieving the pain ‘and designs and at the amin Condensed Time Table. J trance to a jail to the moment of his needle, and a taint yellow stain at the | 4,04 up the system and makes life | mum of price. i Read a Read down y exit he is not permitted to have the Making It Clear. tip showed where some of the Virus |...) jiving. A trial will convince | Rhy Man Pelton June 17/05 No 30 "No 36 yi use of & mirror of any kind, the small- | A newly appeihted French mayor had exuded. and & tri ill costs y hing, If 1e » fraulies yr 1d-| pu m am pm 5. est piece of glass | Jing rigidly denied | fnaugurated his resime by a notice to “The bit of bone lay for at least three nds fejni will costs you ROLINE . Ab Picture frames, roo MOWI: By Pi. Patton Iv 16 10 12 40 p of glass being rigidly denied > aRYE: Ih 4 )) box they do not do all that is claimed for {in y ete 900 129 Westover 636 300 | him. .To the women conviets this ab- | the following effect: or four years In an ebony box on my | ; wi (mg, . a i S14 ] ty Bah we Je’ witine table ln his study, | them your money will be cheerfully re- | 8 8 OH I 700 32% 5 gence of a mirror forms one of the On the feast of our patron saint anc e's writing table ln his 8 cy, | h J | mC . 8 30 Mahaifes iv 1% 3g ‘ chief hardships of confinement, and the fire brigade will be reviewed in When one day a stupid negro servant ' funded. ] 5 JOS. J LICK, 767 Serrion: ar’? 30 many a female warder can tell piteous the afternoon if it rains in the morning girl, not knowing what it was, used Dr. Wood is a reputable physician p | 167 Rerrmoor wil io wales of women who have actually fall- and in the morning If it rains in the | it to extract a splinter from her thumb. who has had over 40 years of exper- Patton, Pa. | rt pl 740 422 en upon their knees and sobbed ont afternoon.” | In less than an hour her whole lower jence in kidney troubles, having made 787 Mitchells 746 428 entreaties for the loan of a morsel of | a — ig _ i any she exbitned it a specialty, and these pills are made - A Yearleld, oD in 3 ‘ y an Tw . | al e characteristic symptoms Oo 3 wiroli Mars putt 624 10 49 Wallacet 900 Bb mirror—*just for a second.’ All these | aot i we #34 our mptors | coule poison from his own perscription. / a UL REG | $8 la Mom HARON 200 3 entreaties have perforce to be disre- | 0?’ demande e P ptory . Don’t suffer any longer, but buy a ’ - id | 6051029 lv Munson ar 918 556 a Tod 1 it therefore comes al ¢ | eonductor as he took a quarter from “My uncle had studied medicine and . ? i AAS Ft E iN j i 5321000 1v Philipsburg ar942 625 JEL arefore comes a ow 1 v ‘ho had just struggled to | by prompt measures saved the girl's box mow. Price 50 cents at Wolf's lank u . aq | 8B io soar {vss 532 that wany a female convict passes the woman who bad just struggled to | by promp : 0 8 Pi . i i £1! §00 1024 ar Musisoh 022 600 three or four years without being per. | ® place on the trolley. | Wife, but for some mysterious reason Lharmacy. A stands for 25 years success=j% + 5951019 Winburne ou 608 | ot Ie v 0 TR . oi * + + fo kd 582 959 enle * mitted to gaze upon her own features. | a pour, she eplied, harply, and ae ry " regi he Violi Mandoli Gui ful pat nakivg, Fa meas | 31a ba Gilliniown 1004 843 ; —London Tit-Bits. | our fares were rung sharply, I : atior Cass iolin andolin, Gui- i ure—highest quality. Only paint 33 31 Snow Snos 1009 3 | n : 413 84! Beech Creek 1057 74 rm ee. the conductor handed back 5 cents, | My uncle lost no time in burning his | ’ 4 guaranteed by the maker. § {ais 548 ecch Creel 1057 74 Custom Influences Language. “That isn’t right!” exclaimed the murderous relic. ‘tar and Banjo 35 82 Lock Haven 116 805 Pomologists, like botanists, find It woah indignantly. | Row to Give a Ont Medicine | | 326 1% Jersey Shore al 4 i {impossible 10 enforce the rules of prior You said you wanted to pay for A Tork featleman has ery | TALl JGHT . [1250 1720 1v Williamsport ~~ arl1220 910 fty in names of fruits and flowers. In | four,” retorted the trolley employee. | o, pi gen so fine a § 3 vesy : {DW am Phila & Reading RR Dp truits th £ Bartle . | #1 didn't,” denied the woman. “You | &! . Pp | WM. M. SIMPSON, 230 650ar Williamsport lv $12 2011 30 | the names oi tlett for a peas | asked if my little boy was 2 years of her kind that she is famous in a | FPA 18 36%11 30 1v Philadelphia ar 730 650 9 large circle of fashionable folk. She iy | Fifth Avenue. PATTON, PA. Ban am pm Re pm am | | $400 lv NY via Tamaqua ar 1040 430 9001v NY via Phila ar 1010 {902 [M% PTL Perr spuReH and Telegraph for a grape have, not | : | , and I id no, he was 4. I sup- | been changed in spite of the efforts of | ue rn buy a pay for him if it’s w» | not rugged in health, yet she cannot be | leading pomologists and pomological | rule, but 1 don’t think it's right”— | persuaded to take physic. It has beer societies to support prior names. Those | i ut in her milk, it has been mixed with | The remainder of the sentence was p og Sai 3 | her meat, it has even been rudely and F. R. M E LLON, Sold by a m Sunday { Connectiongs—At Williamsport with Phila- fo delphia and Reading Railway: at Jersey Shore i . rts forget | who lead in these good effo forest lost in the discords that issued from | violently rubbed in her mouth, but nev- D . entist. Bi nder & Sta rrett | with the Zaft Alok Dishrich; at Mul Hull y y ra ailroad of Pennsylvania; & fod Opposite M, E. Churh. *Daily. {Week days. #7 p m Sunday. 111 00 that the only law for language is the | ¥ f the enraged conductor 1a sustom. In a fam the throat ol : w of custom famous grammar | who thrust ten pennies into the out | er has she been deluded or forced into | with “the | Philipsburg with Pennsylvania railroad and we are told “the English language re | | swallowing any of it. Last week a : stretched hand and retired to the rear | g ? ? { i ildi green Irish girl appeared among the | Office in Good Building, formerly Patton, Pa NY Phd PCR R; at Clearfield with the Bufe | ) . falo, Rochester and Pittsburg railway; at Mas wl haffey and Patton with Cambria and Clearfield th it’ i | quires the pronoun ‘it for all inani-| platform to relieve his feelings more occupied by H. A. Seitz. household servants. She heard about mate objects.” but custom has so firmly | fully by refusing to stop the car for made the sun a he and the moon a she | any ome for ten blocks.—New York | the failure to treat the cat. “Sure,” | Office hours:—8 a. m. to 12 m. 3 RR REA | division of the Pennsyvania railroad; at : that we have accept it. Thus it will | o 0 | said she, “give me the medicine and | “1p. m. to 5:30 p. m. hatley wills the Pennsylvania and North: oH ever be. To secure the adoption of a | eet | some lard, and. I'll warrant she'll be { 7 p.m. to 8 p. m. Parnell Cowher & Co western railway, % 3 | J. F. Fairlamb, W. H. Northrup, 2 prior name reformers must bestle The Average Lawsuit, ating all 1 give her!” She mixed the | — ’ Gen’l Pass. Agt., Gen, Awe, ol then selves before custom gets possew | There is nothing more ridiculous than | powder and the grease and smeared it | state of William J. Donnelly, Deceased. —Agents for— New York, Williamsport, Pa. | a slop of tbe field.~Meehan's Monthly. | ihe average lawsuit. Two men dispute | on the cat's sides. Pussy at once licked | Notice is hereby given that letters testa | FIRE, LIFE AND : ey 4 go to law. Both both sides clean and swallowed all the mentary have been issuedfto the undersigned ACCIDENT DISSOLUTION NOTICE. { over a few dollars and are sure to lose. Their neighbors are | physic. “Faith,” dragged in as witnesses, and the costs | “everybody in Ireland does know how i Just an Ordinary Steak. i #wheh in Hamburg, we supposed | ) said the servant girl. | executors of the estate above mentioned. All oe x persons indebted to the said estate are re- REAL ESTATE AGENTS, Notice is hereby given that the co- partnership heretofore existing be-: wre must do as the Hamburgers did, so | at our first meal there we asked for | amount to 10 or 20 times the amount in | to give medicine to a nat? quested to make payment, and those having Hamburg steak,” said the woman. ! dispute. Frequently these lmwsuta scene Painting. | claims to present the sate witout delay. Good Building. Patton, Pa.—'Phone No.9. [tween E. T., W. A. and F. C. Little, «Besides, we wanted to see how that’ ruin families and start quarrels that | A good scene painter may get any- | Has A Do he - _______iunder the firm name of Little Bros. viand would taste upon its native | last for years. Some men claim it is | where from $400 to $1,000 for a scene. | Joseen fl. ke LLY ait ois ; bas been dissolved by mutual consent. heath, anyway. But to all our requests, | “principle” that actuates them in these | The average price paid to the best half | : 35 T.R.MORRISON | mye puginess will be continued by E. T. ; lawsuits. It is bullheadedness, pure dozen scene painters for a scene 18 Estate of Jesse D. Fox, Deceased. : and W. A. Little, who will pay all ° { Dentist, debts and to whom all bills must be * eouched in our best scholastic German, the waiter shook his head. Like many | and simple. It is nearly always easy another prophet, the Hamburg steak | to “split the difference.” was apparently without honor in its Another bad feature about these law- | $500. But there are a great many more | i Letters of administration on the estate of | | Jesse D. Fox, late of Chest Springs borough, As soon as a married man gets & deceased, having been granted to the under- signed, all persons indebted to the said estate De pas paid. PATTON, PA. Patton, Pa., August 1, 1906. scenes painted for $100 than $500. _ “own country. At all events, our waiter | suits is that the county is put to con- a Ro hadn’t heard of it. ‘Oh, well,’ ‘we said, siderable expense, and men willing to | comror able home bui ¢ begins 0 |. ested to make payment, and those 2 ; “Just bring us an ordinary beef steak. | work are compelled to sit on the jury. | Worry his wife by talking about sell- Pri claims to present the same without Office in Brady Building. Patronize the home print shop But, lo and behold, when the meat was Settle your disputes without going te | ing it.—Indianapolis Journal. | delay to Lewis Fox, TT a — | We are better prepared than ever to mm | Atminisiaion, The best business men use the best) turn out commercial printing of all served there it was all chopped up and law. If the man with whom you are | There is nobody quite so busy as the Chest Springs, Pa. stationery and get it at the bet. offise kinds and at prices that can’t be dupli- made into small cakes—what Amerl- | disputing is no willing to “split the | ee qe ane Sept. T2. 1006 cans call, in fact, ‘Hamburg steak! difference,” he will probably accept a | or who tries to publish a ten page | Sept. 22 1906. By Ha To Hamburgers a Hamburg steak was | proposition to leave it to three meigke |newspaper in a four page town.— | = ee |that does the best printing. Of course cated for good Work. hora --4 tohieon Globe. | Is this your paper ? | that’s the COURIER. | Whose paper are you reading? Washington Post. . ‘ordinary steak.’ ”—New York Sun J I ee tte per eT - {A = — eles N 4 Ee " Jarren Worth Bailey in the Name of the Bryan Democracy Issues an 3 Address to the Voters of the Nineteenth Congressional District ‘fo the Voters of the Nineteenth Congressional District. for a realization of Democratic ideals to work and vote for a man so ; An extraordinary situation has been brought about in this dis- widely separated from them in sympathies, beliefs and purposes. tp’ ¢t through the nomination by a rump Democratic conference of « Mr. Thropp and his friends insolently and defiantly disregarded | plane it would be bad politics. For who can believe that the Demo- Joseph E. Thropp for congress. This left the Democrats without op- the wishes, the interests and the feelings of the real Democrats of this | crats of a district who have deliberately undertaken to send a Repub portunity at a crucial point in the history of their party to support | county and, it is believed, of the real Democrats of Bedford and Blair: | lican protectionist to congress could have any standing or influence its principles and to advance its higher interests. It involved a practi- | He insisted upon a nomination at once and he obtained one at the | with a Democratic administration? * eal disfranchisement of every at will The pending contest is three cornered. At one corner is John M. Democrat in the whole district who 1s hands of a rump conference under conditions and in a way tha sincerely attached to the Democratic cause and it gave a sort of ree- hardly bear inspection. There was no outward and visible reason : Reynolds, Republican, backed by all the tremendous power of the ognition to barter and sale in the disposal of Democratic honors why any Democrat should think of Mr. Thropp in connection with a Machine. At another corner is Joseph KE. Threp, Republican, backed which if unchallenged could not fail ultimately to destroy Democratic | congressional nomination. He does not offer even a preference over by the American Protective Tariff league. At the third corner the organization and eat out the very fiber of Democratic faith. John M. Reynolds. His record is not particularly better than that of | Bryan Democracy have placed me to £aee them hoth and to give the ® It is the inalienable right of Democrats to vote for Democratic 'the regular Republican nominee. He possibly is even less in sym- |best account possible of my stewardship. The odds are tremendous, candidates in support of Democratic principles. But a deliberate at- i pathy with the Democratic cause. His only merit seems to be that, | Phere is no organization behind me. There is no campaign fund. tempt to deny this right was made by the persons responsible for the | unlike Reynolds, he has continued absolutely loyal to his party faith | There is no legal advantage. Everything de pends upon the native projection of Joseph BE. Thropp into the Democratic situation. Mr. [even while traveling widely in search of temporary alliances with justice and strength of the cause itself. Tt depends upon the men Thropp is not a Democrat. He never was one nor is there the slight- | which to fight his party organizations because they had failed to !whose interests are involved. It depends on the courage, the faith {and the intelligence of the men in the mills, thé mines and on the est tendency manifested in his course to become a Democrat. He is a gratify his ambitions. | Republican as far as he is anything except an aspirant for office. He The Democrats of the district are entitled to be relieved of the | farm. It depends on those who arc tired of bossism in polities and hes never pretended to be anything else. With the utmost frank- | perennial Thropp embarrassment. They are entitled to be spared the {are no longer tolerant of the barrel as the chici™ inspiration of the ness he declares himself attached to every essential Republican doc- | perennial attempt to use them. They have a right to vote for Demo- | citizens. ' trine. He is an open champion of a tariff for protection. He is an |crats for congress and to keep their record clear with reference to the The fight is by no means 2 hopeless one. Thropp is already offfoial of the American Protective Tariff league. He has no quarrel national organization. But they cannot do this if Mr. Thropp is to | beaten and Reynolds can be beaten if those whose interests he o with the Republican party save that it refuses to gratify his ambition | ride them year after year as he might ride a hired horse. They can- | poses shall rally to the opportunity which is offered. Mr. Reynolds 18 to serve in congress. He was willing te accept a regular Republican | not do it unless they get rid of Mr. Thropp once and for all. And |a weak man. He would indubitably have been beaten two years ago nomination when it was offered him and he tried his utmost to get a |they have chosen this year as the proper and the inviting time to do | had he been opposed by a Democrat. He can be beaten this year ii renomination from the regular Re ublican party when the time came |it and they have called upon me to offer myself as the humble instru- Mr. Thropp stays in the field and divides the Republican high ¢ 8 around. He sought Democratic alliances only when he was rejected | ment of their purpose. vote. And I propose to defeat Mr. Reynolds as well ag Mr. Thropp by his own party. It is with the greatest reluctance that the duty is undertaken. I that be possible. I have sought no aid from Mr. Reynolds and would ¢ Yet it is this man which a rump conference has succeeded, ille- am not a practical politician. I have never once been a candidate for | secept none. All I ask is that the people shall candidly study the gally, as many believe, in forcing upon the Democratic ticket with a | public office until now. Tt is only at a serious sacrifice which cannot | issues involved and vote according to their convictions. I do not view of compelling Democrats to vote for a Republican in spite of well be afforded that I can enter this contest. My personal means are | want any man to vote for me if he does not want to see privilege ata themselves. For Joseph E. Thropp is as much a Republican as John {not such as to permit me single-handed and alone to wage the fight | tacked wherever and whenever it can be attacked. Let no man make M. Reynolds. He holds to the same general party views. He is as loy- | which needs to be waged. 1 have no golden stream of tribute flow- | any mistake. If elected to congress I shall work and vote in every al to Roosevelt and the administration program as Mr. Reynolds. In |ing my way from which to draw in carrying forward the canvass. Yet, | instance to break down trade restrictions, to destroy monopoly, to congress his vote in every important matter would go, not to the |T am freely at the service of the democratic Democrats of this dis- | bring about disarmament and to restore the people’s rule by mss Democrats, not in support of Democratic policies, not for the ad- trict. of direct legislation. g : vancement of the principles of freedo It will be impossible for me to canvass the district as T hold m and equality, but for the up- My devotion to the Democratic cause I hope has spoken for itself. building, the extension and the buttressing of those very powers Critics are challenged to point to any infidelity on my part to any of | like to do. Serious illness in my family will prevent me from leavin which Democrats instinctively abhor and which they believe to be |the great leading principles of the faith. Not always have I been able { home except perhaps for a few hours on occasion. There are busi- inimical to the common welfare. , to avoid mistakes. Not always have my views accorded entirely with | ness reasons why I cannot throw myself into the fight as my spirit In these circumstances the democratic Democrats of the Nine- | those held by some of the Democratic leaders. But if some one will | urges. But to the extent of my ability and my very limited means, teenth district have been driven to the only step that was left them. | point to a single instance where the gospel I have preached in season | with what zeal and courage I have at command, the task is taken up. They have been driven to put an independent candidate into the field [and out of season has failed to square with the fundamentals of the | My appeal is to the plain people—to the men who believe in equality to represent the Democratic idea, to uphold the Democratic flag and | Jeffersonian philosophy I shall feel under the most profound obliga- | of rights and opportunities—to those who enjoy no graft and ar to face the enemies of Democracy whatever their guise or whatever | tion. For never has there been conscious departure from that solid | seeking none—to those who love the flag as a symbol of liberty rather “heir name. They have therefore formed the Bryan Democracy and ground. ( \than as an ensign of power—to those who cherish the ideals of free - have imposed upon me the duty of standing before the voters of |. I need not say that my sympathy with William Jennings Bryan government based on justice and devoted to the protection only of +h's district as the representative and the champion of the great and the Democratic cause of which he is the accredited leader is com- | natural rights—to these men, no matter what their party, no matter {ieas and policies which have become associated with the name of | plete. It is beeanse 1 believe that it would be an insult to Mr, Byran | what their affiliations, I appeal. The Bryan Democracy is indeed the : and a threat against the cause he represents if a Republican wearing | Lincoln Republicanism. It stands upon the eternal verities of the n thought of the the Democratic label were sent to congress from this district that I | Declaration of Independence. Its highest expression is the Golden { have allowed myself to be drawn into this contest. It would be a su- |Rule. The goal toward which it is aiming is industrial and economic t of perfidy and dishonor for the Democrats of the Nine- | freedom where no tariff will vex, where no trust will rob honest toil, ill be open to every child born into the world, lves to such a possibility. They could | where opportunity w rnment will protect the weak rather than foster the who stand with him in the waz on privilege eould but resent so obvi- ous a playing into the hands of the enemy. And even on the lowest at incomparable leader. But before this step had been taken or eve Hemocrats of Cambri ia county in their convention had given me an ma alified endorsement for the congressional nomination. They had | preme ac Aralared for the nomination only of a straight Democrat except un- | teenth district to lend themse ~ ¥ der contingencies which seemed remote and which in fact did not de- never explain the matter away, they could never justify it in the | where gove ) velon. They were at heart oppered to furic nv terms or eondi-' eves of Mr. Bryan and the party in the nation, they could never even | strong, where the highways of every kind will be open to all ¢n equs omg where a sacrifice of princiri: ved; and one forgive themselves for such a betrayal of the faith they hold dear; | terms, where judicial usurpation, military aggrandizement 5nd €3 «oll within the mark in saying tt oven ha ai eon oirected and the punishment of such a crime aeainst political * morals could egutive encroachment will not be tolerated and where men i s+ith Jr. Thropp as the nonunee, tie rosuif at ihe pos would have hardly be escaped. It would cost the Dernocrats of this district the valued for what they are rather than for what they have. Yoon og disastson ag’ qs in 1004 14 vwenld have een impossible confidence of the Democrats of the nation @ They could not hope to Can you give me your help? Be Jy Democrat: erish (Fe Drinoctetic faith and whe lofi retain the respect of their fellow Democrats. Mr, Bryan and those | WARREN WORTH BAILEY. a 3 \ A ‘ A - i; . ; THE Their | the | publi Strau An ¢ here 1 cratic Miner vertis issue. Firs arer Berry gover grand the sa Chaur ant ge first P ator A are al dolph forme ! holdir comin Oth James E. Th Amer who and B gress Pleni] nary Franc chair: comix Johns didate now 2 Wort Col. J The 10:30 | at the dinne Carro that } turni held ¢ Jud court, cision the ut rival ture i Edmt the re can p by an held : whon filed, cates office: party on tl over Davi Fishe of th were office follov LN " natio fulfill entitl cate ¢ tend party make fice ti They ing tl depel In ad that fice fi made have distri ance “pg fest t cause tions foun cate « name tifica Edm the ¢ repre of th ative is ad] thon judg: mon? Th the n cand of th gtart
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers