SON st, PA. 1e Co. g be- Little, Bros. nsent, . E.T. y all 1st be cased, 3 testa signed, d. All are res having LY, ors. id for / one men’s t that ser. news THE PATTON COURIER. seoton VOL. XII1.—NO. 43. THE SEASON 1S CLOSED! Patton Celebrated it by Shut- | ting Bradford Out. PATTON, CAMBRIA CO., PA., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1906. INDEPENDENT — NOT NEUTRA PERTINENT PARAGRAPHS. Pencilings Pertaining to | | and Places. | Pointed People Pithy, —Argument court will convene at Ebensburg Tuesday at which time the {following cases of local interest will | purposes. (come up for disposal: Dowler Coal township has taken sides in the matter | TOWNSHIP DIVISION FIGHT. Citizens of Allegheny Township at Odds Over an Election House, Allegheny township residents are having an interesting scrap over the | division of the township for voting | Most every citizen of the | , TWO GAMES AT PUNX’Y company vs. Beech Creek Coal & Coke | and the fight promises to be interesting | The Diggers Won the First One and Lost the Second—Locals End by Heading the Street Railway company; Beech Oreek a new election house and storage room 'C g ry 3 4 r ra 3 : ov are Reserved | Coal & Coke company vs. Dowler Coal | for the road machinery of vhe town- _Becond Division—-Players for Next Year. The Patton base ball club closed the Inter-State league season at Bradford Sunday by shutting the Drillers out. This makes six out of seven games won by the Diggers from the Drillers since the locals secured the Hornell franchise. The games at Punxsutawney Friday and Saturday were close and interest- ing and resulted in an even break. The first game was won by Patton by a score of 2 to 1. Dresser, the pitcher who belonged to Patton, but was prevented from coming through the lack of backbone on the part of the president of the league, Mr. “Rubber- neck,” was on the mound for the Policemen. The score by innings: {church at | company; Cambria and Clearfield Rail- | gg well as acrimonious. way company vs. Northern Cambria | company. —Axeil Sandburg, of this place, and | Miss Esther Johnson, of Pittsburg, | were married in the Swedish Lutheran court asking for the appointment of | bria county have each received a com- Wednesday viewers to view the situation and di- | munication from the Cambria County The attend- | vide the election district of Allegheny | Pomona Grange that will cause them ants were Pete Anderson, of Greens- | township into two precincts, for the|to dosome hard thinking. The grang- burg, and Miss Gertrude Johnson, a purpose of making it more convenient ers wish to know how the candidates | for the voters to reach the polling |stand, and what position they will take Greensburg morning at 9:30 o’clock. sister of the bride. — Warren Worth Bailey, the editor | of the Johnstown Democrat, is circu- | lating petition papers for the placing of his name on “Bryan Democracy’’ candidate for con- gress in this district. Mr. Bailey is honest, popular, a man of more than building was entailed, and they set received states that the votes of the ordinary ability and will undoubtedly i forth the fact that if the township is ‘members of Cambria County Pomona poll a large vote. | ~The next regular meeting of the | QOambria County Pomona Grange will be held in Carrolltown Monday at 9 | the official ballot as the {complain that if the township was to { Some time ago the supervisors built | | ship. This building has been rod at a cost of $618. At the recent term | of court a petition ‘was presented to | places. The citizens who are satisfied with | the location of the new voting place | be divided, the move should have been | taken before the expense of the new | divided the building will be useless. | A petition setting forth these facts | will be presented to court and praying | | that the viewers be recalled. Formerly which to formulate their replies. Upon L — RUN BY THE PUBLISHER. GRANGERS WANT TO KNOW! | Ask Questions of Legislative Candidates. ARE EIGHT IN NUMBER. | They Embody Most of the Stirring Ques- | tions of the Day, Especially as Relating to Transportation Companies—Answers Will be Published in Full. The legislative candidates in Cam- on measures pertaining to the welfare of this commonwealth and to Cambria county in particnlar. The questions propounded the men who wish to become legislators are eight in number, and the letter they Grange will indicate approval or re- jection of the position taken by them. The candidates are given 10 days in PRION. vise wines 20000000 0-2 Punx’y... 00 00—1 The game Saturday was a good one up to the sixth inning, when the Police- men solved Manning’s delivery and pounded out three runs, which were all o’clock a. m. All patrons are requested | to be present as the meeting is one of importance to all granges in the county. + George E. Bender, formerly of the voting place of Allegheny tows- receipt of the questions and answers | ship was the Bradley school house, but | they will be forwarded to the Pennsyl- | the teacher and directors objected on |vania Grange News, in which they will {account of the disorder in which the | be printed. Copies of this paper will i room was left after each election. be sent to every grange organization | The last election was held in the|in Cambria county and will be read that were {made by either side during the contest. McKown, the Punx’y spit ball artist, put up an elegant game and the best the locals could do was two hits. In fact, Patton never could find Mr. McKown to any appreciable extent without the aid of oil of mus- The score by in- tard and licorice. nings: Punx’y... Patton... a Collins held the Drillers down to two hits at Bradford Sunday, while the Diggers secured nine off of Kerwan’s delivery, Mack securing a third of these. The details: PATTON. RHOAE Wilson, 3b 0-0-2 10 Keefe, rf. 90 0 0 0 Scudde 0:0:10 0 0 Mack, ¢ 1:83 1:00 Jones, 2b. 0.1 1 0 1 Richardson, s: 1:1 1-3 0 Flory, If. : 3 : 0 9 Marnin, ¢ gl sit Collins, p Totals... Coalport, has located in Patton and opened a studio in the Grange Bank building for the purpose of giving in- struction in vocal music. Mr. Bender is a vocalist of rare ability himself and a good instructor. —Rev. Singleton Neisser, pastor of the First Baptist church, will deliver his lecture, ‘The Silver Fish Hook, or Millions of Spendthrifts,”’at the church on Tuesday evening at 8:15 o’clock. Admission, 25 cents; children, 15 cents. —The mother of Dr. H. W. Bailey, the dentist, died suddenly at her home in Mansfield, Pa., Wednesday morning. The funeral was held this afternoon at 1 o’clock. —The Johnstown Base Ball associa- tion is looking a deficit of $9,785 in the | tace for the pleasure of having a tail {end team in the Tri-State league this | year. | —Baird’s moving picture and illus- | | basement, of the residence of F. L. | Little. If the viewers appointed go on with their work and recommend the division of the township, then there will be two new election houses needed | and the machinery house in the center. | TRANSACTIONS IN REALTY. Properties In This End of the County That Changed Hands Recently. Frank H. Seely et ux to J. P. Me- Williams, 15 acres in Allegheny town- ship, $1. A. T. Strittmatter et al to Mary Csidahs, lot in Hastings, $550. | Lewis Burkhart et ux to Michael | Bilig, lot in Elder township, $50. Murray Hoffman, Jr., by attorney- in-fact, to Dan Colclesser, 100 acres in Clearfield township, §450. before the members. Here are the questions: 1—-Will you vote to give the trolleys the right to carry freight and express? 2—Will you pledge yourself to not accept personal transportation or favors from auy transportation com. pany during your term of office? 3—Will you support a bill for a uni. form passenger rate of two cents per mile? 4—Will you favor enforcing the Con- stitution of Pennsylvania, especially the seventeenth article, relative to the powers and duties of transportation companies ? 5—Will you support a measure to | permit the county to retain all of the personal property and license tax ? 6—Will you favor an increase of Murray Hoffman, Jr., by attorney- | | Leon Mackowieki et ux to Maynard in-fact, to Dan Colclesser, 108 acres in teen to fifty per cent ? Clearfield township, $325. | state aid ior township roads from fif- 7—From resolutions passed at differ- |ent sessions of the state grange itis | trated song show will be at the U. M. K W. of A. hall Tuesday evening. Geo. 0|E. Bender, the baritone, will do the 0 singing. 0 10 0 ol —A large number of Patton people 2| attended the presentation of ‘Simple 0 0|Simon Simple” at the New Morley the- 9 0 & 0later at Barneshoro Thursday evening. 1 0.00 —A¢t Friday’s adjourned session of BRADFORD. Totals *Batted for Herrell in ninth. SCORE BY INNINGS. | persons were naturalized and 56 took Patton....... 002000 0 0 2—4| out their first papers. Bradford 00000000 0-0] mdm mm Summary ned runs, Patton 2. Base on | YOM KIPPUR TO-DAY. Struck out, by Kerwan7, | balls, off Collins 1. 12, Patton | It is the Holiest ot all Days to the People of py Collins 7. Left on bases, Bradford 4. Double play, Herrell, unassisted. pall, Marnin. First on errors, Bradford 1, Pat-| | i HEY . ton 2. Time, one hour and 30 minutes. Umn- This evening at 6 o’clock begins the pire, Collins. Attendance, 1,000. | greatest of all Jewish holidays. This The Patton team was disbanded at | is the holiest of all days to the Hebrew Bradford Sunday evening and the people. Yom Kippur means holiest of players paid off. All of them have feasts. It is observed by Jews the been reserved for next year with the world over. The Reformed or Ameri- exception of Pitcher Collins and Third can faith observe one day, the old style Baseman Wilson, whose contract's were | or orthodox keeping two days. Neither minus the -reserve clause. It is ex-|food nor drink is supposed to pass the Passed | the Jewish Religion. | naturalization court in Ebensburg 228 | Windows, lot in Carroll township, $800. | evident that there is a growing demand Frank H. Seely et al to Mountain Ice for a constitutional amendment giving company, 91 acres and 73 perches in| tee people the right to initiate veto Allegheny township, $4,000. legislation. Ave you favorable to leg- Lewis Burkhart et ux to George G. |islation to this effect ? Navin, lot in Elder township, $50. 8—Will you favor equalization of Blubaker Coal company to J. L.|taxation? Spangler, four tracts in Elder town-| ship, $1. Stephen Dillon et ux to Zachariah bor. J. ©, Miller; ot J | Massett, 70 acres and 140 perches in | ata Greensburg Elder township, $1,200. | % 3 ' John J. Hauk et ux to William Mil-| Dr 4 0. Miller, Ot Jeannette, ied Sei A 2 : ~~... |abthe Greensburg hospital on Monday ler, seven acres and 100 perches in Car- | s . aot: i | sn ! morning from a complication of dis- ! roll township, $175. | 1 : | i : - “ | eases, aggravated recent fall sus- | Jennie Evans et vir to Joseph Cosen- |. Ne iys 4 foe a Wet . | tained from alighting from a street car. | tine, two acres in Clearfield township, ‘ | He was 55 years o DIED IN A HOSPITAL. ette, Passed Away nstitution. b $275. vas 5 y and is survived - - | by his wife, who was visiting friends MARRIAGE LICENSES. | in Barnesboro at the time of his death. | Joseph M. Davis and Sara Durbin, of | Dr. Miller resided at Barnesboro for ! St. Augustine. | a number of years, and is well known | Morrison E. McClure, of Baruesboro, | in this section of the state. He had a and Olyma Inman, of Patton. | checkered career, being before the Harvey M. Weakland and Coletta M. | court on two different occasions on | Rabus, of Allegheny township. | the charge of performing criminal op- erations. The first of these cases is | John A. Schwab, Pres. pected, however, that both of these players will wear a Patton uniform next year. The following table shows the stand- ing of the clubs at the close of the season, allowing Patton the two games forfeited by Oil City: STANDING OF THE CLUBS. Pet. ariel... ... L608 Patton. Bradford 3 513 Kane. Punx'y 45 .541|0lea ) Dubois ... 51 .505)0il City...... 4 Law Proposed to License all Gunners. The officials of the state game com- mission are giving much attention to the proposed law for the licensing of all gunners and it is to be presented at the coming session of the legislature, re- quiring every gunner to take out a license, ‘costing a nominal sum, say one dollar. By requiring each one to have a license, giving his name and description of his personal appearance, which must be shown upon demand of | a warden or property owner on whose land the hunter may be, it will do away with irresponsible hunters and boys, who are a nuisance and detri- ment to game, as in many instances they do not carry away what they kill and disregard laws. the land and farmers will also have to take out licenses, but this will be a benefit to them, as farmers are the most ardent supporters of the law licensing all hunters. Whose paper are you reading ¥ ) The owners of {lips of any pious Jew for 24 hours. | In Orthodox synagogues the services | are continual prayers and lamentations | calling on the Almighty for forgive- | ness of gins. The Reformed synagog- | ues have augmented choirs and mag- | nificent choral services. of the grand old Jewish hymn, #The t;| Khol-Nidra,”is awe inspiring. All man- ner of business and vocations of all | kinds are abstained from and the day ‘| passed in penitence and prayer. Demonstration a Big Success, The Majestic baking demonstration at the store of Binder & ‘Starrett all this week has been a big success and will be continued to-day and to-mor- row. The store has been crowded with | ladies and others interested and hot coffee and biscuits were served ‘gratis and were as toothsome as it is possible to made them. Binder & Starrett are up to now in everything pertaining to | their line of business, and this demon- stration is only that fact. Call in any time to-day or to-morrow. You will be made welcome whether you wish to buy or not. Who does yonr printing? If the other fellow does it, it may be right. If the COURIER does it, you know it is right. The best business men use the best stationery and get«it at the best office that does the best printing. Of course that’s the COURIER. The intoning: another evidence of A. Viacent Moore, of Westover, and | Floy Allison, of Arcadia. Pius P. Sherry, of Loretto,and Anna M. Beiswenger,of Allegheny township. Jesse M. Detrich, of Hastings, and Mary A. Baker, of Susquehanna town- ship. John C. Luther and Mary A. Boslet, of Carroll township. Reynolds Named For Congress. Conferees representing Blair, Bed- ford and Cambria counties met at the American house in Hollidaysburg last Thursday afternoon and nominated John M. Reynolds for the second term in congress. The Bedford man had no opposition. Hon. A. V. Barker pre- sided at the conference and Moses Points, of Bedford, named Mr. Reyn- olds as the choice of the Republicans. Only one ballot was taken. Papers commending the congressman were read by Curt G. Campbell, of Johns- town, David Koch, of Altoona, and addresses were made by John H.Jordon and others. Woman's Judgement. The woman who exercises good every-day common sense, and profits | by her own experience and that of others, will recognize in the Prizer ranges a perfection in stove construc- tion that is not found in other makes. We would be pleased to have you ex- amine them—and we believe you will confirm this statement. anteed by Binder & Starrett. Sold and guar- | alleged to have occurred while he lived at Barnesboro, although the pros- ecution was not brought until he re- moved to Jeannette. Resolutions of Respect. At a regular meeting of Division No. 1, the Ladies’ Auxiliary A. O. H., held Thursday, Sept. 20, 1906, the following resolutions were adopted: Whereas, It has pleased the Almighty God in his infinite wisdom to take from our Division Sister Jeanette McMul- dren and whilst we bow to the Divine goodness which has called her away to better things, be it Resolved, That the members ot Ladies’ Auxiliary A, O. H will mourn the loss of our departed sister, who has been an active member of our Division. That our sympathy be extended to her busband. and family; that we re- member her in our prayers. our charter be draped in mourning for a period of 30 days, and that, these Resolved, That as a token of respect | $1.00 PER YEAR Fall and Winter Wear Coming in every day. Suits for men—good as tailor For boys, as stylish as can be made. Children’s Suits All at the lowest figure. Call in made. in many different styles. and see and price them. SHOES. The largest shoe stock in Patton. That is why this store sells more than any store in Northern Cambria. Satisfaction guaranteed. LADIES’ SKIRTS. For Misses also. Extra Large Sizes. TRUNKS AND VALISES. We always have a large stock on hand to select from. HATS AND CAPS. Fall line now complete in all lines. Stein-Bloch Clothing. B. KUSNER, Next Door to Bank. PATTON, PA. Rar Bargn! We are seling the selebrated Paul Jones Whisky for a limitd perod for 75¢ cents a botel. This whisky is one of the very best in the markt, melow with age and of exkwesite flavr. It usully retales for one dolar, but we have to big a stock on hand and it must be disposd of. Come in al gon. BD. Local fone. and secure a botel befor it 1s A. MELON, PATIN, Pencilvania. THE GRANGE NATIONAL BANK OF PRTTON. "ino 12,000 Capital - - M. D. Bearer, Cashier. Surplus - - Opened its doors tor the banking business of the general public on Wednesday, Aug. 8th, 1606. a SL We invite the accounts of individuals, merchants and manufacturers. SF IS EE. SER 50 J a] Collections Promptly Made. INTEREST ON TIME DEPOSITS. WOLF'S PHARMACY, PATTON, PA, ‘ Headquarters for Pure Drugs, Drug- gists’ Sundries and everything usually carried in a first-class drug store. | resolutions be inscribed upon the min- | also published in | utes of our meeting, 'the PATTON COURIER, Pennsylvania Grit and a copy sent to the family. MARGARET HOBART, ! BLizABETH MCMAHON, MARY HOPKINS, Committee on Resolutions. : | Subscribe for and advertise in this paper. k Courteous Treatment and Right Prices. ‘Hoffman's Celebrated Ice Cream “by Dish, Quart or Gallon.
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