\Y, Md. arlor g Ours kets, urg at vn for nt, - Omall aC Tel TN "nt A. me Nim Ed A. Mellon this week. ing and paying of Fifth avenue in the ' which all bids must be made. Yatton Courier, ——————————————————— INTERESTING INDENTATIONS. ~Born—To Mr, and Mrs, Fred Wil- liams-—a son, ~Jerry Noonan is home from Ber- wick on a visit. ~The sidewalks in Patton are gob ting no better fast. ~Mrs. Cecil Mitchell is spending a few days at her home in Clearfield this week, —Miss Jessie Laporte, of Tyrone, is visiting at the residence of Hon. W. C. Lingle. —Miss Catherine Rae, of Lock Ha- ven, is a guest at the residence of E. M. Smale. CLIPPED AND CONTRIBUTED, Tee cream by the dish, quart or gal- lon, also ice cream soda water at the City restaurant. No soap bubbles on Duquesne beer, The *‘collar” is pure cream. Ask for it at the bars and get the best. It you want the best call for Du- quesne Beer. Not a headache in a car- load ‘of it. Cool, sparkling and re- freshing. Backache before and during the menstrual period promptly relieved by Wood’s Kidney and Backache pills. Price 50 cents a box at Wolf’s Pharm- acy. Why suffer from backache or kidney trouble when one box of Wood’s Kid- ney and Backache pills gives relief and two or three boxes positively cure. —Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Sweeney spent a few days this week visiting relatives | in Indiana. —Jesse E, Dale is in Johnstown this | week extending the glad hand to the | Flood City voters. —J. M, Wiley, of Brookville, is visit- ing his daughter, Mrs. C. E. Walter at | the Windsor Hotel. —C. E. Sparrow has accepted a posi- tion in the branch insurance office of Parnell, Cowher & Co. at Barnesboro. —Mrs. Harry Todd, and children, of Philipsburg, are visiting at the home of Mrs. Todd’s parents, Hon. and Mrs. W. C. Lingle. —E. Will Greene is in Milwaukee at- tending the National convention of the Fraternal Order of Eagles, as the rep- resentative of the Patton aerie. { —Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Luttringer and son, Mrs. J. F. Morrison, V. Luttringer and Miss Tillie Campbell, all of Johns- town, visited relatives in Patton Wed- nesday, —Erie, the leader in the Inter-State “base ball league, will play here Wed- nesday and Thursdey. The game ‘Wednesday will be called at 4 o’clock and the following day at 3:15 p. m. —John Otto, who is now engaged in the lumber and milling business at Vin- tondale, was renewing acquaintances in town Saturday. Mr. Otto was a pi- oneer of Patton and is the oldest living settler of the place. —Mrs. Carl Berg, of Washington, D. C., Miss Fannie Johnson, of Harris- burg, Mrs. F. J. Christy, of Gallitzin, and Miss Maude Litzinger, of Chest Springs, were guests at the home of —Miss Myrtle Hoover has resigned her position in the local office of the Huntingdon & Clearfield Telephone company. She is now employed in the Singer sewing machine store. Miss Bertha Bennett succeeds Miss Hoover in the telephone office. —“Under Southern Skies’ is one of the most complete productions thas travels. Every scene and property used in tbe presentation is carried, as is also an electric outfit for the proper lighting of the scenes. At the Barnes- boro opera house next Friday evening. —Joseph Devlin, of Gallitzin, after attending the Knights of Columbus picnic at Cresson on Tuesday, was struck by fast P. R. R. passenger train at the former place and so severely injured that he died at the Altoona hospital Wednesday morning at 5:30 o'clock. The unfortunate man was 21 years of age. —According to the Bradford Era the Bradford base ball team is on the verge of disbandment. Last week the re- pts were less than $100 per game and cost the management on an average of $145 for each game played. Efforts will be made to raise money by popu- lar subscription and if this plan fails the team will disband. —In answering the query of the COURIER last week relative to a series of games for the base ball champion- ship of Cambria county, J. ‘‘Allie” Blough, the sporting editor of the Johnstown Journal, says: “All right my boy. The players of the Johns- town Club want the sporting editor to arrange them a suitable exhibition ser- jes after the season is closed and we don’t presume that there should be any trouble coming to terms.” NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals will be received by the undersigned for the grading, curb- borough of Patton, Pa., extending from Beeeh avenue north to Terra Cotta avenue, until Monday evening, August 20, 1906, at 7:30 o'clock p. m. Certified check for $200 must accom- pany each bid. Plans and specifications can be seen a the office of the borough engineer, who will furnish blank proposals upon The right to reject any and all bids is reserved by the town council. H. C. YERGER, Borough Engineer. Patton, Pa., July 30, 1906. Dancing. Miss Hancher’s summer dances: Ju- venile class 2 p. m. each Thursday at Miner’s Hall. Evening classes, begin- ners eight to nine, advanced social, nine to twelve. The best business men use the best statigpery and get it at the best office hat Pes the best printing. Of course | ac | Decorating, papering and painting by experienced workmen under our per-|—— JUTHERN IES diverting play of Southern life ever writte! Massive Production Complete in Every Over Two Million Barnesboro, Pa. Price 50 cents a box at Wolf’s Pharm- For Sale—Five-room house, good | | | water, electric light, fruit trees, grape (Tinted Gloss) is thoroughly mixed by i mode rn machinery in # (he mixture. “This can- not possibly be done by hand. Colors are al- vines, strawberries, currants and goose berry bushes, good cave, walks, etc., on Lang avenue. Address Box 143, Patton, Pa. When in Barneshoro try the City Cafe tor meals, lunch, ice cream and refreshments. It is the best place of its kind in this section, a very desir-| able place for ladies as well as gentle- men. 7th door north of Corner drug | store. Both ’phones. Write or phone the Chas. G. Fagan Wall Paper and Paint Co. for high grade wall paper and paint of all kinds. | sonal supervision of many years exper- ience, which is quite essential in doing good work. Rooms papered and dec- orated from $5.00 to $50.00 according to grade of work. Both phones. The Lock Haven State Normal school closed the most successful year in its history. Its new catalogue con- taining 122 pages, beautifully illus- trated, is now ready for distribution. This is one of the great schools of our state and affords the best available ad- vantages for the training of teachers, fitting for college or business. Its de- partments of music and elocution are also largely patronized and thoroughly equipped. The fall term begins Sep- tember 10th. Address for catalogue, the principal, J. R. FLICKINGER, Lock Haven, Pa. Letter to Geo. Langbein. Patton, Pa. Dear Sir: Here’s the difference be- tween two pure paints; one strong; the other weak. C. P. Hanger, Va., painted two new houses exactly alike; one another pure paint, the other Devoe. Devoe cost a quarter less for paint and labor. People generally are paying twice over for paint. Yours truly, F. W. DEvoOE & Co. P. S. Binder & Starrett sell our paint. Get the Best t Alwayes It’s the same with paint as with any- thing else. It always pays to get the best. The trouble is to know what is best. In paint we can tell you in a way that you will readily understand. With every gallon of Patton Sun Proof paint we give you a written guarantee good for five years. Could anything be fairer than that? If you are now or will soon be in need of paint, come in and let us talk it over with you. BINDER & STARRETT. Patronize the home print shop. We are better prepared than ever to turn out commercial printing of all kinds and at prices that can’t be dupli- cated for good work. OPENING New Morley Theatre Barnesboro, Pa., F. & A. MORLEY, Mgrs. Friday, Aug. 24ih The Great Success UNDER Written by Lottie Blair Parker, Author “Way Down East’’ A Play That Will Live Forevsr. The most original, unhackneyed and n. 27-REMARKRBLE CAST-27 Detail. People Have Seen This Play. Heserved Seats at Oty Pharacy, Half Fare on Trolley for that’ the COURIER. ways uniform; so is the '§ 1 paint. Ask your dealer, John Lucas & Co d Sixty years of paint-making a New York Philadelphia Chicago Conmil For Sale by Binder & Starrett, Patton, Pa. THE piece of Silver- | which you received on Christmas wiil lose its lustre and turn to a brown color if you do not keep it wrap- ped in tissue paper away from the light: You will not care to do that so you had better get a jar of SILVER (REAM, the finest silver polish made. 25c at TOZER'S, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Ko- dacks and Supplies. ware NEW BlG LINE OF WALL PAPER JUST RECEIVED. All the latest patterns and designs and at the mini- mum of price. Picture frames, room mould- ing, ete. JOS. FLICK, Pation, Pa. Home Killed Meat | No embalmed business in ours. We deal strictly in meat killed at our slaughter house. Everything in season. Little Bros., Butchers and Dealers in All Kinds of Fresh and Smoked Meats. tar and (Banjo : TAUGHT, WM. M. SIMPSON, Fifth Avenue, HPATTON, PA, Opposite M. E. Churh. Party of 10. Read your own Qovstes ER, AUGUST 17, 1906. | ough School District for the year end- | ing June, 1906. I Average salaries per month, fe mal I Average percentage of attendance, { Number of mills le |ware, [he most complete stock in Northern Cambria; County. Binder & | ee ———— MDITORS' STATEMENT, Financial statement of Patton Bor. THE GRANGE NATIONAL BANK Total number of schools 16 John A. Schwab, Pres, OF PATTON Capital - . $60,000 BN I tight. 3 | M. D. Bearer, Cashier. « Surplus . - 12,000 Number of teachers, female, Averago salaries per month, i Number of scholars in attendance Cost of each pupil per month... TAX AND RATE PER CENT, Number of mills levied, for school 10, amit... 8 6,610 00 led, for building 8, amt... ......e neil 00 Total... Balance audi on hy x Collee- tor, Dup, 1603, § 1 56 From Tax Collec- tor, Dup. 1904 TT 3M From Tax Collec tor, Dup. 1805, 09,8 45 1,527 35 From fines, Jas, Me lon i8q.... § 300 De 700 J. Donnelly, Bur- Ksq.. From Ww. Opened its doors for the banking business of the general public on Wednesday, Aug. 8th, 1906. We invite the accounts of individuals, merchants and Geo. manufacturers. A BR 7 ET SA a ~ Collections Promptly Made. INTEREST ON TIME DEPOSITS. 141 04 $14,512 56 DISBURSEMENTS, For Teachers Salaries.........8 7,885 77 “ Attending Institute 147 00 “ Supplies 47 24 “ Text Bos b7l 75 “ Furniture { 239 65 “ 124 16 " wl 15 1" 788 00 " 66 00 ' 6 00 213 “ 150 00 tt 128 52 “ 1,925 00 “ . 49 75 “ - ‘ompulsory School fe PN o 16 93 * Rent for Club Hous 210 00 “ Outstanding . 6 25 « Exonerations allowed. 441 04 4“ Sandries........oisiiprine 94 02 “ Balance on hand in Treasury ......ovoccimisessree 110 59 $14,512 56 ASSETS, Due from Tax Drplicote, 1905....... € 1,076 04 F urniture “and aon Houser 346 30 110 59 State aphropria ation {6 sti- mated)... rarrasn 2,700 00 § 4,232 93 LIABILITIES. Outstanding orders........ 8 5 65 Bonds at outstanding .. 24,000 00 $24,005 65 Liabilities in excess of asseta...............§19,762 72 Value of School Property... coud $40,000 00 Receipts from Club House.......ccccceeeen$ 390 00 Expenses of Club House: Rent paid 210 00 Fuel 24 50 Wate 15 00 Ligh 400 § 29350 of expendi, Receipts in in exce: pig tures 96 50 We have examined the foregoing statement and find it true and correct. H. E. BARTON, H. A. LEIDEN, Auditors. Summer is Here And so are we with a full line of Hammocks, Refriger- ators, Lawn Mowers, !" : ‘ ‘Northern Cambria Street Railway Company Ice Cream Freezers, Screen Doors Windows, Horse Cov’ ers, Etc. Also a full line of Hard-| Starrett, “Everything in Hardware,” PATTON, PA. Fi Estimates Cheerfully Furnished. Second ** If in need of anything in|First « my line, give me a call at|® shop in room next to North leaving Patton at 6:10 a. m. for Mahaffey, Clearfield, Philipsburg and Williamsport. Star Steam Laundry, Kerr building, Fifth Ave. [HE 6 | First car lear second “¢ July 23rd, 1906. filG oA AT THE MELLON MILLINERY aTORt, Patton, Pa. and Children’s trim- med and untrimmed hats is a money saving of Women’s, Misses’ opportunity to all. The remainder of this season's styles will be sold at less than cost of material. Now on the larket PATTON BEER Warranted absolutely pure ard free from all deleterious substances. TRY IT! TRY IT! FOR SALE AT ALL THE LEADING BARS IN THE COUNTY. PATTON BEER IS UNION MADE. THE PATTON BREWING CO., PATTON, PA. Bell PHONES: ! Be Schedule of Cars. RUNNING ON A FORTY-MINUTE HEADWAY, | F irst car Yoo res power house for Barnesboro at.. 00 a, m. Second cariecaves Carrolitown Junetion for Barnesboro at 555a. m. This car makes eonnec- tion with P. R. R. Rr at Spangler for Cresson, res Barnesbore for Patton and Car rolliow ni i 1. Mm. “ ‘ “ “ First car le Second car and every Yo 10 mins. there" "Tha 11: after in 1 be Ay 10 p. m. car to Power House only. First car lon res Patton for Asheroft at 6:00 a. m. “ £ ¢ Barnesboro and Carrolltown at 6:20 a. m., after until 11:00 p. m. House only. s power house for Carrolltown at 5:20 a. m. This ear remains on the Branch and connects with all Main Line cars at Carrolltown Junction. 2s Carrolltown for Patton and Barnesboro at “ “ “ and every 40 mins, there- The 11:40 p. m. car to Power First car leave 1. IM. lL. m,, after until 11:05 p. m. First car leaves V ietor No. 9 tor Barnesboro at 5:04 a, m. Second a, m, 11:26 p. m. Brandon Hotel for Barne shoro at 5:10 a. m. 6:10 a. m., 11:30 ). Ml. First car leaves Bre indon Hote 1 for Patton a Lm. Second ** and every 40 mins. there and every 40 mins. thereafter until First car leaves and every 40 mins. thereafter until PATTON, PA. rT - | Second * i Bt and every 40 mins. thereafter until First car leaves Yictor Ne. 9 for Paton at be m. nares Second *¢ m., and every 40 mins.thereafter until 11:11 p,m. First car leaves power house for Patton a a.m, Second “ “" 6:87 a, m,, and every 40 mins.thereafter until 11:16 p.m. Parnell, Co her & Co r I J First car leaves St, Be: nedict for Patton at 5:40 a. he : —Agents for— . . Second “ 4 6:40 a, m., and every 40 mins, thereafter until 11:20 p.m. Y Sanitary Plumbing First car leaves Car tolltown duncsior 1 for Patio m at 5:44 a. m FIRE, LIFE AND . S second until 144 8 m., and every 40 mins. thereafter hy - . i anti 24 a, m. ACCIDENT | SUR [ and I [eating. | First car leaves Baker X Rods for P; atton at 5:45 a. m. | Second * 6:45 a. m., and every 10 minutes thereafter until RE Reis I have opened a Plumbing | 11:35 p. m. REAL ESTATE AGENTS > " Establi shment in Patton nd! First car leaves Asheroft for Patton at 5:48 a. m. Good Bia w. Patton. Pas-TIhone No.9 G 8 | Second * # 2 m., and every 40 mins, thereafter until 11:28 p. nm. Clam prepared to do all work 1 1m | | First carjleaves Columbia for I niton at 1. om, itch ee i “my line expeditiously and | Secon vos Fation tor Ashoron ath bo ey and every 40 mins. thereafter until 11:30 p. m. Violin, Mandolin. Gui well. Second * 4 6: m., and every 40 mins. thre after until 11:40 p- m. irst car leaves Patton for Barnesboro at 6 Ashcroft Baker X Roads ‘ Car’ltown Jet, “ “ St. Benedict ““ 0a. m. #* 11:00 p. m, 2 £4 £6 11: 11 p. m, 4, « $ 11:15 p. mi. “« Joke §" 11:16 p. m. econd re * ad First carjleaving Barnesboro at 5:20 a. m. will connect with the N, Y. C. & H. R. R. R. train 0 p. me Baggage and packages carried on all cars. Special cars can be arranged for, J McNELIS, Supt