————— Patton | Courier. — Roy Eaton Decker, ~ ESTABLISHED - - 1808. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, One copy, une year, in advance, - + = $1.00 AF=No papers Aigcontinued until all arrear- | ages are paid, unless at the option of the publisher. Butered at the Postofliee at Patton as second- class mail matter, -— : ADVERTISING RATES, Legal notices $1 per inch for three insertions, Card of thanks 5¢ per line. Resolutions be per line, Poetry be per line. Business locals be per line, Display ads 10¢ per inch flat, Foreign. advertising must be paid for invar- fably in advance. No commission paid to advertising agents, | These are “best” rates—no others go. | - CONCEALED WEAPONS AND LAW, The prevention of crimes of violence, particularly among the lower class of our population, is one of the greatest problems with which the courts and peace officers have to deal. The resort of the ignorant and uncultured in case of affront is always to force; brute pas- sion blinds them to consequences and thus it is that deadly weapons are brought into use with often fatal re- sults and later remorse, says .the Greensburg Argus. There is no preventative for the un- controllable temper and blind passions but education and proper early train- ing, but the outbreaks of these unde- girable attributes would in most cases spend themselves harmlessly were not the deadly weapon conveniently at hand. The one thing which seems most likely to prevent violence is to deprive the vicious of the instruments of mur- der and injury. Itis illegal to carry deadly weapons concealed in this state and the violation of this law carries a severe penalty, yet there is not a ses- sion of criminal court that is not called npon to consider numerous cases of this character. It seems the law is not respected. Matters might be helped if the pen- alty were made more severe. In the Fayette county court last week Judge Reppert took occasion to make some remarks concerning the common crime of carrying concealed deadly weapons. He said in substance that if the law was strictly enforced as to this crime it would be the means of doing away with many murders and cutting and shooting offenses now so common. The law, however, does not debar ; anyone from bearing arms in his own defense or for the protection of his property. The intent was to be con- ' gidered, as this made the crime, and if ‘ the defendant could not explain satis- | factorily why he had the weapon on his person then he should be found guilty. As Judge Reppert points out the peace officers are not sufficiently vigilant in enforcing the law, while the law itself does not seem to command * sufficient respect. THE Washington Observer urges the enactment of a law making con- stables and justices of the peace sal- aried officials, If this were done it would wipe out one conspicious fee scandal and would save many counties large sums of money every year. The ingenious way in which constables and justices in some counties pad their fee bills makes them very expensive. if they were paid fixed salaries there , wonld be no difficulty in getting com- petent service and the tax payers would have less cause of complaint. POMONA GRANGE. Officers Elected for the County Organiza- tion at the Last Meeting. The Cambria county Pomona grange at its meeting at Carrolltown Monday elected the following officers: | Cambria county, both Democrats and FORCED OFF THE TICKET! CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1.” The truth is the citizens of Northern Republicans, have too long been suck- ing the hind mamilla of the Johnstown gow. The time is now at hand to throw off the yoke of bondage, cast off the | halter of servitude and teach these ar- rogant grafters that there are other places in Cambria county outside of | Johnstown worthy of political consid- | eration. If Jesse BE. Dale is forced off | the Republican ticket at the behest of a | fow cold-blooded and brutal so-called leaders the result will be a revolution in Cambria county politics the effects of which will be felt for years. This is full, fair and free warning and written with an intimate knowledge of the | temper of the people. { The following from a Johnstown | newspaper bearing an Ebensburg date | line aptly describes the situation as | viewed by the people of this section: «Whether or not Jesse Dale, Repub- | lican candidate for sheriff in this county, will consent to be pushed from | the ticket by the Republican bosses is | just now the all-absorbing question | among Republican politicians through- | out the county. For several weeks ne- | gotiations of the most delicate nature | have been in progress, having as their | end the retirement of Mr. Dale in favor | of a candidate ‘more available.’ | “So far Mr. Dale,acting on the advice of his friends throughout the county, has refused to step down and out. This | refusal has brought things to a crisis | and as a result Mr. Dale has been told | brutally and directly that there is nothing to it except that he must get | off. As can readily be imagined, this | notification has not been received by | either Mr. Dale or his friends with en- thusiasm. | «It is understood that County Chair- | man Troxell was in conference with a number of leading Republicans of the county and that ‘Dale was inclined to balk.’ In spite of this fact it has been confidently announced by persons in the inner circle that the regularly nom- inated candidate will be forced out. “Owing to the fact that the reasons for retiring Mr. Dale are not generally understood the program is encounter- ing considerable opposition among the rank and file of the party, so far as they have been allowed to know just what was going on. No charges have been made against Mr. Dale affecting his availibility as a candidate and there sis something very mysterious about the whole affair. “The general accepted view is that the Republican bosses have discovered that Mr. Dale is not prepared to ‘prop- erly finance a campaign’ and that itis desired to ride over him in order to get a man with more money on the ticket. To this argument Mr. Dale’s friends have replied that it was not supposed that a boodle campaign was desirable or even possible under the laws recent- ly passed and that, although Mr. Dale | is not rich, that fact should not be | counted against him. | “What the outcome will be is regard- ed as uncertain. It can, however, be stated definitely that the whole matter is now up to Mr. Dale. He has been asked to quit by the party leaders. So far he has refused to do so. Those who | know the Republican candidate for | sheriff intimately declare that he will | not allow himself to be bluffed out. On | the other hand those close to the Re- publican organization declare that ‘Dale will be off the ticket.in plenty of time to get another man on.’ «The effort to change the decree of | the recent Republican county conven- | the facts are known. Many Republi- | cans are taking the position that the | bosses would do well to allow the work | of the county conyention to stand and | that to force a candidate from the | ticket in order to replace him with al man who has money and is willing to | spend it is hardly a good beginning for | a hard campaign.” Letter to Patton Coal Dealers. i Patton, Pa. | Dear Sirs: If you could get the ex- | clusive sale of a coal that would give double heat and cost no more, youd jump at it, wouldn’t you? You'd control the trade for a hundred | miles ! Devoe is like that among paints; a | short ton is as good as a long one of | turer, Joseph Farabaugh, Carrolltown steward, W. P. Sanker, Cresson; assis- | tant steward, Peter Leib, Nicktown; chaplain, Mrs. H. J. Bannon, Loretto; treasurer, Thomas W. Hughes, Ebens- burg; secretary, fH. M. Gooderham, Patton; gatekeeper, Vincent Heuber, Bradley Junction; Pomona, Annie M. Biter, Patton; Flora, Miss Maggie Noon, Bradley Junction; lady assis- tant steward, Miss Bessie Farabaugh, Oarrolltown; exalted commander, W. R. Roland, Ebensburg; executive com- mittee, W. R. Roland, John F. McCoy, Chest Springs, and J. H. Glass, Flin- ton. ; . Who does yonr printing? If the other fellow does it, it may be right. If the COURIER does it, you know it is right. aN Whose paper are you reading 7 ¥ only 5c a bundle. \ Master, George W. Garrett, Munster; overseer, D. W. Griffith, Cresson; lec- worth more than two of many a popu- | Old papers for sale at this office— any paint you can name; a gallon is | 3 lar paint. Suppose you have painted your house | about once in three years ever since it | was new; you buy the same number | |of gallons Devoe, have a third of it | |left, and it wears six years. Count | your costs. $1.75 a gallon for paint; about $75. Put ’em together: $100. but you see how it goes. more is coal worth than } slate ? Yours truly, F. W. DevVoE & Co. P.S. Binder & Starrett sell our paint. —The season for squirrels opened kinds can be legally shot by any ome hunter in one day. ‘ WONDER THE PATTON COURIER, OCTOBER § 1906 4 AND 13- EAT § at the 3, 0 and 19c Store On Next Monday Morning, Oct. 8th. On that date our doors will open upon the great 3, 9 and 19-cent sale, which will continue until Satur- day, Oct 13th. This will be one of the most interesting, as well as one of the most satisfactory, sales we have held in this city Every articl dissatisfied customer. Read the items below. Machine thread, black and white, No. 40-50, 3¢ per spool. Pins, three papers for 3¢. Hair pins, six packages for 3c. Safety pins, three dozen for 3c. Ink 3c per bottle. Mucilage 3¢ per bottle. All sizes the best needles, 3¢ pack- age. Children’s garters 3¢ pair. The best pearl buttons 3¢ dozen. Silkateen, all colors, 3¢ spool. Petroleum Jelly 3c bottle. Six pen points for 3c. Best pen holders 3c. Best lead pencils for 3e. Glass salts and peppers 3¢ each. Ladies’ and men’s handkerchiefs 3c each. Paring knives 3c each. Tooth picks, 1,500 in box, 3¢ each. China head dolls 3c each. Coffee and tea strainers 3c each. Mouse traps 3c each. Wire egg beaters 3¢ each. Nutmeg graters 3¢ each. Lamp wicks, six for 3e. The best sand soap 3c. Baby rattles 3c. Baby ribbon, five yards for 3c. Rolled plated baby beauty pins 3c. 15¢ and 19c collars for 9e. 1gc and 25¢ belts for 9e¢. Igc corset covers 9c. 12% and 15c hose for ladies and children 9e¢ pair. 15¢ men’s hose 9c pair. Infant’s wool hose, all colors, 15¢ kind for 9¢ pair. Infant's wool sacques, 19¢ kind 9c. veils, white, 9¢ each. “ bootees 9c pair. Cushion tops, 15¢ kind for Je. Cushion cords, 15¢ kind for 9e. Stamped doilies, 15¢ kind 9e¢. he bureau scarfs 15¢ kind for 9c. Shelf lace, two patterns, worth 15¢, for 9¢ yard. Ladies’ fine linen handkerchiefs, two for 9e. Mounted back and side combs, 15 and 20c kind for 9e. Shell and amber side combs 9¢ pr. Decorated China plates 6 ins., two for 9e. Decorated China plates, 7 and 8 ins., 9¢ each. Fine China bread and cake plates, 8 and g ins., for 9¢, worth 1gc. Decorated cups and saucers, two for 9e. Decorated platters 9c each. Decorated individual butter dishes, three for 9e. Decorated China pitchers 9e. Glass oil jugs 9e. “ molasses cans 9c. Glass berry dishes 9e. Tin coffee, sugar and tea cans Je. 10 dozen clothes pins for 9c. Rubber jar rings, two dozen for 9c. Lunch boxes 9e¢. Fancy work baskets 9c. Nickel plated teaspoons for 9c dozen. Nickel for 9c. Knives and forks, two for 9e. ENAMELED WARE. Preserving kettles, 3 and 4 quarts, for 19¢. Lipped sauce pans, 3 and 4 quarts, for 19c. plated tablespoons, four e vou buy here will be guaranteed worthy, dependable goods, and will refund the purchase price to any Vou will find them interesting; and come early Monday morning. Boiling kettles, and 'S i g 3 and 4 quarts, Pudding pans, 3 and 4 quarts, 19e. Wash basins, large size, 19¢. Dish pans, 12 quarts, 19e¢. White enameled chambers 19¢. ot 3 child’s cups and saucers 19¢. White enameled pudding pans 19¢. Blue enameled coffee and tea pots, 3 and 4 quarts, 1gc. Tin bread, flour and sugar cans for 1gec. Tin dinner buckets 1ge. Bread and butcher knives 1ge. Market baskets 1gec. Fancy work baskets 1ge. Flour jardineers, fancy, 35c¢ kind for 1g9c. Window shades, all colors, 19¢. Cabbage cutters 19c. Pictures and frames, sizes 10x12, rox14 and 16x18, worth 40 and j50c, for 1gc. Towels 1gc¢ pair. Bureau scarfs 1ge. Pillow shams 19e. Linen toweling, two yards for 19e. Cotton batting, pure white, two pounds for 19e. 35 and soc belts 1ge. 25¢ cushion tops 19¢. Men’s woolen socks, 25 kind, 19e. Seven bars fine toilet soap 19¢. Eight bars laundry soap 19e. Good brooms 1ge. Water glasses 19¢ dozen. Seven wine glasses 19¢. Fine china cups and saucers, worth 25 to 35¢, for 19c. We handle a full line of Table.and Floor Oil Cloths, Blankets, Quilts, Children’s and Baby Dresses and Caps; Underwear for men, ladies and children. We can save you from 25 to 35 per cent on these goods. The 3, 9 and 19-Cent Store, Fifth Ave., Opp. Hotel Patton, Patton, Penn a. tion has created a sensation wherever |= Home Killed Meat re T\ if not satisfied. Clha. Hi 7 EVER OGGURED T0 YO That successful buying is the result of careful judgment? In selecting the kitchen Stove, care should be exercised to get the best. . ST HPRIZERWY 7 STOVES¥Sc RANGES) have stood the test—and are used and recom- mended by the most exacting house-keepers in this vicinity. You cannot find another cooking appliance that so closely meets every want of the household. Your money back Sold by BINDER & STARRETT, Patton, Pa. | WM. H. SANDFORD, President. | Capital—fully paid | Surplus - I yy | Total Assets P WELTY, Interest paid on time | Stockholders’ liability ; : : | A. G. PALMER, Vice-President. First National Bank OF PATTON, PA, Organized October 10, 1893. DIRECTORS. deposits. Banking by mails a specialty. $100,000 & - 40,000 0O- 100,000 00 850,000 OO ° T. J. SCHOLL Cashier. Geo. S. Good, James Kerr, A. G. Palmer, E. OC. Brown, Chas. Anna, H. J. Patton, W. O. Lingle, Geo. E. Prindible, Wm. H. Sandford. A general Banking Business transacted. 4 $3.50 a gal- | lon for putting it on; you saved five gallons; $26.25 on this job. But you | save the whole job of three years hence: | ) ¢ . | Can’t reckon so accurately as that; | Butchers and Dealers in All Kinds of Paint isn’t | alike any more than coal. How much No embalmed business in| ours. We deal strictly in| meat killed at our slaughter house. Everything in season. | ~ Litile Bros. | I have opened a Plumbing | Establishment in Patton and ‘am prepared to do all work in ‘my line expeditiously and | Fresh and Smoked Meats. well. PATTON, PA. The COURIER is better prepared | than ever to do first class job’ printing | } at right prices. Competent workmen mv line, give me a call at Monday and lasts until December 18. | 3nd superior stock are the things we| > in ! Lye next to North Only six of one kind or of the three | prag of. Send or bring in your work. p Sanitary Plumbing | and Heating. Estimates Cheerfully bers tee | Furnished. If in need of anything in f Star Steam Laundry, Kerr : | building, Fifth Ave. We pay four per cent per annum on deposits in our Savings Department, compounded semi-annually. Why send your money to institutions in dis- tant cities, strangers to you, when you can do fully as well at home? * Call or write for full information. You should have one or more of our Savings Banks in your home. It will teach practical lessons in economy. Saved wages become wage earners for the saver. | “Not what you get, but what you hold, Eases life’s burdens when you’re old.” Violin, Mandolin, Gui= F, R. MELLON, he tar and Banjo | Dentist. TAUGHT, Office in Good Building, formerly WM. M. SIMPSON, | occupied by H. A. Seitz. Fifth Avenue. PATTON, PA. | Office hours;—8 a. In. to 12 m. 1p. m, to 5:30 p. m. Opposite M, E, Churh. 7 p.m, to8 p.m, 4 3 noun a nex —N ance Barn his fa hr A June nees town —A super good: will t —A Kane cubic large: —A posse secur away a Joyce Pittst quain 5 point Nelis Deliv —E ensbu Demc town —J and GC for Br the di ball le —A cil hel pavin nue s award Co. fo —J Unite make jonal candi ing-Ti —El hotel foreig seriou to qui amon was b: —TI curiou the D Bohen Irishnr man, ¢ nary —A Inter-| held a ford tc up the season prospe —On ever “Ruth. churct .on this ing th which —Jo proper Kuhn, tion of the pr It is hi license gourt. Tuesds burnec except that w sumed —Fo railroa advert tions ¢ passen young positio appren wiper | compas J. M. D plevin to Dive paymel at $10 a sold the compar hence t
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers