‘tment, in dis- Call or It will or Hard- mplete ymbria. way will you lish : Patton Courier. INTERESTING INDENTATIONS. =~(eo. 8. Good, of Lock Haven, is in town, ~There was a heavy frost in this yi- cinity Wednesday morning. ~Mellon’s Millinery Store has a new advertisement in this issue, ~Read the new ice cream advertise- ment of 0. F. Wolf in this issue, — Patton and St, Benedict are cross- ing bats at Athletic park this afternoon. There are 200,000 men on the pay roll of the Pennsylyania Railroad com- pany. : ~Paul Barton is home from Dickin- gon college at Carlisle, Pa., for the summer vacation, —Miss Ethel Smith, of Indiana, Pa., was a guest at the residence of J. i. po ———————————— A 25, AOA A 30 OT S08 3 0 A SE AE a ag a ae msm emma re re — CLIPPED AND CONTRIBUTED, We haye our trial, but not half enough of us are conyicted, For paper hanging and decorating | call on A. C. Fisher, Patton Pa, Spring suitings in all the latest de. | signs just received at Dinsmore Bros, | None of us know as much abouf our- | selves as other people seem to know about us, Wood’s Kidney and Backache pills | care or money is cheerfully refunded | by O. F. Wolf. | Ice cream by the dish, quart or gal- lon, also ice cream soda water at the | City restaurant, { When you tell a girl yon can read | her face, it is quite natural that she | should turn red. There. are only four seasons, but | some times it seems as thongh we get | them all in one week. | Parnell over Sunday. —A large class of children made | their first communion at St. Mary’s R. | ©. church Sunday morning. { —Mrs. H. E. Barton was in Carlisle, Pa., this week attending the commence- ment exercises of Dickinson college. —Frank X. Bauman has secured the contract from the Grange National Bank for remodeling the Goldstein : block. | —The P. A. C. base ball nine went to | Ebensburg Saturday and defeated the | ..» -~first team of the county seat by a score ! of 13 to 9. —Rev. and Mrs. David J. Laurence left for their new homse in. Iowa Mon- day followed by the best wishes of a | host of friends. —DuBois and Punxsutawney are both making strenuous efforts to be the | “Base Ball league. { ~Mr. and Mrs. Alex Monteith and \ Robert Sincox were in Houtzdale this | week attending the funeral of Mrs. Monteith’s father. ° / —The new suits of the Patton base J ball club were furnished by Frank H. } . Kinkead and are certainly handsome. i Ditto the wearers. ~—CQCriminal court will convene at Eb- ensburg on Monday. There are an | unusual number of cases from the north of the county. —Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Hartshorne | and Editor John C. Miller, of Barnes- i ercises here last night. a : —The charter of the new Grange | National Bank of Patton has arrived. The work of remodeling the Goldstein block will commence next week. crat and enterprising citizen of Patton, is was in town a few hours Thursday on | 6 business. —Clearfield Public Spirit. —Rev. Singleton Neisser is in Phila- [and does not contain any poisons or \delphia delivering a series of lectures | deleterious substances. It acts prompt- and no preaching services will be held |1y,and in addition to relieving the pain in the First Baptist church next Sun- | tones up the system and makes life worth living. A trial will convince day. —The Altoona Y. M. C. A. base bail | # team will play here to-morrow atter- noon and the Cuban Stars will contest with the locals Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. —Qonstable Gill on Wednesday ar- rested William Owen, an itinerant op- tician. He was wanted at Johnstown on a charge of defrauding a boarding house keeper. —The Democratic county committee | p will meet at the court house in Ebens- ( burg on Wednesday, June 20, for the purpose of electing eight delegates to | —Persons desiring to remove a body |lo bne grave to another in the same cem- ptery, should remember that under the | aw, no disinterment of any dead body shall be made during the months of une, July, August and September.” |cr —William A. Evans, of this place, is pne of a class of 212 who will graduate rom Jefferson Medical college at Phil- delphia, Monday. Misses Ella and ennie Evans, Miss Genevieve Little and phn Evans are in the Quaker city for the purpose of attending the class day and commencement exercises. —John H. Fulford, formerly of this Arcadia operations of the Beech Creek Coal & Coke company, has been ap-! pointed general superintendent of the | Northwestern Mining & Exchange company, with headquarters at Du- Bois. He succeeds the late Joseph| There is really not the slightest ex- Bailey. | cuse for anyone having catarrh, now —The Burley Heater company, of | that Hyomei is so widely known and so which W. H. Denlinger is president, | easily obtained. The worst cases of undaunted by the disastrous fire which | catarrh are quickly cured, simply by entirely destroyed their busy plant | breathing the remedy through the near Tyrone, will at once rebuild on | Pocket inhaler that comes ‘with every the same site, and the new plant to | outfit. take the place of the one so suddenly The complete outfit consisting of a | wiped out will be larger and in every neat pocket inhaler, a medicine drop- way better and more productive. | per and a bottle of Hyomei costs only { one dollar, while extra bottles can be | obtained for 50 cents, making Hyomei | the most economical, as well as the | most reliable method for curing cat- DR: —Ellsworth Kritzer, who has been with the Wrigley Co. for seven or eight years and lately with the Stand- and Car & Foundry Co. at this place, | has gone to Patton to start a tin and | sheet metal shop for himself. Mr, Krit- | zer has proven himself a mechanic of | more than ordinary ability, and we take bleasure in bespeaking for him a liberal | Price 50 cents a box at Wolf’s Pharm- tail enders of the Inter-State Rowdy |2°Y" mer,’”’ Kritzer the Tinner. All kinds of repairing, roofing, spouting, any- thing and everything in tin or sheet metal. Orders left with Binder & Star- rett promptly cared for. town to-day organizing a children’s dancing class, which will start at 2 p. m. in the Miners’ Hall next Thursday, June 7th, and a class for the young school boys and girls will commence | Thursday evening from eight to ten | o'clock. J boro, attended the commencement ex- The Bane of the Average Female Promply causes or the result of disease, can be promptly alleviated and ultimately cured by the use of Dr. Wood’s Kid- —Thomas Quinn, a leading Demo- | ney and Backache pills. Thousands of they do not do all that is claimed for them your money will be cheerfully re- funded. who has had over 40 years of exper- ience in kidney troubles, having made it a specialty, and these pills are made from his own perscription. box now. Price 50 cents at Wolf’s \/the state convention and to transact | the undersigned, until Monday even- such other business as may come before | ing, June 11th, 1906, at 8 o’clock p. m. it. for the paving of portions of the fol- om one cenetery to another, or from | ton, Pa. Magee avenue about 600 feet. GCG re a t borough engineer, who will furnish specifications and blank proposals, upon which all bids must be made. The borough of Patton reserves the right to reject any or all bids. H. C. YERGER, place, but lately superintendent of the Patton, Pa., May, 19, 1906 ’ ey 1 ’ . Worst Cases Quickly Cured by Hyomei— | arrh. O. F. Wolf positively guarantees a | cure when Hyomei is used in accord- | ance with directions, or he will refand | the purchase price. batronage'from the people of Patton, — | When you need anything in the ahaffey Gazette. printing line come here, p.m. No soap bubbles on Duquesne beer. The ‘‘collar” is pure cream. Ask for | it at the bars and get the best. | See our new line of gray and bidet spring suitings just received. DINSMORE BROS. If you want the best call for Du- quesne Beer. Not a headache in a car- load of it. Cool, sparkling and re- freshing. Backache before and during the menstrual period promptly relieved by Wood’s - Kidney and Backache pills. Price 50 cents a box at Wolf’s Pharm- acy. Why suffer from backache or kidney trouble when one box of Wood’s Kid- ney and Backache pills gives relief and two or three boxes positively care. Meet me at the “Sign of the Ham- Miss Hancher, of Altoona, was in A BOON TO WOMEN. Eliminated by a Simple Remedy, Backache, whether due to natural uffering women can testify to the ruth of this. It is a purely vegetable compound | nd a trial will costs you nothing. If Dr. Wood is a reputable physician Don’t suffer any longer, but buy a harmacy. PROPOSALS FOR STREET PAYING. Sealed proposals will be received by Altoona Y.M.C. A. vs. Paton [HLETIG PARK, PATTON. PA, Saturday, June 2, 1906. Cuban Star Of Havana, Cuba, > vs: Patto at the same place Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, June 4, 5s and 6. All games to start promptly AT 3 COCLOCK FP. M. The Cuban Stars are all native Cubans and have not been beaten since they came to this country. They are expert professional base ball players and you can't afford to miss seeing these games. wing streets in the borough of Pat- Beech avenue about 670 feet. Fourth avenue about 350 feet. Re a ul Ct i oO MN = Also proposals for standard street 0ssings. Plans may be seen at the office of the ED. S. MOORE, Borough Secretary. Borough Engineer. NO EXCUSE FOR CATARRH. Guaranteed by 0. F. Wolf. | | Bic REDUCTION IN’ IN NOBBY SPRING MILLINERY. SUITINGS. aww We have a great line for this season. Everything that 1s new hats made of laces, embroideries, horse- and up-to-date. No two patterns hair braids and chiffons in all styles atid T alike. So make your choice early, as the choice ones are sure to go first. We extend to you a cordial invitation to show you through our line whether you purchase or not. All hats, trimmed and untrimmed, will be sold at greatly reduced prices. Lingerie shapes sold at less than cost from this date onward at the MELLON MILLINERY STORE, DINSMORE BROS, morn THE TAILORS, Patton, - - - Penn’a. Violin, Mandolin, Gui-| Parnell, Cowher & Co | . | Office Hours—8 to 12 a. m., 1105 p., m. 6 to 8 = . 0 1 I ‘tar and Banjo | agents fore, T.R. MORRISON TAUGHT, | FIRE, LIFE AND . INSURANCE ACCIDEN" Dentist, WM. M. SIMPSON, RH. W. BHILEY, Dentist! REAL ESTATE AGENTS. PATTON, PA. Fifth Avenue, PATTON, PA. Opposite M. KE, Ckrurh, Room 16, Good Building. Good Building, Patton, Pa.—Phone No. 9. LOCAL PHONE. | Office in Brady Building. | Read your own paper. Read your own COURIER.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers