. 5 THE PATTON COURIER, JUNE 2 196 — Patton Courier. — Roy Eaton Decker, 1898. ——————— ESTABLISHED - - TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One copy, one year, in advance, - - = 81.00 A-No papers discontinued until all arrear ages are paid, unless at the option of the publisher. Entered at the Postoffice at Patton as second- class mail matter, — ADVERTISING RATES, Legal notices $1 per inch for three insertions, Card of thanks 5c per line, Resolutions 6c per line, Poetry be per line, Business locals 5c per line, Display ads 10¢ per inch flat. Foreign advertising must be paid for invar- {ably in advance. No commission paid to advertising agents, These are “best” rates—no others go. PENNYPACKER’S COSSACKS. In the early morning of June 8th, the state constabulary, the mine officials and strike breakers under the direction of the J. & ©. Coal and Iron Co. at Er- nest, which is a branch of the Rochester andPittsburg Coal & Iron Co., murder- ously fired upon a body of citizens numbering about one hundred, lead by a brass band composed largely of bdys, the youngest being 13 years of age, and shot six of the men in the parade, one of whom, Nicholas Macher, died within a short time. Five others were wounded, Macher, and the others seri- ously wounded all being shot in the back. The verdict of the corner’s jury sit- ting on the body of Nicola Macher in the borough of Indiana, Indiana county, on June 14, 1906, is as follows: “We find that Mr. Nicola Macher died from a gun shot wound received while marching through the villiage of Ernest, in the parade headed by a brass band on the morning of Friday, June 8th, 1906, that the said Nicola Macher with the others in the parade was an orderly, sober body of men maching on the highway; that the shooting was done by sheriff’s deputies, police offic- ials or officers of the coal company; that owing to the insufficient evidence jury cannot determine who fired the shot that caused the death of Nicola Macher.” THE Blossburg advertiser says: A Chicago man, after 21 years of silence, has just recovered his power of speech. Evidently he read the beef report and it made it him so mad he had to say something. IT must require considerable nerve for a corporation that gives all of its job printing to a job office and then asks the newspaper office to print and ciru- late, at its own expense that which will enlighten the public on its business and advertise it as well. Why not get a circular at the job office and post on the trees. Newspaper men should waken up to this sort of imposition. If a newspaper office is good enough to give publicity to a business, it ought to be good enough for a return of court- esy.—Clearfield Raftsmen’s Journal. A LITTLE story has been going the rounds of the newspapers for the past few days, saying that some coal com- panies are going to introduce cats in the mines with the hope that their presence will prevent the ravages of the mine rats. It is undoubtedly true that the mine rats destroy considerable around the stables underground, not only in the feed line, but they cut and chew harness and make the mules rest- less during the night. Several cats around a stable at night might have a tendency to frighten the rodents away causing less destruction and less ex- pense to the coal companies. Valuation for Road Tax. A letter has been sent out by State Highway Commissioner Hunter to the county commissioners throughout the state, calling their attention to the provisions of the new road law, which to furnish the supervisors of each township, on the first Monday of March, with the latest valuation of the township property for county purposes. It is on this valuation that the super- visors are authorized to levy the road tax for the ensuing year. Get the Best Always. 1t’s the same with paint as with any. thing else. It always pays to get the best. The trouble is to know what is best. In paint we can tell you in a way that you will readily understand. With every gallon of Patton Sun Proof paint we give you a written guarantee | to make payment, and those having claims to | good for five years. Could anything be fairer than that? If you are now or will soon be in need of paint, come in and let us talk it over with you. BINDER & STARRETT. |~ May 2nd, 1906. WORK OF THE COURTS. Continued from Page 1. on the train himself. W. J. Brolley, prosecutor in the case and a son of the man alleged to have been murdered, followed “Mr. Seltzer on the stand, He said his father was 68 years old at the time of his death, and had always been healthy and of a rugged constitution, He testified as to his father’s condition during the time the sick man was at his house before being taken to the hospital. He de- scribed a number of encounters he had with the defendant calculated to make him believe his father had been foully dealt with. Mrs. James Brolley, the estranged wife of the dead man, testified as to her husband’s habits and health. John Brolley was the best witness that could have been produced for himself. For two and one-half hours the old gray haired man sat in the wit- neds chair with a sturdiness that for- bade confusion. The commonwealth made every effort to get the old man tangled in the straigthforward story he had related of the feeling existing be- tween himself and his brother; their relations, their agreements and their disputes, without varying in the least particular. “Jim an’ me was not on very good terms,” be said, ‘but we never made our business the business of other peo- ple. We kept our difficulties to our- selves. We did not speak together for over a year before his death, but I had nothin’ agin Jim. He knocked me down once, but I walked away from him. I didn’t want to get in no quar- rel with him. I just wanted to keep away from him, that’s all. It was shown that Brolley purchased the box of “rough on rats’ after the death of his brother. Several witnesses were heard for the defense, whose evidence was very much in favor of the prisoner and aided materially in the finding of the jury. Attorney Rose submitted the case without argument, relying, as he said, upon the court’s charge to the jury. The court’s charge to the jury was concluded at 5:26 o'clock Saturday afternoon. The evidence in the case was reviewed briefly and the statutes governing the crime of murder were explained to the jury. Before the clock in the big tour had clanged the hour of six the jury filed in and polled. The verdict was anticipated. “We find the defendant not guilty.” John Brol- ley smiled again as he did during his arraignment for trial. There was nothing of triumph in his manner. But there was an expression of serenity on his wrinkled countenance that seemed to belong there to one of his age. Leon Roosules, the man accused of having murdered a fellow countryman at Hastings February 2 of this year, and who was allowed to plead guilty to murder in the second degree, was Sat- urday night sentenced to spend 13 years in the Western penitentiary. WON THREE OUT OF FIYE. Continued from Pagel. Washington, r 0 01 0 0 Munoz, p.. 1 1:0 4 1 Totals.. res 3 3 24 Ir 3 SCORE BY INNINGS, Patton ..0 4000100 *5 Cubon X-Giants........0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 The Patton team lost the game Thursday through a series of errors, five is too many in one game. Cava- naugh twirled for the local team, and put up nice ball and Palimino did nice work for the Cubans with the follow- ing result: PATTON. R HOAE McLean, 3b.. 010] BD Fullerton, 1b 0 112 0 1 Steele, 2b... 01,1 2 0 Flory, If. 12 5 0 0 Adams, ss. 0: 1:21.81 Maek, cf... 000 2 2 0 Fitzgerald, ¢ 0 0 2 2 i} Howard, rf... 01 1 0 0 Cavanaugh, p.. 0 0 0 1 1 Totals........ wel 797 18: § CUBAN X-GIANTS. RH OAE Winston, If...... 12:0 0 0 Palimino, p. 01 0 4 0 Wilson, 1b 2.19 10 Garcia, rf. 1 3 10 0 Valdez, 0 1.1 2:1 1. 1:5 92.1 01 7 0 0 90:2 2-0 wk 008. 010 Totals, 010-27 11 2 SCORE BY INNINGS. ..0 0000000 01.20.01 11 Patton............. Cuban X-Giant MARRIAGE LICENSES. J. A. Link, of Chest Springs, and Stella E. Ivory, of Allegheny township. | George W. Streightiff, of Hunting- Timber. Walter J. Wharton and Pauline | Somyre, of Chest Springs. Grover E. Schwaderer and Mary R. Mitchell, of Cresson. Lawrence Volk and Alice Kirkpat- rick, of Susquehanna township. {| Samuel H. Kough of Fallen Timber, | and Mary M. Lynch, of Cresson. | John St. John and Gertrude T. My- | ers, of Ashville. | | | { | | | | | | Estate ot Richard Rowland, Deceased. I Letters testamentary on the above estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate are requested present the same without delay, to RicHARD ROWLAND, Executor, Pattoh, Pa. Whose paper are you reading ¥ makes it the duty of the commissioners | don, 20d Roby C. Gallaher, of Fallen, AUDITOS™ STATEMENT. Financial statement of Patton Bor- ough School District for the year end. June, 1906. Total number of schools Number of months taught. Number of teachers, male. Number of teachers, female, Average salaries per month, Average salaries per month, female... Number of scholars in attendance, Average percentage of attendance, Cost of each pupil per month...... TAX AND RATE PER CENT, Number of mills levied, for school 10, amt ... 8 6,610 00 Number of mills levied, for building 8, amt 5,201 00 Total... § 11,001 00 RECEIPTS, Balance on hand at last audit... ........s a From state Appropriation. 2,670 84 # Tax Collec- tor, Dup. 1003.. $ 156 From Tax Collec- tor, Dup, 1004. TT M4 From Tax Collec- tor, Dup. 1805.. 9,948 45 1,527 35 From fines, Jas. Mellon, sq... $ 3 00 - From fines, Geo. Boone, Esq... 700 10 00 From W. J. Donnelly, Bur- BOBS... coeirnsis . 22 From rent of Cl 390 00 “ Tuition.. 45 00 * Exonera ed 441 04 $14,512 56 DISBURSEMENTS, For Teachers Salaries... $ 7,885 77 « Attending Institute. 147 00 * Supplies...... 47 24 “ Text Books.. 571 75 ¢ Furniture and 239 65 “ 424 16 pd 531 15 "i. 788 00 ae 66 00 “ Auditing.. . 6 00 “ Treasurer's Commis- sion 2713 4 “ Secretary’s Salary. 150 “ Light and Water. 128 52 « Interest and Debt.. 1,025 00 « Printing and Sta ery.. atiargt praersir 49 7 “ Forein, Compulsory School Law... 16 93 « Rent for Club House..... 210 00 # Qutstanding Orders BEA. ocoieserrsnsssrsnsivieessnens 6 25 *e BXonerations allowed.. 441 04 . “ Sundries... wire 94 02 “ Balance Treasury.. 110 59 $14,512 56 ASSETS. Due from Tax Duplicate, 1905 $ 1,076 04 Furniture and F “Club House” .. . 346 30 Balamce on hand, in treas- TITY i vensesnsrnssessnsusisbonssesase 110 59 State Spproprisiion (esti- MALE) ueirs terrrrrarssssransnans 2,700 00 $ 4,232 93 Outstanding orders Bonds at outstand $24,005 65 ..§19,762 72 Liabilities in excess of assets............. Value of School Property .$40,000 00 Receipts from Club House...................§ 390 00 Expenses of Club Hous: Rent paid.. $ 210 00 Fuel... 24 50 Water. 15 00 Light... 4400 § 293 50 Receipts in in excess of expendi- tures.... isaerierasisisvnprirsecs nnd 98 50 We have examined the foregoing statement and find it true and correct. H. E. BARTON, H. A. LEIDEN, Auditors. tional Bank of Patton, in the state of ennsylvania, at the close of business June 18th, 1906: R EPORT of the condition of The First Nu- RESOURCES, Loans and discounts Overdrafts, secured and unsecu U. S. Bonds to secure circulation. Premiums on U. S. Bond Bonds, securities, etc.,..... - Banking house, furniture and fix- tures... . Other real estate owne ‘ Due from National Banks (not re- serve agents)........ 88 Due from State Banks and Bankers 6 98 Due from approved reserve agents... 31,776 36 Checks and other cash items.... 7,700 29 Exchanges for clearing house 780 00 Notes of other National Banks. # 600 00 Fractional paper currency, nickels and cents ..... ..caeree crs 743 00 Lawful mon- (Specie.......§20,738 00 ey reserved in< Legal-ten- 30,738 00 bank, viz:...... der notes. 10,000 00 Due from U. 8. Treasurer, other than 5 per cent redemption fund 3,450 00 Total .... cove wuriee woe § 728,167 49 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in $ 100,000 00 Surplus fund......... 40,000 00 Undivided profits, taxes paid 6,175 49 National Bank notes outstanding..... Due to other National Banks............ Individual deposits subject to check 286,636 86 Demand certificates of deposit. ov ly Time certificates of deposit. Certified checks........... Total ..... State of Pennsylvania, 55 County of Cambria * I, T. J. Scholl, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. T. J. SCHOLL, Cashier. Correct— Attest: W. C. LINGLE, E. C. BROWN, WM. H. SANDFORD, No. 8233. TREASURY DEPARTMENT. OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. Washington, D, C., May 24, 1906. WHEREAS, by satisfactory evidence presented to the undersigned, it has been made to appear that “THE GRANGE NATIONAL BANK OF PATTON,” in the town of Patton, in the County of Cambria, and State of Pennsylvania, has complied with all the provisions of the Statutes of the United States, re- quired to be complied with before an association shall be authorized to com- mence the business of Banking. Now THEREFORE, I, Thomas P. Kane, Deputy and Acting Comptroller of the | Currency do hereby certify that “THE GRANGE NATIONAL BANK,” {in the town of Patton, in the County of (ambria, and the State of Pennsyl- | vania, is authorized to commence the | business of Banking as provided in Sec- | tion Fifty One Hundred and Sixty-nine, | of the Revised Statutes of the United | States. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF witness my | Hand and Seal of Office this twenty- fourth day of May, 1906. | T. P. KANE, $ 728,167 49 {Directors | ___ | Deputy and Acting Comptroller of the the Currency. } / Charter Granted, A charter was granted last week at Ebensburg to the Riverside Athletic Association, of Spangler. The petition for incorporation was presented by At- torney !'hilip N. Shettig. It is signed by fifteen of the most prominet men in Spangler, each one of whom owns four shares of stock ot the par value of $26, making up the $1,600 capital invested, all of which is paid in. The men who may be spoken of as promoters of the scheme are Edward 8. Allen, Thomas B. McOlain, Squire I. N. Rodkey and John L. Van Pelt The CoURIER is better prepared than ever to do first class job printing, ab right prices. Competent workmen and superior stock are the things we | brag of. Send or bring in your work T. R. MORRISON Dentist, PATTON, PA. Office in Brady Building. DR: RH. W. BHILEY, Dentist! Room 16, Good Building. Office Hours—8 to 12 a. m,1to5p, m.6to8 Pp. m. LOCAL PHONE. Do it now. Get that repairing, r oof- ing or spouting that you need done. Do it now. ‘“Kritzer the Tinner” (Sign of the Hammer) or leave your order with Binder & Starrett. I'll at- tend to it. Patronize the home print shop. We are better prepared than ever to turn out commercial printing of all kinds and at prices that can’t be dupli- cated for good work. COyelone rranks. A traveler in the west, the Rev. C. T Brady, says that of all the manifesta tions of power he ever witnessed, from an earthquake down, a cyclone is the most appalling. The midnight black- ness of the funnel, the lightning dart. tng from it in inconceivable fierceness, the strange crackling sound from its bosom, the suddenness of its irresisti- ble attack, its incredibly swift motion, its wild leaping and bounding, like a gigantic beast of prey, the awful roa: which follows, all this but feebly char- acterizes that strange ravager of the plains. He continues: The cyclone plays odd pranks. 1 have seen two horses lifted in air and carefully deposited, unharmed, in a field about an eighth of a mile away. I have seen chickens and geese picked clean of feathers and yet feebly alive. One house, 1 remember, had a hole ten feet in diameter cut out of its roof, as if by a circular saw. I have seen the black, whirling cloud lift a build- ;| ing and shake it to pieces, as one ghakes a pepper box. One of the worst cyclones 1 ever knew threw a heavy iron safe about as a child might toss a wooden alphabet block in play. It is an irresponsible as well as an almost omnipotent monster, and it seems to love the hideous jokes of ita own concocting. Curious Mexican Laws, They have some very curious crimi- nal laws in Mexico. For instance, it 1s twice as much’ of an offense to muts- late the face of a woman as that of a man. The law seems to be based on the idea that a woman’s best posses: gion is her beauty and that to mar it does her a great Injury. There is another curious law. If a person should be wounded in an es- eounter, the punishment to the offend er is fixed by the number of days his victim has to stay in the hospital or under a doctor’s care. A line is fixed at 40 days in the way of a general divi- glon. If the injured man occupies more than 40 days in his recovery, the pen- alty doubles up. An Impudent Fraud, An impudent fraud was perpetrated upon a Manchester bank by one of its eustomers, who opened an account with some few hundreds of pounds. The man, after a tew weeks, drew two checks, each within a pound or so of his balance, and, selecting a busy day, presented himself at one end of the pounter, while an accomplice, when he saw that his friend’s check had been cashed, immediately presented his own to a cashier at the other end. Both cashiers referred the checks to the ledger clerk, who, thinking the same cashier had asked him twice, said “right” to both checks. The thieves were never eaught How to Give a Cat Medicine. A New York gentleman has a very fine Angora cat, and so fine a specimen of her kind that she is famous in a large circle of fashionable folk. She is not rugged in health, yet she cannot be persuaded to take physic. It has been put in her nfilk, it has been mixed with her meat, it has even been rudely and violently rubbed in her mouth, but nev- er has she been deluded or forced into swallowing any of it. Last week a green Irish girl appeared among the household servants. She heard about the failure to treat the cat. ‘‘Sure,” said she, “give me the medicine and some lard, and I'll warrant she'll be ating all 1 give her!” She mixed the powder and the grease and smeared it on the cat’s sides. Pussy at once licked both sides clean and swallowed all the physic. “Faith,” said the servant girl, “everybody in Ireland does know how tn give medicine tn a nat)” Northern Cambria Street Railway Company Schedule of Cars. . RUNNING ON A THIRTY-MINUTE HEADWAY, First car leaves power house for Barneshoro at... Second ear leaves power house for Barnesboro at nu Third “ “Bt, Benediet * " "oo HOO M . The “Third Car” makes connections with P. R, R. train at Spangler for Cresson, First car leaves Barnesboro for Patton at 5:15 a, m, and every 80 minutes thereafter until 10:15 p. m, The 10:45 and 11:15 p. m, ears to power house and St. Benedict ONLY, First car leaves Patton for Barnesboro and Carrolltown at 6:00 a. m, and every 30 minutes thereafter until 10:30 p, m, The 11:00 p. m, car to power house ONLY, No Carrolltown con nection on this trip, ’ First car leaves power house at 5:00 a, m, for Carrolltown, This car then remains on the Branch and connects with all Main Line cars at Carrolltown Junction. First car leaves Carrolltown for Patton at 5:30 a. m, and every 30 minutes thereafter until 10:30 pm, First ear leaves Carrolitown for Barnesboro at 6:00 a. m, and every 30 minutes thereafter [ until 10:30 p. m, The 10:30 p. m. car will be the last scheduled car for Carrolitown unless they receive passengers from Main Line cars at the Junction at 10:44 p. m. when they willl eave again at 11:00 p. m. for the power house ONLY, TIME OF CARS AT STATION PCINTS ON MAIN LINE, | First ear Vietor No. 9 to Barnesboro at.....0 501 a m Second car Vietor No, 9 to Barnesboro at...5 27 a m and every 30amins, thereafter until 1057 p m First ear Brandon Hotel, Spangler, 8. 4th street to Barnesboro * “ “ “ " “nop Second car “ “ “ “ “ A “ “ “ “ “ 1023 “ First " 4" 44 “ Patton i " sid “ " “um. “ “ Victor No.9 “ “ “ “ “ “ “uns “ “ power house * " " si " " " “ 1083 = i “ FKFoxberg "ise " " . “ " “1038 “ “St. Benedict * “ " 3 i “ 104" “ “ Carr'itndet 4 “oui 4 “ " “ou “ “« X Roads “ “ “ 3 “ “ “ “ “1046 “ “ “ Asheroft "oo “ 5 “ “ “ he “ 1048 “ “ Columbia * " “..h “ “ " “ “1050 “" * i “ Barnesboro * ..6 i “ 0“ " “1038 » “ « Agheroft “ “ “ 6 “ “ “ “ “1040 4 “ “ X Roads “* " “ “ “* “ “ “1042 “4 “ . Carr’lt’'n Jet .“ “ og 3 “ “ “ “ “ 10 44 “ “ “ St. Benedict “ “ 4 id ue “ “ “ 1050 “ “ “ Foxberg “ * " % i « 1081 “ “ power house “ gi bi . “ ¥ “ 1052 First car leaving Barnesboro at 5:15 a. m. will connect with the N, Y. C. & H. R. R. R. train leaving Patton at 6:10 a. m. for Mahaffey, Clearfield, Philipsburg and Williamsport. Baggage and packages carried on all cars, Special cars can be arranged for. J. L. MeNELIS, Supt. NEW YORK (ENTRAL Advertising consists simply in pre- & HUDSON RIVER R. R. (Pennsylvania Division.) senting before the people the goods you have to sell in an intelligent manner, Beech Creek District. “x Condensed Time Table. whether it is a house and | geaqup Toad down . Exp Mail Ineffect June 17,705 Exp Mail lot or a pair of shoes. It |Noir Nos No30 No 36 i am m . . P 5 is too late at this day to | Wesiger viihes 5 . rcadia oy ¢ 4 expatiate on the merits of Manaey 3 100.3% “e Gazzam 402 advertising. That has Kermmoor ivi 410 New Millport 78 been demonstrated so of- 737 11 3 Mitchel Tis {5 . L : = 7 25 Clearfie 821 5 635 11 00 Woodland 815 526 ten that iteration is futile. i io Walliesion 55 3 5 10 3¢ Torrisdale Mines 910 5 Everybody now days 603 102 Ly phlunson ar 318 38 5 32 Vv hilipsburg ar 9 42 x f IR 625 10 50 a lv 855 532 knows that advertising 500 1024 wl Dtunson {iv am 0 5 $ /inburne 927 6 1 3 582 959 Peale 947 626 pays. The main question : is of Gilliniown 03 ois . . 8 Snow Shoe 10 0! 50 is, what medium to use? i 841 Begch Creek. 1057 74 . M1 a. Advertising experts long | 3% Si Lock Haves HSB ‘ 326 752 Jersey Shore 1145 838 ago settled it by declar- $250 ¥720 Iv Williamsport arl220 910 m am . bu am Phil’a & Reading RR > o P a - 28 50 ar illiamspor v +12 29%11 30 ing that newspaper adver | JR. 804 LIL WEES . . am m é tising was by far the most +4 00 P lv NY via Tamaqua ar P1040 am 430 9001v N Y via Phila ar 1010 1902 am pm Pm am effective and brings better returns than any other The merchants *Daily. tWeek days. #7 pm Sunday. 11100 a m Sunday : Connections—At Williamsport with Phila- delphia and Reading Railway: at Jersey Shore with the Fall Brook District; at Mill Hall with (Central Railroad of Pennsylvania; at Philipsburg with Pennsylvania railroad and N Y and P CR R; at Clearfield with the Buf- falo, Rochester and Pittsburg railway; at Ma- hatfey and Patton with Cambria and Clearfield division of the Pennsyvania railroad; at Ma- haffey with the Pennsylvania and North- western railway. J. F. Fairlamb, Gen’l Pass. Agt., New York, extant. of this section long ago declared that better re- sults were obtained by using the COURIER than by any other means. It ‘W. H. Northrup, Gen. Agent, Williamsport, Pa. is read every week by hundreds of families and goes into the homes of the majority of the people of Northern Cambria county. The rates are low, just and equitable—one price to all and the small ad- LAWRENGE READY MIXED PAINTS are sold full measure |i fii by United States ' standard — 231 cubic vertiser gets just as good , inches to the gallon. a rate as the large one. The only ready mixed : aint that is i If your business needs y guaranteed by the maker. Thekind with the bother and uncer- tainty of mixing left out: a tonic, come in and let us talk the matter over with you or send us word and we will have a repre- sentative call on you and TERR explain everything about rate our plan. You may do —— business without adver- tising, but you are certain to do more by advertising. It is an investment that ‘Sold by Binder & Starrett, will ‘repay you an hun- Patton, Pa. dred fold. We will prepare your Estate Annie Manion, Deceased. Letters of administration on the estate of nd ke com le e Annie Manion, late of Clearfield township, de- copy 2 ta p t ceased, having been granted to the under- charge of your advertis- signed, all persons indebted to the said estate are requested to make payment, and those 1 1 5 € . having claims t yresent the same without mg campaign, how ever di 8 lo | € e £ MART MANION AND HARRISON MANION, Administrators, Patton, Pa. Reuel Somerville, Pat- large or small, without, extra cost. The Courier, . Or to their attorney, ton, Pa. Subscribe for and advertise in this Patton, Pa. paper. 3 na ~ — in M I with mo] this ° futu —] iting this iting ler S -— ing 8 here was | on M of 11 —1 Sara ton £ latte —1] field ankl will days — from at th of tv Alto —d ent ¢ Topo. after first —1 Pitts Mr. : aven of M in th —1] play day ¢ the s Semi bats —d this celeb The | was heav —1 feate the 8 the g and t had ¢ singl —1 chur their Grov tract ner v supp —F Caml chase acres - ~Attor Baya Auct —1T way | road ing r road name to ce: tually —N Strea tion frien of Pa Mang nishe casio! event —1 teach on N schoo for gi of | room ingdo Brow vacar Vy caste indep bahn?’ Johne you t thoug town win a