‘ Fide — Patton Courier. Roy Eaton Decker, ——— ESTABLISHED - - 1868. ——————— TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, One copy, one year, in advance, « « = $1.00 A-No papers discontinued until all arrear ages are paid, unless at the option of the publisher, Entered at the PostofMice at Patton as second- class mail matter, _— ADVERTISING EATES, Legal notices §1 per inch for three insertions, Card of thanks 5¢ per line Resolutions 5¢ per line. Poetry, bo per line, Business locals Se per line, Display ads 10¢ per inch flat. Foreign advertising must be paid for invar- fably in advance. No commission paid to advertising agents, These are “best” rates—no others go. ——— . A GOOB LAW. Naturalization papers will not be se- cured with so much ease hereafter, ow- ing to the stringent regulations mow enforced by the recent amendments to the United States law. Copies of the law have been received. The applica- tions must be made exclusively in the Federal court, and a much higher grade of intelligence will be required from the applicant, while the proceed- ure specified will have a tendency to do away with much of the fraud prac- ticed throughout the country. The applicant must be either of the Qaucasian or African race, have lived in the United States for five years, be able to speak, read and write the Eng- lish language, must file his petition in triplicate and file also information as to the date of his arrival and the petition must be filed in the clerk’s office for ninety days previous to the hearings. A fee of $7 will be required, a part jof which goes to the clerk and a part to ‘the government. The certificate of naturalization gives a complete des- cription of the applicant, his place of birth, age, height, complexion, color of eyes, marks upon his person, the name of his wife, her place of birth and age, and the names of their children, their _ ages, places of birth and residences. ONE OF THE RESULTS, It will neither be pleasing nor profit- able news to the operators and miners of the Central Pennsylyania, nor any other bituminous coal field, to learn that the prolonged idleness caused by strikes in the soft coal regions this . Important markets, which will an- ~ nually increase the output of anthra- _ cite coal by 10,000,000 tons, according to statements of operators. The fact that the anthracite market was over- run 9,000,000 tons by the coal trust in _ anticipation of a strike this summer, and that there is little coal in the stor- age yards at this time, is taken as con- elusive evidence by independent oper- ators that hard coal is making inroads ‘on the bituminous business. The strike in many of the soft coal districts has enabled hard coal dealers to recapture some of the markets which they lost in 1802, and in previous strikes extending back 25 years, and they confidently count on holding the new trade. NEW PLAN FOR BRIDGE BUILDING. Cambria Proposes Buying Material and Hiring Men to Erect Them, ~ Oambria county is likely to establish matter of building bridges. The g matter of doing away with the con- foreman,allow him to hire laborers, and | w! the county pay everybody day wages, from the foreman down. The county |is under this plan will secure and collect 11 the material. Commissioners Conrad Hahn and harles Leventry are in favor of the year has resulted in the recapture of|which begins next Monday, will not a precedent for Pennsylvania in the | August 20, 1906, at 7:30 o’clock p. m. county commissioners are considering | pany each bid. eb system of building public bridges. | the office of the borough engineer, who proposed to employ an expert |will furnish blank proposals upon “Doc, Gordon,” by Mary ¥. Wilkins, to be Published Next Sunday. The best novel for the reader is the novel that mest nearly portrays the people with whom the reader comes in contact, David Haram pictured a homely character and his friends in such a way as to make every reader of the book find in his own community a counterpart of the great philosopher and horse trader, Mary BE. Wilkins-Freeman, who has for some years been known as the the characters of the New England vil- lage, has found a new fleld for her work, She has written a novel, the characters for which she has found in southern New Jersey. Whether the people of that section will enjoy her pictures is yet to be seen, but they will surely enjoy the story itself—one of the greatest mystery-romances ever writ- ten. The title of the novel is “Doc. Gor- don,” and the first installment will be printed in the Sunday North American next Sunday, August 5. It will be completed dering the month of August in the special fiction supplement of that paper, before it is allowed to ap- pear in book form. The demand for the Sunday North American for August is already enor- mous, and readers who would not miss reading al! of the Wilkins novel should make themselves safe by ordering the paper for the full month. A BOON TO WOMEN. The Bane of the Average Female Promply Eliminated by a Simple Remedy. Backache, whether due to natural causes or the result of disease, can be promptly alleviated and ultimately cured by the use of Dr. Wood’s Kid- ney and Backache pills. Thousands of suffering women can testify to the truth of this. It is a purely vegetable compound and does not contain any poisons or deleterious substances. It acts prompt- ly,and in addition to relieving the pain tones up the system and makes life worth living. A trial will convince and a trial will costs you nothing. If they do not do all that is claimed for them your money will be cheerfully re- funded. Dr. Wood is a reputable physician who has had over 40 years of exper- ience in kidney troubles, having made it a specialty, and these pills are made from his own perscription. Don’t suffer any longer, but buy a box now. Price 50 cents at Wolf's Pharmacy. Short Term of Court. Despite the fact that nine cases ap- pear on the printed list, it is probable the special August term of court, last over a couple of days. Five of the actions are those in which Mr, and Mrs. John D. Wentroth seeks to re- cover contested insurance claims against companies which refuse to ful- fill policy agreements, covering the destruction of a Summerhill hotel, al- leged to have been set on fire by its landlord. The case in which Attorney J. F. McKenrick sought to collect for professional services from the Barnes- nesboro school district has been settled, while the case of A. C. Lytle vs J. B. Denny, arising from a folding-bed ac- cident at the Merchant’s Hotel, in Johnstown, has been continued by agreement of counsel. In addition to the five insurance cases, therefore, only two remain for trial. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals will be received by the undersigned for the grading, curb- ing and paying of Fifth avenue in the borough of Patton, Pa., extending from Beeeh avenue north to Terra Cotta avenue, until Monday evening, Certified check for $200 must accom- Plans and specifications can be seen a hich all bids must be made. The right to reject any and all bids reserved by the town council. H. C. YERGER, Borough Engineer. Patton, Pa., July 30, 1906. Locates in Arkansas. author who drew true life portraits of | 4, ARMORED COFFINS. They Were Once Used In a Charohe yard In Scotland, In the earlier half of the nineteenth century the practice of stealing bodies from the churchyards for the purpose of sale as subjects for Afssection, whieh was known ns “body snatching,” was for a time very rife. Various plans were made to defeat the nefarious and sacrilegious proceed ings of the “body snatchers,” or “resur- rectionists,” as they were sometimes called, a very common one being the erection of two or more small watchs houses whose windows commanded whole burying ground, and in which the friends of the deceased mounted guard for a nmmber of nights after the funeral. A usual method of the grave robbers was to dig down to the head of the coffin and bore in it a large round hole by means of a specially constructed center bit. It was to counteract this maneuver that the two curious coffin. fike relics now lying on either side of the door of the ruined church of Aber- foyle, in Perthshire, were constructed. They are solid masses of cast iron of enormous weight. When an interment took place one of these massive slabs was lowered by suitable derricks, tackles and chains on to the top of the coffin, the grav was filled in, and there it was left fi some considerable time. Later on th grave was opened and the iron armeo plate was removed and laid aside ready for another funeral. These contrivances still lie on the grass of the lonely little churchyard, objects of curiosity to the passing cy- efist and tourist.—Scientific American. The Explanation, One morning the readers ofa certain newspaper were perplexed to see in | type the announcement that “the Sco- tus handed down an Important deck sion yesterday.” The afternoon paper of the town, with which the morning paper for years had held a bitter con- troversy, interesting none but them- selves, laughed that day, as the poets say, “in ghoulish glee,” and it was up to the morning paper the next day to 2xplain that “the types” made them say that the Scotus did so and so when the telegraph editor should have known that that word was merely the abbre- viation of the telegrapher for suprems tourt of the United States. Ordinance No. o1. An ordinance annulling franchise of the Northern Cambria Street Rail- way company on Fourth ayenue, Patton borough. Be it enacted and ordained by the burgessjjand town council of Pdtton borough, and it is hereby enacted and ordained by authority of the same. Section 1. That, whereas the North- ern Cambria Street Railway company has, by proper authority, by communi {cation datedigthe 14th day of July, "NEWYORK (ENTRAL LINES Beech Creek District. Condensed Time Table, | A. D. 1906, notified the council of Pat- | Read up Read down : Lani Gxp Mi off e 17,505 Bxp Mail ton borough that it does not desire to [ KX. Moll, noffect June 17,05 © Exp Matt avall itself of the privileges granted it| pm pm am pm val : “H P : & g . RK 20 | 5 ar Patton lv v6 10 $2 40 by ordinance No, 80 insofar as it per-|{ a0 12 Westover 686 800 ainsg RY rth ave y i ai on | 701 ar Areadin S84 tains to Fourth avenue in said bor- 8 30 100 ar Mahatfey 7 ough. i * 228 lv Kerrmoor Section 2, It is therefore enacted and | 5 dar am, ordained thet all privileges and rights | New Mili granted the said Northern Cambria | 7 Street Railway company on Fourth | 35 11 avenue in the borough of Patton be| 82110 ii 37 ) 3 ) X 19 Wa Y 10 3 Morrisdale Mines 910 647 6 15 10 84 abrogated and repealed, and the said| 605 lo% lv ; Munson " 3 82 1000 lv hilipsbarg street railway company remove all| ¢25 1050 or) Kl rac oa i ies og § ¢ i 600 10 24 ax Munson tracks, rails, ties, poles and material 555 10 19 Winburne of every nature and kind belonging to | 582 950 Peale Gillintown Snow Shoe Jeech Creek 513 939 504 931 413 841 401 829 364 822 it on said Fourth avenue immediately. Section 3. That any ordinance or part of ordinance in conflict with this be and is hereby repealed. 71 Enacted and ordained by the burgess | I" ¥ 2 : and town council of Patton borough |pm am Phila & Reading Iiit pm n . 230 650ar ymsport Iv $12 20%11 80 this 16th day of July, A. D. 1906. 6%11 30 lv h lelphia oar 7 6 50 I TINGIR am pm pmoam H. 8. LINGLE, 4 00 iv. N ¥ via Tamaqua ar 1040 President of Council, 430 900lv NY via Phila ar 1010 {902 Attest: — am pm Pm am *Daily. {Week days. 27 p m Sunday. 11100 Ep. 8. MOORE, a m Sunday Borough Secretary. Connections—At Williamsport with Phila. Approved by the burgess of Patton | delphia and Reading Ra y: at Jersey Shore : 9 hn with the Fall Brook District; at Miil Hall borongh this, the 20th day of July, A. | with Central Railroad of Pennsylvania; at Philipsburg with Pennsylvania railroad and N Yand PP CR R; at Clearfield with the Buf falo, Rochester and Pittsburg railway; at Ma- hafley and Patton with Cambria and rfi division of the Pennsyvania railroad; : D. 1906. H. 8. LINGLE, Acting Burgess. pid haffey with the Pennsylvania and North- N 8 western railway. J. F. Fairlamb, W. H. Northrup, 0. 233. Gen’l Pass. Agt., Gen. Agent, New York, Williamsport, Pa. TREASURY DEPARTMENT. OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE - - CURRENCY, ’ Washington, D, C., May 24, 1906. WHEREAS, by satisfactory evidence Steam and presented to the undersigned, it has been made to appear that “THE GRANGE NATIONAL BANK OF PATTON,” Hot Water Advertising {in the town of Patton, in the County Loeusts Good to Ent, { of Cambria, and State of Pennsylvania, All native African races eat locusts. | has complied with all the provisions of With many it takes, and has to take, {the Statutes of the United States, re- : ,. | quired to be complied with before an the place of the British workman's | osociation shall be authorized to com- beef and mutton. In a good many vil- | mence the business of Banking, lages sun dried locusts are an article of | Now THEREFORE, I, Thomas P. Kane, commerce. The Sudanese are particu- | Deputy and Acting Comptroller of the Heating tensively each year. Is being used more ex- Because it is the most eco-| Why? Before they are eaten they are toast. | ed. The wings and legs having first | been torn off, the long, soft body and the crisp head form the delicacy. { enjoyed them plus wild honey. | nice. I agreed with my Arab servant that, should the meat supply fall short, | substitute. By the time I was eating the sec |- ond locust it seemed to me absurd ! why one should have a sort of lurking pity for John the Baptist’s daily menu | unless it be for its monotony, and TU | eusts.—Current Literature. | An eccentric clergyman in Cornway | had been much annoyed by the way the members of the congregation had | of looking around to see late comers. | After enduring it for some time he | day: “Brethren, I regret to see that | si your religious duties by your very |B save you the trouble by naming each | person whe may come late.” lo He then began, “Dearly beloved,” | but paused half way to interpolate, | “Mr. 8., with his wife and daughter.” Mr. 8. looked rather surprised, but | the minister, with perfect gravity, re- | sumed. larly fond of them. | Currency do hereby certify that | in the town of Patton, in the County of Cambria, and the State of Pennsyl- 3 | vania, is authorized to commence the I determined not to let my European | business of Banking as provided in Sec- prejudices influence me, but to give | tion Fifty One Hundred and Sixty-nine, the dish of grilled locusts a fair trial. | of the Revised Statutes of the United I thought how John the Baptist had | States. The one I was eating was rather | Hand and Seal of Office this twenty- | fourth day of May, 1906. a dish of locusts would be a very good | Deputy and Acting Comptroller of the felt convinced that I should get tired 'b of honey sooner than I should of lo | § Annie Manion, late of Clearfield township, de- said on entering the reading desk one | ceased, having been granted to the under- your attention ig called away from | are requested to make payment, and those natural desire to- see who comes in |d¢lay to behind you. I propose henceforth to | MART MANION AND HARRISON MANION, : a | Estate of William J, Donnelly, Deceased, Presently he again paused | mentary have been issued to the undersigned, nomical user of fuel, furn-| ishes a greater volume of] heat and is decidedly cleaner | than any other systems now in use. Ask your neighbor. He knows about it. “THE GRANGE NATIONAL BANK,” IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF witness my JOHNSTOWN SUPPLY HOUSE, Johnstown, Pa. T. P. KANE, the Currency. T. R.MORRISON | incon Building. ww i! Dentist, PATTON, PA. Office in Brady Building. LA W R b N OF READY MIXED PAINT ji Sold on merit. You take no chances for you get satisfaction ie or your building re= §% painted without cost, § i Full measure—purest § materials—scientific= § g ally prepared—over fl 300 square feet 2 99 coats covered by J every gallon, Estate Annie Manion, Deceased. Letters of administration on the estate of gned, all persons indebted to the said estate aving claims to present the same without Administrators, Patton, Pa. r tO their attorney, Reuel Somerville, Pat- ton, Pa. * dee x, Notice is hereby given that letters testa- “Mr. C. and William D.” eyes studiously bent on their books | The service proceeded in the most on derly manner, the parson interrupting himself every now and then to name | Bome newcomer. At last he said, still | ——— rT with the same perfect gravity: | the congregation had turned around.~ | dramatist took a lady down to dinner, Millinery Trade Review. | executors of the estate above mentioned. All { persons indebted to the said estate are re- The abashed congregation hapt their | Sassted to make payment, and those having | claims to present the same, witout delay. MARY AGNES DONNELLY, WUE JOSEPH H, REILLY, Executors, i They Changed, Mrs. 8. in a new bonnet.” | At a dinner party the osser day « In a moment every feminine head in | well known and deservedly popular | neither knowing who the other wag | As a subject the theater was started, as it is so often under similar circum- A Mystery of the Sea, Liners (7) Gosh LEATHER AC RSET Sold by Binder & Starrett, ‘departure, but John D. Owens, the bhird member of the board, is doubtful| H. O. Lewis started Sunday for Fort of the legality of the step. The com- | Smith, Ark., to engage in business. He missioners have laid the matter before | Was formerly employed as assistant to pir solicitor, John W. Kephart, for | City Engineer M. Lee Masterton, but opinion, and if his answer is favor- | had of late been working in the Lorain le, they will inaugurate the new |Steel company’s drawing room in olan. Moxham. He will open an office in The commissioners have decided that | Fort Smith to carry on civil and min- after all bridges shall be of con-|ing engineering. Mr. Lewis is a e, re-enforced with 20-inch steel | brother of Murray Lewis, an employee ams. This takes the country bridges | of the Pennsylvania Railroad company t of the grasp of the trust, whose |ab Cresson.—Johnstown Tribune, ations have once or twice given p to scandal. —The trout season ended Tuesday, but it didn’t cause much sorrow in Patton has been offered a fran- | Patton, where the people are too busy Mt it is doubtful if it will be accepted, | __mhe town of Philipsburg has a § the local club is too fast for the ma- | curfew law which went into effect one y of the teams in that league and | night last week. A whistle is blown at pb as much interest would be mani- d as is in evidence now while they | {4 years are to be off the street, and furs in prime condition. sealer or trader, carrying a crew of |, 10 or 12, and that she had been pro- that wa vigioned for a year. n the Inter-State base ball league | since the strike to go angling. spoiled, but the beef was perfect! preserved. when frozen in an iceberg and drifted | for years. The date of the letter found In the forecastle made from the sea was that which | craft which had evidently been frozen | In the ice for a long time. It | ancient and battered brig, masts, bulwark or name, but th and the hulk was buoyant. She had lit- | tle cargo, and that consisted of skins No papers were found in the cabin but it was figured that she was ge The flour wag | She had been abandoned | The two sailors got | Bu One of the most curious finds ever | stances. came to the Asores in 1858. The is- | ed that plece at the King's” the 1 land of Corvo was then in the posses- | said. P “e id sion of two runaway British sailors. | worn that I should have done better One morning there drifted ashore 8 | than that?’ Was an | haps so. It was one of my first pleces, without | however, and I had not had much ex. @ | perience when I wrote it. Lef’ batches were on, the cabin doors fast, | pe ni § change | “Yes. ¥ | was the reply. . showed that the bri , 8:45 and by 9 o’clock all children under | had been abandoned nearly halt 3 Irs century before. playing independent ball. “5¢ a bundle. in The man with time to waste is a big- Did papers for sale ab this office— | ger fool than the one with money to burn. out thy furs, which eventually brought | « them $4,000, and two barrels of beef | “m and then set fire to the wreck. No trace was ever found of its name or owners shange the subject.” “I can’t think why they have reviv- Patton, Pa. F. R. MELLON, | |are “I never liked it, and it’s so “Yes,” the dramatist replied, ‘“‘per- | pro Office in Good Building, formerly | nu occupied by H. A. Seitz. Office hours:—8 a. m. to 12 m. 1 p.m. to 5 >, Mm, | | | p. I | 7p. m,to8 p.m. The lady was quite ready to do so Leiden, and as y I've read all the evidence,” de ing as Leiden Brothers, | of Cambria C¢ Well.” é the 1 coming in on said na, € answere e lady quietl ©, J. HARTMA 4 y 9 J Ebenshurg, Pa., June 25, 1906 y husband was the idiot. Let's \N, Audltor. Dentist. | take Junty sbarred from | Is this your paper 2 . consists simply in pre- senting before the people the goods you have to sell in an intelligent manner, whether it is a house and lot or a pair of shoes. It is too late at this day to expatiate on the merits of That been demonstrated so of- advertising. has ten that iteration is futile. Everybody now that oe . . pays. The main question days knows advertising is, what medium to use? Advertising experts long ago settled it by declar- ing that newspaper adver- tising was by far the most effective and brings better returns than any other extant. The merchants of this section long ago declared that better re- sults were obtained by using the COURIER than by any other means. It is read every week by hundreds of families and goes into the homes of the majority of the people of Northern Cambria county. The rates are low, just and equitable—one price to all and the small ad- vertiser gets just as good a rate as the large one. If your business needs a tonic, come in and let us talk the matter over with you or send us word and we will have a repre- sentative call on you and explain everything about our plan. You may do business without adver- tising, but you are certain to do more by advertising. It is an investment that will repay you an hun- dred fold. We will prepare your copy and take complete charge of your advertis . ing campaign, howev py large or small, withc extra cost. The Cour’ jf, Pat 4on, Pa: .T and BALL 5 : opular this year. Base Ball has n anew hold. In fact, all sports mise to be followed by an increased mber of people this year. Oome and see us. We have a line of Base Ball Goods at the following prices: | and wished, no doubt, that she had Bats - - - - b0cto$l.25 | known who her neighbor was. oe - - , | presently said: GUkor way Me NOTICE. -| Base Pails ? = 5 12 | BS * ~ ith a - “. “Are you interested in the Fenton [In re firstand final ac-) : i Caer Ms i . 50c to 2.00 ase?’ speaking of a cause celebre i 5 Ha TeLou of 0 Baseman Se nl - 25¢ to 2.50 § in progress. Leiden mon Pleas om- { Outfielders’ Gloves | | - KINKEAD’S “He'll lose it, of course,” the drama- He bing been appointe an A udit | st went on. Ho never could have | WHALEN SY aver) STATIONERY { had the faintest chance from the first. Will sil Sor te piivpose of suid argo) Lnnds of | the office of Reuel Somerville, IK: % a marvel to me how any lawyer | on w «day st day of atment at I on Wednesday, the Ist day of Aug ; | could have been idiot enough to allow | 10:30 a. m., where and when all pi Bifon; Pa R , 1 Lt ested may appear or be forever dr ust, 1006, at | 0 EN ee eg ch a case to go into court! I srsons inter-| % ee | The best business men use the best | stationery and get it at the best office hat does the best printing. Of course "| that’s the COURIER. hl INTE Mi is visit 0, | cating | ~Jol renewi day. -— Mi is here friends —B. tisemen reading —Ha party ¢ mobile —Thi ture sa all Pen Mr spendi Spring ~En in the was in —J. purcha Chest | —Jot of ext Gallitz —Wi the Pal since t! idle. —Th been h after u place. —Mi who h: part of return -Th phone work | Cressol —C. attend of the repres: —Th cratic sembly the cor —Pa nesda; Cambr will be held, —Th over tl ordina go that supply — BI: real na Patton and he this ye ers her —D3 York best ir Patton with T known —Ur rupt P ‘their © poll ta cal co the lay —A the cc as chie the lat nently will pr —A1 stands tionall new af Mill in the m life’’ o hot ca —T benefi be hel and W numb tractic indica ever h dancir core 0 —Jc lodge of sur him b, at his town Kassa her ht to sho figure the co bad m —R. cream evade gallon lic, V order them | physic gell th ance ¢ ters of Sunde
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers