The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, August 03, 1906, Image 6

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. yucky A) lg2sliz..
down to breakfast that morn.
ing feeling particularly jolly. It
was a fine day, for one thing,
and a half holiday for another, He
promised himself a long ride on Star-
light, his cousin Frank's pony, lent to
him while his cousin was ill, and he
sat down to his porridge with the ap-
petite of a healthy schoolboy,
Mr. Jackson began reading his let-
“Ah, here's one from Bournemouth,”
he said to his wife; “now we shall hear
when the folks at the Priory are com-
ing home.”
Mrs. Jackson paused as she was
pouring out the coffee and said:
“Is Frank better, dear?”
“Apparently Frank is quite well
again,” said Mr. Jackson, “but you
shall see the letter, Hullo, here's an
enclosure, ‘Master Leslie Jackson.
Here you are, Leslie; it's from Frank.”
Leslie took his mote and opened fit
slowly, for, somehow, he felt there was
something in it he did not want to
read. :
“Dear Leslie,’ the note said, “mother
Is writing to say we are coming home
on Saturday” (‘‘to-day,” thought Les-
lie). “I am awfully glad, even though
it does mean lessons again, as it's
rather slow here, and I am all right
again now. Could y®u ride Starlight
pver on Saturday? We shan't be back
till late, but Dad will be at home, I
want awfully to go for a ride first thing
on Monday morning.” Leslie read no
more—the pages suddenly became
blurred; and he could see nothing dis-
tinctly. This was what he had been
dreading: the summons to give the
pony back. It had become so dear to
him that now that they had to part
be almost wished he had never seen
it. For ten long, beautiful weeks that
pony had been like his very own, and
pow it was all over and he must be
“Come, Leslie, get on with your
breakfast,” said his mother. ‘What's
wrong, my boy?”
Leslie straightened himself,
tried to speak carelessly.
“I’ve got to ride over to the Priory
this afternoon,” he said, “to return
Starlight.” The last word was hardly
audible, and his lip quivered.
“Well, you've had him a nice long
time, haven't you?” said Mr. Jackson,
cheerily; “longer than you expected.”
“Oh, Dad,” said Norah, Leslie's sis-
ter, “can’t you buy us a pony like Star-
light? I wish you could; it would be
so jolly.”
“I dare say it would,” said Mr. Jack-
gon, rising from the table and pinching
kis daughter's rosy little cheeks; “but
that ship of mine hasn't come home
yet, and till it does I can’t think of
ponies, you know.”
“Oh! what a long time that ship is
coming,” sighed Norah. “I should
think it must have lost its way.”
The morning passed quickly, and the
afternoon so much looked forward to
bad come. Leslie begged some lumps
of sugar, and putting these, with an
apple and a bit of bread, in his pocket,
he went out to the stable yard. Never
before had the pony looked so well, so
glossy, and altogether attractive.
“Why is it,” thought Leslie, “when we
like a thing most, we have to give it
ap?’ Norah's dog, Snap, ‘came running
up, barking as he jealously watched
Leslie give the pony the dainty mor-
sels of the little farewell feast.
**All right, Snap,” said Leslie, “you
needn’t feel jealous any longer. Star-
light’s going away, aren't you, Star-
light? Worse luck.” And he laid his
cheek against the pony’'s soft nose.
“Well, we must be going. Come along,
Snap; you will be company home for
me.” And jumping into the saddle he
rode off.
The ride to the Priory was far too
ghort, and, although he loitered as
much as he could, almost before he
was aware of it he was walking Star-
light up the drive leading to the house,
He soon caught sight of Uncle Joe,
who had come out to meet him.
“Hullo, my boy; brought the pony
back?” said he, cheerily. “Frank will
be glad to be able to ride him again, 1
expect. I must say he looks uncom-
monly well; not suffered at your hands,
I can see.”
He patted the pony’s neck, and
looked up smilingly at Leslie.
“I expect you don’t much like parting
with him after all this long while?”
said he.
Leslie felt an uncomfortable lump
beginning to rise in his throat, and was
angry with himself for being so stupid,
#0 he stifled it down and answered:
“Well, yes, rather; but it’s been aw-
fully nice to have him so long.” Uncle
Joe was looking at him keenly, so he
went on hurriedly. ‘What time will
Aunt Emily and Frank be back?”
“About 8 o'clock, I think. Come
along, we'll go round to the stables,
and then you shall tell me what you
think of the new cricket pitch.”
A few minutes brought them to the
stable yard, and Leslie dismounted.
“Goodby,” he whispered into Star-
light’s mane as Uncle Joe was speak-
ing to the groom, and the pony seemed
to know, for he rubbed his nose against
the boy’s shoulder. Then he ‘was led
off, and Leslie and his uncle turned
down into the paddock. Presently they
went indoors and had tea together, and
then Leslie and Snap started on their
walk home.
A few days later, as Leslie was out
In the garden feeding his rabbits, Uncle
Joe and Frank rode up. Frank, of
oourse, riding Starlight, and looking
ever so brown and jolly.
“Well, Leslie, where's everybody?”
said Uncle Joe.
“In the house, I think. I say, Frank,
you don’t look much like an invalid
now. I'll hold the horses w. you go
in, Uncle.” ¢
“All right. Come along, Frank; wie
must not be long.”
In a few minutes they were oul
again, followed by Mr, and Mrs, Jack
son and Norah, and, while goodbys
were being exchanged, Uncle Joe sald
to Leslie:
“Oh! look here; we want you to come
over on Wednesday. I've a small job
for you-you won't mind that, eh?”
“No, of course not,” sald Leslie, “it
it's anything I can do.”
“I think you will be able to manage
this,” said Uncle Joe, laughing. And
then, after a few minutes’ more chat,
they rode off,
Wednesday came, and Leslie walked
over to the Priory early in the after
noon. He was greeted by Aunt Emily.
“Why, Leslie, dear boy, what a long
time it seems since I have seen you,”
she said. “Uncle Joe and Frank wil
soon be back. Come and help me
water the greenhouse; I want to hear
all the news from home.”
So Leslie ran to and fro with cans of
water, chatting to Aunt Emily, and
presently they saw Uncle Joe and
Frank coming up the drive. Uncle Joe
was leading a black pony so like Star
light it might have been his own
brother. It had a smart new saddle
and bridle, and as Leslie was wonder-
ing who could be his happy possessor,
Uncle Joe said:
“Ah, this is the job I spoke of, Les-
lie. I want this pony ridden over to
Willowside' Place. What! not know
where Willowside Place is? Oh, well,
I'll soon tell you; but, any way, you'll
have to pass your house on the way
there, so I thought you might put him
up for to-night, and ride him over in
the morning.”
“Yes; only to-morrow is my birth.
day,” said Leslie, hesitating, “and
Norah and I were going to fish. But
perhaps it won't take long?’ He
looked up at Uncle Joe, and at the
same time noticed Aunt Emily and
Frank were looking very much
amused. Uncle Joe's face, however,
was perfectly serious as he replied:
“Oh, no; it won't take you long. Dear
me; your birthday, is it? Dear, dear,
what a pity no one reminded me ber
fore!” He really seemed quite vexed.
“Well, we must make it up in goed
wishes, eh, my boy?”
Leslie smiled; but he could not help
a feeling of disappointment, Had
Uncle Joe really forgotten his birth.
day? Why, Uncle Joe had never for-
gotten—never—as long as Leslie conld
remember. Perhaps it was because
Aunt Emily and Frank had just come
back, and he had had more to think of.
Well, if he had forgotten, others had
not, for when Leslie was saying good-
by Aunt Emily gave him a beautiful
pocket-knife, literally bristling ‘with
blades, and Frank presented a splendid
new cricket ball, a thing Leslie had
been wanting for a long time. Uncle
Joe seemed really sorry he had nothing
to give. Then he said:
“Look here. I have written you full
directions as to how to get to Willow.
side Place in this.” He held up an
envelope. “I knew you would forget
before you were through the first field
if I didn't write them down. Now,
where's your pocket? There, that’s
safe enough; you won't want to look at
it before you get home. You'll find the
pony quite quiet. Goodby, old chap.”
So Leslie mounted the new pony and
rode away. It was getting dusk when
he reached home, and Norah came
running out to meet him as he rode
into the yard.
“Why, Leslie!” she exclaimed.
“Brought Starlight back again. How's
that? How long can you keep him?
Do tell me!”
“All right; don’t be in such a hurry.
For one thing, it isn’t Starlight at all.”
“Well, what pony is it?” said Norah,
“It’s a pony Uncle Joe has asked me
to take to some place to-morreaw morn.
ing. He has written it all down here.”
And Leslie fished out the note and
handed it to Norah. “Here, take it
into the house while I go and call
With the help of the man the new
pony was stabled for the night, and
Leslie went indoors. He came blinking
into the lamplit drawing room, where
his note was lying on a table.
“Norah has been telling us about the
pony and your unexpected ride home,”
said his mother. “Where is it Uncle
Joe wants you to take him?”
“Willowside Place,” answered Leslie,
Mr. Jackson looked up from his book,
“Willowside Place? Never heard of
it, and I think I know the country
about here pretty well.”
“I'll see what Uncle Joe says,” said
Leslie, opening the note and beginning
to read. Then he gave a kind of gasp,
and looked up suddenly, his face beam.
“Here, father, mother, listen to this.”
And he read out loud:
‘ ‘Dear Old Chap—Don’t you know
where Willowside Place is? Well, no
more do I. And if neither of us know
where the pony ought to be taken to,
I should think you had better stick to
him and say no more about it. I think
you said to-morrow was your birthday
—all good wishes and many happy re
turns. Yours affectionately,
Mr. Jackson burst out laughing.
“Well, of all the comical fellows!”
he said. “The idea of choosing that
way to give a present!”
“Oh, father! and the pony is really
and truly mine, to keep for always?’
said Leslie.
“Yes, my boy, really and truly
yours,” said Mr. Jackson. ‘You must
ride over and thank Uncle Joe for hid
splendid birthday present.”
“And I thought—I thought he had
forgotten all about my birthday,” said
“Ah! Uncle Joe never forgets,” said
his mother, smiling.
“It must be nice to be Uncle Joe, and
be able to give such lovely presents,”
said Norah. “I suppose his ship came
HE woman who finds it a heavy
T burden to oversee one household
with one mald will find it aiff.
cult to comprehend
woman can adequately take charge of
600 sleeping rooms, forty or fifty par-
lors, linen rooms through which pass
dally hundreds of dozens of pleces,
and marshal anywhere from 200 to 300
servants, of all races and dispositions.
Yet that, or something like it, is done
by the housekeeper of every big hotel,
The preparation and serving of food
in the big hotele is confided to men,
but a woman as housekeeper seems to
be a necessity. Men are not up to the
mark when the cleanliness of a house
and its linen are in question.
The hotel housekeeper seldom ap-
pears worried or flurried, and it 1s
doubtful if she goes to bed at night
more worn than the average house-
wife. Professional training, system
and command of money alter the whole
The housekeeper of one of the larg-
est hotels in this city has under her
two assistants, a corps of men clean-
ers, with several head cleaners, each
responsible for his own territory; an-
other corps of women cleaners, a corps
of parlor maids, another of chamber-
maids, and one of maids’ maids. The
last look after the rooms of employes.
It is a little army that the housekeeper
heads, with its captains and lieuten-
ants, each responsible for certain
things. In the linen room are half a
dozen seamstresses mending linen, In
the house linen laundry are four men
and forty-five girls constantly at work,
and in the personal laundry as many
It is always wash day at a big hotel.
The housekeeper herself has her desk
in a big, bright office, but there is no
section of the great hostelry that does
not pass under her eagle eye some time
in the twenty-four hours. For her
living apartment a handsome little
suite is set aside, with her meals in the
hotel restaurant—arrangements which
would probably cost her $250 or $300
a month under other circumstances.
The salary of such a housekeeper is
from $125 to $150 a month.
The first warfare of the hotel house-
keeper, like that of her domestic sister,
is with dust. But with money at com-
mand the inventions of the age come
to ber aid in a way that they never
do to her home sister. At the hotel
referred to a sort of pneumatic dust-
pan is used. It hasa very long handle,
containing a compressed air hose. This
is run over carpets and upholstery and
the dust is literally sucked out of them,
not to be dispersed in the room and to
settle again as when the broom is used,
but to be drawn into a discharge
pipe and ‘thence be discharged into a
closed dustbin, leaving the air of the
room dustless. A similar device is
used to suck away every flake of dust
from chandeliers, carvings and odd
corners. The dusting process for the
entire mammoth structure is the most
important thing which the housekeeper
oversees each day. But cleaning never
stops in one of these giant hostelries.
All day cleaners watch over their al-
lotted portions, removing burnt matches
and litter the moment they fall.
Then there are countless odd jobs for
the housekeeper to attend to. If one
of the big suites not in constant use
is to be occupied the housekeeper per-
Housekesper of a Biz Hotel
Knows No Servant Problem
how one.
sonally superintends its cleaning and
putting In order. If furniture is to'be
moved anywhere she oversees it, If a
maid is 111, she sees her and sends the
hotel physician, She keeps account
of all Mnens issued, all reserve mats
tresses, blankets, pillows, ete. She al
ters the arrangements of rooms te suit
occupants. She answers a thousand
and one demands of 'guests, some of
them quite reasonable, some enough to
try the patience of a saint, if the saint
has not a sense of humor,
Three times a day a gang of men
takes to the supply room on each floor
three dozen each of large and small
pieces of freshly laundered linen.
Every day tablecloths come in with
great holes burned in them by cigars.
These must all be darned; but the
darning, too, is all done by machinery.
In the supply rooms are kept scores
of miscellaneous articles—extra cots,
curling irons, hairpins, stationery, any-
thing a guest may happen to want in
a hurry. There is, too, a medicine
closet, with hot water bags and simple
remedies for guests who are not well,
but not ill enough to call a physician.
In the linen laundry the machine
reigns supreme. The soiled linen is
fed into great hydraulic machines,
which cleanse it by constantly chang-
ing streams of suds and clean water.
Next it goes into ‘extractors’—great
cylinders which revolve at the rate of
2200 turns a minute, and take out every
particle of moisture, a change from the
rubber wringer turned by the weary
arms of so many laundresses. Then
the linen is fed into a slowly revolving
ironing machine, from which it drops
gently on a table, where it is folded
and stacked in snowy heaps for the
supply room.
In the laundry, where the caps and
aprons of the maids and the personal
laundry of the glests is washed, hand-
work comes in again, for the machine
has not yet been invented which can
replace the fingers of women in ironing
dainty lingerie. The machine is used
for washing, but the last touch of ele-
gance is given by a “family ironer,”
who earns $100 a month for work no
better than many a housemother or
her maid puts on the underwear of her
family. But a hotel where many a
guest’s laundry bill foots up $40 or
$50 a week right along can afford to
pay its ironers good wages. A woman
guest ‘at this hotel sent down $70
worth of work at one time recently.
The housekeeper at the big hotel has
the pick of the best help. She knows
practically no “servant problem.” The
average salary of a good maid is $12 a
week, which may run up to $20 in the
case of a fine parlor maid. The maids’
work is so arranged that they have
some hours each day to themselves,
and their evenings are their own, ex-
cepting for every fourth evening, when
they must be on duty until midnight.
The girls have their board and room
in the hotel, their rooms are cleaned
for them, their caps and aprons are
provided, the hotel doctor treats them
in illness. Moreover, the situation
lacks the loneliness which obtains in
a house where only one or two maids
are employed. With all these advan-
tages it is no wonder that the best |
help flocks to the hotels and the private |
home is deserted.—New York Evening
Welsh Attorney and Jury.
Baron Bramwell once appeared for
the crown in a case in Wales. The
counsel for the defense asked permis-
sion, as the jury was Welsh, to ad-
dress its members in their native
tongue. As the case was simple, the
baron made no objection. The Welsh
barrister said only a few words. The
baron also was brief, but he was some-
what surprised at a prompt verdict of
acquittal. “What was it,” he after-
ward inquired, “that Mr. L— said to
the jury?’ ‘Oh, he just said, ‘This
case, gentlemen, lies in a nutshell.
You see yourselves exactly how it
stands. The judge is an Englishman,
the prosecuting counsel is an English-
man, the complainant is an English-
man. But you are Welsh, and I am
Welsh, and the prisoner is Welsh.
Need I say more? I leave it all to
you.’ ”
Jiu Jitsu in England.
The talk of jiu jitsu in this country
recalls a story told by Walpole of “a
great amateur, nay, practicer of box-
ing and wrestling,” who willingly im-
parted his knowledge to those who
consulted him. A somewhat sedate
peer visited the baronet one day, and,
walking with him in his garden, made
the polite remark that he would like
to see a specimen of his host's re-
puted skill; upon which the other
“seized him suddenly from behind and
threw him over his head.” This is
surely the carliest recorded instance
of jiu jitsu in England, and merited
the superb reply of the wrestler to
the infuriated peer: “My lord, this
is a proof of my great friendship for
you. This master stroke I have shown
to no other person living.”
Giant Tomato Plants.
The largest tomato plants in the
world are found in California. One
grower has three plants which have
reached a length of thirty feet. In
three months from the time the seeds
were planted the vines had climed to
the top of a twenty-foot tiellis.
The trunks of thes¢ plants, gays
What to Eat, are one and a half inches
in diameter and the foliage is thick
and luxuriant. Enormous quantities
of tomatoes have been picked from
them and the fruit is of unusual size,
home a long time ago.”—Barbara Lucy,
in Cassell’s Little Folks,
possessing an extraordinary fine flavor.
Among the most useful of Kkitcher
conveniences are the little open-mesb
wire baskets that are generally used
only for frying things in deep fat, Few
housekeepers realize their value ar
time savers in other directions. The
best way to wash fruit is to place it
in one of these little baskets and hold
it under the faucet. Lettuce, water.
cress and other salads are easily
washed in this way and may be
drained without removing from the
This is the way an Englishman
makes tea. As this particular English-
man has been making his own tea for
the last fifteen years regularly at 0
every afternoon he really should know
the best method. Here is his rule:
Don't pour the boiling water on the
tea. This scorches the leaves and they
cannot exude their full fragrance. Fill
your teapot full of boiling water, then
put in your tea leaves. Cover tightly
and let it stand for a minute or so. Now
stir the leaves with a long spoon and
allow the infusion to draw for about
four minutes more, and your tea will
have all the delicious aroma of the real
tea leaves, Strain the tea off into
another pot, as the Jeaves, if left long.
er, will add their only slightly less
soluble bitter flavor.
The clear tea car be kept hot over a
spirit lamp. The tea leaves can be
used again in the old-fashioned way,
of course, but the fresh tea is really
the only beverage worthy of the name,
~New York World.
Believers in the raw egg diet contend
that the egg should be eaten as soon
after it is laid as possible. Several
different methods of serving the egg
are in vogue, the most popular of
which is with vinegar.
A very little portion of the vinegar
fs required in a glass merely to give
a zest to the flavor of the eggs, says
What-to-Eat. When served with vin-
egar a drop of the fluid is first poured
into an empty wine glass. Into this
the egg is broken. Then the top is
covered with another drop or two of
vinegar and a sprinkling of salt and
pepper. The egg is then swallowed
Persons who have not tried the diet
will be surprised at the ease with
which the egg slips down the throat, as
well as the pleasant taste it leaves in
the mouth. It is declared that half of
the benefit of the egg is lost when the
yolk is broken in eating. The eggs
should be eaten before meals, especiale
ly before breakfast, but not every day.
An everyday diet is said to be dan-
gerous because of the superabundance
of sulphur it would produce in the
system. It is advisable to discontinue
the diet for as much as one or two
weeks at a time and then to keep it
up steadily for a few days or a week
Troublesome Teeth.
When Scandinavians come to this
country they freguently have trouble |
with their teeth. Later, owing to the |
difference in diet, they lose most of |
their bicuspids and molars; but for-'
tunately, few Scandinavians have the |
trouble that Tillie did, and few lose |
their teeth in so disconcerting a mane |
“My 11 fest patient,” said the so-
ciable dentist, “was a Swedish girl,
who came in one day to get her teeth
extracted. Her upper jaw was abso- |
lutely bare of teeth, and the lower set |
was in such condition that there
seemed to be nothing tc extract. i
‘ ‘What are the teeth you want out? i
I asked.
“‘In my stomach,’ returned the girl!
suddenly bursting into tears. |
“ ‘In your stomach? I gasped. |
“ ‘Yaw, meester,” she sobbed. ‘Last
week my hov buy me all new toots on
top vor twanty-five dollar, on Chicago.
Two days ago my sleep so godt, 0-0
goot! Ven my vake opp, mys toots
she vor all go down mys troat. I!
tank maybe you can get them out—
mys lady she is tole me to come.’
‘ ‘Nonsense! They couldn’t go down |
your throat.’
“‘Yaw! Yaw! protested Tillie, clap- |
ping a hand to her belt-buckle, ‘She ,
iss there now. She iss chew, chew, |
chew, all the time. She iss chew all |
my inside up. She iss hurt so moch .
my iss don’t can sleep.’
“Tillie was evidently sincere,” said
the dentist, “and I was beginning to |
think that I had a lunatic on my hands i
when the day was saved. My office!
door was flung open and an excited |
boy rushed in. |
“‘O Tillie, he cried, ‘mother just
found your teeth tucked under your '
mattress! You must have taken them '
out in your sleep.’ |
“‘My goo'ness!” exclaimed Tillie, |
apologetically. ‘My hov some bodder |
vit mys toots every day since I come |
on America.’ ” |
Yes, poets are born. No effective |
way of preventing it has been dis-'
covered yet.—Somerville Journal.
London’s lord mayors have, during!
the last decade, collected more than
$100,000,000 for charity. y
| flannel, or, if stubborn, with a piece of
"Cloves or salt sprinkled on a pantry
shelf will rid it of ants.
Oily water can be cleared by adding
a few spoonfuls of cornmeal.
Salt dissolved in alcohol will often
remove grease spots from clothing.
Paint that has dried on window glass
may be removed with hot vinegar.
A faded dress can be made perfectly
white by washing it in boiling cream of
tartar water.
Rub grass stains with molasses and
they will come out without difficulty
in the ordinary wash.
After each brushing the comb should
be run through the brush and then
carefully wiped off.
Stoves may look nice for some time
by rubbing them thoroughly with a
newspaper every morning.
A spoonful of mustard in a gallon of
water will kill insects in the earth,
This is good for potted plants.
Machine-oil stains can be removed if,
before washing, the spot is rubbed
with a cloth wet with ammonia.
To prevent the hair from falling out
wet it thoroughly once or twice a week
with a weak solution of salt water.
A small portion of orris root put into
the ordinary washing water will im-
part a delicate perfume to the clothes.
Mud stains can be removed from silk
if the spots are rubbed with a bit of
linen wet with alcohol.
A little thin cold starch rubbed over
windows and mirrors and then wiped
off with a soft cloth is an easy way
of producing shining results.
Two potatoes grated in a basin of
warm water will give better results
than soap in washing delicate flannel
or woolen goods, ribbons, ete.
White paint may be cleaned by rub-
bing it gently with a soft flannel
dipped in a paste of whiting and water,
and adding a little soap powder.
Spots may be removed from gingham
by being wetted with milk and covered
with common salt. Leave for an hour
br so and rinse out in several waters,
Piano keys can be cleaned, as can
any old ivory, by being rubbed with
muslin dipped in alcohol. If very yel-
' & Rochester Chemist Found n Singalarly
| Effective Medicine,
Willlam A. I'ranklin, of the Franklin
& Palwer Chemical Co, Rochester, N,
Y., writes:
“Seven years age
| I was sullering very
much through the
§ fallure of the kids
| neys fo eliminate
| the uric acid from
fl my eystem. My
| back was very lame
and ached if I ovems
exerted myself in the least degree. Af
times I was weighed down with a feels
ing of languor and depression and sufe
fered continually from annoying fre
ularities of the kidney yw
procured a box of Doan's Kidney Pills
and began using them, I found prompt
relief from the aching and lameness
in my back, and by the time I ha
taken three boxes I was cured of
Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box,
Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. ¥Y.
Lifetime of a Bell.
Comparatively few ® people know
that ringing a bell ruins it. That is,
a bell has a definite length of life,
and after so many blows will break.
A 9G0-pound bell, struck blows of 178
foot-pound of force, broke after 11,
000 blows. A 4,000-pound bell, broke
after 18,000 blows of 350 foot-pounds
force. A steel composition bell
weighing 1,000 pounds broke after 24
blows of 150 foot-pounds, but its make
ers said it was calculated for a light«
er blow.
Deafness Cannot Be Cared
bylocalapplications as they cannot reach the
diseased portionofthe ear. 'Thereis only one
way to cure deafness, and that is by constie
tutional remedies, Deafness is caused by an
inflamed condition of the mucous lining of
the Eustachian Tube. When this tube isine
flamed you have a rumbling sound or imper=
fect hgaring, and when it is entirely closed
Deafness is the result, and unless the inflame
mation can be taken out and this tube ree
stored to its normal condition, hearing will
be destroyed forever. Nine cases out of tem
are caused by catarrb, whichis nothing but am
inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces.
We will give One Hundred Dollars for any
case of Deafness(caused by catarrh) that cane
not be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. Send fog
circulars free. F.J.Caexry & Co., Toledo, O,
Sold by Druggists, 75,
Take Hall’s Family Pills for constipation.
Crigin of the Crescent Bread.
The origin of that Viennese bread
shaped like a crescent, which is found
in most places on the continent, dates
back to 1863. At that time the Aus-
trian Capital was being besieged by
the Turks under the terrible Grand
Vizier Kara Mustapha, and as they
failed to take the city by assault,
they decided to dig a passage under
the walls, and so penetrate into the
town. In the day-time the noise of
the siege made the sound of the tun-
nelling inaudible, and at night-time
the defenders of the place were
asleep, all but the sentries and the
bakers. It was the bakers who, as
they baked the bread for the garrison,
heard the pickaxes of the miners com-
ing nearer and nearer, and gave the
alarm. In the fighting the Bakers’
Association took their share with the
utmost bravery, and as a reward for
their services the Emperor gave them
permission to make a special cake
shaped like the Turkish crescent.—
Londen Sketch.
Trees Almost Fireproof.
The giant sequoias of California,
which are thousands of years old, have
been preserved to this day because of
their enormously thick bark. From
time to time, in the course of ages,
vast forest fires have swept through
the big-tree lands, destroying every=-
thing, vet cnly scorching for a cou-
ple of inches depth or so the almost
fireproof bark of these huge trees.
The flames, having carbonized that
much of the bark, could not penetrate
farther, for the earbonized portion
formed an absolutely fireproof cover-
ing for the remaind:r of the interio#
bark.—Chicago Journal.
To Dring the Around.
When a little human machine (or a
large one) goes wrong, nothing is so
important as the selection of food to
bring it around again,
“My little baby boy fifteen months
old Lad pneumonia, then came brain
fever, and no sooner had Je got over
these than he began to cut teeth and,
being so weak, be was frequently
thrown into convulsions,” says a Colo
rado mother.
“I decided a change might help, so
took him to Kansas City for a visit.
When we go: there he was so very
weak when he would ery he would
sink away and seemed like he would
“When ! reached my sister's home
ghe said immediately that we must
feed him Grape-Nuts and, although I
had never used the food, we got some
and for a few days gave him just the
juice of Grape-Nuts and milk. He got
stronger so quickly we were soon feed-
ing him the Grape-Nuts itself and in
a wonderfully short time he fattened
right up and became strong and well.
“That showed me something worth
knowing and, when later on my girl
came, 1 raised her an Grape-Nuts, and
she is a strong, healthy baby and has
been. You will see from the little pho-
tograph I send you wkat a strong.
chubby youngster the boy i: now, but
he didn’t look anything like that be-
fore we found this nourishing food.
Grape-Nuts nourished Xir back to
strength when he was so weak he
couldn't keep any cther food on his
stomach.” Name given by Postum Co.,
Battle “reek, Mich.
All children cen be built to a more
sturdy and healthy condition upon
Grape-Nuts and cream. The food cone
tains the elements nature demands,
from which to make the soft gray fill-
ing in the nerve centres and brain.
A well fed brain and strong, sturdy
nerves absolutely insure a healthy
jow, use a piece of flannel moistened '
with cologne. }
Look in pkgs. for the famous little
book, “The Road to Wellville.’
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