1s STILL on THE MAP! Continued from Page 1 1, Patton Courier. on ( ay Roy Eaton Decker, 4 RHOAE ————— Savage, 2b, «0 FF 351 9 I'roy, ¢ i} § 8% 0G ESTABLISHED - - 1883, Jutze, o. Hf 0 & 3 9 ——— Servati 0 4 1 g 0 Harmon, I GO 0 7% 0 TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, Flynn, 8b 00 i 10 s» VOnr ance, » = + $1.00 | Bader, ss.. : 0 2 One copy, one year, in advance, $1 Jorrott of 21 0941 &No papers discontinued until all arrear- , Beekenbao h, Por ages are paid, unless at the option of the publisher, TOtRIS...oiniiiinrsmnnaes wal B30 9 Entered at the Postoffice at Patton as second. Pp! ATTON. ” OH A EB ap 0 AE class mall matter, Wilson, 3b, T0099 _— Grifth, 2b, 0 9 1 3 0 " Keefi h 0 0 0 ADVERTISING RATES, Noo Fo v0 0 ” ap Ine oe a) «, | Seudder, 11 9 0 7 1 0 Legal notices §1 Jer inch for three insertions, Ric hardson, pie 8 3:1 20 Card of thanks 5e per line. Kdgar, ¢ C 0 & 1:0 Resolutions 5¢ per line, Howard, If, 6 1 8 0.40 Poetry 5c per line, Cavanaugh, “0 0 0 0-0 Business locals Se per line, Totals... LL. 2188 0 Display ads 10¢ per inch flat. Foreign advertising must be paid for invar- ably in advance. No commission paid to advertising agents, These are “best” rates—no others go. 80001 *4 10000 0-1 med rans, Oil City 3. Left on bases, Patton 1, Oil City 6, Three base hit, Beckenbach. Double plays, Jutze, Harmon and Savage, First base on balls, off Cava- naugh 4. Struck out, by Beckenbach 5, by Cavanaugh 5, Hit by pitcher, Brader, Cava- | naugh, Wild pitch, Beckenbach, First base on errors, Patton 1. Time, one hour and 45 minutes, Umpire, Hawkes, Attendance, 1,000, The Drillers came to the town that wasn’t supposed to be on the map Monday and went down to defeat by a score of 5 to 4. This was the first ap- pearance of Blair and Charles in the Inter-State league and they aided ma- terially in giving the locals a victory. The score: Oil City Patton Summary THE GAME LAWS. Be (Certain You are not Before You Shoot. The following are the game laws in Pennsylvania, limited to one person: bear unlimited, October 1 to March 1; blackbirds unlimited, September 1 to January 1; doves unlimited, Septem- ber 1 to January 1; deer and fawn, one each season, November 15, to Decem- ber 1; pheasant and ruffled grouse, five Violating the Law in one day, 20 in one week, 50 in one BRADFORD. season, October 15 to December 1; rab- : : R HOARE as ;1 | Jew 3 2 0 bits, unlimited, November only; quail, | {iieali 3.308 i Johnson, 1f. 0.1 © 00 10 in one day, 40 in one week, 75 in one ith, ci 2-122 season, November only; wild ducks, 10 | News, 1 001 900 in one day, 100 in one season, Septem- have, 2 0334 Curtis, c.. 0 0 81.0 ber 1 to January 1 and first 16 days of artis, o. 3 8311 April; wild geese, two in one day,10 in ee IPOIRIS. viii cimss assess shrnsnsin 4 8210 2 one season, September 1 to January 1 first 156 days in April; wild turkey, one PATTON, in one day, four in one season, Octo- ison, 3 i HOa Rm . i FR Charles, 2 0 5 2 0 ber 15 to December 1; squirrel fox, Garles, goo iL black and grey, six of combined kinds | Blair, ¢ 0 0-5 00 in one day, October 1 to Desttmber 1; Sender; : ! Fis imi ack, cf... ‘ 3 2 070 shore birds, unlimited, Septem er 1to Mack, of 3 3287 January 1; snipe—Jack and Wilson— | Howard, p.. 0 1'0.0 0 unlimited; July 15 to December 1. It | Uolns, pe. 0 0000 is illegal to have a ferret in possession POIRIS oivsesrireigsrssisriniin niin 5 82 11 65 in field or forest. SCORE BY INNINGS, mimes Brad for 000O0OOS3O0 04 A BOON T0 WOMEN. Patton.. 2000100 *5 Just to show that Rand & McNally are at fault the Diggers shut out the Drillers in an interesting contest the following day and put them out of second place. Here is how it was done: The Bane of the Average Female Promply Eliminated by a Simple Remedy. Backache, whether due to natural causes or the result of disease, can be promptly alleviated and ultimately cured by the use of Dr. Wood’s Kid- BRAD SPEED: a HOAE ney and Batkache pills. Thousands of Jewel, Bo. 0 0 0 1 0 suffering women can testify to the | Johnson, 313143 truth of this. Sik, ef. 9 0 1 9 ) It is a purely vegetable compound 9 i 3 1 9 and does not contain any poisons or 005 5 1 deleterious substances. It acts prompt- 90 1.10 ly,and in addition to relieving the pain SO SB tones up the system and makes life PATTON. worth living. A trial will convince BR2oAR and a trial will costs you nothing. If] il 4 27 they do not do all that is claimed for | blair, ’c $0338 Shon yous money will be cheerfully re- | Sen 0:00 0-3 ndaed. Mack, ef. 9 0-2 0.6 Dr. Wood is a reputable physician | Collins a LN }r1iun who has had over 40 years of exper- 0 —_—— ience in kidney troubles, having made POLIS. ....ccesisesserresrrusserrersers 2719 38 . - SCORE BY INNINGS, it a specialty, and these pills are made Srttont Tie todos from his own perscription. Patton 00210090 3 Don’t suffer any longer, but buy a box now. Price 50 cents at Wolf’s Both the Tanners and the Diggers played an errorless game Wednesday J MORE AUGTION:- But Prices Cut Way Down Until Goods are Sold. A quantity of our Best Goods still left and will be sold at Prices this section before Etc., Etc. Watches, Diamonds, Silverware, Cut Glass, Umbrellas, v offered 1 Clocl never For One Week Only. A lot of Roger Bros. 1847 Knives and Forks at $3.00 PER DOZEN. Lusenberg dewelry (o., NEW BANK BU Next to Patton Hotel, Patton, Pa. ILDING, That successful buying is the result of careful 3 judgment? In selecting the kitchen Stove, care PI be exercised to get the best. RLZ ERE BRL Sc RANGES hav e stood the test—and are used and recom- mended by the most exacting house-keepers Pe) in this vic inity. You cannot find another cooking appliance that so closely meetsevery want of th e household. Your money back if not satisfied. Sold by BINDER & STARRETT, Patton, Pa, nj KS, Pharmacy. ; and Patton lost, altho but six hits were Letter to Jos. Fedor. made off of Cavanaugh, while the >atton, Pa. Olean pitcher was touched up for nine. J . Dear Sir: It isa great thing fora Score: OLEAN merchant to have the exclusive sale (in Tn wo AE his region, of course) of anything | {olizan, * «1.12.19 wanted by everybody. So 2% ¢ 1:1 2.0 There are two ways to treat such | Kennedy, S313: goods. One is: put the price up and Lona j 1-808 make big profit. The other way is: be | Dyer, ¢ GC 07900 fair and make more. Sargent, 2 0.0500 Devoe is the paint that takes least ORS. ...oiciirnitirnnns FRR 8-697 4 0 gallons and costs least money a house, PATTON. a job a year, a life time—no matter H 3 AE how you reckon your costs, except by 2 1.140 the gallon—Devoe is the best care $d 20.0 taker and costs least money. Foy i : : 1 1 0 Don’t forget that the principal part Ts cht 164 8 of paint is putting it on. Less gallons, | Cavanaugh, p d 020 less cost. Don’t forget that another | motals......cocoievooosie. 29mm 0 principal part of economy is long wear; SCORE BY INNINGS. less gallons less cost and long wear. Olean: 0010000 0.8 Patton. 1 00010 000-2 It is a great thing to have the exclu- give sale of popular goods, of goods that make friends, of goods that en- rich both buyer and seller. Devoe is perhaps only ten per cent better than one or two others; but ten is a plenty — it’s 200 or 300 better than many. There’s many a merchant who hasn’t found out his goods. It doesn’t take a man long to find out that Devoe is the Umpire—Collins. Scorer—Dole. Patton batted out a victory Thursday altho it was anybody’s contest until the last half of the ninth inning. Wilson is credited with a hit every time he went to bat, including a two-bagger, while Charles, Blair and Mack each made a two-base hit. The details: OLEAN, least-money paint, and why, no matter RHOAE 4 + : C Jolligan, 8 0 :1..8:5 92 which side he is on. | Lee, of ori. 13; Yours truly, Shut 4 02 1"% 3% i | Tyler, 0.010 0 F. W. DEvoE & Co. ar 0.007 0 1 P.8, Binder & Starrett sell our paint. Boland, 1X 2 1 3 2 ° : | — = = 150 Bw 1 cf) CHARTER NOTICE, {U Ta we oa ¥ 13.1.7 0 Notice is hereby given that an application POLARIS. oii diisinarisnntsris ses 4 10 #26 19 3 will be made to the Governor of the State of PATTON. Pennsylvania on Monday, the 15th day of | | R HOARE October, 1906, by J. G. Lloyd, Alvin W. Evans | wilson, 3h. wl] ‘ 0 and John L. Blder, Jr.,, under the Act of As-| Cl 1.2 6.8 0 sembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylva- Se 3 9 9 9 0 nia, entitled “An Act to provide for the In- Fi! 1 0 0 0 2 3 corporation and Regulation of Certain Corpo- | Scudder, 11 9 0-7 1:1 rations,” approved April 20th, 1874, and the | Mack, cf. 2 2 2 00 . . a Richardson, 00.1 5 0 supplements thereto, for the charter of an | Howard, If, 0-0 :38'0 2 intended corporation to be called “The Knox | Manning, If.. 000 00.0 Water Company,” the character and object of | . =n which is the supply of water to the public in | Rg oe ii 1 ? 27 18.3 the district of Adams township, Cambria | wo out when winning run was scored. county, Pennsylvania, and for that purpose to | have and possess and enjoy all the rights, | Olean.. benefits and privileges of the said Act of As- Patton. sembly and its supplements. Umpire—Collins. F. J. HARTMAN, Solicitor, Scorer—Dale, September 18th, 1906.-4t dr eS SCORE AY INNINGS. 0000 2 000 15 Ld Advertise in the Covmixg. 01d papers for sale at this office for 5c a bundle, ol house. Home Killed Meat No embalmed business in| ours. We deal strictly in| meat killed at our slaughter Everything in season. Little Bros., Butchers and Dealers in All Kinds of Fresh and Smoked Meats. Exp Ma In effect June 17,05 _ Exp Mail Nos? No as No30 No36 PATTON, PA. 2 Pa 1 Patton Parnell, Cowher & Co —Agents for— FIRE, LIFE AND INSURANCE ia ie 635 11 00 Ww ood and ACCIDENT 624 10 49 Wallaceton 900 615 10 39 Morri >» Mines 910 REAL ESTATE AGENTS. ) iy ar 9 18 hb 1000 Iv) Philipsburg far SE . 251050 ar § s Lv Good Bnilding, Patton, Pa.— Phone No. 9 10 24 ar Munson Iv Office in Good Building, formerly occupied by H..A. Seitz. m of thie Ponisy viii railroz with the Pennsylvania and North- mn railway. Office hours:—8 a, m. to 12 m. Pp. m. to 5:20 p. m. 7p. m,.to8p. m. J. F. Fai Regd your own COURIER. Read up Gen’l Pass, Agt., (Pennsylvania Division.) Beech Creek District. Condensed Time Table, Westover Arcadia Mahaffey Kerrmoor FR zzany Kerrmoor New Millport Olanta £: hells Winburne Peale 947 Gillintown 10 04 » * 3 3 Snow Shoe 10 09 Violin, Mandolin, Gui- BE 10 oo | rs 1109 757 B Lock Haven 1116 805 tar and Banjo " Ha 3% Je 1145 838 | 1 Al JG H i Will iamsport arl220 9 10 | ? pm pm; Phil’a & Reading RR pm pm MT y 3 { 230 6350 ar Williamsport 1v $12 20%11 30 WM. M. SIMPSON, | 48 6411 30 1v Philadelphia ar 7.30 650 rr fam pm pm am | Fifth Avenue. PATTON, PA, | +4 00 lv NY via Tamaqua ar 1040 ita 2 Chay {+430 900 lv N Ye via Phila ar 1010 {902 Opposite M. E. Churh. am pm pm nm #Daily. tWeek days. #7 p m Sunday. 11100 am Sunday F. R. Mm ELLON, Cont with Phila- f delpht 1 sey Shore D ti i { with the Hall en IS e | With Cent ania; at Phili psburg 1 Pennsylvania railroad snd N Y and at Clearfield with the & at PC ches 1 Pittsburg rai \ with C: ambria : W. H. Northrup, en, Agent, Williamsport, Pa. riamb, New York, Adyertise in this paper. Read down | Second “ Northern Cambria Street Railway Company Schedule of Cars. RUNNING ON A FORTY-MINUTE HEADWAY, First car leaves power house for Barnesboro aib..weeen 00 a, m, Second ear leaves Carrolltown Junetion for Barnesboro at 5 56 a, m, This car makes econnecs tion with P, R, R. train at Spangler for Cresson, First ear lenves Barneshoro for Pattopand Carrolitown at 5:20 a, m, “ “ gy “ “ O20 a, my, and every after until 11 p. m. The 11:40 p. m, House only, $ Patton for Asheroft at 6:00 a, m, 10 mins, there Second car car to rower Kirst ear leaves “ “ Barnesboro and Carrolltown at .m,, and every 40 mins, there. after until 11: The 11:40 p.m, ear to Power House only, First ear leaves power house for Carrolltown at 5:2 This car remains on the Branch and connects with all Main Line cars at Carrolitown Junction, First ear leaves Carrolitown for Patton and Barnesboro at 5 Second ¢ i 4 i. Lm, wm, and every 10 mins, there 6: after until 11:05 p, First car leaves Vietor No, 8 tor Barnesboro at 5:04 a, m, Second " “ a. m, and every 40 mins, thereafter until 11:26 p, my, First car leaves Bry don Hote 1 for Barne shoro at 5:10 a, m, | Second ft ) a. my, and every 40 mins, thereafter until m. m.,, and every 40 mins, thereafter until 05 p. 1. . a.m, m., and every 40 mins.thereafter until 11:11 p.m, v I. First ear leaves Brandon Hotel for Patton at { Second a 8 N 1 aves Vietor No. 9 for Patton at 5: st car leaves power house for Patton at second a Ln, and every 40 mins. thereafter until 11:16 p.m. First car leaves St, Benedict for Patton at 5:40 a, m. Second “ " “ 6:40 a. m,, and every 40 mins,thereafter until 11:20 p.m. First car leaves Carrolltown Junction for Patton ¢ at: " odd ¢ a.m, Second * “ “ 1 a. m,, and every 40 mins. thereafter until 11:24 a, m. First ear leaves Baker X Roads for Patton at 5:45 a. m. “ ‘ “ 4 5a, m.,, and every 40 minutes thereafter until 25 p.m. First car leaves Asheroft for Patton at 548 a. m. Second Second 4 2 a. m,, and every 40 mins, thereafter until 11:28 p, mi First carjfleaves Columbian for Patton a Ja, m, # Second * x 1. m,, and every 40 mins, thereafter until 11:30 p. m. First car leaves Patton for Asheroft at 6:00 a. m, Second * “ “ 6:20 a. m,, and every 40 mins, threafter until 11:40 p. m, First car leaves Patton for Barnesboro at 6 * 5 Xt 11:00 p. m, i Asheroft ¥ * “ 8 3 11:11 p.m. “ 4" Baker X Roads ** “ “ i* 1" 11:15 p. m. ¥ Car’'ltown Jet, “ “ Second “ “" * 3:36 “ . " " 11:16 p. m. First * St. Benedict 6:00 * Second + re 6:40 « is # 11:20 p. m, First car leaving Barnesboro at 5:20 a. m. will connect, with the N. Y. C. & H. R. R. R. train leaving Patton at 6:10 a, m, for Mahaffey, Clearfield, Philipsburg and Williamsport. B and pac ried on all ears, Special cars can be arranged for. 3rd, 1906. J. L. MeNELIS, Supt, July 2 DouUBLE HEATER Appeals to the housewife who tries to save where others waste. BURNS THE CHEAPEST GRADE OF SOFT COAL OR SLACK WITH THE SAME SUCCESSFUL RE- SULTS THAT OTHER STOVES DO THE BEST QUALITY OF FUEL. Prevents cold floors, and establishes an even temperature in all parts of the rooms to be heated. A continuous fire can be maintained throughout the winter, and the amount of heat can be regulated and controlicd to meet the actual requirements of the household. SAVES ONE-FOURTH THE COAL LESS ASHES—NO DIRT. We invite your inspection of PRIZER'S AIR-TIGHT as we believe we can please in quality, appearance and price. BINDER & STARRETT, PATTON PA. SR RAR 2 T. J. SCHOLL Cashier. SANDFORD, A. G. PALMER, Vice-President. National Bank OF PATTON, P Organized October 10, 1803. WM. H. 8 President. First | Capital—fully paid il - $100,000 00 | Surplus - - - - 40,000 00 Stockholders’ liability . - - 100,000 00 Total Assets - . - 850,000 00 DIRECTORS. Geo. S. Good, James Kerr, A. G. Palmer, E. C. Brown, Chas. Anna, H. J. Patton, W, C. Lingle, Geo. BE. Prindible, Wm. H. Sandford. A general Banking Business transacted. Interest paid on time deposits. Banking by mails a specialty. We pay four per cent per annum on deposits in our Savings Department, compounded semi-annually. Why send your money to institutions in dis tant cities, strangers to you, when you can do fully as well at home? Call or write for full information. You should have one or more of our Savings Banks in your home. teach practical lessons in economy. Saved wages become wage earners for the saver. “Nob what you get, but what you hold, Eases life’s burdens when you're old.” It will The Acme of Perfection, PATTON BEER Warranted absolutely pure ard free from all deleterious substances. TRY IT! TRY IT! FOR SALE AT ALL THE LEADING BARS IN THE COUNTY. PATTON BEER IS UNION MADE. THE PATTON BREWING CO, PATTON, PA. Bell PHONES: { ba edit had nigh Miri burg ily t emp Yea loca ladie even pani Pun: burg Star po— are g Sma -] ered corn Satu tryir the v eral —] has mon pital —1 nurs acco! boro —1] at Pu and ter w — base team home close — senti comy secur for t! — menc Mone well best —F to be will k store tisem issue. —N at Eb oppo! natur izens old la the 2' iy was and 1 He w by ne ill tre that « again prisor 08 man tions places secur apped no au any p is too —G bury i make sylva been plann ing of trips ¢ minal will n specti QOassal —Jc blacks candic delive Mr. BI thorot campa can a congre Reync runnir a Rep cratic
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers