THE PATTON COURI VOL. XII1.—NO. 3a. PATTON, CAMBRIA CO., PA., FRIDAY, AUGUST a oF} 1900, $1.00 PER YEAR INDEPENDENT — NOT NEUTRAL — RUN BY THE PUBLISHER. * ollowing resolution was offered HUBBARD FOR ASSEMBLY! = t The f u oy Jot ' by Dr. Hannan: Resolved, That a committee of five ointed by the president of this the ruil les of the 4 1c NI 1a | Popular Patton Man is Named |," ition to revise | Democratic party of the county to | . » : FULL TICKET IN FIELD conform to the new primary law, with ‘| : ' | power to call the Democratic county Alex Strittmatter, of Carroll Township, the committee together for the adoption of | the new rules, whenever said commit- | tee is ready to report. trict Outside of Johnstown—As Usual a The report of the committee on reso- Johnstown Man for Sheriff, conv Again, Other Nominee for Assembly in the Dis- - . | ocrats upon the victory in the election William OC. Hubbard, of this place, | fall, recom- s vi retary of the local ; . the well-known secretary of the local |, 0,q5 that a rousing reception be a state treasurer last - | 1132 * | ¢, » on school board and an all sound Sood fel | tendered William J. Bryan on his re- | feat that was never performed before | ber 1, 1905, shows the amount paid by low, was nominated for mem ber Of a8: | tuyn from his trip abroad. It then |and probably never will be again. The | various Cambria county corporations sewy % the Deniocsasis SomNy — |goes on to pledge its support to the score: ’ in the shape of bonuses on capital stock vention held a ensburg Monday. 3 ro PATTON. : | principles olf srnment, to ask ow n : for the district one |p p of self-gover ent, 8 RHOAERE by new corporations, tax on capital The Se Sataines o A Vr | for the repeal of the state constabulary Melean, 0 1 3 1 1|stock, loans, gross receipts and bank i own is Alex dStrl a : : Root, 88 1 1 8 2:2 Sei : side of Johnstow hi Mr. Hubb vd | 18Ws to pledge support to legislation | pio) ‘1 1 0 ©o o|stocks. In addition, a large sum is of Carroll towns AID, nova [restricting corporation monopoly and | McCart +0 1.0 0 0fpajd by the county in the state’s share was a candidate By fe S100 Ulfits 1vo the reduction of passenger and freight ny 3143 Slot liquor licenses and the tax on per- the heav epublican Soriabos ca fl 3 i Marnin, c....... 0 1 30 0 . ; years ago, but y wenn vicH | rates, limiting franchises, and provid- | pilierton, ii. ‘0 0 11 o 1|sonal property, writs, mortgages, ete. majority in Johnstown city caused his |. Gad i Rl falierion ge j y : ing for the taxation of franchises. Cavanaugh, | 9 2% ° The following list contains the defeat, With the Flood Cloy now in 2 Editor Tom Osborn, of the Cambria Totals 621 3 : wing Is ; district by itself, his many friends hope |p. TL, are was chosen] ” Ga amounts paid by various corporations lieve he will give a good account | , .. =’ : 8 hs chosen / 1ANTS. | baving offices, or operations, in the and believe he will give a g | chairman of the county committee to | RHOAE of himself at the polls and be triumph- | d Dr. Charles E. H + Windton, i. ..1 0 1 0 ofnorthof the county. {succeed Dr. Charles E. Hannan, of|Smith,cf.... 0 1"1 0 0} p, ch ; ; iis antly elected. | Johnstown, Remarks as to the quali fo iisen, 2 i 0 oy 22 Patton Brewing Co., tax on capital : 8 : arks & e | Grea i ° 3 rn The conyention was called to order |g ono or the new chairman were Liovd, 3b... i 3% 3 Distock, Sone. by County Chairman Hannan, of Johns-| ie. riy Se /illiams, .0 1 3 1 of Patton Water Co., tax on loan, $9.50. # imade by Attorneys Thomas J. Itell and | James, 9 0 ¢ 2 0! po National Bank. P town and Secretary Osborn, of Ebens- | Eobsrt E."Creswell ind Dr. Harnan. | ti , 8 9 1 0 30 irst National Bank, Patton, tax on burg, called the roll of delegates, 161| 1; ‘oy 0 0 0 ? 4 inez, p 1" 1:1 5 Olbank stock, $492. responding. Nominations for a perma- | ; i I ROMS. onions andl 5 AS] Hastings Electric Light Co., tax on nent chairman were called for, and At- TRANSACTIONS IN REALTY. Is SCORE BY INNINGS. og stock, $15; tax on gross receipts . ol nl | ——— { Patton.........cccoosveveeeeeed0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0—2]815.43. torney Francis P. Hartman, of Ebens-| : = : | CATVOL 4 ragtisenns Y Y % y ? | Properties In This End of the County That Cuban X Giant 012.00 0 0.2 0 0 Cresson Electric Light Co., tax on burg, was named without opposition. | He was declared elected and Attorney | James M. Walters and Prof. H.S.! Bender, of Johnstown, were appointed |lot in Patton, $1,050. to escort him to the chair, Richard Coulter et ux et al to Penn- Levi P. Ripple, of Johnstown, and | Sylvania Railroad company, 173 of an W. J. Weakland, of Patton, were ap-| acre in Cresson township, $101. pointed tellers. | Thomas J. Byrne et ux to Mary Ab this point the convention ad-| ruty et al, lot in Susquehanna town- journed to assemble on the court house | ship, $60. ; steps for the purpose of having a pic- | Lucinda Ryan et vir to P. B. Cos-| ture of the delegates taken in a group. 8TOVe et al, lot in Hastings, $50. They returned to the conrt room at| Thomas Barnes etux to Penn Mary 2:55 o'clock, when the following com- | Coal 121.44 in mittees were appointed: On Resolutions—H. 8. Bender James M. Walters of Johnstown; G. Changed Hands Recently. con Barr ly acres . Administrator of Matthew M. Adams | and | E. to Christina Brown, lot in Cresson, $1. 4 .| Andy 8. Long et ux to John Outko | ipps, of Carrolltown; R. H. Beiter, of : RE | Hipps, of Cs yy ) let ux, one acre in Susquehanna town- Gallitzin, and J. J. Donnelly, of Pat- | din ton. [rE On Credentials—H. A. Englehart, of Ebensburg: L. T. Sanker, of Cresson, | .. Ebensl urg; L T Sa i Te * | ship, $100. and E. E. Dimond, of Summerhill. adi y iad tt Robert E. Cresswell of | Philip J. Lentz to Peter Lentz, 33 rney ert E. Cresswe | i : ; { Attorney { vobe ; I on Sa a | acres 120 perches in Allegheny town- | Jol mstown, Ina ue Sp ech Prosi d | ship, $900. | the name « illiam H. auss, of the | 5 Sat > isp name of rt . oi | Executor of George Lenz to Philip same city, for the office of sheriff. Strauss was nominated by acclamation. | $700. ins Ravnalde 1 in Yparann + ; erine Reynolds, lot in Cresson town- Mr. pid 3 . { {J. Lenz, 33 acres 120 perches in Alle- | . : | gheny township, $900. | Prof. John McCormick, of Summer- | ® Ni : ” i Prog Jo 1 Owor J Sct | William Wetzel et ux to Robert Dil- LOWNS, oC e . . 9: \ or bi ie ns. ap; nave 2 v : i lon, lot in Carrolltown, $750. { same township, for the office of | ) y mri of the some tow By 2 Carroiltown Eigin Creamery com- or dire , > was also nominated | . Si . 4 poor Goin fle was 2 | pany to Benjamin Wirtner, lot in Car- | hy acclamation. b x ,.. |rolltown, $475. P. E. Dillon, of Blder township, Charles Huber to Franciska Huber, 8 nominated Albert Cc. Hines, of Black- | acres in Eider township, 81. lick township, for jury commissioner. |” Charles Huber to Augustine C. Hu-! There being no other nominations, he | ber, one acre 44 perches in Elder town was also named by acclamation. | ship, $2,000. For assembly outside the city of| Harry N. Price et ux to Domonic Johnstown the following were Ppre-|moncci, lot in Susquehanna township, sented: Attorney J. F. McKenrick, of | g3g0, Ebensburg, by Attorney F. J. Rpor | Jennie R. Hastings et al to B. F. Sut- baugh, of the same place; W. C. Hub- | ton 16 acres in Susquehanna township, bard, of Patton, by J. J. Donnelly and | ggog, Alex Strittmatter, of Carroll township, | Simon F. Sanker et ux to Bessie M. by Prof. John McCormick. The name Hinderliter, lot in Cresson township, of David Irvin, of Hastings, the min- [ $150. ers’ candidate, was not permitted to be | Spangler C. & C. Mining company to placed before the convention because | Pennsylvania CO. & C. company, 10 he had failed to comply with rule 18, | yeres 80 perches in Barr township, $16,- which compels candidates to announce | 5g, themselves in newspapers for a certain | James B. Phalen et ux to Xavier length of time before the convening of | pychois, lot in Elder township, $65. the convention. The first ballot resulted as follows: | McKenrick, 36; Hubbard, 33; Stritt- Arrangements matter, 85. Necessary to a choice, 76. | pleted for the grangers’ annual picnic After the first ballot many of the|at the Firemen’s Park next Wednes- delegates left the court room, leaving | day in connection with the opening of 85 to carry on the fight between Mec- the Grange National Bank. It will be Kenrick and Hubbard. The second |a basket picnic and all are cordially in- ballot resulted: McKenrick, 32; Hub- | vited. Refreshments will be served on bard, 43. As the latter was a majority the grounds. At 1:30 o’clock in the of all the delegates present, Hubbard | afternoon addresses will be made by was declared the other nominee. {W. F. Hill, master of Pennsylvania Dr. Hannan took the floor and made | state grange, and John T. McHenry, a speech favoring Warren Worth president of the Columbia County Na- Bailey, of the Johnstown Democrat, as | tional Bank, and others, The dancing the county’s choice for congress. Mr. [floor will then be given to the young | Bailey was indorsed by acclamation. [people and good music will be fur- The following resolution was pre- nished. sented by Mr. Cresswell: Resolved, That it is the Sense of this| gheriff Samuel Lenhart has prepared convention that the candidate for con-| 4 bi) for 86,500 to be presented to the gress in the district should be a Demo- | county commissioners for additional crat, unless an equitable fasion be ar-| goo que him under the recent decision ranged with the Lincoln party on the eho supreme court. This very con- basis of that party’s Opganized support siderable amount is wholly in addition for the legislative and county offices |, moneys paid the sheriff for trips on the Democratic ticket. .|actunally made with prisoners to or Mr. Englehart offered the following from state penal or reform institutions, resolution: : | and is principally made up of items of | Resolved, That the selection of a expense which might have been incur- | treasurer for the Democratic county |,.q it My Lenhart had taken his committee be left to the eounty chair- | charges away one at a time, instead of man and the ticket nominated by this |in bunches, as was usually the case. convention and the Democratic district | te tr in legislative ticket for the city of Johns-' Adyertise in this paper. 1 The Grange Picnic. have been com- It Pays to be Sheriff. | lutions, after congratulating the Dem" | E. J. Sherry et ux to Julien Query, | of the most sensational contests ever | ye | | seen on the home ground. With the gross reteipts, $13.10. | township, $12,144. | ; : V George J. Schwaderer et ux to Cath- | i nesday and lost the game by costly er- The details: Nice Race Program Laid Out by the Man- PATTON. AR agement. 3 : The race program announced by the | MeCar 0 1 Cambria County Agricultural Associa- ) 1 o|tion for the races to be held at Carroll Sioslo 3b 3 : town September 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th Fullerton, 1b... 0 o|indicates that the attractions will Cavanangh, if. 0 1leclipse anything of the kind given there Totals........... 14 6 | heretofore. It is expected that the oUt A | Purses offered will attract a notable Winston, If.. 0 1|entry list. The races scheduled are Sain ol un g 9 as follows: 9 3 TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4TH. : 0| Farmers’ race, for horses used for 2 0 farming purposes only (no entrance 2 Olen), purse $300. 5 11 Road race, purse $75. Patton... 100.2 WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5TH. “TWO AND Two." Patton Won That Number «wae nor LOGAL AND GE and Lost the Same, NERAL NEWS Patton broke even in the games What has Been Transpiring played during the past week, winning : two and losing two, The game at Windburne Saturday was won by the | | locals by a score of 9to 1. It was a one-sided contest, but was attended by la large crowd. | Sums the Corporations in This Section Paid of Local Interest. BIG MONEY IS PAID. | The game Monday with the-Cuban X | the State Last Year—The Carrolltown Fair Giants was won by the visitors and the | score was a tie up to the seventh in- | ning. The feature of the contest was the home run of Gatewood, who put The detailed report of the state the ball over the center field fence, a | treasurer for the year ending Decem- Will be the Very Best Ever—Physicians Held Meeting. Umpire | (Good Values. Stein-Bloch Clothing a specialty. Fits and wears better than a tailor made suit and costs just half the price. Call in and try a coat on and be convinced. Grips, Suit Cases and Valises. Handsome Suit Cases, fit to go anywhere with. Grips and Valises in large quantities. Trunks—round and square tops. All selling at a low figure. ... SHOES. .. Just received our fall stock of Ladies’ and Men’s Footwear. largest stock in town. In Misses’ and Children’s Shoes we always carry a large stock. Caps and Hats. Fall and winter line is complete in Hats and Caps. The Don’t forget the store next door to Bank. B. KUSNER, Next Door to Bank. PATTON, PA. These Sweltering Days Nothing refreshes a man or woman so much or makes them better prepared to do good work as a glass of beer occasionally. | capital stock, $50; tax on gross receipts, $31.15; tax on gross receipts, $27.12. seorer— Patton wo y. n the second game in one Hastings Electric Light Co., tax on | {score 2 to 1 at the end of the seventh; Bakerton Water Co., tax on capital | {inning the locals hammered out four | stock, §100. | {runs in the eighth inning and won the| Patton Water Co., tax on capital | Here is how it was done: ock, $50, i PATTON, r ‘ : Barnesboro Water Co., tax on capi- | B | game. 1:1 | H O 01 0 5 2 t AE ir CRORE y tal stock, $62.50. Spangler Water Co., tax on capital | $125; I 3 1 hy i 01 ( 0] ol | 2 | stock, $125; tax on capital stock | 30 0 | tax on loans, $95. ale, Peacock & Kerr Co., tax on | ul stock, $3,291.50. | & ] $970.37. o| Pennsylvania Coal & Coke Co., tax 0!on capital stock, $5,736.64; tax on loans, 0 | $9,921.89. 1 Northern Cambria e Marnin, Full¢ Ir Sesser enisrnsassvonien 27. 12: 4 ster Coal ax on Street Rwy. Co., Bonus, increase capital, $1,580; tax on 0 | capital stock, 1903, $21; tax on capital | 5 | stock, 1904, $21. Cymbria Coal | stock, 190: 1904, 8300. Hastings Water Co., tax on capital stock, $62.50. ol 01 Hill, ss... Munoz, rf ! BY INNINGS 9.000001 0 0:0 1:00 Co., tax on capital 3, $375; tax on capital stock, atton Cu ban X Giant Umpire Scorer The locals were all to the bad Wed CARROLLTOWN FAIR. rors and inability to bunch their hits. | Cuban G Umpire—Fitzgera Scorer—Dole, 2:20 pace, purse $300. 2:12 pace, purse $300. 2:24 trot, purse $300. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 6th. “Listen to a Wail of Toe.” The Milton and Patton base ball teams have been partly engaged to play a game of ball at Hecla park on the day of the Business Men’s picnic. Now wouldn’t that jar you? Who wants to see Milton and Patton play ? Why not give our own Clinton and Centre county boys a chance? The Auto club 1s playing gilt edge base ball and if they were to be pitted against a Centre county team for two games they would prove a much better attraction than Milton and Patton, whom nobody in these two counties knows or cares any- thing about. If Centre county has no team that cares to stack up against the Autos, why not get the Renovo team. Those two teams would draw a crowd like flies around a splash of honey. Let’s stick to home talent. —Lock Haven Express. 2:28 pace, purse $300. 2:20 trot, purse $300. 2:35 trot or pace, purse $300. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER, 7TH. 00. > 0 2:45 trot or pace, purse $: Free-for-all, purse $300. 2:17 pace, purse $300. At a recent meeting of the board of directors the contract for posting the fair bills was awarded to A. H. Kirk- patrick and for furnishing the music to the Hastings Band. A Midnight Meeting. The Patton members of the North | Cambria Physicians’ Association held | an animated, deep and earnest conffab until long after midnight Tuesday. Whether they were discussing a compli- cated case of whooping cough or Punxsutawney’s chances of winning the penant in the Inter-State league could not be learned. The Inter-State League. Patton has been offered the franchise of Hornell in the Inter-State base ball league and if the necessary funds can be raised it will be accepted. The fran- chise carries with it all the contracts with the players in the Hornell team. In the race for the pennant Hornell is now in fourth place. Erie, Bradford, Olean, N. Y., Kane, Punxsutawney, Hornell, N. Y., DuBois and Oil City are in the league as now constituted. Located at Clymer, Wm. A. Evans, who graduated from Jefferson Medical college at Phila- | delphia in June, has begun the practice of his profession at Clymer, the new coal town in Indiana county. Dr Evans is a young man of ability, per- sonally popular and will undoubtedly make a mark in his chosen profession. | WM. H. SANDFORD, OF COURSE, the beer wants to be pure, thoroughly aged and bottled with care. In fact, Duquesne or Piel possess all these requisites and are palatable as well. Order a case or keg in person or by "phone and it will be delivered promptly. Now as Always Headquarters for High Grade Wines,Liquors and Cordials. We Will Close Every Evening at 8 O'Clock, Except Saturdays and Evenings Preceding Holidays. BD. A. MELLON, Local "Phone. PATTON, PA. T. J. SCHOLL Cashier. First National Bank OF PATTON, PA. Organized October 10, 1893. A. G. PALMER, President. Vice-President. Capital—fully paid - - $100,000 00 Surplus . - - - 40,000 00 Stockholders’ liability - - - 100,000 OO Total Assets - - - 850,000 00 DIRECTORS. Geo. 8. Good, James Kerr, A. G. Palmer, E. C. Brown, Chas. Anna, H. Patton, W. C. Lingle, Geo. E. Prindible, Wm. H. Sandford. A general Banking Business transacted. Interest paid on time deposits. Banking by mails a specialty. We pay four per cent per annum on deposits in our Savings Department, compounded semi-annually. Why send your money to institutions in dis- tant cities, strangers to you, when you can do fully as well at home? Call or write for full information. You should have one or more of our Savings Banks in your home. It will teach practical lessons in economy. Saved wages become wage earners for the saver. “Not what you get, but what you hold, Eases life’s burdens when you’re old.” WOLFF'S PHARMACY, PATTON, PA, Headquarters for Pure Drugs, Drug- gists’ Sundries and everything usually carried in a first-class drug store. ) Courteous Treatment and Right 19 18 Prices. Hoffman's Celebrated Ice Cream by the Dish, Quart or Gallon
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