(ON eonnec~ 'resson, nins, there. ar to Power ins, there« ir to Power jranch and ‘arrolltown nins, there- wfter until enfter until after until il 11:11 p.m, i111:16 p.m, il 11:20 pam , thereafter after until | 11:28 p. 1 11:30 p. 11:40 p. 11:00 p. 11:11 p. 11:15 p. 11:16 p. 11:20 p. nm m. m, m, m., m, m. m, R. R. train AS, Supt. T 000 00 000 00 000 00 000 00 ,-H. J. wrtment, in dis- 4 Call ov 7 i will B X 5 : ————————————— Patton Courier CLIPPED AND CONTRIBUTED, The base ball is as blind as the bat. - — INTERESTING INDENTATIONS —(, Bennett, of Clearfield, is visitin relatives in town, - ~John T, Culp was visiting relatives in Lock Haven over Sunday. ~William Yeckley, ‘of DuBois, was renewing acquaintances in town last | you'll dislodge a lot of grafters, week, ~Mvrs, J. Wm. Scheid and children | thinks when a horse steps on his foot. Jefferson | are visiting relatives in county, ~~Miss Lou Addleman, of Curwens- | ville, is a guest at the residence of M, | B. Cowher. ~Bart Young has moved his family | | r into his handsome new residence on |}, Fifth avenue. —Henry Mills and Howard Dinsmore made an automobile trip to Corning N. Y., this week. —John W. Evans left for Lewisburg Io last week, where he has matrienlatec at Bucknell university. | —Pete Anderson, who holds a lucra tive position in the Elk club at Greens- burg, was here this week. ~Mr. and Mrs. George Harris, of DuBois, were guests at the residence of W. H. Denlinger this week. ~The Bon Ton store’s new —Binder & Sparrett have a new big advertisement on the eighth page of this issue that is worthy of a careful perusal. —At a meeting of the board of fair directors held at Carrolltown last week it was decided to hold a fair in 1907 during the first week in September. ~The St. Boniface hotel at St. Boni- face, conducted by George H. Bierlein, was closed by Sheriff Samuel Lenhart Saturday on a writ issued on a judg- ment note for §1,500 to Andrew Lantzy, the wholesale liquor dealer at Hastings. —Superintendent of Public Instruc- tion Schaeffer has issued his semi-an- nual proclamation designating Friday, October 19, as the autumnal Arbor day. The usual appeal for teachers, pupils and school officials to appropri- ately observe the day is made. —It has been suggested that the best way to head off the mail order houses is for the local merchants to advertise liberally and to get the trade them- selves. It does look reasonable. All of the mail order houses are heavy ad- vertisers and if they can make it pay why not the local merchants ? —Beginning with next Sunday the Sunday school in the Methodist church will be held at 2 o’clock p. m., and will continue to meet at that hour through the fail and winter. The hours for the other services will be: Class at 9:3) a. m., preaching at 10:30 a. m., Epworth services at 6:30 p. m. and preaching at 7:30 p. m. —1It is stated that the Pennsylvania railroad will soon begin work to reduce the grade between the Loretto Road and Kaylor stations and to accomplish this will extend the line a mile farther toward Cresson. Kaylor will then be abandoned as a junction point, altho the Ebensburg branch will continue as at present. ~By the sale by the United States court ex-Congressman Joseph E. Thropp, of the Nineteenth congres- sional district, secured the property of the Saxton Furnace company, located in Bedford, Huntingdon and Centre counties, thus making him the second largest pig iron manufacturer in the United States. —A monster locomotive which was built at the Baldwin locomotive works, Philadelphia, for the Chicago & North- western railroad, was unable to go| through the Gailitzin tunnel. It is by far the largest engine ever built, weigh- ing 180 tons. was sent to Irvona and came out on the f adver- tisement in this issue is replete with good suggestions and better bargains. To get it west the engine | jestic Range in actual operation, bak- Dressmhaking- Miss Katherine An. Woy Patton, Pa. | A girl likes to think that other girls think her attractive. Most of the reform ideas of a mis- [sionary are heathenish, Shake the political plum tree and A man never forgets to say what he Be sure and call at our store one day BINDER & STARRETT, to read carefully Binder & i isoment in this paper. | next week. Don,t fail starrett’s adve | In the case of morbid people the only yhotographs that do them justive are blue prints. A genius is a man who doesn’t know | whether he is eating boiled cabbage or ' | stewed fudge, ice cream by the dish, quart or gal- | n, also ice cream soda water at the Ci ity restgucant. "| or near Patton. For farther particu- | lars call at this office. T™.5 average man would rather lose a «Jollar on a horse race than earn a quarter by hard labor. | Eyery time an angry man slams a door it lets the recording angel out of making a dash in the book, Have you seen the mordern cooking wonder at Binder & Starrett’s store ? Come in any day this week. No soap bubbles on Duquesne beer. The ‘‘collar’” is pure cream. Ask for it at the bars and get the best. Binder & Starrett are giving free a handsome set of ware well worth $7.50. | See advertisement in this paper. Never trust a man who pretends he’s | glad he is bald or a woman who pre- tends she’s glad she has red hair. Get a handsome set of ware worth $7.50, free. See Binder & Starrett’s| advertisement in this paper for particu- lars. It you want the best call for Du- quesne Beer. Not a headache in a car- load of it. Cool, sparkling and re- freshing. Read Binder & Starrett’s advertise- ment in this paper and you will not wonder why they have such crowds every day. For Sale—A five room and eight room house for sale, situated on Pal- mer avenue. Call on or address Mike Danzcak, Patton, Pa. Every girl has a mission in life, and in ninety-nine cases out of a possible Wanted Position ag stenographer in | flu | OR —— a WN Lg) THE BON TON STORE. Our line of ! Millinery is just as snappy and up to the minute as can be seen in this county. Ev- ery weel we re- ceive a shipment of samples of all the new things in Hats. There's three reasonswhy you should buy Hats at this store, viz: Quality, Style QQ. Price. The qualities are guaran- teed. The styles cannot be surpassed and the prices mean a big saving. MN f Ye, IN 2) ) J) PLAID DRESS GOODS. Plaids are the leading thing for fall. We have a good line at 25¢, 49¢ and 98c. Special---28-inch plaid, worth 19c¢, for hundred it is to require a son-in-law for her anxious mother. Backache before and during the | menstrual period promptly relieved by | Wood’s Kidney and Backache pills. | Price 50 cents a box at Wolf’s Pharm- cy. For Sale—A good No. 9 cooking range in first-class condition. Will be sold cheap. For further particulars call on or address Mrs. O.F. Wolf, | Patton, Pa. You are cordially invited to attend our exhibit any day this week. Come | and have a cup of coffee and hot bis- cuits, if you intend to buy or not. BINDER & STARRET. 0 For Sale—An 11-room house and lot | in a desireable location in Patton. Good cellar and plastered throughout. Will be sold at a bargain. Also other properties for sale. Inquire of George Boone. Why suffer from backache or kidney trouble when one box of Wood’s Kid- ney and Backache pills gives rélief and | full sized Haps, worth $1.25, for COMFORTS. A great big line boughtdirect from the factory, 98c up to $2.98. Special--- APRON GINGHAM. Standard quality, all uaranteed colors, worth 8c, for g 534c DOMET FLANNEL. a Plain white Domet or Shaker Flannel, worth 8c, for We're ready for Fall Business. Complete Children’s Coats, Underwear, Blankets, Haps, a good generous assortment of Styles to choose THE BON TON ST 12V2¢c worth 15¢ 12c re LINEN TOWELS. | Part Linen Huck Towels, and 19c¢, special at COTTON BLANKETS. | Fair size Gray Cotton Blankets, | 6%c, for | CHILDREN'S DRESSES. ' White Lawn Dresses, worth up to | $1.49, 1 to 5 years sizes, for & x 69c MEN'S UNDERWEAR. Rear Heavy Fleece Lined Shirts and Draw- ers, worth 49c each, for 39c OUTING FLANNEL. Short lengths of 10c Quting Flannel 7c 5 yard; 8c quality C stocks of Dress Goods, Women’s, Misses’ and ‘Waists, Domestics, Infants’ Wear. You'll find a from in every department. ORE, PATTON, PA. two or three boxes positively cure. Price 50 cents a box at Wolf’s Pharm- acy. The Majestic Mfg. Co., of St. Louis, Mo., will have a man at Binder & Star- rett’s store next week showing the Ma- ing and serving biscuits to the large Millinery. main line of the Pennsylvania at|crowds. Cresson. When in Barnesboro try the City —W. D. Stevens, of Pittsburg, and| Cafe tor meals, lunch, ice cream and iiss Marguerite Harvey, of Houtz- | refreshments. Itis the best place of lale, were married in St. Mary’s R. C. |its kind in this section, a very desir- thurch Thursday morning at 11 o’clock able place for ladies as well as gentle- y Rev. Edwin Pierron. The atten-| men. 7th door north of Corner drug flants were Miss Mary Harvey and store. Both ’phones. ennis Harvey, a brother and sister of| Write or phone the Chas. G. Fagan he groom, both of Houtzdale. The|Wall Paper and Pdint Co. for high hewly married will be ‘at home’ to grade wall paper and paint of all kinds. heir friends at Conneautville, Pa., af- Decorating, papering and painting by er Nov. 1st. | experienced workmen under our per- —The Oenter Baptist Association of sonal supervision of many years exper- | Pennsylvania will hold its seventy-sixth ience, which is quite essential in doing anniversary at Ebensburg next week, | good work. Rooms papered and dec- October 2, 3 and 4, and a splendid pro- | orated from $5.00 to $50.00 according to gram has been arranged for the three | grade of work. Both ’phones. days, under the supervision of T. H. | - em Suckling, of Hollidaysburg. The as-| sociation includes all the Baptist| _ = il] ms . L ist t Notice is hereby given that an application churches as far east as Lewis own, west | will be made to the Governor of the State of | to Johnstown, north to Bellefonte and | Pennsylvania on Monday, the 15th day of south to the Maryland state line. | October, 1906, by J. G. Lloyd, Alvin W. Evans | 1, 3 . : [and John L. Elder, Jr., under the Act of As- ~The Anti-Vaccination league of| sembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylva- Pennsylvania invites the opponents of | hia, cutitled “An Act to provide for the In- | CHARTER NOTICE, Millinery. FALL AND WINTER STYLES. The finest line of hats, birds, wings, flowers, plumes and ribbons ever brought to this section shown at the MELLON MILLINERY STORE, Patton, Pa. Don’t fail to come and see our stock. vaccination in this vicinity to send one | corporation and Regulation of Certain Corpo- { or more representatives to the state one” approved April 20th, 1874, and the | - r ate | ; r | supplements thereto, for the charter of an conference to be held at the Conti intended corporation to be called “The Knox To nental hotel, Philadelphia, October 4! Water Company,” the character and object of | “for the purpose of takin uch { which is the supply of water to the public in and 5, ep Pp . Zs | the district of Adams township, Cambria | political or other action as may be| sounty, Pennsylvania, and for that purpose to Heemed most effective to restore the | have and possess and enjoy all the rights, lreedom of the schools and to maintain | benefits and privileges of the sald Act of As- p principles of civil liberty in this | sembly and its supplements. > F, J. HARTMAN, Solicitor. pmonwealth. September 18th, 1906.-4t {Reuel Somerville, Office in the Good Building, DR: H. W. BHILEY, Dentist! Room 16, Good Building. | | Attorney-at-Taw, | | PATTON, PA. Office Hours—8 to 12 a. m.,1to5p.,, m,6to8 p.m, LOCAL PHONE, 70.08. BE. 58. 888585.888860 For Fall Wear WE ARE WELL PREPARED TO FIX YOU OUT. If you want good, dependable clothing or furn- ishings come here first, last and all the time. WE ARE SHOWING : New Suits, New Shoes, New Rain Coats, IEEE IL E8EE 888888885 HITTITE New Top Overcoats, New Hats, Caps and Headwear for Little Fellows, New Monarch Shirts, New Underwear, New Neckwear, New Sweet Orr Trousers and everything kept in a first-class clothing house. We are agents for the Knox Stiff Hats in $3, $4 and $5 grades. : " THE KEYSTONE, Patton, Pa. ¥. 'Q Opposite First Nat'l Bank. CITT TTS TIES 555098888, HOTTIE INES.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers