The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, June 01, 1906, Image 7

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Suffered Severely
With Headaches--
Unable to Work.
Miss Lucy V. McGivney, 452 3rd Ave,
Brooklyn, N. Y., writes:
“For many months 1 suffered se-
verely from headaches and pains in
the side and back, sometimes being
unable to attend to my daily work.
‘1 am better, now, thanks to Peru-
na, and am asactiveasever and have
no more headaches.
“The way Peruna worked in my
case was simply marvelous.’”’
We have in our files many grateful let-
ters from women who have suffered wit
the symptoms named above. Lack of
space prevents our giving more than one
testimonial here.
It is impossible to even ~pproximate the
eat amount of suffering which Peruna
relieved, or the number of women who
have been restored to health and strength
by its faithful use.
“From the cradie fo the baby chair”
Hf so, you ought fo have a
UR PHOENIX Walking Chair
holds the child securely, pre-
venting those painfrl falls and
bumps which aresofrequent when
baby learns to walk.
The chair is provided with a re-
movatle, sanitary cloth eect, which
supports the weight of the child
and prevents bow-legs and spinal
troubles; italso has a table attach-
ment which enables baby to find
amusement in its toys, etc., with
out any attention.
“As Indispensable as a cradle.”
It is so constructed that it pre.
wents soiled clothes, sickness from
drafts and floor germs, and is
recommended by physicians and
endorsed by both motherand baby.
Combines pleasure and utility.
No baby should be without one.
Call at your furniture dealer
and ask to see one.
Can only be had of your furniture dealer.
+3504 53.0 SHOES [i
W. L. Douglas $4.00 Gilt Edge Line
cannot be equalled atany price.
vo ALL
July g, 1876.
RR CAPITAL $2,500,000]
$1 0 00 REWARD to anyone who can
3 disprove tris statement.
If 1 could take you into my three large factories
at Brockton, Mass., and show, you the infinite
care with which every pair of shoes is made, you
would realize why W. L. Douglas $3.50 sitoes
cost more te make, why they hold their shape,
fit better, wear longer, and are of greater
intrinsic value than any other $3.50 shoe,
W. L. Douglas Strong Made Shoes for
Men, $2.50, $2.00. Boys’ School &
Dress Shoes, $2.50, $2,$1.75, $1.50
CAUTION. Insist upon having W.L.Doug-
las shoes. Take no substitute. None genuine
without his name and price stamped on bottom.
Fast Color Eyelets used ; they will not wear brassy.
‘Write for Illustrated Catalog.
W. L. DOUGLAS, Brockton, Mass.
All Tangled Up Again, |
Mr. Makinbrakes had been intro-
duced to a political celebrity and was
expressing his sense of the hon-
or, says the Chicago Tribune.
“I am highly pleased to meet you,
Mr. Tagg.” he sald, “The moment I
saw you I recognized you from the
caricatures 1 have secn of you so of-
ten—that ig, of course~I don't intend
to convey the idea—or, rather—they
were meant to be caricatures, you
know, but—a public man, as a mat-
ter of faci, can't cecape that sort of
thing-—especially when the resem-
blance is so striking that—-that any-
body can see--not that they looked
like you at all, you understand-—hnt
these artists, you know, are so clever
that they can make a hideous pictu |
look just like you, and-—and scarcely
seem to—er-—change your features
a particle, and that is why-—yvou got
my meaning. 1 am sure——in short,
to sum it all up in a word, as I sa'd |
before—what do you think is ng |
to be the outcome of this rate -
lation bill, Mr. Tagg?
Bones 2000 Years Old.
An interesting archaeological
covery was recently made at
grave, near Luton, England, by
unearthing of two skeletons, esti-
mated to be quite 2,000 vears old.
Beside the bones were also found a
quantity of bronze ornaments. The
skeletons are believed to be the re-
mains of two females, dating back to
late Celtic times; since the mode of
burial was typical of that period.
Both bodies, says the Scientific
American, were in a doubled-up po-
sition, with the head to the west.
Some of the bones were in a re-
markably good state of preservation,
especially the skull and teeth, al-
| though much discolored by contact
! with the earth. The bodies were
| found 15 feet apart.
! Take Whisky.
i During the court-martial at New
York of Maj. Price, of the Artillery
| Corps, it came out that barkeepers
are in the habit of keeping a fake
| whisky to give to those who have al-
ready had too much stimulant. The
barkeeper testified that this imita-
| tion whisky was made of ginger ale
{ and Jamaica ginger. If they would
| only go a little further and give this
{ fake whisky to every man who
shouldn’t touch liquor they would be
real benefactors to humanity.
A Cure For Stomach Trouble—A New
Method, by Absorption=XNo Drugs.
Do You Belch?
It means a diseased Stomach. Are you
aftlicted with Short Breath, Gas, Sour
Kructations, Heart I’ains, Indigestion, Dys-
pepsia, Burning Pains and J.ead Weight in
it of Stomach, Acid Stomach, Distended
Abdomen, Dizziness, Colic?
Bad Breath or Any Other Stomech Tor-
Let us send you a box of Mull's Anti-
Belch Waiers free to convince you that it
Nothing else
and very pleasant.
like it known. It’s sure
Cures by absorption.
Harmless. No druzs. Stomach I'rounble
can’t be cured otherwise—so says Medical
Science, Drugs won't do—they eat up the
Stomach and make you worse.
We know Mull’s Anti-Beich Wafers cure
and we want you to know it, hence thus
offer. This offer may not appear again.
4286 GOOD FOR 23. 144
Send this coupon with your mame
and address and your druggist’s name
and 10c. in stamps or silver, and we
will supply you a sample free if you
have never used Mull's Anti-Beleh
Wafers, and will also send you a cer-
titicate good for 25c. toward the pur-
chase of more Belch Wafers. You will
find them invaluable for stomach trou-
ble; cures by absorption. Address®
MuLL’s Grape ‘Tonic Co, 328 3d
Ave., Rock Island, lL
Give Full Address and Were Plainly.
All druggists, 0c. per tox, or by mail
upon receipt of price. Stamps accepled.
Must Not Be Surpassed.
The prince of Wales, having kill-
! ed nine tigers and three panthers in
India, may expect to receive a letter
of congratulation from Washington.—
Pittsburg Gazette.
Congratulations—don’'t think ft.
Our Nimrod of the White House will
be more likely to take the first op-
portunity to beat the prince's record.
We must not be surpassed either by
the size of British warships or their
hunting exploits.
\ No doubt you'll need a dos
this season,
Make no mistake — it’s the kind
that’s guaranteed to keep you dry
and comfortable in the hardest
storm, Made in Black or Yel«
low. - Sold by all reliable dealers.
'oronto, Can.
That Delightful Aid to Health
Toilet Antiseptic
Whitens the teeth — purifies
mouth and breath — cures nasal
catarrh, sore throat, sore eyes,
and by direct application cures
all inflamed, ulcerated and
catarrhal conditions caused by
feminine ills.
Paxtine possesses extraordinary
cleansing, healing and germi-
| move
‘ness of this country rn
Humor o
This is » Lie,
She wed a poet, dearie me!
Nor do her people chide her;
It seems the bard turned out to be
A real good provider,
rown—"“Wiulking down this
hill is pretty trying, icn't it?”
Green-"It is, indeed; it is regular
up-hill work."—New York I'ress.
None For Him,
“So poor Henpeck is de
pose his last words were
“Didn't 1 tell you that his wife was
, at his bedside ?'—Philadelplia Press,
shall I
from my
take to re-
redness nose, doce
months, Two dol
go News.
nothivg for
The Domestic Kind,
“Do you go in much tor athletics?”
eaid Mrs. Dubbs.
“My, yes!” said her old friend. *l
married a man that can't afford to
keep a girl.’—Detroit Fiee Pre .s.
The Limit,
Young Wife—"And do
love me?”
Young Husband--“I do. my dear,
I am willing to give you almost
proof of the fact not exc
Woman's Home Companien.
He Lost Both Nerve and Money.
“Isn't Joplin or. 2 wedding
“No, he can’t afford it
was sc nervous he gave the m
$50 when he meant give lim fifty
cents.”—Cleveland Plain Dealer.
you re
You see, he
Another Question Answered,
Little Willie— Say, pa. what
meant by a strict sense of justice?’
Pa—“It is a term 2 man applies to
his actions when he ‘otes all his
time to getting even with ong
against whom he imagines he has a
grudge, my son.” —Chicago News.
The Vital Christian Principle.
“It's love that makes the world go
round,” -aid the old-fashioned
“No,” answered Miss Cayenna
merely m kes some
that they think the
'round.”—Washington §
people so
world rs
“Are you one of the ta:
Crimson Gulch?’ asked the
“No, Bron
“Crimson Gulch do
We're 4 peaceable comm
don’t ask any man to ri
actin’ as asscsso
sir,” answered
A Threat,
“Sir,” said the
sented his manuscript, a
young author, hut—-"
“Sir,” interrupted the hi
editor, “you’ll be a ‘strug {
author’ if you don’t go out of your own
volition immediately.” —Philadelphia
A Shadow of Discontent.
“It is upon the farmer that the great-
lv depends,”
said the persuasive statesman.
“Yes,” answered Farmer Corntossel,
“but sometimes I think I'd like to be
one of the fellers that didn't have so
much dependin’ on ‘em so’s I could
have time to wear good clothes'and go
to a few parties.”—Washington Star.
Just Remembers Them.
Tess—‘Have you ever read any of
Mrs. Gayman's stories?’
Jess—"Yes, they're awfully improb-
able, aren't they? I don’t see how she
imagines such things.”
Tess—"She doesn't imagine them.
She just makes notes of the excuses
her husband gives her when he gets
home lete at night.”—Washingion Star,
Meaning of “Bolt.”
“Pa, what does it mean to bolt any-
“If it refers to food. it means to swal-
low it hurriedly and not gracefully.”
“But when it refers to defeat? The
paper says ‘The defeated candidate
threatens to bolt.” ”
“Oh, means the same. It means he'll
swallow his defeat grufily, not grace-
fully.”—Kansas City Times.
Willie—“Mam, Mr. Sniffkins was
a-kissin’ of sister Maria in the parlor
last night.”
Old Lady (horrified)—“Marial”
Maria .calmly)—‘No such thing,
mother. Mr. Sniffkins is very much in-
teresteG in all the phencinena of pro-
pinquity, ana he was giving me a prac-
tical d2mcnstration of the influence of
surrounding influences on the precipi-
tation of osculatory movements.”
0ld Lady—*Willie, you bad boy, how
dare you tell stories on your sister?
Go right up stairs to bed without your
supper this minnit.”’—Baltimore Ameri-
“My dearest Olga, I could not rest
until I had gone and made an cffort
to aispel the gloomy thoughts which,
to judge from your letter yesterday,
threatened to develop into suicidal ma-
nia. ’Tis true Alfred has jilted you—
the wretch. Still, try to act like a
sensible girl and look out for another
cidal qualities unlike anything
else. Atalldruggists. 5o cents
The R. Paxton Co., Boston, Mass |
P. N. U. 17, 1906.
worst eases. Book of reef Lt i nd ——
Free. Dr. li. Il. GREEN'S SONS, Box B, itisats, Gan
“Your advice comes too late, darl-
“Good gracious, Olga!
haven’t tuken poison?”
“Well, n-n-no; the fact is, I-I became
engaged again yesterday.”—London
You surely
Strong on Synonyms.
| “We had a noted character down
in my State,” sald Representative
i Richardson of Kentucky, ‘whose
| enter alm in life was the employment
! of synonyms, He was a man of lit
tle education and had not the slight-
| est idea of the shades of meaning
which words possess. Yet by con-
stant study of the dictionary he
learned almost every synonym in the
English language.
‘On one ocecasicn, menting with
the Representative from his district,
he told the Representative that there
was no need for him to be uneasy
over his chance for re-clection, for
hig fences were in good ‘stipulation.’
“The use of this word sounded
queer in the ears of the statesman,
and he pondered over it a long timo
without solving the mystery. Final
ly he asked a friend what the fellow
meant by ‘stipulation’ in connection
with political fences, and the latter
at once turned to a dictionary. This
speedily furnished the key to the rid- |
{ dle, as one of the secondary
| ings of ‘stipulation’ was found to be
‘condition.’ "Washington Post,
Autos in the Bible.
A. R. Shattuck, ex-pre: of the
Automobile Club of Amer , has be-
come the horseless prophet, says the
New York World. He not only gives
Biblical authority for the eccentri-
cities of the auto on the public high-
ways, but also proves its destiny in
defying speed laws, Mr.
text is:
“The chariots shall rage in the
streets; they shall jostle one against
another in the broad ways; they shall
seem like torches, they shall run like
the lightnings.”'—Nahum ii: 4.
“Assuming that 3 Mr.
tuck, ‘“‘we make as
cach decade to come
passed, who can say
will not come true?
“The trafic of the world
carried on broad, dustless
by the automobile.
“The railway will fall into disuse;
i its cost will be wealth lost. There
will remain but ‘a right of way and
streaks of dust.” ”’
this prophecy
will be
Springs in the
Suggestion of great
water supply is given
Prof. C. H. Hitchcock,
college. It is a study of fresh water
springs in the ocean and within a
few miles of the shore. Enough is
known of the existence of such
springs to warrant the belief that
there must be vast quantities of fresh
water discharged in this way through
undiscovered springs, and perhaps
close to big cities and to fertile coil
where the water is needed for drink-
ing or for irrigation. Some of these
springs show artesian condi s and
will rise thirty-two to forty-two feet
by the pressure of the supply. There
is a porous er-bearing stratum be-
{ neath an impervious cover. Pierc-
{ ing this 1 ng gs access to a
water sup vill qui a
i height pumping.—New York
| Pre S.
possibilities of
in a paper by
of Dartmouth
Russia's Flag.
It is said that Peter the Great
rowed the idea vf the Russian
from the Dutch, among
learned shipbuilding.
turned the Dutch tricolor,
and blue, upside down.
inches of exposure to the weather are
said to cover 100 square feet of roof,
and five pounds of shingle nails will
be used .in fastening them in
| ed
"ing to her great displeasure,
A thousand shingles laid with four |
Adulterated Wines,
interest was manifested through-
out Germany over the arrest and con-
vietion of the president of the Wine
rowers’ Association, whois also a
large manufacturer and wholesale
dealer in wine, for using saccharine,
acids, and deleterious water in the
production of wine. The court as-
sessed a fine of $700, all costs of
trinl, and confiscated adulterated
wine, Costs reached over $7,000,
FITS, St, Vitus' Dance: Nervous Diseases por-
manently cared by Dr. Kine's Great Nerve
Restorer, #2 trinl bottle and treatise free,
Dr. R. H, Kraxg, Ltd,, 931 Arch 8t., Phila, Pa,
Sir Ford North is an entomologist as well
as a famous lawyer,
Mrs, Winslow's Soothing Syrup for Children
teething, softens the gums, reducesinflamma-
tion,.allays pain, cures wind colic, 25¢, al ottle
Australian passenger service to Japan this
season is the largest on record,
New Cause for Divorce.
An Omaha woman has filed a peti-
tion for divorce from her husband be-
cause he has about 100 highly color-
shirts which he persists in wear
Awful Sight From That Dreadful Com-
plaint, Infantile Eczema=Mother
Praises Cuticura Remedies,
“Our baby had that dreadful complaint,
Infantile Eczema, which afflicted him for
several months, commencing at the top of
his head, and at iast covering his whole
body. His sufferings were untold and con-
stant misery, in fact, there was nothing
we would not have done to have given him
or four days he began to show a brighter
spirit and really laughed, for the first time
In about ninety days he was
Praise for the Cuticura
been our
in a year.
fully recovered.
Remedies has always
pleasure, and there is nothing too good
that we could say in their favor, for they |
certainly saved our baby's life, for he
was the most awful sight that 1 ever be-
held prior to the treatment of the Cuti-
cura Remedies. Mrs. Maebelle Lyon, 1826
Appleton Ave. Parsons, Kan. July 18,1905.”
Trying to Abolish Flies.
A prize of £600 has been awarded
by the Paris Matin to the anony-
mous inventor of a new method of
getting rid of houseflies. The meth-
od is strictly scientific, and, it is
claimed, will completely destroy the
eggs, which are usually deposited in
drain pipes. Crude petrol mixed with
water is used for household disin-
feeting purposes. The drain pipes
become lined with the vil, which both
kills the eggs already there and
precludes the deposit of others.
When desired the petrol can be pour-
ed on fine soil and the latter sprink-
led in corners. This, it is said, is
thoroughly efiicacious in destroying
the eg The operations should be
carried out in the spring to obtain
the best results.—London Mail.
We finally procured a full set of |
the Cuticura Remedies, and in about three |
greatest |
meer |
Increasing Among Women, But
Sufferers Need Not Despair
Of all the diseases known, with which
the female organism is afflicted, kidney
disease is the most fatal, and statistics
show that this disease is on the increase
among women.
Od Py
Mrs Emma Sawyer
Unless early and correct treatment is
applied the patient seldom survives
when once the disease is fastened upon
her. We believe Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound is the most effi-
cient treatment for chronic kidne
troubles of women, and is the only med-
icine especially prepared for this
When a woman is troubled with pain
or weight in loins, backache, frequent,
painful or scalding urination, swelling
| of limbs or feet, swelling under the
eyes, an uneasy, tired feeling in the
region of the kidneys or notices a
sediment in the urine, she should
lose no time in commencing treatment
with Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound, as it may be the means of
saving her life,
For proof, read what Lydia E. Pink-
| ham's Vegetable Compound did for Mrs,
© 1 cannot express the terrible suffering I
had to endure. A derangement of the female
organs developed nervous prostration and a
serious kidney trouble. The doctor attended
me for a year, but I kept getting worse, until
1 was unable to do anything, and 1 made up
my mind I could not live. finally decided
to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
| pound as a last resort, and I am to-day a well
woman. I cannot praise it too highly, and I
tell every suffering woman about. my case.”
—Mrs. Emma Sawyer, Conyers, Ga.
Mrs. Pinkham gives free advice to
women ; address in confidence, Lynn,
Drill for Water
Prospect for Minerals Coal
Drill Testand BlastHoles,
We make
For Horse, Steam or |
Gasoline Power.
Traction Machine.
48 1. DOL
PATENTS Le xperience, iizgeraid
&Co.Dept. 54, Washington, D.
Ecsite i2e hee Pesce tester oes te dr cectodt
aes sduegesdesdeadsalncgestocsuedesteatacteegostoates
20% Pee i®e seb ote
es e%0sTe sae 0% 10 s%so%%
who goes straight to work to cure
Hurts, Sprains, Bruises
by the use of
St. Jacobs Oil
Peete ebee® oes eb e%e te s% 4% Posto sos e% 0%
Seegeagesfaedesirefengests feaosiealesle tos ontonteelenl
and saves time, money and gets out of misery quickly.
It Acts Like Magic.
20 0%00% 06% 0% ee ee 00% Poste oles beets stoctoode etoe’s
aS P04 e000 gt gt ey SARA te!
°. 3
roesefeegeefeatesiesleeleclsels eles seeeloadeedeenalonlenlenlendoss eles!
Price, 25¢c. and 50c.
®0 es e%0e%eeberbec’s e%ee%0e%0e% ¥esbosbe eters ees eo e®oebe rte sete stsite
Ra a Sa Sa ae Sate Xa a Sa a Se Xa Xa XR
scientific formula.
any imitation which may be sold to them.
Co.—printed on
The better class of druggists, everywhere, are men of scientific attainments and high integrity,
who devote their lives to the welfare of their fellow men in supplying the best of remedies and
purest medicinal agents of known value, in accordance with physicians’ prescriptions and
Druggists of the better class mant ‘acture many excellent remedies, but
always under original or officinal names and they never sell false brands, or imitation medicines.
They are the men to deal with when in need of anything in their line, which usually includes
all standard remedies and corresponding adjuncts of a first-class pharmacy and the finest and
best of toilet articles and preparations and many useful accessories and remedial appliances.
The earning of a fair living, with the satisfaction which arises from a knowledge of the benefits
conferred upon their patrons and assistance to the medical profession, is usually their greatest
reward for long years of study and many hours of daily toil.
Figs is an excellent laxative remedy and that it gives universal satisfaction, and therefore they
are selling many millions of bottles annually to the well informed purchasers of the choicest
remedies, and they always take pleasure in handing out the genuine article bearing the full
name of the Company—California Fig Syrup
They know that in cases of colds and headaches attended by biliousness and constipation and
of weakness or torpidity of the liver and bowels, arising from irregular habits, indigestion, or
over-eating, that there is no other remedy go pleasant, prompt and beneficial in its effects as
Syrup of Figs, and they are glad to sell it because it gives universal satisfaction.
Owing to the excellence of Syrup of Figs, the universal satisfaction which it gives and the
immense demand for it, imitations have been made, tried and condemned, but there are
individual druggists to be found, here and there, who do not maintain the dignity and principles
of the profession and whose greed gets the better of their judgment, and who do not hesitate
to recommend and try to sell the imitations in order to make a larger profit.
sometimes have the name—* Syrup of Figs”—or “Fig Syrup” and of some piratical concern,
or fictitious fig syrup company, printed on the package, but they never have the full name of
the Company—California Fig Syrup Co.>-printed on the front of the package
should be rejected because they are injurious to the system.
they find it necessary to resort to misrepresentation or deception. and whenever a dealer passes
off on a customer a preparation under the name of “Syrup of Figs’
does not bear the full name of the California Fig Syrup Co. printed on the front of the package,
he is attempting to deceive and mislead the patron who has been so unfortunate as to enter his
establishment, whether it be large or small, for if the dealer resorts to misrepresentation and
and deception in one case he will do so with other medicinal agents, and in the filling of
physicians’ prescriptions, and should be avoided by every one who values health and happiness.
Knowing that the great majority of druggists are reliable, we supply the immense demand
for our excellent remedy entirely through the druggists, of whom it may be purchased every-
where, in original packages only, at the regular price of fifty cents per bottle, but as exceptions
exist it is necéssary to inform the public of the facts, in order that all may decline or return
If it does not bear the full name of the Company—
California Fig Syrup Co.—printed on the front of every package, do not hesitate to return the
article and to demand the return of your money, and in future go to one of the bett¢r class of
druggists who will sell you what you wish and the best of everything in his line at reasot:able prices.
They all know that Syrup of
the front of every package.
Such preparations
The imitations
In order to sell the imitations
or “Fig Syrup,” which