Rattlesnake Polson, “Years ago, when | wus a boy at bemey” sald a southern man, “an un. ele of mine, who lived near Mont ery, was out on his plantation one when he saw an enormous rattle snake stretehed In a furrow of a cot gon fleld. He seized a hoe lying near by snd made a pass at the monster. At the same time it struek out at him and broke olf one of its tangs on the edge of the hoe blade. My uncle dis- patched the snake and then picked up the fang and brought it to the house a8 a curiosity. It was sharp as a peedle, and a faint yellow stain at the tip showed where some of the virus had e ed, “The bit of bone lay for at least three or four years in an ebony box on my oncle’s writing table in his study, when one day a stupid negro servant girl, not knowing what it was, used ft to extract a splinter from her thumb. In less than an hour ber whole lower arm was swollen, and she exhibited all the characteristic symptoms of snake poison. “My uncle had studied medicine and by prompt measures saved the girl's life, but for some mysterious reason gangrene subsequently appeared in hee arm, and amputation was necessary My uncle lost no time in burning his murderous i relic. - Custom Influences Language. Pomologists, like botanists, find It impossible to enforce the rules of prio™ ty in names of fruits and flowers. In fruits the names of Bartlett for a peas and Telegraph for a grape have not been changed in spite of the efforts of leading pomologists and pomological societies to support prior names. Those who lead in these good efforts forget that the ouly law for language is the law of custom. In a famous grammar we are told “the English language re quires the pronoun ‘it’ for all inani- mate objects’ but custom has so firmly made the sun a he and the moon a she that we have accept it. Thus it will ever be. To secure the adoption of a prior name reformers must bestlr themselves before custom gets posses slop of the field.-—Meehan’s Monthly. The voice is the most common and a? the same time the most complex of hu- man faculties. When we listen to it we realize nothing of the many infia- ences at work in its use. Yet it repre sents the character, the mood, the tem- perament and the health of the individ- ual when left to run in its own way. If uncontrolled, it will develop much as a flower garden will develop; the rank and weedy nature will come to the front, and the tones of exquisite beau- ty will be obscured. Bad daily habits in the use of the voice will give it many disagreeable qualities. If con- trolled, the voice will keep its weeds in the background and permit only its beauties to be known. If cultivated, the weeds will be taken out and the flowers devzloped.—Pittsburg Press ———————— Trying a Donkey. A newcomer in Africa has many | surprises. A. B. Lloyd, the author of | “Dwarf Land and Cannibal Country,” | narrates an amusing little experience | of his own in purchasing a donkey In | Zanzibar: We had to procure donkeys, by no means an easy task. Of course each one had to be tried, as we were to use them for riding purposes, and in the course of the work we had various ex- | I bad set my mind upon a | fine female donkey and took her out | periences, an afternoon's ride. I shall not forget it. At first when I mounted her she would not move, in spite of all my most tender persuasions, and final ly she began to back. Now, the streets of Zanzibar are very warrow, and coming up behind me was & large bullock wagon. My sweet tem: pered donkey horns of the bullocks. longer a case of making her go, but of waking her stop. Away she flew, right along the Naza | Moja road, and nothing I could do would check her headlong career. In| for fact, I soon tired of trying and let her | go. On she went, right in among the | cocoanut trees, regardless of every- thing until she came to a steep bank. Here she stopped. This showed that she had good sense, and I decided to keep her, fow to Give a Oat Medicine, A New York gentleman has a very fine Angora cat, and so fine a specimen of her kind that she is famous in a large circle of fashionable folk. She iv not rugged in health, yet she cannot be persuaded to take physic. It has been put in her milk, it has been mixed with her meat, it has even been rudely and violently rubbed in hersmouth, but nev- er has she been deluded or forced into swallowing any of it. Last week a green Irish girl appeared among the household servants. She heard about the failure to treat the cat. “Sure” said she, “give me the medicine and some lard, and I'll warrant she'll be ating all I give her!” She mixed the powder and the grease and smeared it on the cat’s sides. Pussy at once licked both sides clean and swallowed all the physic. “everybody in Ireland does know how to give medicine ta 2 nat?’ ‘Weene Painting. A good scene painter may get any- where from $400 to $1,000 for a scene. The average price paid to the best half dozen scene painters for a scene fis $500. But there are a great many more scenes painted for $100 than $500. As soon as a married man gets 8 comfortable home built he begins to worry his wife by talking about sell- ing it.—Indianapolis Journal. There is nobody quite so busy as the editor who tries to publish a ten page newspaper in a four page town.— Washington Post. backed right on to the | Then it was no | “Faith,” said the servant girl, | Mirror Mad, “What!” exclaims the astonished reader, “is It possiBile that there are any civilized persons on the face of the earth who are net in the habit of be holding their visages reflected from time to thue in a misror of some kind? { Surely this eannot ove Wrong, | quite wrong, gentle reader, for at the present time, strange as it’ may ap | pear, there are hundreds of men and women in the United Kingdom who have not gazed into a mirror for years. RO." ons form wewmbers of this community. From the moment of a ecdénviet's en trance to a exit he is not permitted to have the use of a mirror of any kind, the small est piece of glass being rigidly denied Jail to the moment of his | The convicts confined in British pris. | him. To the women conviets this ab- | sence of a mirror forms one of the chief hardships of confinement, and | many a female wg | en upon their knees and sobbed out entreaties for the loan of a morsel of | mirror—*just.for a second.” entreaties have perforce to be disre- | garded, and it therefore comes about | that many a female convict passes three or four years without being per- | mitted to gaze upon ber own features ~London Tit-Bits. His Diagnosis, Teacher—Suppose you had one pound of candy and gave two-thirds to your fittle sister and one-fourth to your It tle brother, what would you have your- self? Scholar—Well, I guess I'd have tbe measles or something so's I wouldn't feel much like eating.—Puck. Boarding House Humor. Landlady (threateningly)—I'll give you a plece of my mind one of these days if you're not careful. Boarder—I guess 1 can stand it if It isn’t any bigger than the piece of ple vou gave me.— Detroit Free Presa Freaks of Explosions, Gunpowder explosions have one res markable feature. The bodies of per- sons killed in such an accident are | always found without clothing, but | frequently one foot will have the shoe | on. This is true of horses also. If | one of the feet is in the air and an- other on the ground, the shoe will be found torn from the foot that was on the ground and not from the other. When men are killed in powder ex plosions, the foot that happens te be in the air when the shock came will be found wearing the shoe, while the other foot will be bare. Making It Clear. A newly appointed French mayor {naugurated his regime by a notice to the following effect: “On the feast of our patron saint the fire brigade will be reviewed in the afternoon if it rains in the morning and in the morning if it rains in the afternoon.” rder can tell piteous | wiles of women who have actually fall- | All these | | application for a pass. He Got a Pass, “Hart!” aried an alert patrolman in Manila as a beautifully caparisoned carriage drove up containing a portly | gentleman, The driver reined his steeds, and the sentry, standing trmly in the center of the street, shouted, “Who is there?” Not knowing what else to say, the occupant of the carriage answered, “Judge Taft, president of the elvil commission.” “Advance, Judge Taft, nized,” bawled the sentry, The judas advanced, and the following dialogue took place, Seutry--flave you a pass? Taft—Nu, sir; do 1 require one? Sentry You do, sir, and it’s my duty to run you in, Taft— But | am the elvil governor of the Philippine Islands. Sentry That doesn’t cut any figure You're a eivillan and out after hours I'll let you go by this time, but the nexs time I catch you you'll have to see the captain.” “Thank you,” murmured Judge Taf¢ as he drove away. And there and then he formed a resolution to put According te the Manila Freedom, Le got it. A Couple of Bulls, An advertisement recently published tm a newspaper in Ireland set forth that “Michael Ryan begs to inform the | public that he has a large stock of cars, wagonettes, brakes, hearses and other pleasure vehicles for sale or hire.” This is the same paper which, in a glowing description of a funerel, an- nounced that “Mrs. B. of G— sent'% magnificent wreath of artificial flowers in the form of a cross.” | His Pointed Remark. “I frequently hear you say that mon- | { ey talks,” she remarked. “Yes; it is an old saying and a true | ane,” he replied; “but, unfortunately, | while money talks, all that talks is not | money.” | “Why do you say ‘unfortunately ¥"” | she asked. | “Because if that were 80,” he an | “lI would be married to a fab Tandon Fan | swered, alana fartyine A certain concelted nobleman once observed to Charles Townsend, “When I happen to say a foolish thing, 1 al- ways burst out a-laughing.” Town- send eyed him curiously and at length remarked in the most deliberate man ner, “Ah, I envy you your happiness, | for you must certainly live the merri- est life of any man in Europe.” When you are invited to a real old fashioned woman’s house for supper, she always has floating island. This is a sure test.—Atchison Globe. The temple of fame stands upon the grave. The flame that burns upon its altars is kindled from the ashes of dead men. | to be recog: | in an | Advertising consists simply in pre- senting before the people the goods you have to sell in an intelligent manner, whether it is a house and lot or a pair of shoes. It is too late at this day to expatiate on the merits of advert! That has been ited so of- futile Everybody ww days knows that = advertising pays. The main question is, what medium to use? Advertising experts long ago settled it by declar- ing that newspaper adver- tising was by far the most effective and brings better returns than any other extant. The merchants of this section long ago declared that better re- sults were obtained by the COURIER than It week by using by any other means. is read every hundreds of families and goes into the homes of the majority of the people of Northern Cambria county. The rates are low, just and equita to all and the small ad- vertiser gets just as good a rate as the large one. If your business needs in and let matter over a tonic, come us talk the with you or send us word and we will have a repre- One Week == Monday, Sept. 24, to Saturday, Sept. 29, Inclusive. on ———————— sentative call on you and explain everything about You may do without adver- our plan, business tising, but you are certain to do more by advertising. It is an investment that will repay you an hun- dred fold, : We will prepare your copy and take* complete { charge of your advertis- | ing campaign, however large or small, without, extra cost. The Courier, Patton, Pa. T.R.MORRISON Dentist, PATTON, PA. Office in Brady Building. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the co- partnership heretofore existing be- tween E. T., W. A. and F. C. Little, under the firm name of Little Bros. has been dissolved by mutual consent, The business will be continued by E. T. and W, A. Little, who will pay all debts and to whom all bills must be paid. Patton, Pa., August 1, 1906. Estate of William J. Donnelly, Deceased, Notice is hereby given that letters testa mentary have been issuedfto the undersigned, executors of the estate above mentioned. All persons indebted to the said estate are re- quested to make payment, and those having claims to present the same witout delay. MARY AGNES DONNELLY, JosepPH H. REILLY, Executors. Ten Dollars Reward, The above reward will be paid for the arrest and conviction of any one destroying property at the Firemen’s Park or molesting anything at that place in any manner. F. H. KINKEAD, Manager. Patton, Pa., Sept. 7, 1906. Is this your paper ? A NE 15 gzilons of waicr heated io the point of §1 boiling, while breakfast ; IS cooking. When waler : gets too hot reservoir can be moved away from fire by shifting the leaver shown. Where pressure waler is used water front, » heating surface than any other, supplies al bundance of hot waiter fo all paris of the house place of reservoir. I ETE TV NATO TETSU BIN DER & STARRETT, dei sme TC err Ln, this malleable iron pin-extension If takesthe - range made. not u The MAJESTIC MALLEA value, and the fact that it is the only you can readily see that if quality is considered, the Majestic leads by a big margin. YOU TO CALL at our store during this week, and let us explain this new featuree—CHARCOAL why it is the best material for range bodies, and incidentally, why it is IRON BODIES; let us explain We want you to call if vou intend to buy or not, as the information gained sed on other ranges, will serve you in the future. Hot Coffee and Biscuits Free Come any day during this week and have buttered hot biscuits and hot coffee. a Majestic in three minutes while you wait. Handsome Set of Ware— Free With every range so 1d during this demonstration we will give absolutely FRET one set of Majestic This ware will be on exhibition at our store. ware worth every cent of $7.50. Come in and see it, and you will agree with us that it mental and durable. less than $7.50, and it is cheap at that. Come in any day, you are welcome whether you intend range We heartily invite our friends to call any day during the above mentioned week and we will demonstrate the superior qualities of the New Majestic Malleable and Charcoal Iron Ranges BLE AND STEEL RANGE as formerly turned out by the Majestic people has been considered throughout the entire country par-excellence, and far ahead of any other But with the NEW CHARCOAL IRON BODY in place of Steel, making it double its in existence made of Malleable and Charcoal Iron, to buy or not. Hardware, Tinware, Paints and Oils, Patton, Pa. WE WANT Biscuits baked on Everything useful, orna- nnot be bought for a cent Patton ti TWO The Digg the Sec .Becond for Nex The P: Inter-Sti Sunday This m: won by since th franchis The g: and Sati ing and The fi by a sc pitcher was pre the lack presider neck,” Policem The sc Patton... Punx’y... The g up to th men 80 pounded that we the cor spit ball and the two hits find Mr. extent \ tard an nings: Punx’y... Patton... Collin hits at Diggers delivery these. Wilson, ¢ Keefe, rf. Scudder, Mack, cf. Jones, 2b Richards Flory, If. Marnin, Collins, } Total Jewell, 3 Herrell, ¢ Johnson, Smith, ¢ Fosters 2) Total *Battec Patton... Bradford Summ: balls, off by Collin 4. Doub pall, Ma ton2. T pire, Coll The 1] Bradfo: players been Tr excepti Basems: minus pected, players next ye The f ing of season, forfeite Bradforc Punx’y Dubois Law The c mission the pro gunner coming quiring license, one dol have a descrip which a ward land t away \ boys, 1 ment t they dc and di the lan take oi benefit most ¢ Jicensir Who