THE PATTON COURIER, AUGUST 10: 1906 No More Backache, No More Suffering, No [More Sorrow. THE SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY OF THE AGE. Not a new patent medicine, but a remedy that has stood the test of years and has never failed. It has cured others and will cure If not your money will be refunded. Isn't this a fair proposition? Read and reflect. Buy a box of gris Wood's Kidney and Backache Pills and if they do not do all that is claimed for them your money will be refunded and no questions asked. Remember it is not claimed that a miraculous cure will be effected by the use of one box, but it is a fact that the first box will work a decided improvement in your condition and the continued use cure the disease, no matter how deep seated or of how long standing. The ordinary case yields read- ily to one box and two or three knock the disease completely out of your system. Why suffer torments, when relief can be had so easily? If you are skeptical, remember it costs you nothing to give it a trial. Your druggist will cheerfully give you your money back, if it fails to effect a cure. Don’t delay! Now is the time to act. ——eaePRICE 50 CENTS PER BOX. sar Wood's Kidney and Backache Pills are a purely vegetable compound and do not contain any calomel, mercury, creosote, cocaine, morphine, opium, strychnine or any other mineral and were discovered by scientific research and study by Dr. Wood, who has had over forty years experience in the practice of medicine. They cure all diseases of the Kidneys, Bladder and Urinary Organs and can be taken by the most delicate patient and the results cannot help but be satisfactory. you. Kidneys. Bladder. For Bright's Disease or Inflammation of the Bladder attended with frequent urina- The Kidneys are in shape similar to an ordinary bean and are filled with tion, especially in the aged, it will be found invaluable. delicate arteries and tubes whose work it is to filter from the blood the waste matter which they gather from the different parts of the body. This tissue waste is principally uric G ra vel acid, which becomes a deadly poison when left in the system. The first sign of Kidney It is a well known fact that these pills will hold the mineral constituents of the Trouble is water in solution, thus preventing the deposit of the mineral products in the bladder, B A CK A CHE which is the prominent condition of the disease. bJ . Diabetes. d if not attended to in ti the following diseases: Rh tism, Lumb ‘a . ile Ho 2 he $ 18 tine canses We Jo onus i5ea i Smolin wm ge This disease has been the cause of carrying thousands of people to the grave. It Dropsical Swelling and Irregular Heart and General Urinary Derangements. Wood's always gives warning of its approach and should then be checked by the soothing effects Kidney and Backache Pills will remove all these diseases if taken according to directions. | of this wonderful medicine. READ CAREFULLY. These pills have been trusted to prevent many diseases by keeping the systemin healthly condition. The following are symptoms of Kidney Disease: Deposit or sediment in urine, bloody or highly colored or milky white urine, backache, aching pains over hips, swollen ankles, frequent desire to pass urine, voracious appetite, odor of perspiration, dry tongue, wasting of flesh and puffiness under he eyes. Tt is rare to find two cases that have the same symptoms in kidney disease, as all the above symptoms do not appear in any one ‘case. Any of the symptoms would indicate a disordered kidney and should receive prompt treatment with Wood's Kidney and Back- ache Pills. Kidney disease kills more people than any other known sickness. Patients can be assured of receiving quick results from WOOD'S KIDNEY AND BACKACHE PILLS are for sale at all first-class drug stores and the following places: WOLF'S PHARTIACY, Patton, Pa.; Easley & Baldwin Hastings, Pa.; E. S. Allen, Spangler, Pa; Arble’s Drug Store, Carrolltown, Pa; C. H. Perry, Chest Springs, Pa.; Gunn & Tyler Barnesboro, Pa. 3 2 up 4 : h 43 -q Ou Marui Collin To Allen, Meeha Early Camp Roach, Dresse: Tot A fi day, | in for McLea Root, r Griffit} Bacnac Flory, Mack, Richar Edwar Howar Tot Allen, : Mook arly, | Campb Roach, Calhou Trayno MeDon: Mackon Tot Patton. Punxsu The a fast errors been v pitche port w will sh McLean Root, 3h | Marnin, Cavanal Tota Moran, | Snowde Burton, Weimer Nafeau, Newhan Curtin, 3 Businsk Clyder, Tota Patton .. DuBois. Umpir Scorer: The f gers ur DuBois The det Edgar, 1 Root, 3b. Griffith, Pacrae, ‘lory, p. Mack, cf Richards Marnin, | Howard, Total Moran, 1 Snowden Nafean, Newham Curtin, 3 Businsky Witsosky Total: Patton.... DuBois... Umpire Scorer— The P Standar dropped braves.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers