Patton Courier. BASE BALL. Continued from Pagel. - Adams, 8s } 4 8 2 "Muck, of i § 1 0.4 Roy ¥aton Decker, Marnin 8 4H 9 40 Sm - Howard, rf. od 00 ESTABLISHED 1898 Cavanaugh, § $1 1la —— . Totals. ..on SN. Mn 3 3 — OF SUBSCRIPTION, One copy, vne year, in advance, - « © $1.00 | a@-No papers discontinued until alt arrear- | ages are paid, unless at the option of the publisher. Entered at the Postoflice at Patton as second class mall matter, ——— ADVERTISING RATES, Legal notices §1 per inch for tirree insertions, Oard of thanks ie per line, Resolutions fe per lone, Poetry be per line. Business locals be per line, Display ads 10e per inch flat. Foreign advertising must be oid for invar- fably in advance. No cemmilsion paid to advertising agents, These are “best” rates—no others go. THE “KISSOGRAPH.” The latest fad is to kiss the book— not the Good Boek, as people some- times do when they take an oath—bat the ‘“‘kissograph™ book. The ‘“proper- ties” are a blank book and a little tin of moist carmine. The collector asks the victim to first press their lips on the carmine and then on the book, and thus preserve the kiss. “The weak peint about the newest collecting mania,” according to the York Daily, “seems to be here: Just think of the many ways one can, and ‘does kiss! What could be wider apart, for example, than the little, little smacks a girl distributes among her family and the clinging ecstacy of her greeting to ber young man ? “Then, too, men have a good many ways of kissing. An imprint taken during the honeymoon and one taken after—say six months, of marriage, should be easily distinguishable. There would also be a clear distinction be- tween the ‘Goo’by dear’ salute of the morning and the contented luxury of the after-dinner Kiss, mainly inspired by gratitude for comfort and good cheer. : «But after all it is women whose kisses run the gamut of emotion, from freezing to the boiling point. They have a separate kind of kiss for every imaginable occasion. It might also be said that they never kiss the same way twice; at least, we have this on author- ity. “The difficulty will be, then, for the owner of the ‘kissograph album” to know what kind of a kiss the kisser puts init. The only way to be sure will be to say: ‘Put such a kiss in my book as you would give me, if—’ that if’ may easily lead to misconception. It might even be beld to be an example of the *‘if provocative.’ “Still, in the pursuit of science, risks must be taken. There is no reason to ~ doubt that young men and women will _ be found to face them heroically. It is easy to see a great future for this new and improved method of “kissing the book.’ ”? Soil Test in Cambria County. What kind of a commercial fertilizer does my soil require? is a question of interest to nearly every farmer. Penn- sylvania spends for fertilizers some- what over $5,000,000 annually, a sum nearly equal to the state appropriation for public schools. The best answer to the question is gained by direct fleld experiments on the soil involved. To aid in a systematic study of the vari- ous Boils of Pennsylvania, the state experiment station, through its chem- ist, Prof. Frear, has organized a series of co-operative soil tests with the three principal classes of commercial fertil- izers, to determine the present need of the soil, for one or other of these aids to fertility. These co-operative tests are now being made in accordance with the stations in 38 counties of the gtate. In Cambria county the co-oper- . ative farmers are Gust McElheny and E. A. Sheehan, both of Ashville. Get the Best Always. it’s the same with paint as with any- thing else. It always pays to get the best. best. In paint we can tell you in'a way that you will readily understand. With every gallon of Patton Sun Proof paint we give you a written guarantee good for five years. Could anything be fairer than that? If you are now or will soon be in need of paint, come in and let us talk it over with you. BINDER & STARRETT. Buyer Wanted. For sale:—Good 6 room house with finished attic, on Beech avenue in Pat- ton. Will be sold cheap to cash buyer. Call on or address this office for partic- HOAE | Bigler, cf i 3. QO Helmbold, 2 g 32 3 4. Glenn, If 0 1 1 9 | Johnson, ss, | 3 4-4 1) Dugan, ©... | A § ¢ 0 Howe, 1b, } 113 40 O' Rally, 8b. OO 4% 0 § 9 Patton, rf. 0.0 1 0 @ 1 Nichols, p.. wewich E00 8 | OLAS. corer srsnnmnneneninmnsisssss & 44 1 1 The trouble is to know what is | SCORE BY INNINGS, 01100001 0-3 Patton... 00000200 2-4 Clanrfiel? The game at Curwensville Saturday with the ‘Grampian nine was a one- gided contest and another victory for the locals. The score: PATTON. R ) A E MoCarty, if: 1 9:14 Flory, i. $ 4 40-6 Adams, 6+ & 1 4 Fullerton, g 1 0 2 4 Mack, of. I 4 § 0. 0 Howard, 1 32 8 4 9 Simpson, 2b 0 1.1.40 Marnin, ¢ g 1 1 0 Swe \pkos 1 41 © 0 0 C avanaugh, P. wld 8 0.4 TOLAIS...oviverrrrnes susssrinsrenss sesens 9 MN 5 4.1 GRAMPIAN. R HOAE Norris, 2b. wg 0 3-41 Russell, ss g. 0 2 8 2 Helmbold, 1f.. I 1 1 0 0 Boyd, 1b.. 1 1312. 0.0 Hess, 3b. 1 6 06 0 0 Kerr, p.. i + 3.8 © Wall, rf. 9 1 1 0:0 Darnell, ¢ 0.1 8 0 0 9:1 9 3 1 Caldwell, | | | - = — - Totals..... Patton ancevetod in capturing one of the three games played with the (Cuban Stars on the home grounds this week. The contest Monday was vir- tually won by a home run when the visitors had a runner on the second base. Score: PATTON. R HO AE Mclean, 3b «0 0 4 0 1 Steele, 2b 0 1 3 11 Flory, p 0 0 0 4 0 McCarty ¢ L 00 0 Adams, I 06.1 0 Howa rd, 1 0 i 1-1 1 Maek, cf. 0 1 1 0 0 Marnin, ¢. 0 113 0 0 Fullerton, 1b.. +0 8 5.0 0 Totals... endsans 17-8 27°:7 °8 CUBAN STARS, R HO A E| Moran, 3b. 121 CF 1 Prats, rf. 0 12:0 0 Almerda, 1 2.4 3 0 Cabrena, s 10 3 2 0 Hidalgo, ¢ 6 1 + 0 0 Borges, 3. 01 23 1 Reyer, p.. 0 2 0 3 1 Delgado, ib. 0 012 1 0 Lino, If........ 0.0 2 0 0 TotalS..cccsonsarrssnenens 3 92715 3 SCORE BY INNINGS. Patton 000 0-1 Cuban Stars 200 1-3 Umpire--Dinsmore. Scorer—Bailey. The contest Tuesday was the fastest ever seen on the home grounds, the visitors playing an errorless game and scoring a shut out. The score: PATTON. R HO AE McLean, 3b. «01 v.88 0 Steele, 2b. 6-1 01 0 Flory, If. 00 5 0 0f McCarty 00 0 0 0} Adams, s 0 06 1 1 Xj Howard, y 0 1 2-2 Of Mack, ¢ 0 0 53 0 0 Marnin, c. 9 0 7 2 0} Fallerton, 0 0 8 0 Yi POMS sinrirrirnsrrris 538 CUBAN R HO AE Moran, 3b. 2 3 2 0 0 Delgado, 2 0 0 2 8 0 Almerda 0 15 0.0 Cabrena, ig 9 1 3 Of Hidalgo, ¢ 1 2 4 00 Dorges, 0 1-0 1 Of Royer, 1 0 010 0 0f Lino, 1 I 1.2 0 0} rats, rt, ve 1000-20 0 1 TO TOME ss simone. 8 27 8 0 | SCORE BY INNINGS. Patton... 0000 0-0] | Cuban Stars 1 021 0--5 Umpire—Fitzgerald, Scorer—Dole. i Patton evened up good and plenty | with Aguinaldo’s compatriots Wed- | nesday, when the locals piled up 10} runs to two for the visitors. In the | three games played Patton secured 11 to the Cuban’s 10 scores. Cavanaugh | was in the box for the locals and held the heavy hitting Stars down to six | © hits, while the Cuban’sstar twirler was touched up for 14. Here is how it was | done: PATTON. R HO A E| McLean, 3b. 2 2 3 2 1} Steele, 2b.. 2 2 2 1 0f Flory, 1f... 2 11:0: Of McCarty, of. 0-1-0 0 1 Adams, ss 0 1 4 4 0} Howard, 1 0 83 11 1 04 Mack, ¢ 0 0 41 0f- Marnin, 2 8 4 2 0; Cavanaugh, “27 0 2 0} A 10 142 16 2 CUBAN STARS. | RHOAE Moran, 3b... wll By 18 Cabrena, 0.0:2 4. 2 Almerda, ¢ } 0.56:1 0 Hidalgo, cf. 9 1.1.1 0} Borges, 2b 0 2 0 4.1 Royer, 1b 0 011 0 1} Lino, If. 0 0 2 0 0 Medina, p 100 1 of Prats, rf... 0 0:2 0 of Totals........oess tari vans 2 6 24 13 5 SCORE BY INNINGS. { | Patton 401 203 *10| Cuban Stars 100100 0-2] Umpire--Fitzgerald. | Scorer—Bailey. | Dancing. ic Miss Hancher’s summer dances: Ja- | venile class 2 p. m. each Thursday at | Miner's Hall. Evening classes, begin- | ners eight to nine, advanced social, nine to twelve. Estate Auntie Manion, Deceased. Letters of administration on the estate of | Annie Manion, late of Clearfield township, de- | ceased, having been granted to the under- | ulars. Patronize the home print shop. We are better prepared than ever to turn out commercial printing of all kinds and at prices that can’t be dupli- signed, all persons indebted to the said estate | are requested to make payment, and en] having claims to present the same without | delay to MART MANION AND HARRISON MANION, Administrators, | Patton, Pa. Or to their attorney, Reuel Somerville, Pat- cated for good work. ton, Pa. i a | ing as Leiden Brothers, J THE piece of Silver- ware which you received on Christmas wiil lose its lustre and turn to a brown color if you do not keep it wrap- ped in tissue paper away from the light You will not care to do that so you had better get a jar of SILUER (REAM, the finest silver polish made. 25c at TOZER’'S, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Ko- dacks and Supplies. Steam and Hot Water Heating Is being used more ex- tensively each year. Why? Because it is the most eco- nomical user of fuel, furn- ishes a greater volume of heat and is decidedly cleaner than any other systems now in use. Ask your neighbor. He knows about it. JOHNSTOWN SUPPLY HOUSE, Johnstown, Pa. Lincoln Building. Are The One to Suffer by the “penny-wise poundfool- ish” policy of mixing your own paints. Buy Lawrence Ready Mixed Paint—prepared from the best pigment and the purest linseed oil—with scientific accu- racy. Guaranteed by the maker. Bushy, Lawrence Ready Mixed PAINT SIT READY MIXED Pics SC ior Lee RE Sold by Binder & Starrett, Patton, Pa. DR: 'R TW. BHILEY, Dentist! Room 16, Good Building. Office Hours—8 to 12 a. m.,,1to5p.,, m.6to8 p. m. LOCAL PHONE. F. R. ME L LO N, Dentist. Office in Gaod Building, formerly | occupied by H. A. Seitz. Office hours:—8 a. m. to 12 m. 1 p. m. to 5:30 p. m, 7p. m, to8 p.m. Reuel Somerville, Attorney-at-Law, PATTON, PA. Office in the Good Brilgies NO OTICE. In re first and final ac-) count of W. H. Sond: ford, Assignee of H. Leiden and John B + Leiden, as individuals, and as partners, trad- In the Court of Com- mon Pleas of Cambria County. Having been appointed an Auditor to re- port a distribution of the fund in the hands of said accountant, notice is hereby given that I will sit for the purpose of id appointment at the office of Reuel Somerville, Esq. Patton, Pa, ons Wednesday, the 0:3 1st day of August, 1906, at a. m., where and when all persons infer- ih may appear or be forever debarred from coming in on said fund. F. J. HARTMAN, Ebensburg, Pa., June 25, 1906. Audltor. Old papers for sale at this office for bc a bundle. THE PATTON COURIER, JOLY 3 78; Mitchells (Pennsylvania Division) Beech Creek District. Condensed Time Table, Read u Read down Exp N ail Inetlect Jane 17,06 Kap Noi? Noid Now pm pm wm 920 150ar Patton Tv 16 10 $2 40 Doe 129 Westover Gas 500 70lar A roadin su ) Mahaffey Iv 700 B27 Kerrmoor Gazzam crrmoor 1 2 Millport 745 Olanta Clearfield Woodland Wallaceton Morrisdale Mines Munson Philipsburg 605 52 1000 1vy 625 1070 0 ary 600 10 24 ar Munson 555 10 19 Winburne 582 959 Peale 5 Gillintown Snow Shoe Beech Creek Mill Hall Lock Haven 10 04 10 09 513 504 9381 113 841 101 829 3h 822 336 800 Avis 3 326 702 Jersey Shore 5 $250 17 20 1v Williamsport ar1220 910 pm am pm pm pm 2 LH Phila & Reading RR im pm Iv $12 29%11 30 ar 730 650 230 650ar Williamsport Philadelphia am pm , pm am 100 Iv. NY via Tamaqua ar 1040 430 9001v N Y via Phila ar 1010 1902 am pm pm am *Daily, {Week days. #7 p m Sunday. {1100 am Sunday Connections—At Willig Rmspon with Phila- delphia and Reading Rail y Shore with the Fall Brook Distr with Central Railroad of Philipsburg | with Pennsylv: NY and P C RR; at Clearfield with the Buf- falo, Rochester and Pittsburg railway; at Ma- haffey and Patton with Cambria and Clearfield a railroad and di on of the Pennsyvania railroad; at Ma- hafle vith the Pennsylvania and North- western railway. J. F. Fairlamb, +H. Normrup, Gen’l Pass. Agt., Gen. Agent, New York, Williamsport, Pa. Summer iS Here And so are we with a full line of Hammocks, Refriger- ators, Lawn Mowers, Ice Cream Freezers, Screen Doors and Windows, Horse Cov- ers, Etc. Also a full line of Hard- ware, The most complete stock in Northern Cambria County. Binder & Starrett, “Everything in Hardware,” PATTON, PA. CHAS. P. WELTY, Sanitary Plumbing and Heating. I have opened a Plumbing Establishment in Patton and am prepared to do all work in my line expeditiously and well. Estimates Cheerfully Furnished. If in need of anything in my line, give me a call at shop in room next to North Star Steam Laundry, Kerr building, Fifth Ave. T. H. WIRTNER, Modern Photographer, PATTON, Children’s Photographs a Specialty. Picture Framing and Enlarging in Crayon, Pastel and Water Colors. Duplicates can be had of any pictures taken by my predecessors, Messrs. Perell, Harris and Kennedy. T. R.MORRISON Dentist, PATTON, PA. Northern Cambria Street Railway Company Schedule of Cars. RUNNING ON A THIRTY-MINUTE HEADWAY, First enrleaves power house tor Barneshoro nt... #08 0m, Secondear leaves power house for Barnesboro at. St, Benedict + "w “ Third " The “Third Car’ makes connections with P, First ear leseves Barnesboro for Patton at bilo e1hH pom, thereafter until 10:50 p, wi, nection on this trip, The 11:00 p. m, 10:30 pm. until 10:50 p, m., again at 11:00 p,m, for the power house ONLY, First ear Vietor No. 9 to Barneshoro at.....501 a second ear Victor No, 9 to Barnesboro at...5 First car Brandon Hotel, Spangler, NS. 4th street to Barnesboro * 5056 Second car " 8 3 “a8 First " iy " * Patton Victor No, 9 “ power house * xe Foxberg “" “ St. Bénediet © « Carr’lt'n Jet ¢ " X Roads “ “ " “ Asheroft 3 “ * * Columbia * ' i i '" “ Barnesboro Ly “ Asheroft " “ i * X Roads “ “ “ ¢ Carr’lt'n Jet * i “ “St. Benedict “ “ " “ Foxberg " “ of “ power house * 8 First car leaving Barnesboro at 5 Baggage and packages carried on all cars, Special cars can be arranged for. The 10:45 and 11:15 p. m, cars to power house and St, He First car leaves Patton for Barnesboro and Carrolltown at 6:40 a, m, ear to power house I'irst car leaves power house at 5:00 a, m, for Branch and connects with all Main Line ears at Carrolltown Junction, First car leaves Carrolitown for Patton at 5:80 a. mi, and every First ear leaves Carrolltown for Barnesboro at 6:00 a, m. The 10:30 p. m. ear will be the last scheduled ear for receive passengers from Main Line cars at the Junction at 10:4{ p. m, when they willl eave . mm. will connect with the N, Y. ( eaving Patton at 6:10 a, m. for Mahafley, Clearfield, Philipsburg and Williamsport. AON w Rl R, R. train at Sp angler for Crosson, a, mand every S90 minutes thereafter until nediet ONLY, and every 50 minutes ONLY. No Carrolltown cons Carrolitown, This ear then remains on the 850 minutes thereafter until and every 20 minutes thereafter Carrolltown unless they TIME OF CARS AT STATION POINTS ON MAIN LINE, 27 a m and every 80 mins, thereafter until 10 57 p me » " " “ 1300 * 1023 HIB at 5 . " “1a 1032 » 1033 1084 + 04 “ 1016 ¢ C. & H. R. R, R. train J. L. MeNELIS, Supt. TRY IT! Bell PHONES: | Pel Now on the [larket PATTON BEER Warranted absolutely pure ard free from all deleteriolis subsiances. TRY IT! FOR SALE AT ALL THE LEADING BARS IN THE COUNTY. PATTON BEER 1S UNION MADE. THE PATTON BREWING CO. PATTON, PA. AUDITORS" STATEMENT. Financial statement of Patton Bor- ough School District for the year end- ing June, 1906. Total number of schools 16 Number of months taug Number of teachers, male Number of teachers, fema Average salaries per month, Average salaries per month, fema Number of scholars in atte: ndance Average percentage of attendance Cost of each pupil per month.. TAX AND RATE PER CENT, Number of mills levied, for_ school 10, amt Number of mills levied, building 8, amt $ 6, 610 00 Totalk......... ores RECEIPTS. Balance on hand last audit... os From Sate oes “ Tax Collec- tor, Dup. 1903.. 1 56 From Tax A. 8 tor, Dup. 1904.. From Tax Collec 577 34 tor, Dup. 1905. 9,48 45 1,527 35 From fines, Jas. Mellon, Esq... § 300 From fines, Geo. Boone, Esq..... 700 10 00 From W. J. Donnelly, Bur- FOSS. 1 us arnrenrss basse seers 2 25 From rent of Club Hous: 390 00 ¢ Tuition... 4 15 00 | 5 xonerations “atiow- | Csr rasinmessansivins sinners 441 04 $14,512 56 DISBURSEMENTS, For Teachers Salarie « Attending Institute + Supplies.... “ Text Book ¢ Furniture and é Treasurer's sion. ¢ Secretary’s “ Light and We « Interest and Debt . + Printing and Station- ery ve 49 75 ¢ Forcing Compulsory school Law 16 93 +t Rent for Club Hou 210 00 “ Outste andmg aid i : 6 25 « Bxonerati 441 04 “ Sundries... 94 02 ¢“ Balance or | Treasury....... 110 59 $14,512 56 ASSETS. Due from Tax Duplicate, 1905 a .§ 1,076 04 Furniture and “Club House” 345 30 Balance on hand, TIEY oeeeissrnssnasaansesast 110 59 State appropriation mated) 2,700 00 $ 4,232 93 LIABILITIES, Outstanding orders... Bonds at ontstanding .. $24,005 65 819,762 72 Liabilities in excess of assets... .. $40,000 00 Value of School Property Receipts from Club HOUSE... vvurirnnenennnd 390 00 Expenses of Club Hous | Rent paid. 210 00 i Fuel. 24 50 Wate 15 00 Light 44 00 § 293 5 Reoeiply | in in tures.. vases excess of We have examined the foregoing statement and find it true and correct. H. E. BARTON, H. A. LEIDEN, Auditors. Girl Wanted. Must be good cook. No washing or Outfielders’ Gloves KINKEAD'S ironing. Will pay good wages. Mgs. E. C. BRowN, Patton, Pa. | Lucas Paint (Tinted Gloss) looks better and wears longer than other paint be- cause we use pure materials, finely ground and well mixed; because we have modern facilities, and our sixty years knowledge and experi- ence in making paint has put us in the posi- tion of experts. The paint must be right. Ask your dealer. % Jolin Lucas & Co Sixty years of paint-making Philadelphia New York Chicago For Sale bv Binder & Starrett, Patton, BAT and BALL are popular this year. Base Ball has taken a new hold. In fact, all sports promise to be followed by an increased number of people this year. Jome and see nus. We have a line of Base Ball Goods at the following prices: Bats - - - - 50¢ to $1.25 Base Balls - - - 5c to 1.26 Catcher’s Mitts - - 25¢ to- 2.50 Basemen’s Mitts . - 50c to 2.00 25¢ to 2.60 STATIONERY STORE. Watt INTERE ~Miss \ "Indiana, I Willis ipsburg la ~Mr. aI visiting in —Mr, visiting in Mus, J atives anc —~Mr. a and child Mr. al visiting ir —Mrs. | visiting a face. —Mrs. } atives in | N.Y. —Rev. visiting | Greninge —John tended th last Frida —Mr. a children, atives in —Mr. a oldsville, town this —The | Barnesbo $1,600 to | —Mr. a tended a Saturday —John a pipe pi! week and —Dr. B family in gonage Ol —Tom the Punx its best p day. —The ] way con fares on bad consi —Editc boro, wh few and { was in to — Willi secretary Workers urday on —Mac Co. store Troy, Pa of the se: —The pany has ital of $4 John W. Carrollto of Johns —It is is drunk to sing, 4 lishman f Irishman make a 8 —Orde Pennsyl lines east effect th: equipped received —John was in | mick is towns © Johnstoy tee that | —Miss has been mar schc Callahan charge c will rece months’ —Mrs. Irish, Mi Van Dar AW. M Mrs. C. burg, we WwW. H. S: —Reut undergo Sanitarit recovere home at Saturda) a sourc friends. - —The will be July 30, sheriff, d missione Patton is from eac held the —The Dr. Dixc every 8 the effe must be pecially the sup that tho be vacc during they ma school 0
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers