a. Ty HL XY Pp CE. EN To le I has sports eased ine of rices: ) $1.25 y 1.256 y 2.50 y 2.00 y 2.50 RE. > best office ourse ~~ Patton Courier, ‘their own poll tax. The purchase of INTERESTING INDENTATIONS. —-Miss Anna Moore, of Johnstown, is visiting relatives in town, --0. F. Wolf, the druggist, was rusti- cating at Conneaut Lake last week. ~John Mahaffey, of Cherrytree, was renewing acquaintances in town Sun- day. — Miss Nettie Wallace, of Johnstown, is here on a visit with relatives and friends. —-B. Kusner has a change of adver- tisement in this issue that is well worth | reading. --Harry Blair, of Ebensburg, with a party of friends was here on an auto- | mobile trip Sunday. —The state department of agricul- | ture says this will be a banuer year for | all Pennsylvania crops. | — Mp, and Mrs. W. H. Denlinger are | spending a few weeks at Sulpher { Springs, Bedford county. ~Englebert Young, who is engaged in the soft drink business at Clymer, | was in town over Sunday. —J. P. Airhart, of this place, has purchased the old Burke farm near Chest Springs for the sum of §6,000. —Joseph Hubbard, who is in charge of extensive building operations. ab Gallitzin, was in town over Sunday. — Wednesday was the first day all of the Patton mines were not running since the strike and then but two were idle. | —The last political convention has been held in Cambria county. Here- after uniform primaries will take their place. Mrs. J. J. Donnelly and children, who have been visiting in the eastern part of the state for some time past, returned home Friday. —The Huntingdon & Clearfield Tele- phone company have a force of men at | a | work putting in a new line between Cresson and Ebensburg. —(C. A. Repsher is in Atlantic City attending the seventh Grand Council of the Young Men’s Institute, as the representative of the local council. — Thomas J. Itell received the Demo- cratic nomination for member of as- gembly from the Johnstown district at the convention held Monday evening. Patton will be crowded next Wed- nesday on the occasion of the annual Cambria county grangers’ picnic, It will be the best attended of any ever held, —The Ebensburg council has passed over the veto of Burgess Waters the ordinance providing for a bond issue go that the town may secure a better supply of water. — Blake, the Billtown center fielder’s real name is Sheehan. His home is in Patton,—Johnstown Democrat. Yes, and he is certainly making a record this yean but then we raise ball play- ers here and not tail enders. — Dave Perel], the well known New York photographer and one of the best in the business, has returned to Patton and formed a co-partnership with T. H. Wirtner. The firm will be known as Wirtner & Perell. — Under the terms of the new ‘Cor- rupt Practices Act,’’ voters must pay poll tax receipts by candidates, politi- cal committees, ete., is a violation ot the law, and subject to a heavy penalty. —A petition is in circulation asking the court to appoint J. J. Donnelly as chief burgess of Patton to succeed the late W. J. Donnelly. ‘He is emi- nently qualified for the ‘position and will probably receive the appointment. An excellent opportunity to buy standard grades of flour at an excep- tionally low price is detailed in the new advertisement of ‘the Patton Feed Mill in this issue. ~At‘the prices quoted the main ingredient of the ‘‘staff of life’” ought to go ‘like the proverbial hot cakes. * — The annnal “two-days’ picnic for benefit of the Patton base ball club will be held at the Firemen’s Park Tuesday and Wednesday, August 14 and 15. A pumber of “new amusements and at- tractions have been secured and the indications'are that it will be the best ever held ‘in this vicinity. Music for dancing will be furnished by the En- core orchestra. John Kassay, of Bakerton, is lodged in jail at Ebensburg on a charge of surety of the peace preferred against him by his daughter. He was arrested at his home last week by the Carroll- town constable after a hard effort, Kassay’s wife interfering in behalf of her husband. Kassay also threatened to shoot the officer. The prisoner has figured in many squabbles throughout the county and has a reputation as a bad man. __R. 8. Westbrook, the Altoona ice cream dealer, who a few Sundays ago evaded the old blue laws by giving 40 gallons of ice cream away to the pub- lic, Wednesday morning issued an order to his customers instructing them to procure a prescription from a physician for ice cream and he would gell the product next Sunday ing defi- ance of the city officials and the minis- ters of the city, who are enforcing the ‘away half of both gallens and labor on | will goon be in need of paint, come in | board and all persons are warned not CLIPPED AND CONTRIBUTED, It always makes a man feel small to realize that he has heen taken in, The man who feels that he is a law unto himself is apt to respect no others. Some men are so fond of sympathy that they actwally glory in being the under dog. Ice cream by the dish, quart or gal- lon, also ice cream soda water at the City restaurant. The trouble with the fellow who knows it all is that he insists upon us knowing it, too. It sometimes happens that the woman who marries for money can’t even get alimony. The biggest liar in the world is the fellow who tells you what he would do if he were in your place. No soap bubbles oun Duquesn¢ beer, The ‘collar’ is pure cream. , Ask for it at the bars and get the best. If you want the best call for Du- Not a headache in a car- Cool, sparkling and re- quesne Beer. load of it. freshing. Backache before and during the menstrnal period promptly relieved by Wood’s Kidney and Backache pills. Price 50 cents a box at Wolf’s Pharm- acy. Building a reputation is a good bit like building anything else, You gen- erally have to tear down your old one and make room for the new. Why suffer from backache or kidney trouble when one box of Wood’s Kid- ney and Backache pills gives relief and two or three boxes positively cure. Price 50 cents a box at Wolf’s Pharm- acy. When in Barnesboro try the City Cafe for meals, lunch, ice cream and refreshments. Tt is the best place of its kind in this section, a very desir- able place for ladies as well as gentle- men. 7th door north of Corner drug store. Both ’phones. Write or phone the Chas. G. Fagan Wall Paper and Paint Co. for high grade wall paper and paint of all kinds. Decorating, papering and painting by experienced workmen under our per- gonal supervision of many years exper- ience, which is quite essential in doing good work. Rooms papered and dec- orated from 35.00 to $50.00 according to grade of work. Both ’phones. Letter to Wm. C. Hubbard, Patton, Pa. Dear Sir: Our agent ought to sell nine-tenths of the paint of his town and region; no use to try for the other tenth. The proportion of men, who won’t'take good advice, and use the least-gallons paint, is about one in ten among even owners of houses and stores and shops and barnes and fences, One man in ten will buy a gold brick or green goods, if he has the money’ and gets a good chance. Devoe at $1.75 a gallon is better than gold; adulterated and short-measure paints are green goods and gold bricks. Devoe saves half, more or less, of the wages ‘of painting; it is all paint; full strength and full measure. There is | no other such paint within ten per cen. Ten per cent of labor and paint is worth saving; and ten is the least. here are scores of paints that throw whiting, china-clay, ground stone, bar- ytes, benzine, water-—all they are good for is to make gallone of nothing and look like paint in the can; more gallons to buy and more gallons to pay for putting on—gold bricks and green goods. Here’ s how they work. Judge I. D. Fairchild owns two houses exactly alike in Lufkin, Texes. J. H. Torrence painted both houses; one Devoe, 15} gallons; the other with another paint sold at same price, 25 gallons. That 25 gallon paint is weak and 15 per cent whiting; that’s why it took 9} gallons more. Yours truly, F. W. Devoe & Co. P. S. Binder & Starrett sell our paint. Get the Best Always. It’s the same with paint as with any- thing else. Italways pays to get the best. The trouble is to know what is best. ‘In paint we can tell you in a way that ‘you will readily understand. With every gallon of Patton Sun Proof paint we give you a written guarantee good for five years. Could anything be fairer than that? If you are now or and let us talk it over with you. BINDER & STARRETT. 7 NOTICE, Notice is hereby given that my wife, Kesia K. Noel, has left my bed and to harbor or sell her goods on my | name, as I will not be responsible for same. JosePH C. NOEL. Clearfield Twp., July 26, 1906. Dancing. Miss Hancher’s summer dances: Ju- venile class 2 p. m. each Thursday at | Miner's Hall. Evening classes, begin- | ners eight to nine, advanced social, nine to twelve. Patronize the home print shop. We are better prepared than ever to turn out commercial printing of all kinds and at prices that can’t be dupli- cated for good work. Sunday law. (Tinted Gloss) 8 is thoroughly mixed by # modern machinery in exact proportions. Every particle is thor- 8 oughly incorporated in the mixture, This can § not possibly be done by wand. Colors are al- ways uniform; so is the &§ paint. HN Ask your dealer. John Lucas & Co Sixty years of paint-making New York Philadelphia Chicago For Sale by Binder & Starrett, Patton, Pa. 0 EE THE piece of Silver- which you on Christmas wiil its lustre and turn to 2 brown color if you do not keep it wrap- ped in tissue paper away from the light You will not care to do that so you had better get a jar of SILVER (REAM, the finest silver polish 25c at ware received lose made. TOZER'S, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Ko- dacks and Supplies. NEW BlG LINE OF WALL PAPER JUST RECEIVED. AM ‘the latest patterns and designs and at the mini- mum of price. Picture frames, room mould- ing, ete. JOS. FLICK, Paifon, Pa. Home Killed Meat No embalmed business in ours. We deal strictly in meat killed at our slaughter house. Everything in season. Little Bros., Butchers and Dealers in All Kinds of Fresh and Smoked Meats. PATTON, PA. I Parnell, Cowher & Co —Agents for— FIRE, LIFE AND WSURANCE ACCIDENT I} J i REAL ESTATE AGENTS. Goed Bnilding, Patton, Pa.—'Phone No, 9. Violin, Mandolin, Gui- tar and Banjo TAUGHT, WM. M. SIMPSON, Fifth Avenue, 2PATTON, PA, Opposite M, E. Churh. Read your own COURIER. JTRS STITENENT. | ough School District for the year end- | ing June, 10086, | Total number of schools... Number of months taught Number of teachers, male, Number of teachers, female Average salaries por month, male Average salaries per month, fema Number of scholars in attendance Average percentage of attendance Cost of eaeh pupil per month MAX AND RATE PER CENT, ! Number of mills levied, for school 10, amt. en Number of mills levied, for building 8, amt £6,610 00 5,201 00 Total... -® 11,901 00 RECEIPTS, Balance on hand at last audit aan win «3 526 08 From state Appropriation, 2,570 84 “ Tax Collee- tor, Dup, 1903, 8 1 56 From Tax Gollee- tor, Dup. 1901. 7 MH From Tax Collee- tor, Dap. 1805 OM8 45 1,627 3 From fines 8 Mellon, $ 300 ‘rom fines Boone, Ksq..... 700 10 00 ‘rom W. J. Donnelly, | From rent of Club House 200 00 yi RE 15 00 Exonerations allow- ed... eehehuenuE Fran 141 04 $14,512 56 | DISBURSEMENTS, * Supplie “ Text Books. “ Furniture Po. 230 65 121 16 ie 531 15 B®: 783 00 Ra 66 00 a 6 00 | ow i 2713 74 | 150 00 $ ter 128 52 “ Interest and Debt........ 1,925 00 | “ Printing and Station- { 'y 19 75 | School Law.... 16 93 ¢ Rent for Club House. 210 00 | “ Outstanding Orders | aid. G25 ¢ Exoner . 141 04 |“ Sundrie 94 02 | Treasury.... 110 59 $14,512 56 | | | ASSETS, | Due from Tax Dupli ar y 8 1,076 04 | “Club House’. 346 30 { Balance on hand EY cio ini | State approp mated)... cociinennnen 110 59 Outstanding orders.. | Bonds at outstandin $24,005 65 ....519,762 72 210 00 ie 24 50 Wate V & . 15 00 Light......ciiiiieisiiis shane 400 8 293 50 Receipts i of expendi tures. ; erin 06 BO We have examined the foregoing statement and find it true and correct. H. E. BARTON, H. A. LEIDEN, Auditors. Summer is Here And so are we with a full line of Hammocks, Refriger- ators, Lawn Mowers, Ice Cream Freezers, Screen Doors and Windows, Horse Cov- ers, Etc. | Also a full line of Hard- ware, [he most complete stock in Northern Cambria County. Binder & Starrett, “Everything in Hardware,” PATTON, PA. CHAS. P. WELTY, Sanitary Plumbing and Heating. I have opened a Plumbing Establishment in Patton and am prepared to do all work in my line expeditiously and well. Estimates Cheerfully Furnished. If in need of anything in my line, give me a call at shop in room next to North building, Fifth Ave. or two makes, but a dozen. Star Steam Laundry, Kerri | WANT TO INFORM THE PEOPLE J of Patton and vicinity that I carry in stock at all times the best line of Flour that money can buy. Not one I am selling thi Flour at re- duced prices. We will offer for TWENTY DAYS Commencing Monday, August 5, 1900, GOLDEN HORN FLOUR, made from select hard spring wheat (there is no better flour made) at $4.60 Per Bb. There is a reduction of $1.00 per bbl. Our mill is run by electricity. ‘Therefore we are ready at all times to do your mill work While Your'e Waiting. We make all our feed and comply with the Pure Food Law enacted April 25, 1905, which compels all manufactur- ers and retailers to stamp or tag every sack the guaranteed analysis and number of lbs. it contains. We buy our grain in car load lots and can sell you feed at a saving of 25 per cent. PATTON FEED MILL, F. E. FARABAUGH, Prop. of Women’s, Misses’ and Children’s trim- AT THE ON MILLINERY STORE, Patton, Pa- med and untrimmed hats is a money saving opportunity to all. The remainder of this season's styles will be sold at less than cost of material. Pennsylvania Railroad SIXTEEN-DAY EXCURSIONS TO Atlantic City, Cape May, Anglesea, Wildwood, Holly Beach, Ocean City, Sea Isle City, Avolin, New Jersey, Rehoboth, Del, Ocean City, Md. dune 21, duly 5 and 19, August 2, 16 and 30, 1306. Train leaves Patton at 6:50 A. M., connecting with Special Train of Parlor Oars and Coaches Leaving Pittsburg at 8:55 A. M. $9 Round Trip. $11 Round Trip. Tickets good only in coaches. Tickets good only in Parlor and Sleeping Cars in connection with proper Pullman Tickets. PROPORTIONATE RATES FROM OTHER STATIONS. Tickets good for passage on Special Train and its connections or on trains leaving Pittsburg at 4:55 P. M. and 8:50 P. M., and their connections, Stops will be made by Speeial Train for meals or dining car service will be provided. For stop-over privileges and full information consult nearest Ticket Agent. WwW. W. ATTERBURY, J. R. WOOD, GEO. W. BOYD, General Manager, Pasernger Traffic Manager. General Passenger Agent, Now on the arket ..PATTON BEER... Warranted absolutely pure ard free from all deleterious subsfancss. TRY IT! TRY IT! FOR SALE AT ALL THE LEADING BARS IN THE COUNTY. PATTON BEER IS UNION MADE, . THE PATTON BREWING CO, PATTON, PA. { Bell 1 Local PHONES: | | Reuel Somerville, | DR: H. W. BHILEY, Denfist! Room 16, Good Building. Attorney-at-Law, PATTON, PA. | Office in the Good Building. ; Dae Hours—S8 to 12 a. BL 8 | Whose Pe are you reading ? Read your own paper. - ~
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers