* THE PA I'TON COUKILEK, AUGUST 10 vb a ————— P an Courier. Totter w J. 7%. Saute, Be ———————————————— — Patton, Pa. ARMORED CO : — Roy Eaton Dec Dear Sir: You kno dl ——— D FFINS. Ord ee . ar, | go by size. So with wh hwnnde dont "THY Wane Dunes Used In & inance No. or. ‘ n a Churche | 21 FSTABLISHE | We make paint, one all In th yard In Scotland, ordinance annulling franch ASHED - - 1893, | goes as far as two of ~ Hn of whieh ea 0 virion half of the nineteenth the Northern Oambria Sb : oy o Ad _ [t . other and las! ie practic 8 wa, “ reet Rail- TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTIO | wice a8 long: that’s four t t8 | from the chure ied of stealing bodies y company on Fourth vertisin Que 00pY. 1 on You know it is tr 0 i dew nyards for the purpose Patton borough wyenue, OT o year, in advance, «= + = 8 | they rue in diam . hjects for dissec . . ' 8 . . i | Toi Pape 3 scoutinued until all — | whey don’t go by the gallon, do onde; ua known ns “body Hissection Nid) on it pactel] and ordained by ti consists simply in re a , unless at the option of the If you're going to paint NO y > time very rife. hing,” was 1 rgessyland town council of B the senti pre- Hered i; in | you go first to your META ue Hous, the aFioun plans were made to def Soroush and it is hereby enact Wun ye before the people IN d at the Postoffige at Patton as seo “I'm going to pai nd say: | the nefarious and si Mil gC eat | Ordained by authority macted and the ; ; class mall matter, on as second: job? and B fo pans, Jo oy wags We Jugs of the “body Mmeg proceed: | Section A Ti ory ul She uae, ¢ goods you have to sell i wy p cost? petionists,” ws,” or “resur- : ¥ at, where i : : : ’ / : If ; » as they were ern O i, as the N . mn an " > in ADVERTISIN od he happens to know, he'll say: called, & vory co ley were sometimes 575 SrimbHs Street Railway con orth intelligent manner Ne Lai notices 3k per NG RATES, epends on the paint. I can d ¥:| erection of two mmon one being the was, by proper authority, b, company (Pennsylvania Division whether it is ) -M ory sy pe Jd for three insertions for somewhere about $100 n Be houses whose are gmall watchs cation dated gthe righ y communi- Beech C 1 Di I oa is a house and in Phi Resolutions 50 wil P Ine, * | whichever eas 200, | the whole huryl dows commande { A. D. 1906 : : ay of July, sh reek District ot or a pair of s Poetry en 50 per ine. ever you ike; Hie; #iup of £200, which. | which 30le MRsing ground, i id on J 006, 80K Sas the council of Pat | Read Condensed Time Tabl ‘ | is L pan of shoes. It a B Se per | 18, a: ; $ wi friends i rs | be at it does ne . tead up me 1abie, S to ate . ) Buskaee to ; Jot iio, job; §200 a poor one.” make a good mov Ad Tor & of the Secensed | avail itself of the oe not desire to | NXP. lun In ; Read down | oo late at this day to P Fspiay ads je per inch flat And yv : : er the funers wr of nights | by ording Ho vileges granted i Nod? No3i3 " » Mail | awnati — Foreign advertisi at. you, if y eral. | BY rdinance No. : it] "11 Tail expatiate . - ign x vertistug ous: be paid for invar- your wit, ’ll — oy bnpen to have A usual method of the grav feaivs a 80 insofar as it per- ih pm 0 "Now| pati ite on the merits of ized al ivartisiog sion No commission paid to | O0€ when’ll you do } vike the good as lo dig down to he give robbery ough. , avenue in said bor- : lv 16 10 2 advertising That h —Jc . & pT y a ’ ( 5° " a . These are best” rates—no others Painters ought b ad bete 10 it 8 large rou of the | Section 2. Iti been d as barel ; rs gO. . ght, all, to know ab y means of a 8 md hole , It is therefore en: een demonstr — paint; and jewelers ought to b 3 out | eenter bit f 0 Specially constructed | ordained that ail privil . acted and | + : nstrated so of« ~M s ¢ 3 on yas to counte! " rrante 3 leges and rights | en that i . . was vi STRINGENT LAWS NE get a good job. We do w e able to | maneuver that t » eract this granted the said N ght 1 that 1teratic % : a8 Vi oho EDED. to help both. o what we can Whe relics now He two entioue coffin. | Street Railway } Rorhera Cambria & Bvervhod ion is futile, Re the State De : 2 ying on eithe Cl avenue 1 By. y on Four 11% weryboay " su = we Department of Mines hii gallon Devoe is better than t The Gone of the ruined Eo , of | avenue in the borough of % Bont 11 00 : y now days a two- Nothi Recummendations, y hystule paint, goes as far a They : Perthshire, were ee abrogated and repealed, and 1 ton be Gi; io knows that adv tisi —~M ing but stri our h ” ar— is, y are solid 8 structed, | street railway lak y the said | 605 102 M at adverts sench wih raimingens laws that will | Devoe ope wil Sage about 20 gallons SUOFIOUS Solid, yses of cast iron of Sheeh allway company 4 she gail 0b HA pays "he iad simg . ipsa ployer and e ! of avera ; wi Br | tracks, Tals, ties, po! RN 4 oe he main qt : wi with penalty ’ smployee, | Dev y ge paint—and en an interme { of ov , poles and materi J . juestion y clauses that " oe will wear a long ti thes nent took place | of every nature and ki aterial is, w : forced, will p hat can be en- | avers ns g time; the life of | e massive slabs w 2 one of | 4 y nature an kind belonging s, what medit ~TI prevent a cont : ge paint is very uncertain, i | suitable derricks, t was lowered by | ao said Fourth avenue i ging to 1m to use? J accidents that, i nuance of | be a year, i ertain, it may rricks, tackles and RQacti enue immediately _. Penle 7 Advertisi $ ohns , in the last twe year, it may be five. on to the top of the 3 mn chains Section 3. That an : . Gillintowr yi7 66] © dvertising experts of O years, have killed 4,424 Dveniy Xe Why is it that painters don’ was filled in, and he coffin, the grav part of ordinance in iY dina or “iioe oot S51 a : Xperts long . Te Bias laborers in afd tout oe and | about paint? Do jewelers Jon t know some considerable Aleve i us left f, | beandis hereby re Dn with this 1057 650 ago settled it by decir —Ja giines of Pennsylv 1d at yu he coal diamonds? A S ow about | Brave wa A . Later on th Ena - saled. 1109 . ar- “ cisco, ylvania, declares James | gs? They know s opened and th nacted and ordai 326 752 : 1116 ing tha 4 ? E. Roderick, chief of 3, devin os James | they tell sometimes. Tt more than | plate was removed Le pos armo |and town council ained by the burgess | 3% 17 201v Josey s 13 : 5 t newspaper adver- Fred I ment of mines, in his state depart- | ers and painters; s th 1076 276 paint. | "ead for another funeral aid aside | this 16th day of il of Patton borough [pm am ii tising was by far —O Seanemitied to 32 Bis annual report | so there is paint, so thereare jewelers; | These contrivances still i ay of July, A. D. 1906. E ym % m Phir 9 on : 5 y 1ar the most Gra The death record FopDYpacker. paint is Devoe and the least-gallons | pects of curiosity to th enon me Pegs: LN paeible x effective and brings bett Sr Pennsylvania b or the mines of oct cts of curiosity to th yard, | Attest: — resident of Council 1400 Iv NY vis 5" er . : ear mute testi Yours truly efist and tourist.—Sci e passing cy it cil. |#130 9001 y via Tamaqua ar | returns tha nickle the importanc: testimony to ) ist.—Scientific A o) Ep. S an BY Si aie al Th an any othe e of Chief SE FW ; mericar. ip. S. MOORE y pi in ar 1010 19021 . 1er —T1 peal for more 6 Roderick’s ap- | P- S- Binder & Starrett scl . DEVOE & Co. Te en Borough Sec " Daily. {Wesh days. #7 pm Am extant. ‘The mer t h S year there protection, During the ett sell our paint. One mornin Bxplangtion. Approv 1 1 Secretary. am Sunday ays. #7 pm Sunday. 1100 emer chants ensbw Ww 4 : - i z . rondo! nproved by the . unday. 1100 , . - 3 the Ee i Sesion in A BOON TO WOMEN. BewspaDar Bt gertaig | borongh Jo hy 1He Iirgee of Patton ae | of this section long ago Se the mines.) I 551 being inside | T1 seas type the announcem o see in |D. 1906 , the 20th day of July, A. | Win the Fall declared : o n and about th y ie Bane of the Average F tus handed ent that “the Sc ' + ¥y A. | with Central lare that bet —Bi nous mines 479 live e bitumi- El age Female Promply | si ed down an import > Philipsburg etter re- Lr : s were sacrifice minated by a Simpl sion yesterday.” portant dect H. S. LINGLE, NY and PC sults yey . venir, The greatest 1 crificed. ple Remedy. ¢ y.” The aftern LE, nd P were obt irs oss of life dari Backache of the town, with whi oon paper Acting Burges ches tained by eveni ear the ring th , whether d , which g Burgess. a : oy enn yeu! 4 ig was cansed by falls orice causes or the result of ae to natural | paper for years had held ihe mornteg : g and Py using the COURIER th frames killed by Jook Biever persons Were promplly alleviated and ase, oath BO | selves yn none but Tying No. 8233 in BR Ry by any other ’ an _Th : ation on the s cured by th y 5, langhed that da TREASURY 1 ey JX ; : : r means i Chief Roderi e surface y the use of Dr. W oly | say, “in gh y, as the poet REASURY DEPAR! "a V. H. Nort] . ns. It First I ck states that th * ney and B r. Wood's Kid- ghoulish glee,” and ts FI DEPARTMENT , x Y. Horan is read ered in chutes a; ose smoth- . ackache pills. Thou to the morning p ’ it was up OFFICE OF THE COMPTR NL, | York wen. Agent i a every we k and ca re sometim A= | suffering sands of | 2xplai paper the next d 5 COMPTROLLER OF THE Wilh a soot, Pr e by + tims of thei es the vic- women can testif plain that “the ty ay to < CURRENCY. HE | port, Pa. hu . zaar S frequently o. Sv: carelessness, but ol of this. ify to the say out the Scotus pe Dee them wi gton, D, C., May 24, 190 | ndreds of families and SA) 4 ne negli ence is a purely v e telegraph edi ¥ » d 80 when | IREAS, by sati p ot E # 2) 1906. | goes 1 « pessons in charge. g of the}.nd does bw gly Yegeraio compound that that aH editor shold) have known Presenisd to the oh PY nee Stea m a nd goes into the homes of the Juneti e stated that th deleteri in any poisons viation of the as merely the abbr | been made to appear signed, it has | i majority Sogn NEES of foreigners are bie preset Dumber a, It acts bn sourt af Te It for rons | “THE GRAN Pre A | ; jority of the people of ming! gers lurking in, th y of the dan- ’ ition to relieving th ie d States. : PATTON NAL BANK OF 4 ~t \A/ lorthern Cc bi nesda; : © mines and -| tones up th e pain — al ih jot Water ambria co ga) that no forei suggests e system and : Loeusts G stom i “el unty. this of 5 signer unabl worth living k makes life| All tc s Good to Eat, >f Ca ratton, in the C« i The Q o Engl e to speak ing. A trial wi | native African r. s | ni d State of Pen 20 rates are wo 3 — A Bughh ie employed until he peak | and a trial will costs oy ill convince| With many tt FIC JR0R0 301 ena bas complied with asf Denpoylvaniay | Haat and equi i lov, jest in Bec the $5 ow required the adinionits of they do not do all that is nobis If | Hie place of the S300) has to take, . of the tito Qyisions of eating 1 equitable—one price . Bet age or until h them vo ! aime! for | eef and mutt = ‘workman's | ¢ tt he complied with wtates, re- . An in company \ e can be placed your money will be ch | 1a on, In a good | association shall with before ar to all at d 1 for cot y of competent funded , cheerfully re- | ges sun dried loct many vil- | mence the t 1all be authorized tc 3 . and the small ad 62 co! ~ s . > cus | e 3 , Zi 0 CC he ad- own nationality men of his| p commerce. T 1sts are an articl | Now 1e business of Banking, com- Is being nsed vertid succes! . r. W i . The Suds e of | NOW THEREFORE, I, T king. res 5 more ex-| vertiser gets J i Mr. Roderick says that while th who s Wo > a reputable physician lanly fond of iis Sadangse are particu. | Deputy and RRRE: I, Thomas P. Kane senslvely each year Wh X=! er gets just as good nomin partment earnestly 1 e the de- | ; y 1d over 40 years of efore they : Currency do he robs ‘omptroller of tho Jecause it i Spin 1y ?| a rate as the 1 y advocates | fence in kidne exper-| ed. T are eaten they ar | o hereby certify tha ne ause it is the as the large o —Tt ployment age of 14 s the em- |; : y troubles, havin . The wings and legs re toast: | “THE GRANGE N y tang nonii e most eco-| ne. th years for boys i |it a specialt; ? g made | been t gs and legs havin : : GRANGE NATIONAL BANK 1omical user of If vour : 0 Ime side the mines, he i or boys in- | y, and these pill orn off, the long. g first | in th AL BANK,” . ser of fuel, f your business 1 e is also of the opini | from his 0 hese pills are made the crisp b ong, soft bod e town of Patton, i : ishes cand y iarp-i siness needs the ere that the em y of the opinion wn perscriptio p read form y and | of Cambri on, in the C S a greater Vv 3 ployment a; : Don’t 1, 1 determi the delicacy {of Lambyia, and the State of ounty | 1} ? er volume of a tonic, come i have b should be 18 ge for drivers suffer any longer, b rained not to let my Bur | vania, is authori State of Pennsyl- 1eat and is decid 2 e in and let ! years; runners box now. Pri ger, but buy a prejudices influ my Buropean | business of Ban ized to commenc re s decidedly clean as talk firm al Dd in the Ye Pharmacy rico 50 cents at Wolfs 1" tought Tt Jorush but to give | UOY Ye in Sec. than any other i) i er 1s talk the matter over amour and loaders i : 4 e- on hot s a fal 1 | of th ia red and Sixty-nin 1n us iL Bite in Vi nih v gion, 18 years, ie gd bitanlsolve. MORTUARY. EE aw oy a jf tie Hovised Siatutes of the United| He eo A neighbor. | with you or send us word rs ’ ers in b 3 TUARY s wild h r ws a 1 : ’ 1 . nsi gions, 21 years oth re- ‘ . The one I oney. IN TESTIMON about it and we w D . was 5 IMONY WHEREOF Wi » e will have The total c ; ied at the residence of his d pice. I agreed w eating was rather Hand and S WHEREOF witness my . have a repre- the Pe vanis for 1905 oal output of Pennsyl Mrs. E. A. Storm, at Altoona, Soghien that, should the wit my Arab servant fourth day Sol of Ollice this twenty JOHNS sentative call on y a erect s , according to th * | evenin © A , Tuesday | 8 dish eat supply fall rl % May, 1906. . TOW you an ing fr represented o report g at 9 o'clock Joh sh of locusts w short, | N SU xplai . e about §350 je at the mines of Douglass, death being O40) Reopen sebsiiiute, ould be a very good Depusy and Acting Conte HO PPLY expiam everything sboiit numbe rsd and at poi Ol! gease incid of di- y the ti Jurrency. r of the U | curred tribution bot points of dis- ident to old age. T me I was SE our plan. Y ut $650,000,00 was b x ge. The deceased ond locust eating the s = 1 . ou ma 3 thracite 50,000,000. The an- orn in Carroll to 3 it seemed t e0e as . y do —Or production was county. J. wnship, Cambria why one should 0 me absu - busi : vite a bh rd - sines ; ghort. tons and the bitumi 78,647,020 | gg a anuary 20, 1817, and was aged pity for John the aye a sort of lurking | Dancing. Johnstown, Pa. ii s without adver- D, re 514 short tons. nous 118,361, | he Ann hi greater part of his life Snloss it be for — pists daily menu | Miss Hancher’s summer d Lincoln Building tising, but you are tai : Ji The repo ii arming. In 1 elt convin onotony, and venile class 2 ances: Ju- : > certain eth a cont 5 Shows that Pennsylvania poled in marriage to 8 3840 was | of honey iy a 1 should get oad Miner's Hall B wi. each Thursday at to do more by advertisi ter. dustry of the co Ot ao | ety of Lowe, Whe Th ean Saget ta classes, begin- Tis and Tasmg. churoh el anor SOUR, producing prac- 0 the grave twenty-two gate him set Lieto { nine to twelve ine, advanced social, ; an investment that been p Gre: cf rhe bit: racite and 30 per = has been a resident of Altoon ago. 3 An eccentric clergyman —_— will repay you —Mi nished ab nous. Its mines fur- out fifteen years. The f a, for | bad been auch an tn Cornwan ee He y an ‘hun- u outpnt howe = per cent of the total children survive to mour ® following $he saeniors of Soyee NY Je wa The COURIER is bett ; WREN | dred RA. : a Mrs. E. A n their loss:|° lookin gregation had than ev ter prepared NR | ’ uietly Chi : : 1s. BoA, Storm : g around to ver to do fi 2 8 3 i Dina Roderic will ask the next leg died, and Silas M. rE oge home he a ter enduring it La Some at right prices oan jo printing | READY i We will prepare your te Me i! . 3 . 88, on i m : Ai er n pagtmont oy giving the de- ghee also by a number x a day: eras Be reading desk > Ho iil stock are men MIXED copy and take complete 1506 ° the slate, or pervision over ren and great grandchi - | your , I regret to se of, Send or bring i ? we . 3 o, graphi ndchildr attention e that ring in yo charg ; by Rev mines, aloo 3 gate ire clay ee held in the i Jou religious jh away from| Jou Work: PAINTS : rge of your advertis- ik chi : . ent quarri eat 9 o 3 . | natural your 1m : Mo i have been DE humme® [wit misrment tn Re morning, | behind Je L sec who comes In are sold full mea: 1 g campaign, however —A nnsylvania with oo i rch cemetery. | 8&8Ve YO A opose henceforth by Uni sure arge or . cinity « complete freedom fi practically Sore TC CONTR ATE y. you the trouble by n to 7 nited States small, without ; , rom legal : TICE TO CONTR person who ma: aming each | {i standard — 231 cubi , in the or guidance. He restraint ACTORS. H y come late.” inches t fic extra cost v says the! Sealed 3 e then b ] A stands for 2 s to the gallon St. for effe have reached se enterprises proposals will b . b egan, ‘“Dearl dv S ROY 25 wv The onl AH a state of dev the undersi o sedsived py| DIT, paused half w y beloved | fl pain Til ai y ready mixed ephone sybere they should be br evelopment | ing and igned for the grading Re “Mr. §., with his oy to interpolate, wank fae Fall pain het is absolute- The C . homes the purview of the Jaw, ought within rt of Fifth eee in the Whi S. looked ite aud daughter.” : iin ape. Only paint yy arenes by the ou rier, Buecess = ' of Patton, P e minist: of surprised, but eed by the mak the bot ind with > ER from B , Pa., extendin er, with peff ) OW naker. e bother and un count; Serious Accident to eeech avenue n g| sumed. P ect gravity, ni tainty of mixi 30 P y a¥ orth resentl , Te y of mixin | att : 3 aga ahont oung Man, Conta avenue, until Monday o Terra “Mr. O. and only 2 Jagan paused. out: g left } on, Pa. Jeeler Hn Ree ho Xn yours, the son of Sus 1906, at 7:30 Ry cas Jase) congregation hapt thel THe BEST Pay a 5 ployed at th vo, oyd, and em- ed check for $200 m . Mm. ously bent on th ele i! LA] ol Mfg, Co he plant of the Patton Cla; pany each bid. ust accom- Ihe service proceeded In oii books. rawr ing of . Co., met with a seriou ¥| Plans and specificati rly manner, the most or e To tion a bly fatal acci s and possi- specification himsel ? parson inter w aad He was Seokient Thursday morning. the office of the a Sabet 9 ig every mow and then Sruplin THE Ceti partme oiling some : . | will . engineer, ewcomer. name | Ts gay works and iE Maney at the Wil fawn blank proposals he iy the same Ee ay ne Said, stil} |. ul, th his left arm er a shaft ids must be mad rs. 8. in a y: SE 3 a for th The ri : ade. new bonnet.” They C — 22d; lubricating a part of e purpose of ig right to reject any and all bi In a moment every femt Es iL 20 sarew on 0 the machine, A reserved by the town counci bids | the congregation had t nine head in | Well known party the oder day a Krume hi one of the pulleys uncil. Millinery Trad urned around. | iram and deservedly man of his shirt, with the result th > : cungly H. C. YERGER e Review. Brae took a lady down Toples bria co at hi y er k n: rt drawn around a pulley arm | Patton, Pa Fuso Engineer. A Mystery of th | As a ne who the other si Sold by —Th eaders under the limb a a ing the Pa, Ju y 30, 1906. One of the most e Sea. | ms it i he theater wae started, y chest in a fri nd cutting hi ee made fi curious finds s 80 often under si Sed) Bi nesloy gas bine rightful manner. His ar 8 li Advertised Letters etre om the sea was that 8 yer | stances. or similar circum- inder & Sta rrett Blake © to be amputate ro m e following lette : e Agores in ch| “I can’t th | Backs jous resu ated, if more ser- | forint rs remain uncal land of Corvo 1858. The Is- | ed ink why they hav y Blacks eh i La follow. He was | Weeks se P atton post office for the be} sion of two nti id in the posses: li lece at the King hhh —— Patton, Pa. date fo Thursda hilipsburg hospit: | Miss 2) ing Saturday, Aug. 4, 19 | One morning ther Y Eritish saflors. | worn a never liked it, and it’ y | A age Fannin y afternoon. a d orence Byrne, H. O . 4, 1906. | craft which had e drifted ashore al th hat 1 should have d 8 80 F R — BA Republ TTL Figen 7. W. Orudovy Ipeh, Aartha et Sviaertly been frozen ion that?” one better | * Tl MELLON T and ALL oe & sion to Niagara Fal anderlin ) rs. Mureal anci ong time. It { es,” the dra | y | . n On Saturday, August 25 ails, | Majk Ke ’ Jwan Bagan, Nick Girard Siem and battered brig wae an | haps so. It was ME replied, “‘per- D . | are popular this year day an bea five day ) Jon 0 Pa, there will, bert : Roper: Giovanne Pasquale oi Bottos Dalwark OE name. hut Bo however, and I ha 8 of uy Jeet pleces, off entist. | taken o new hold, at Base Ball has workin Falls. Rate f on to Niagara . » 8&1 an ere on, the cabin a e perience when I : ad much ex. ce in (ood Buildi | promise to k tole fact, all sport g i on round tri 4 Person: + d the hulk was oors fas wrote it. Es | scoupied ! uilding, for] | he followed by : 8 —Ho sntawney and ay ne m Punx- | will Soe ee for the above letters tle cargo Py a She had od Be Sloe Let's change | °° upied by H. A. Seitz. ’ merly number of people this — ao increased new r in . io | gs the EH 2 co! | la r ; s year. i leaving here at 6 a. m. will mak Train | tised.” y that they are ‘“Adver- aad furs in prime Songieted of skins and Ye quite ready to do so Office hours:—8 &. m. to 121 | Come and see us " grantec nections. Many Patton con- E. WiLL GREENE, P Tg Depers were’ Sun oO | known he De doubt, that she had i m. to Br 0p " BaseBall A ee us. We have a line of week. take advantage of this low ig wil a Postmaster. | gegler — figured that she Sn | presently said: neighbor was. He ~~ nih |Bats - s at the following prices; Foad eo i is wae. . NOTICE, 10 or 12 trader, carrying a er s &| “Are you interest NOTICE . | Base Balls . - 50c to $1.25 ‘the Bee x ost, Strayed or Stolen. kg is hereby given that Sistonod 2 that she had evo i speaking Sted in the Fenton In rei ka one: | Catcher's Mitt «ev wins extend eamm.of sorrel ponie sis B. Noel my wife or a year. Th | that ‘was in pr cause celebre boast of nd fing B itts - 5 95 y pan 1 8, well * , has left , | gpoiled, but e flour was | * I Progress. asemen’ : 25c to 2.5 y 18 Bos have white legs. ia Doe and all persons are ry bed and | preserved. Se eet Tras on | wi is I've read all the evid ome - = Soto Toad is 7» branded on hip, the > has “OC, | to harbor or sell h arned not | When frozen i ad heen abandoned | hs e reply. ence,” oves -. = %ec to 2 stone q on hip. A : ? other “Oye? | Dame, 3 er goods on m for . n an iceberg and vy | He'll lose it , ’ 2.50 . ny information relati , as I will not be res . y gears. The date of th nd drifted | tist went , of course,” the drar ins Kl N ' Salona. Sa will be thankfully i ie to | Same. ee for Is tue forecastle showed Slot found | had the } on “He never could Sa bor Huying ben appointed an Audi KE AD'S Mi ohn Zokevietz, P ceived by | Clearfield T . NOEL. ud been ab at the brig | It’ est chance f ve | aid accoun iL RR a A %, Patton. Pa wp., July 26, 190 andoned n It's a m e from the fivet. Wi accountant, notice is 1in the hands of travelir ——e . 6. centur early h | arvel to pat. | will sit for the pur co is hereby given ths of . ir Advertise in the COURIER. 01d papers for sal =e out tg Fores wile: avenen el a ee bl fli ho ie of Hak Kori Sorgen STATIONERY months R. or sale at thi the eventuall , a case to 0 allow | 10:30 esday, the Ist day 54. Patton, Pa, | flyer W only bec a is office— m $4,000, and y brought “ " go into cou 1 J a. m., where and w \y Y August, 1906, bandle. bad then set fire J two ing of beef ey Surwered the a quiet} j osteq ny appear or be non peo nie | 5 STOR E aceomp as ever found eck. No trace hand wae the ald fans. Haw Ebatred trom ee . 8. Good 1d of its name or owners shange the subject.” idiot. lePs Ebensburg, Pa., J ene Audltor. The best business men SS met her Ft i a stationery and get it at A the best and s this your paper ? | hat does the best printi e best office over {0 that’s the COURIER ng. Of course her deli : countri Express +
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers