The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, May 25, 1906, Image 2

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MAY 125 1906
Patton ‘Courier. ’
Roy Eaton Decker,
One copy, one year, in advance, - - - $1.00
&#=No papers discontinued until all arrear
Ages are pald, unless at the option of the
Entered at the Postomtice at Patton as second.’
class mail matter,
Legal notices $1 per inch for three insertions,
Card of thanks He per line.
Resolutions se per line,
Poetry be per line,
Business locals be per line,
Display ads 10c per inch flat,
Foreign advertising must be paid for invar-
fably in advance. No commission paid to
advertising agents,
These are “best” rates—no others go.
EVEN the Prohibitionists have put a
“full” ticket in the field this year.
IsN’t it about time to take the Penn-
sylvania Railroad company by the neck
and compel it to be decent?
AFTER reading the exposures of the
officials, one can’t help put think that
there are more rascals in the Pennsyl-
vania Railroad company than in the
the penitentiary.
WrTH all the hullabaloo over who
will be the next governor of Pennsyl-
vania, it is a matter of supreme satis-
faction to know that it will not be one
Samuel Whiskers Pennypacker.
MAKE every legislative candidate put
himself on record in writing concern-
ing his attitude towards the fake libel
Jaw, state constabulary and other
questions of interest and moment.
For the p past fifteen yea: years the sheriff
of Cambria county has come from
Johnstown, and for the past eighteen
years the south of the county has far-
nished that official. It is about Patton’s
WE have heard a few complaints rel-
ative to the “thinness” of the COURIER
these days, but to the critics we can
only reply that it is not half as “thin”
as the income derived therefrom dur-
ing these strike times.
THAT Philadelphia newspaper cor-
respondent who sent out the report
that the miners of this district are
willing to concede the open shop has
another guess coming. That is the real
bone of contention in the strike.
A MISSIONARY has located at Barnes-
boro in the person of J. E. Kirkwood,
‘formerly of Portsmouth, Ohio. No
better location could possibly have been
picked out fer this work. ‘The harvest
is great and the laborers are few.”
A MAN who will whip his children so
brutally that their terrified cries can be
heard for blocks deserves a little taste
of the same medicine himself—and he
will get it, too, if the neighbors do
what they say they will upon a repi-
tition of the offense.
TEE wisest thing the Republican
county convention did outside of the
nomination of Jesse E. Dale for sheriff
was to omit any reference whatever
concerning the freak governor of
Pennsylvania, whose term of office,
thank goodness, is rapidly drawing to
a close.
JESSE DALE struck Cambria county
running for sheriff. He had served
the ‘‘deer peepul’”’ in Clearfield county
in that capacity-and did not pause for
a second term. In 1912 Dale will be
running in Indiana county.—Johns-
town Democrat.
Mr. Dale was a resident of this
Continued from Page 1.
him to olont his own Sones. to the
congressional conference.
The Hon, Edmund James has, by his
course at the regular and special ses-
sions of the legislature, demonstrated
his devotion to the interests of the peo-
ple, and is entitled to a renomination.
The Hon, Edward E. Hohmann, who
represented this legislative district in
the last two general and in a special
session of the state legislature, did so
in such a manner as to entitle him to
the commendation of the Republicans
of this county.
Following the appointment of a
committee to revise the rules of the
Republican party of Cambria county,
the convention adjourned. This com-
mittee is constituted as follows: A. H.
Walters and George M. Wertz, Johns-
town; 8. L. Reed, Ebensburg; E. Will
Greene, Patton, and F. H. Barker,
Immediately upon the adjournment
of the regular county convention, the
delegates from the territory outside of
Johnstown were called to order by
County Chairman Troxell to select
their representatives in the state as-
sembly. Harvey Roland was chosen
chairman and E. Will Greene succeeded
the Johnstown man as secretary. The
Hon. Edmund James, of Ebensburg,
and Alvin E. Sherbine, of Summerhill
township, were nominated for the
assembly by acclamation,
Northern Cambria Capitalists Lose by a
Fire Near Tyrone.
The plant of the Burley Heating
company, the majority of the stock of
which is owned by W. H. Denlinger, of
this place, and James H. Allport, of
Barnesboro, loceted at Grazierville,
east of Tyrone, was destroyed by fire
Saturday night. The conflagration is
supposed to have been of incendiary
origin. Flames were discovered issuing
from the building about 10 o’clock and
the absence of fire fighting appratus
prevented any effective fighting of the
elements. The loss will amount to
several thousand dollars, upon which
some carried.
While this fire was in progress the
home of Thomas Irwin, some distance
from the Burley works, was set on fire,
presumably by an incendiary, and
burned to the ground. Irwin’s loss is
complete, he having no insurance on
the building or farniture.
The Irwin family barely escaped
with their lives. Four children were
carried out in their night clothes by
neighbors just before the roof col-
lapsed. fod
The COURIER is better prepared
than ever to do first class job printing,
at right prices. Competent workmen
and superior stock are the things we
brag of. Send or bring i in your work,
Rurry at Meals Will Send You
fo 0. F. Wolf for Mi-0-na
‘“ Eat in haste and repent at leisure”
is an old saying brought up to date.
Hurry at breakfast means a bad start
for the day, and if you hurry also at
the other meals, you will soon suffer
with loss of appetite, sleeplessness,
nervousness, furred tongue, specks
before the eyes, headaches, backaches,
weakness and debility, indigestion, or
other ills that are caused by an abused
stomach. .
Here in Patton, as in thousands of
other places over the country, hurry at
meals increases the druggist’s business.
Not a day passes that O. F. Wolf does
not sell several packages of Mi-o-na
stomach tablets to those who have
ruined their digestion by not taking
time to eat.
O. F. Wolf has seen so many cures
made by Mi-o-na that he sells it under
an absolute guarantee that it will be
successful in every case where it is
nsed in accordance with directions,
county long before the trio of editorial
writers on the Democrat, like young |
that is, one tablet before each meal,
and will refund the money to anyone
! whom it does not help.
A large box
Lochinvar, “came out of the West.” of Mi-o-na tablets costs but 50 cents if
Moreover, if he should become a shriev- | it; cures; nothing it it fails,
alty candidate in Indiana county in|
1912, or'any other year, his efficiency
and personal popularity would insure |
his election, the same as it did in Olear- |
fleld county, and as it will in Cambria |
A. D. 1906.
Orphanase ¢ to be Built,
The plot of ground on which the |
new Catholic orphanage for the Al-
toona diocese is to be erected at Cres- |
son has been secured. It consists of |
fifteen acres on the Summit hill at the | ¢ jon by my predecessors
and -was the | Perell, Harris and Kennedy.
Iti is now [-
® head of Keystone avenue
property of Frank Powers.
in Bishop E. A. Garvey’s name, the |
consideration “of sale haying been |
orphanage will be started at once.
Children’s Photographs a Specialty.
Picture Framing and Enlarging in
Crayon, Pastel and Water Colors.
Duplicates can be had of any pictures
Estate ot Richard Rowland, Deceased.
Letters testamentary on the above estate
It is said work on the new | having been granted to the undersigned, all
persons indebted to said estate are requested
to make payment, and those having claims to
—Thursday was Ascension Day and present the same without delay, to
pecial services were held in St. Mary’s |
"R. C. and Trinity Episcopal churches. |
RrcHARD ROWLAND, Executor,
Borough Ordinances.
An ordinance assessing a sewage tax
on the property owners adjacent to
a sewer on Mellon avenue in the bor-
ough of Patton,
Be it enacted and ordained by the
burgess and town council of the bor
ough of Patton, and it is hereby en
the same.
constructing the sewer on Mellon
avenue, beginning at a point thirty
feet north of the borough line to inter-
section of Park and Mellon avenues,
constructed in pursuance to Ordinance
No. 77, approved the 9th day of June,
A. D. 1905, is ascertained to be
$1,646.31, it is therefore enacted and
ordained that a sewage tax be and is
assessed upon the following, being all
the property owners adjacent to said
sewer and line of improvement, to the
following amounts, and that the same
be collected according to law and ap-
plied towards the paynient of said
sewer, the assessment being made ac-
cording to the foot front rule:
124 feet § 60 M4
Thomas Litzinger.
Mrs. Helena Mellon wilZ 55 06
John Meredith... 50 24 58
C. A. Williams, “ 50 13
George Sheka.. “ 497 2
Barbara Karlheim., . 16 22
Joseph Karlheim... h 152
Edward Strittmatter..... “ 58 98
Mrs. Anna Tully, deceased “" 20 49
William Lucas “ 29 49
G. L. Burns..... “ 29 49
Mrs, Paul Shor " 29 49
Hugh Me¢Cauley.. “ 20 49
Hugh Whiteford. . 29 19
Joseph Gauntner. “« 132171
Mrs. Helena Mellon . 22 12
Joseph Fisher.. * 538 98
Samuel Styer... “ 29 49
Mrs, Mary McConnell . 29 49
Joseph H. Hoover. " 29 49
Charles Wells...... ug 29 49
Mrs. Helena Mellon i 53 58
Matthew Robertson “ 24 58
C. K. Crossman... id 32H
Edwin Sherry.. “" 29 19
Thomas Bishop. “ 34 41
A. H. Burkey... “ 29 49
Edwin Sherry.. . 29 49
Simon Bortman id 29 49
Olof Forse..... . 29 49
Gust Dahlof.. id 1229
Andrew Stritimatter..... “ 17 20
Andrew Batruski. * 29 49
Philip Link..... " 29 49
Sophia Pearson... “ 29 49
Rudolph Gauntner.. - 29 49
John Biller.... sid 29 49
James Mullig: - 34 41
John J. Dietrick.. .e 24 58
Mrs. Agnes Boley. “" 29 49
Mrs, Paul Short. 4 92 40
Silas Ryan. “ 29 49
Enacted and hy oy the bur-
gess and town council of the borough
of Patton this 24th day of April,
A. D. 1906.
President of Council.
Attest: —
Borough Secretary.
Approved by the burgess of Patton
borough this 24th day of April, A.
D. 1906.
Burgess of Patton Borough.
An ordinance assessing a sewage tax
on the property owners adjacent to
sewer on Magee avenue in the borough
of Patton.
Be it enacted and ordained by the
burgess and town council of the bor-
ough of Patton, Pa., and it is hereby
enacted and ordained by authority of
the same.
That, whereas the actual cost of con-
structing the sewer on Magee avenue,
beginning at a point at or near the
terminus of the present sewer opposite
the property of James Mellon and ex-
tending west to Little Chest creek,
constructed in pursuance to ordinance
of the borough of Patton No. 76, ap-
proved the 9th day of June, A. D.
1905, is ascertained to be $368.50, mak-
ing a pro ratio cost of $25.63 for each
fifty-foot lot so adjacent, it is therefore
enacted and ordained that a sewage
tax be and is assessed upon the follow-
ing, being all the property owners
adjacent to said street or line of sewer,
to the following amounts, and that the
same be collected according to law and
applied towards the cost of construct-
ing said sewer:
James Mellon... 50 feet $ 25 63
L. K. Christof. 30 4 25 63
Frank Bruneau. 25 63
Mrs. Helena Allison. . 25 63
John R. Cordell..... 25 63
H. E. Barton and F. B. Morey $ 12 82
Richard Lilly.... 94 18 12
M. M, Nolan... ss 25 63
Trustees of Baptis . 25 63
L. L. Hoover... 4 25 63
United Mine Workers. of Amer
Mrs. Agnes Tagan, deceased
H. 0. Winslow...
Enacted and oizined by
25 63 |
bur: |
gess and town council of the borough |
of Patton this 24th day of April, A. D.
President of Council.
Attest: — *
Borough Secretary.
Approved by the burgess of Patton
borough this 24th day of April, A. D. |
1906. |
Burgess of Patton Borough. |
An ordinance assessing a sewage tax |
on the property owners adjacent to|
sewer on Fourth avenue in the bor-|
ough of Patton, Pa. |
Be it enacted and ordained by the
Pattoh, Pa.
May 2nd, 1906.
burgess and town council of the bor-
acted and ordained by authority of
whereas the actual cost of
ough of Patton, and It is hereby en-
acted and ordained by authority of
the same.
That, whereas the actual cost of con-
structing the sewer on Fourth avenue,
beginning at the north east corner of
land of Cole Brothers and extending
south and intersecting with Palmer
Lavenuo sewer at Flannagan ran, con
structed in pursuance to ordinance of
the borough of Patton No. 81, ap-
proved the 22nd day of September,
A. D. 1905, is ascertained to be §561.65,
it is therefore enacted and ordained
that a sewage tax be and is assessed
upon the following, being all the prop-
erty owners adjacent to said street or
line of sewer, to the following amounts,
and that the same be collected accord-
ing to law and applied towards the |
construction of said sewer:
Cole Brothers... veo gn feet § 1M 36
Anthony Dietrick...... .. “ KT 18
Atlantic Refining Company ..... 65 * 16 44
Peter Somics...... L140 © 100 07
Henry Swoope i 57 18
Frank Warner A 12 #6
Mike Mayovick “ 33 56
Enacted and ordained by the bur-
gess and town council of the borough
of Patton this 24th day of April, A.
D. 1906.
President of Council.
Attest: —
Ep. 8. MOORE,
Borough Secretary.
Approved by the burgess of Patton
borough this 24th day of April, A. D.
Burgess of Patton Borough:
ordinance assessing a sewage tax
he property owners adjacent to
sewer on Fifth avenue and Park ave-
nues in the borough of Patton.
Be it enacted and ordained by the
burgess and town council of the bor-
ough of Patton, and it is hereby en-
acted and ordained by authority of
the same.
That,* whereas the actual cost of con:
structing the sewer on Fifth and Park
avenues, beginning at the south side
of Russell avenue and extending to
Mellon avenue sewer, constructed in
pursuance to ordinance No. 78, ap-
proved the 9th day of June, A. D.
1905, is ascertained to be $404.86, it is
therefore enacted and ordained that a
sewage tax be ‘and is assessed upon the
following, being all the property
owners adjacent to said street and
line of sewer, to the following amounts,
and that the same be collected accord-
ing to law and applied towards the
payment of said sewer, the assessment
being made according to the foot
front rule:
burgess and town council of the bor-
ough of Patton, and is hereby enacted |
and ordained by authority of the |
That, whereas the actual cost of con-
structing the sewer on Magee avenue,
beginning at the bridge crossing Little
Chest creek and extending west to
bridge at or near the mill of W. J.
Donnelly & Co., constructed in pur-
suance to ordinance of the borough of
Patton No. 75, approved the 22nd day
of April, 1905, is ascertained to be
$1,391.00, making a pro ratio cost of
$43.64 for each fifty-foot lot so adjacent,
it is therefore enacted and ordained
that a sewage tax be and is assessed
upon the foliowing, being all the prop-
erty owners adjacent to said street or
sewer line, to the following amounts,
and that the same be collected accord-
| George Howe..
| Thomas Quinn..........
| Thomas Clark
ing to law and applied towards the
construction of said sewer,
Murs. Sunseri.. . 50 feet, $ 43 64
[Trustees of Swedi
Chureh...... 80: ¢ 43 64 | |
Dennis Nolan. 50 “ 13 64 |
13 64
Hiram Wilkir 50
John Spangle. A 43 64
13 64
Swedish Mission Church, 3229 |
{ W. J. Donnelly & Co. 33. 5469 |
| Lola B. Kauffman 13 64 |
Thomas Whitehead. = 64
W. J. Donnelly & Co. 3 64
50 “ n 64 |
is 13 61
ge 21 82
21 82
3 64
64 |
Trustees Baptist Church..
Mrs. Martha F
George Kane.
v. J. Donne ly & &( O..
Mrs, Mary Wilson.
John Palcho...
Mrs. E. W ilkin
Be oe Creek Coal & Coke Co,
“ “ “" “
55 62
H po 64
13 64
43 64
43 G4
i“ i“ “ “ i“ 50 +
_| and connecting with Ellsworth avenue
Joseph uauntner... weneennannns 00 feet $ 28 92
[Basel Crees Coal & Coke Co, . BE & HUDSON RIVER R. R.
ray & Felton * 7 tari
F. E. Farabaugh. “ 85 08 (Pennsylvania Division)
Edward Little...... “x9 Beech Creek District.
Pomgratz Wiltusnic... id 28 92 :
Beech Creek Coal & Coke Co. “69 Condensed Time Table.
r “ 50 90 | Read u “ Read down
Sars Bloomberg “ 28 92 Exp Mail In effect Nov. 5,05 Exp Mail
No37 No 33 Sos 30 No 36
T. M. Sheehan.. id 2892 pm pm
Joseph A. Gray. il 28921 920 ¥5 ar Patton Iv 6 310 Bo 05
Frank Dunnegan. « oggp| 900 1 2 Westover 636 32
23 ar Arcadia
Enacted and ordained by the bur-| 830 100ar Mahaffey * lv 700 352
gess and town council of the borough | 7 7 23H 1V JorAmoLE rym iy
of Patton this 24th day of April, A. D, | 757 1212ar © Ly dL
1906. 745 k 02 ants 740 4 2
7371155 Mitchells 746 458
H 8. Lisa, 7011125 Clearfield 821 525
President of Council. 635 11 00 Woodland 845 550
Attest:— 612108 Momisdile Min bio 12
6 12 orrisdale Mines 9 612
Ep. 8. MOORE, 558 10 29 Iv Munson ar 918 6
5321000 lv Philipsburg 9 42 5
Borough Secretary. ly DS 142 ¢5
Approved by the burgess of Patton | 551 1024 ar Munson 92 625
borough this 24th day of April, A. D. | 2331018 Winbufns 3%.
1906. iE 3 2 Sllliniown 1 04 710
y ‘ Snow Shoe 009 715
W. J. DONNELLY, 113 841 Beech Creek 1057 809
Burgess of Patton Borough. ia 32 1 Mine 39 1
ORDINANCE NO. 90. 800 Avis 1133 850
326 752 Jersey Shore 1145 904
An ordinance assessing a sewage tax | 12° 2 72ly Williamsport ar ia S 5
on the property owners adjacent to 2 m am Phils s Reading R RB mim
: 225 650ar illiamsport, v 112 20¥11 30
sewer on Magee avenue, west of Little | ;335411301v Philadelphia ar 730 650
Chest creek, in the borough of Pat-|2a Lh p me N NY via Tamogun or pln am
ton, Pa. 142537301lv N Yvia Phila ar 1040 {902
Be it enacted and ordained by the|2™ P™ pm am
*Daily. {Week days. #7 p m Sunday. {1100
| & m Sunday
falo, Rochester and Pittsbu
haffey and Patton with Cam
division of the Pennsyvania railroad;
western railway.
\and designs and at the mini-
mum of price.
ing, etc.
| occupied by H. A. Seitz.
J. H, Stroup... ‘ i
88 nm
Matthew O'Brien, 18 17
George O'Brien. 00 4 Be
Mary®, O'Brien... 0 ae
Minnie M, Probert 80 “eo
Patton B, & L. Associa “" M64
Mrs, Mary Ann Leek... Na “06
Sampson Hewlett, EL 4“
J. J. Sperry " 87 28
Enacted and ordained by the bur.
| gess and town council of the borough
of Patton this 24th day of April, A, D,
President of Council.
Attest: -
Ep. 8. Moors,
Borough Secretary.
Approved by the burgess of Patton
borough this 24th day of April, A. D.
Burgess of Patton Borough.
An ordinance vacating Ellsworth
avenue from the west line of Fifth
avenue to the borough line. Also va-
cating alley from Terra Cotta avenue
northwardly to Ellsworth avenue.
Also alley intersecting above stated
alley and running parallel with Ells-
worth avenue,
Be in enacted and ordained by the
burgess and town council of Patton
borough, and it is hereby enacted and
ordained by authority of the same:
That Ellsworth avenue, beginning at
west side of Fifth avenue and running
in a westerly direction to the borough
line, be and is hereby vacated for all
street or public purposes. Also that
alley running from Terra Cotta avenue
be and is hereby vacated as a public
alley and from all public use
for said purposes. Also that alley | —
intersecting with aforesaid alley and
running parallel with Ellsworth avenue
be and is hereby vacated as a public
alley and released from all use as a
public alley.
Enacted and ordained by the burgess
and town council of the borough of
Patton this, the 7th day of May, A. D.
President of Council.
Attest: —
Borough Secretary.
Approved by the burgess of Patton
borongh this, the 7th day of May, A.
D. 1906.
Connections—At Williamsport with Phila- | =
delphia and Reading Railway: at Jersey Shore
with C(lentral Railroad of Pennsylvania; at
the Fall Brook District; at Mill Hall
Philipsburg with Pennsylvania railroad and
N Yand P CR R; at Clearfield with the Buf-
railway; at Ma-
ria anc Clearfield
at Ma-
Pennsylvania and North-
y with the
W. H. Northrup,
Gen. Agent,
Williamsport, Pa
J. F. Fairlamb,
Gen’l Pass. Agt.,
New York,
All the latest patterns
Picture frames, room mould-
Pation, Pa.
Office in Good Building, formerly
Office hours:—8 a. m. to 12 m.
And so are we
with a full line of
Hammocks, Refriger-
ators, Lawn Mowers,
[ce Cream Freezers,
Screen Doors and
Windows, Horse Cov-
ers, Etc.
Also a full line of Hard-
ware, The most complete
stock in Northern Cambria
Binder &
“Everything in Hardware,”
Sanitary Plumbing
and Heating.
I have opened a Plumbing
Hstebfistiusert in Patton and
am prepared to do all work in
my line expeditiously and
Estimates Cheerfully
If in need of anything in
my line, give me a call at
residence over Johnsen’s Bar-
gain Store.
THE piece of Silver-
ware which you
received on Christmas
wiil lose its lustre and
turn to a brown color if
you do not keep it wrap-
ped in tissue paper away
from the light You will
not care to do that so you
had better get a jar of
the finest silver polish
made. 25c at
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Ko-
dacks and Supplies.
Home Killed Meat
No embalmed business in
ours. We deal strictly in
meat killed at our slaughter
house. Everything in season.
Liitle Bros.,
Butchers and Dealers in All Kinds of
Fresh and Smoked Meats.
Reuel Somerville,
Office in the Good Building.
Has several vacancies in Western Pennsyl-
ania for Dis Managers and Agents.
Tonia income: first cla Ass men of repu-
tation. The recent investigation com-
mended Only the “Home Life,” Address
Waler Hayes, General Manager, Diamond Building,
Pittsburg, Pa.
The hest business men use the best
stationery and get it at the best office
hat does the best printing. Of course
that’s the COURIER. |
Old papers for sale at this office—
1p. m. to 5:30 p. m,
7p. m, to8 p.m,
only 5¢ a bundle.
the St
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