i ' mey and Backache pills. ~ tones up the system and makes life who has had over 40 years of exper- - from his own perscription. persons indebted to the said estate are re- Patton Courier. Roy Eaton Decker, ———— ESTABLISHED - - TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, One copy, one year, in advance, « - * $1.00 A@-No papers discontinued until all arrear- ages are paid, unless at the option of the publisher, Entered at the Postoffice at Patton as second- class mall matter, 1893, — ADVERTISING RATES, Legal notices $1 per inch for three insertions, Card of thanks 5c per line, Resolutions be per line, Poetry be per line, Business locals be per line, Display ads 10e per inch flat. Forelgn advertising must be paid for invar- {ably in advance. No commission paid to advertising agents, These are “best” rates—no others go. S—— OPENING OF NEW BANK. As Others See Progrsssiveness ot Cambria County Grangers. The progressive and enterprising Patrons of Cambria county have organ- ized a Grange National bank at Patton, that county. It is capitalized at §60,- 000 and is all paid in. They have pur- chased a building at a cost of $21,000 on the very best site in that prosrerous ‘ borough. They have arranged to rent office rooms enough in the building so that from the rentals the bank will re- ceive six per cent upon its investment above insurance, taxes and have the banking room free, Of course, the officers are all mem- bers of the Grange and the opening day has been set for August 8th, when a celebration will be held in keeping with the importance of the event. Patrons in Cambria and bordering counties are invited to attend and make a personal investigation as to the character of this financial institution. It will be ready to receive deposits that day and every legal working day there- after from patrons and their friends and will give to its customers every ac- commodation that is in keeping with safe banking regulations. Brother John G. McHenry, the spec- jal state grange representative on banking interests; State Master Hill, and doubtless other prominent grange " workers will be present from a dis- tance. Celebrate ‘‘Harvest Home” by bringing the boys and girls—the whole family —and let them start in the right time on a business life by becoming de- positors of a few dollars or their sav- ings of afew pennies in this Grange National bank. Don’t forget the date — August 8th. — Pennsylvania Grange News. - A BOON TO WOMEN. The Bane of the Average Female Promply Eliminated by a Simple Remedy. Backache, whether due to natural causes or the result of disease, can be promptly alleviated and ultimately cured by the use of Dr. Wood’s Kid- Thousands of suffering women can testify to the truth of this. It is a purely vegetable compound and does not contain any poisons or deleterious substances. It acts prompt- ly,and in addition to relieving the pain worth living. A trial will convince and a trial will costs you nothing. If they do not do all that is claimed for them your money will be cheerfully re- funded. Dr. Wood is a reputable physician jence in kidney troubles, having made it a specialty, and these pills are made Don’t suffer any longer, but buy a box now. Price 50 cents at Wolf's Pharmacy. No. 8233. TREASURY DEPARTMENT. OFFICE QF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE \. CURRENCY. Washington, D, C., May 24, 1906. WHEREAS, by satisfactory evidence Jresenied to the undersigned, it has made to appear that “THE GRANGE NATIONAL BANK OF PATTON,” in the town of Patton, in the County of Cambria, and State of Pennsylvania, has complied with all the provisions of . the Statutes of the United States, re- quired to be complied with before an association shall be authorized to com- mence the business of Banking. NOW THEREFORE, I, Thomas P. Kane, - Deputy and Acting Gomptroller of the Currency do hereby certify that “THE GRANGE NATIONAL BANK,” in the town of Patton, in the County of Uambria, and the State of Pennsyl- vania, is authorized to commence the business of Banking as provided in Sec- tion Fifty One Hundred and Sixty-nine, “of the Revised Statutes of the United States. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF witness my Hand and Seal of Office this twenty- fourth day of May, 1906. T. P. KAN "hed and Acting Comptroller of t the 8 Currency. Estate of William J. Donnelly, Deceased, Notice is hereby given that letters testa- mentary have been issued to the undersigned, executors of the estate above mentioned. All quested to make payment, and those having claims to present the same witout delay. MARY AGNES DONNELLY, JosePH H, REILLY, Ordinance No. 91. An ordinance annulling franchise of the Northern Cambria Street Rail- way company on Fourth ayenue, Patton borough. Be it enacted and ordained by the burgess and town council of Patton borough, and it is hereby enacted and ordained by authority of the same. Section 1. That, whereas the North- ern Cambria Street Railway company has, by proper authority, by communi. cation dated the 14th day of July, A. D. 1906, notified the council of Pat- ton borough that it does not desire to avail itself of the privileges granted it by ordinance No. 80 insofar as it per- tains to Fourth avenue in said bor- ough. Section 2. It is therefore enacted and ordained that all privileges and rights granted the said Northern Cambria Street Railway company on Fourth avenue in the borough of Patton be abrogated and repealed, and the said street railway company remove all tracks, rails, ties, poles and material of every nature and kind belonging to it on said Fourth avenue immediately. Section 3. That any ordinance or part of ordinance in conflict with this { be and is hereby repealed. Enacted and ordained by the burgess and town council of Patton borough this 16th day of July, A. D. 1906. H. 8. LINGLE, President of Council. Attest: — Ep. 8. MOORE, Borough Secretary. Approved by the burgess of Patton borongh this, the 20th day of July, A. D. 1906. H. 8. LINGLE, Acting Barges, NOTICE. In re first and final ac- count of W. H. Rend: In the Court of Com- ford, Assignee of H. Leiden and John & mon Pleas Leiden, as individuals, . and as partners, trad- | of Cambria County. ing as Leiden Brothers. Having been appointed an Auditor to re- port a distribution of the fund in the hands of said accountant, notice is hereby given that I will sit for the purpose of said appointment at the office of Reuel Somerville, Esq., Patton, Pa. o on Wednesday, the 1st day of August, 1906, a 10:30 a. m., where and when all un at ested may appear or be forever debarred from coming in on said jnd, J. HARTMAN, Audltor. Bhensburg, Pa., ra 25, 1906. T. R.MORRISON Dentist, PATTON, PA. Office in Brady Building. Value or a Familiar Face, An employee of the Chicage Tribune once found the fact that his face was familiar to the late Joseph Medill de- cidedly to his advantage. In the last years of his life Mr. Medill did not spend much time in Chicago and took no active part in the management of his paper, but when he was In the city he went to his office pretty regularly. He knew all the old faces, but few of the new ones, and it was too late in life for him to accustom himself to them, He never knew to whom to give “copy” that he wished printed if the managing editor happened to be absent. On one occasion he handed some to a repre. sentative of another paper who chane- &d to be in the building. The man had been employed on The Tribune some years previously, so his face was fa- miliar to Mr. Medill, while the faces of the men then actually in his employ were not. One day he suddenly inquired what had become of the old night editor. “He’s in Boston,” was the reply. “Well, I want him,” said Mr. Medill It was explained that the man had an excellent place in Boston and proba- bly would not care to come back, but Mr. Medill persisted that he wanted him. “I know him,” he said, “and I want 8 familiar face in that room. I want some one who isn’t a stranger to me. Yelegraph him that Medill wants him.” Bo the man with “the old familiar face,” although he was not an old man by any means, went back to The Trib une op his own terms.—Xouth’s Cony sanior Curious Mexican Laws. They have some very curious erimi- nal laws in Mexico. For instance, it is twice as much of an offense to muti late the face of 2 woman as that of 2 man. The law seems to be based on the idea that a woman’s best posses- sion is her beauty and that to mar it does her a great injury. There is another curious law. If a person should be wounded in an em- eounter, the punishment to the offend- er is fixed by the number of days his victim has to stay in the hospital or under a doctor's care. A line is fixed at 40 days in the way of a general divi- slon. If the injured man occupies more than 40 days in his recovery, the pen- alty doubles up. An Impudent Fraud, An impudent fraud was perpetrated |pon a Manchester bank by one of its eustomers, who opened an account with some few hundreds of pounds. The man, after a few weeks, drew two checks, each within a pound or so of his balance, and, selecting a busy day, presented himself at one end of the pounter, while an accomplice, when he saw that his friend’s check had been cashed, immediately presented his own to a cashier at the other end. Both cashiers referred the checks to the ledger clerk, who, thinking the same cashier had asked him twice, said *right” to both checks. The thieves were never eaught Executors. _|ing, etc. occupied by H. A. Seitz. Annie Manion, late of Clearfield township, de- ceased, signed, all persons indebted to the said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims to present the same without delay to Or to their attorney, Reuel Somerville, Pat- (Tinted Gloss) is thoroughly mixed by modern machinery in exact proportions. Every particle is thor- oughly incorporated in 8 the mixture. This can- not possibly be done by hand. Colors are al- ways uniform; so is the paint. Ask your dealer. John Lucas & Co a Sixty years of paint-making %4 New York Philadelphia Chicago For Sale by Binder & Starrett, Patton, Pa. NEW BlG LINE OF WALL PAPER JUST RECEIVED. All the latest patterns and designs and at the mini- mum of price. Picture frames, room mould- JOS. FLICK, Paifon, Pa. Home Killed Mea No embalmed business in ours. We deal strictly in meat killed at our slaughter house. Everything in season. Liitle Bros., Butchers and Dealers in All Kinds of Fresh and Smoked Meats. PATTON, PA. T. H. WIRTNER, Modern Photographer, PATTON, PA. Children’s Photographs a Specialty. Picture Framing and Enlarging in Crayon, Pastel and Water Colors. Duplicates can be had of any pictures taken by my predecessors, Messrs. Perell, Harris and Eennedy, Parnell, Cowher & Co —Agents for— INSURANCE REAL ESTATE AGENTS, FIRE, LIFE AND ACCIDENT Good Building, Patton, Pa.—Phone No. 4. Violin, Mandolin, Gui- tar and Banjo TAUGHT, WM. M. SIMPSON, Fifth Avenue. : PATTON, Opposite M. E. Churh. F. R. MELLON, Dentist. Office in Good Building, formerly PA, Office hours:—-8 a. m, to 12 m. 1 p. m. to 5:30 p. m. 7 p.m, to8 p.m. Estate Annie Manion, Deceased. Letters of administration on the estate of having been granted to the under- MART MANION AND HARRISON MANION, Administrators, Patton, Pa. AUDITORS" STATEMENT. Financial statement of Patton Bor- ough School District for the year end- “ing June, 1906. Total number of schools... Number of months taught 8 Number of teachers, male, 2 Number of teachers, female... Ab Average salaries per month, m 00 Average salaries per month, fey #50 86 Number of scholars in attendance . rl] Average percentage of attendance. wi, M Cost of ench pupil per month, ! TAX AND RATE PER CENT, Number of mills levied, for school 10, amt veenend 6,610 00 Number of mills levied, for ! building 8, amt...... . 5,201 00 ORL corinsnnreiarissssnemis nussssssission $ 11,001 00 RECEIPTS, Balance on hand at ARAL. rin sarin From state Appropriation. { * Tax Collec. tor, Dup, 1003, 8 1 56 From Tax Collee- tor, Dap, 1904. 577 34 From Tax Collec- tor, Dup, 1905. 9,948 45 1,527 35 | From fines, I 3 00 700 10 00 Bur- J. Donnelly, | From W, 5 ! Supplies Text Book i Furniture I Light BI W "at “ Interest and Deb! “ Printing and Station- BEY cuts eivarssrns’ vesnskpossssrons 49 75 « Forcing Compulsory School Law. % 93 Rent for Club Hous: 210 00 “ Outstanding IRIE. uses sricineeniinns a 6 25 sxonerations allowed. 441 04 ¢ Sundries.........xsssevasiins 94 02 “ Balance on hand in TIGASHEY oversees sasessnunsons 110 59 $14,512 ASSETS. Due from Tax Duplicate, 1905...... § 1,076 04 Furniture “Club F 346 30 Balance on h: ur; 110 59 State appropriation fost: mated)... eee 2,700 00 £ 4,232 93 Outstanding orders.... Bonds at outstanding Liabilities in excess of a Value of School Property.....c...coiii £40,000 00 Receipts from Club House........oueeiinnnd 8 390 00 Expenses of Club Hous Rent paid § 21000 Fuel. 24 5 Wate tures, We have examined the foregoing statement and find it true and correct. H. E. BARTON, H. A. LEIDEN, Auditors. Summer is Here And so are we with a full line of Hammocks, Refriger- ators, Lawn Mowers, Ice Cream Freezers, Screen Doors and Windows, Horse Cov- —lers, Etc. Also a full line of Hard- ware, The. most complete stock in Northern Cambria County. Binder & Starrett, “Everything in Hardware,” PATTON, CAG. P. WELTY, Sanitary Plumbing and Heating. I have opened a Plumbing Establishment in Patton and am prepared to do all work in PA. my line expeditiously and well. Estimates Cheerfully Furnished. If in need of anything in my line, give me a call at shop in room next to North Star Steam Laundry, Kerr A WYORK (Pennsylvanian Division.) Beech Creek District. Condensed Time Table. Read 35 ill a m Sunday Connections—At Williamsport with Phila- deiphia and Reading Railw: at Jers with the Fall Brook Dist with Central Railroad of I Philipsburg with Pennsylvanis N Yand P C RR; at Clearfield t ill Hal msylvania; @ haffey and Patton with Cambria and Clearfie division of the Pennsyvan ilroad; at Ma- haffey with the Pennsylvania and North- western railway. J. F. Fairlamb, Gen’l Pass. Agt., New York, W. H. Northrup, Gen. Agent, Williamsport, Pa. Steam and Hot Water Heating tensively each year. He knows about it. JOHNSTOWN SUPPLY ROUSE, Johnstown, Pa. Lincoln Building. THE piece of Silver- ware which you received on Christmas wiil lose its lustre and turn to a brown color if you do not keep it wrap- ped in tissue paper away from the light: You will not care to do that so you had better get a jar of SILUER (REAM, the finest silver polish made. 25c at TOZER'’S, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Ko- dacks and Supplies. a OF ull ¥ oy it qual. Only paint guaranteed by the maker. PEST Py, HEE Pres SL PITTS BURGH Sold by Binder & Starrett, Patton, Pa. Patronize the home print shop. We are better prepared than ever to turn out commercial printing of all kinds and at prices that can’t be dupli- building, Fifth Ave. ton, Pa. 1 cated for good work. sey Shore falo, Rochester and Pittsburg railway; at Ma- 1d Is being used more ex- Why? Because it is the most eco- nomical user of fuel, furn- ishes a greater volume of heat and is decidedly cleaner than any other systems now in use. Ask your neighbor. wn ——————— 7 ————————— a — S—— ————— Advertising consists simply in pre- senting before the people the goods you have to sell in an intelligent manner, whether it is a house and lot or a pair of shoes. It is too late at this day to Hadi | expatiate on the merits of Exp Mai In effect June 17,05 Exp Mal Noid? Noss Noid No do oa DIY ) i ) R p B 20 Yar Patton Iv a 5% advertising. That has 000 120 Westover 6306 701 ar Areadia been demonstrated so of- 1 Mahafley lv LL p 27 Gazz a a ten that iteration is futile. Lerrmoor iv 720 . pk hit IM Everybody now days Mitchells 740 oily Clearfield 821 knows that advertising woodland 35 Morrisdale Mines 910 pays. The main question 532 10 00 Iv I hilipsbn ard in 6 i i 532 y * sbhurg r 9 42 a , o ip uan Mlipsbure ard is is, what medium to use? 600 1024 ar Munson via Ad : . 1 : 4 i ie ne ya vertising experts long 9 39 Hillintow 100 : 931 Snow Shoe 10 0 ago settled it by declar- 3 841 Beech Creek 10 57 . ! (Mi Hall 1 a ing that newspaper adver- Jersey Ni I tising was by far t} t 52 Jersey Shore 45 Ss ras 1720 Iv William i arl2z20 910 g was by lar Lhe mos Pm am PhiaaRedingkn oi pm| effective and brings better i: as 20 ar ar v illis Janene po 12 20%11 % 8 36 1 *hiladelp r 70 65 h 3 pus pm. am| returns than any other 400 lv NY via Tamaqua ar 10 40 1430 900lv = NYvia Phila ar 101002] extant. ‘The merchants am pm pm am *Daily. tWeek days. ¢7 p m Sunday. 11100 of this section long ago, declared that better re- {| sults were obtained by using the COURIER than It is read every week by by any other means. hundreds of families and goes into the homes of the majority of the people of Northern Cambria county. The rates are low, just and equitable—one price to all and the small ad- vertiser gets just as good a rate as the large one. If your business needs a tonic, come in and let us talk the matter over with you or send us word and we will have a repre- sentative call on you and explain everything about- our plan. You may do business without adver- tising, but you are certain to do more by advertising. Itis an investment that will repay you an hun- dred fold. We will prepare your copy and take complete charge of your advertis- however without, ing campaign, large or small, extra cost. The Courier, Patton, Pa. BAT and SALL are popular this year. Base Ball has taken a new hold. In fact, all sports promise to be followed by an increased number of people this year. Come and see us. We have a line of Base Ball Goods at the following prices: Bats - - - - 50c to $1.25 Base Balls - - - 5c to 1.25 Catcher's Mitts - - 25c to 2.50 Basemen’s Mitts - - 50c to 2.00 Outfielders’ Gloves - 25¢c to 2.50 KINKEAD’S STATIONERY ~ STORE. The best business men use the best stationery and get it at the best office hat does the best printing, Of course that’s the COURIER, Ey visiti; i «was i (3 iting in thi happe years. -T of Y forme Fifth -D erset the d aceon 0 ‘count boom capite brick —TIt the st the oc Grang father —CI P,L cake evenil and w joying —T teams busine Thurs Giant: Tuesd strong and F —A week Mitch Mine presid provic presid the m or not —D in Ma week, Martin quaint the bx startir of the ton, 1 busine —Tt those prepa: sneezil The st supply and a The fr pert. upon | ner, ag the Pe passen Kittan His me mit A but th under: wrenc! could | was st —Th tor at notice appoir presid distric confer church Rev. G Mosse: his dat The ne of Wi class o Re Via Metho on sale station Augus town . tions, ¢ & Clea to Holl Hollid: field a middle ing on inclusi