kin, Patton Courier. — Roy Eaton Decker, POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENT, FOR SHERIFF -I hereby announce- myself as a candidate for Sheriff, sub. ject to the decision of the Repubiican primaries and convention. Jesse BE. DALE, April 26, 1906. Patton, Pa. PATTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS. CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1. Brewer, Mary Collins, Margaret Col- ling, Rosella Christoff, Miriam Culp, . Clara Johnson, Maggie Kayden, Sara Law, Mary Law, Katie McMahon, Loretto Prindible, Julia Palcho, Alva Radcliffe, Maretta Reed, Minnie Short, Marie Sanker, Catherine Smithbower, Tillie Sheka. (CEOBLIA DUNBGAN, Teacher. SECONDARY-NO. 8 Number enrolled, 59; average attend- ance, 53; per cent of attendance, 94. Present every day: Joseph Biller, Knut Forsberg, Earl Ivory, John Grad- well, William Jenkins, Joseph Kelsall, Richard Lloyd, James Lindsey, Jerome Mellon, Leo Thomas, Thomas Powell, William Radcliffe, Edward Rounsley, Thomas Wilkie, Snyder Yerger, Edith Burns, Marie Fisher, Matilda Huber, Lottie Jones, Eliza Lidgett, Mary Mc- Grin, Olive Manion, Mary Suauseri, Ethel Wilson, Mary Waters. JEAN McCREARY, Teacher. INTERMEDIATE-NO. 9. Number enrolled, 48; average attend- ance, 43; per cent of attendance, 94. Present every day: Lizzie Banfield, Esther Blair, Dora Blomberg, Ruby Cowher, Lavinia Ednie, Mellie Kuhn- ley, Margaret Litzinger, Katharine cMullen, Mabel Mellon, Bessie Wil- Geraldine Yerger, Williie Aair- hart, Samuel Brown, Eddie Blair, John Vallaghan, Francis Fitzpatrick, Donald Hubbard, Joseph Loge, Joseph Mirkin, Moore Miles, Orvis Shunkwiler. LorerTo E. PRINDIBLE, Teacher. INTERMEDIATE-NO. 10. Number enrolled, 48; average attend- ance, 42; per cent of attendance, 89. Present every day: Adam Heist, Louis Lloyd, Harry McNamara, William McGrin, Earl Woomer, Bert Williams, Wesley Williams, Mary Fitzpatrick, ' Rose Haden, Rose Lodge, Hilda Mul- Jen, Sara Rowland, Laura Winslow, Lavinia Williams. RENA B. LEwis, Teacher. INTERMEDIATE-NO. 11. Number enrolled, 52; average attend- ance, 47; per cent of attendance, 92. Present every day: Maggie Commons, Annie Fitzpatrick, Sophie Forse, Beat- rice Gould, Hilda Karlheim, Gertrude Lehman, May Lilly, Elizabeth Monteith, Katie Purcell, Maud Shunkwiller, Rou- mayne Worrell, James Astbury, John _. Bell, Harry Chapman, Anthony Choby, Martin Goods, Norman Humphrey, John Litzinger, Geo Mitchell, Eddie Rafferty, Joseph Sunseri, Walter Thomas, Wellwood Winslow, John White. E. EprtEH EISENHART, Teacher. INTERMEDIATE-NO. 12. Number enrolled, 45; average attend- ance, 39, per cent of attendance, 93. Present every day: Russell Barton, Cyril Fisher, John Hodge, Robert Lind- bloom, Ralph Miles, John Tober,Llilian Anstatt, Nettie Fox, Magdelina Gag- liardi, Martha McMasters, Annie Mir- Marguerite Morey, Mabel Pulles, Margaret Powell, Irene Rhody, Bessie Sheehan. 4 LypA PETEES, Teacher. GRAMMAR SCHOOL, Number enrolled, 51; average attend- ance, 44; per cent of attendance, 90. Preseset every day: Earl Mitchell, John Morrison, Ciaire Smale, John Goods, Orlo Brown, Joseph Campbell, John Lewis, Isaac Lioyd, Lawrence “McGuire, Perry Walter, James White, Howard Yerger, Clara Short, Helen Bell, Hilda Bishop, Margaret Campbell, Anna McCormick, Genevieve McCorm- ick, Elizabeth McMahon, Helen Mon- teith, Agnes Williamson. HIGH SCHOOL. Number enrolled, 30; average attend- ance, 28; per cent of attendance, 91. Present every day: Joseph Gagliardi, Anna Monteith, Bruce Bell, Mildred Lewis, Zella Woomer, Esther Bishop, Francis Campbell, James Mullen. GENERAL SUMMARY. Number enrolled during month, 760; | average attendance, 688; average per | ~ cent of attendance, 94; present every | day during month, 349. B. I. Myers, teacher of physics, al-| gebra, grammar, U. 8. history and physiology. W. M. Bosserman, teacher | of mathematics, German, civics, geog- raphy and grammar. Mabel P. Wolff, | teacher of English, general history, | geography and Latin. | BL MYERS, Principal. Aavertised Letters. The following letters remain uncalled | for in the Patton post office for the two weeks ending Saturday, May 12, 1906: Miss Mary Flanagan, Walter B.| Henry, Harry Potter, Thos. F. Rainey, | M. CO. Goellers’ Sons, Julius Kleinman, John Palmer, Peter Wartke. Persons calling for the above letters | will please say that they are ‘‘Adver- tised.” E. WiLL GREENE, Postmaster. | NOTICE. To Employes of the Beech Oreek Coal & Coke Co.: If you have not carefully considered what you are striking for, and why, will you not sit down quietly by vour self and see if you can figure it out? It you do this, you will first of all agree that the question of wages does every gallon, y Ii da RA de | Sold by | Binder & Starrett, i Patton, Pa. | taken by my i T. H. WIRTNER, | Modern | Photographer, PATTON, PA. { Children’s Photographs a Specialty. | Picture Framing and Enlarging in| Crayon, Pastel and Water Colors. Duplicates can be had of any pictures | borough this 24th day of April, A. D. | w. J. Donnelly & Co | 1906. predecessors, Messrs. | Perell, Harris and Kennedy. | | Estate of Richard Rowland, Deceased. Letters testamentary on the above estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims to present the same without delay, to Ricinanp ROWLAND, Executor, Pattoh, Pa. May 2nd, 1906. L. K. Christoff Borough Ordinances. ORDINANCE NO, 86, An ordinance assessing a sewage tax on the property owners adjacent tc a sewer on Mellon avenue in the bor. ough of Patton, Be it enacted and ordained by the burgess and town council of the bor | ough of Patton, and it is hereby en enacted and ordained that a sewage | tax be and is assessed upon the follow- ing, being all the property owners | adjacent to said street or line of sewer, to the following amounts, and that the same be collected according to law and applied towards the cost of construct- ing said sewer: James Mellon.... 2 63 25 63 ! Frank Bruneau. 4 25 63 Mrs, Helena Allison ay 25 63 John R. Cordell.. 4 25 63 H. E. Barton and F. B. Morey. $e 12 82 i | Rieniarg Lilly “ 48 12 | . M. Nolan.. or + 25 63 > ustees of Baptist Chore h ig 25 63 L. L. Hoover... 50 25 63 United Mine Workers. of Amer- ica. a0 “ 25 63 | H. E. Harton. is 25 63 Mrs. Agnes Eagan, dec it 25 63 H. O. Winslow * 25 63 | Enacted and ordained ov the bur- | | gess and town council of the borough | ! of Patton this 24th day of April, A. D. 1906. H. S. LINGLE, President of Council. Attest: — ED. S. MOORE, Borough Secretary. Approved by the burgess of Patton | W. J. DONNELLY, Burgess of Patton Borough. ORDINANCE NO, 88. An ordinance assessing a sewage tax on the property owners adjacent to | Mrs, Mary Wilson sewer on Fourth avenue in the bor- ough of Patton, Pa. Be it enacted and ordained by the burgess and town council of the bor- THE PATTON COURIER, MAY 81 [ough of Patton, and it » Hordy on. | ne acted and ordained by authority of | the same, That, whereas the actual cost of con- » wbrneting the sewer on Fourth avenue, beginning at land of Cole Brothers and extending with Palmer ran, intersecting ¢ at Flannagan south and Venue sews con. structed in pursuance and ordained by authority of the same. | That, whereas the actual cost of con- | structing the sewer on Magee avenue, | beginning at the bridge crossing Little Chest creek and extending west to | | bridge at or near the mill of W. J. | | Donnelly & Co., constructed in pur- | suance to ordinance of the borough of | _ | Patton No. 75, approved the 22nd day of April, 1905, is ascertained to be $1,391.00, making a pro ratio cost of $43.64 for each fifty-foot lot so adjacent, | it is therefore enacted and ordained | that a sewage tax be and is assessed | upon the following, being all the prop- | erty owners adjacent to said street or | sewer line, to the following amounts, and that the same be collected accord- ing to law and applied towards the construction of said sewer. . a0 feet Murs. Sunseri.. £43 64 Trustees of swodis| 1 Luthe Chureh,..... Dennis Nolan. 4 43 64 13 64 | Hiram Wilkins. 43 64 | | John Spangle. 43 64 | | George How 50 13 64 | | Swedish Mission Church 37 32 29 | Lv J. Donnelly & CO...uvens 3 5 oo) Lola B. Kauffman . , 43 64 | | Thomas W hitehoad.. $ 13 64 | 15 64 | | Thomas Quinn..... “ 43 64 | Trustees Baptist Chure + 13 64 | Thomas Clark “ 21 82 | | Mrs. Martha Files “ 21 82| George Kane...... 3 64 | W. J. Donnelly & Co. “ 3 64 | a ye “aged : 5H 62 John Palcho... 4 26 18 | Mrs, EB. Wilkir Beech Creek Coal & Coke Co. i“ ‘“ “ i 43 64 43 64 43 64 “ ‘“ the north east corner of | to ordinance of mum of price. : F. R. MELLON, « 4364 | occupied by H. A. Seitz. 2m hn “oe J, H, Stroup... ... | Matthew O'Brien George O'Brien, 18 Ho | Mary 8, O'Brien... nv a | Minnie M, Probert. ho “oi | Patton B, & L, Association. Mou 195 0 Mrs, Mary Ann Leek... oh ow Sampson Hewlett, Bo 1 J. J Sperry... vo 100 “ LI) Euaected and "ordained by the bur gees and town council of the borough of Patton this 24th day of April, A. D. delphia and Reading Railway: at Jersey Shore with the Fall Brook District; at Miil Hall with Central Railroad of Pennsylvania; at Philipsburg with Pennsylvania railroad and N Y and P C RR; at Clearfield with the Buf- alo, Rochester and Pittsburg railway; at Ma- | Batley y and Patton with Cambria and Clearfield |, | division of the Pennsyvania railroad; at Ma- | haffey with the Pennsylvania and North- western railway. J. F. Fairlamb, Gen’l Pass, Agt., New York, W. H. Northrop, fen. agent, Willinmsport, Pa. NEW BIG LINE OF WALL PAPER JUST | RECEIVED. All the latest patterns and designs and at the mini- Picture frames, room mould- | ing, etc. JOS. FLICK, Patton, Pa. Dentist. Office in Good Building, formerly Office hours:=8 a. m. to 12 m. g 1 p. m. to 5:30 p. m, 7 p.m. to8 p.m, not enter into the matter, for our|acted and ordained by authority of the borough of Patton No. 81, ap-| 1906. posted notices tell you that the new | the same, proved the 22nd day of September, | H, 8. LINGLE, mining rate is to be 66 cents per ton,| That, whereas the actual cost of A, D. 1905, is ascertained to be $661.65, President of Council. with percentages of advance for other constructing the sewer on Mellon jy jg therefore enacted and ordained Attest: n classes of labor, which brings your avenue, beginning at a point thirty that a sewage tax be and is assessed B Bo, 4 Joos, by \ny Man or Woman wages up to the Standard of the | | foet north of the borough line to inter upon the following, being all the prop orough Secretary. uf can transform a soft wood floor Region. section of Park and Mellon avenues, arty owners adjacent to suid street or Approved by the burgess of Patton into a perfect imitation of a 3 i] ia’ 4 , . i tiv ore ine, " No question as to hours of labor is constructed in pursuance Lo Ordinance | Jing of sewer, to the following amounts, borough this 24th day of April, A. D. % | ated hid wool T i HOOr In nu ew o involved, for they are to be the same | No. 77, approved the 9th day of June, | and that the same be collected accord- 1900 W. J. DONNELLY. ° i as last year (A. D. 1905, is ascertained to be jue to law and applied towards the De vt { b N 1 / You are not striking tor a Closed | $1,646.81, it is therefore enacted and c¢oistruction of said sewer: Burgess of Patton Borough. ALE ame Shop —we have neyer had one in this | ordained that a sewage tax be and i8 | Cole Brothers... 2 foot $ 194 36 ORDINANCE NO, 91, ! and the Chi-Namel Region and the District leaders agreed | assessed upon the following, being all | Anthony Dietrick... .o.... Jz ¥7 18) An ordinance vacating Ellsworth i Self-Grainer tad : : Atlantic Refining Ce W" . 65 b 4 ” | ri p " } at Clearfield that the old conditions in | the property owners adjacent to said Be vBUS defini ony iy . “ a 3 avenue from the west line of Fifth # Or an old hard wood floor, furni- this respect shall continue. | sewer and line of improvement, to the | yr. SWOOPC..ives 80 57 18 | avenue to the borough line. Also va- 4 ture, ete, may } © inde to look like e ’ . : o ” new, w & 1% I" 'e £ When you boil the whole matter following amounts, and that the same | Frank Warner 0 « i2 v6 | cating alley from Terra Cotta avenue finish than 3 Jiirer, Tore Surale / down you will find that you are strik- | be collected according to law and ap Mike Mayovick.... ers 47 33 56 northwardly to Ellsworth avenue. Shame colors the wood, aid vai: ling simply and solely for the privilege | plied towards the payment of said Enacted and ords ined by the bur-| Algo alley intersecting above stated so hard that walking or washing § | of having your Union Dues and Union | sewer, the assessment being made ac. |8¢8s did town counc il of the borough | alley and running parallel with Ells-| 3 new seit iy i aay fo Assessments collected from you each | cording to the foot front rule: of Paton this 24th day of April, A. | worth avenue. A * to produce a beautiful grained im : bry D. 19086. { Bei « . B exactly like the most expensive 3 month upon the © ompany ’s pay rolls. | Thomas Litninger nL 1 fect § 60 94 H 8 LINGLE | e in enacted and ordained by the| | ood floo It makes no difference what statements | Mis Holona Mellon. ne poole 8 LINGLE, | purges and town council of Patton | § «Gil ftonrsns arden todenay, are made to you by intereste d parties Jon Sori “ 3 B Attest: — I ya borough, and it is hereby enacted and by this improved system. Free samp! - 4 regarding this matter when you get | Go, sheka.. . 7 20 ED. S. MOORE, | ordained by authority of the same: while they last right down to cold, hard-bottom facts, | Barbara Karlheim. “ 16 22 Borough Secretary. | That Ellsworth avenue, beginning at gr a check-of collection on the pay roll is Vosepks Ralhelsn. . . ps 3 Approved by the burgess of Patton | west side of Fifth avenue and running what you are striking for, and it is not | JWT Cy 4 « ayy borough this 24th day of April, A. D. |in a westerly direction to the borough fair to you and it is not fair to us that | RTI 0 “« 2949 | 1906. | line, be and is hereby vacated for all it should be insisted upon. |G. L. Burns.. “ 249 w. J. DONNELLY, | street or public purposes. Also that Compare your situation with that of | J Pant Short " . 3 Burgess of Patton Borough. | alley running from Terra Cotta avenue y ugh MeCaule, “ 20 49 | P : 4 the Anthracite miners:—they have | | Han Ww haley. wt Vamonl ORDINANCE NO. 89. | and connecting with Ellsworth avenue never paid a check-off on the pay rolls | | Joseph Gauntner “ 132 = An ordinance assessing a sewage tax | be and is hereby vacated: as a public of the Company. Whatever they have | Mrs. Helena Mellon “ 2 12 | ~ : | alley and from all public use “ on the property owners adjacent to paid into the Union for Dues or Assess- | Joseph Fisher 53 08 [for said purposes. Also that alle S Id b Dy Eo Eee Troms choice. nok] Samuel Stver « 9 49 Sewer on Fifth avenue and Park ave- | y 0 y : si i d the Anth ? it Mrs. Mary McConne « 2949 nues in the borough of Patton. | intersecting with aforesaid alley and from compu sion; an the wi raci | Joseph H. Hoove 0 “ 24 Be it enacted and ordained by the! running parallel with Ellsworth avenue . i men, by the advice of your Officers, | Charles Wells...... 60 « 249 | be and is hereby vacated as a public ? | burgess and town council of the bor- are going back to work for three years | Mrs. Helena Mellon 109 « BS j alle and released from all use as a : Et : Matthew F be wig s | ough of Patton, and it is hereby en- y under the old conditions, with an Open | Matthew Robertson 50 24 58 4 } | public alle : C. K. Crossman. 66 * 3244 acted and ordained by authority of | y. Shop and no check-off, while you are | pq, sherry... & “ 249) the same. | Enacted and ordained by the burgess rr in idleness because the same Officers, | 1 s Bi “ : er boy Soe Hingis lan insist A rr ® “ » a | That, Whereas the actual cost of con oh any he atough 1 ? & : pan, } Edwin Sherry 6 « 2940 structing the sewer on Fifth and Park 2%5on this, the 78h day of May, A. D. Fifth Avenue, that you must pay your Dues and As- | _* ik 1906. Simon Bortman 60 + 2 49 avenues, beginning at the south side ' ' sessments through the officers of the |; p “ H. 8. LINGLE, 5 . of Forse...... 60 20 49 | of Russell avenue and extending to s 5 Company, and you paid last year at| Gust Dahlof... 5 “122 fellon avenue sewer, constructed in| President of Council. ’ this colliery $20,696 in this way. Andrew Strittmatter.. B41 ’ cted in| Attest: — ! You trust your Officers to spend Andrew Batruski, 6 « 29 49 Pbursuance to ordinance No. 78, ap- ED. S. MOORE, . . Philip Link...... 60 “ 2 | proved the 9th day of June, A. D. Borough Secretar Everything in your money as they see fit. It would |g,phia pears 0“ 249! : i tei 8! y. Sophia Pearson. 29 49 | 1905, is ascertained to be $404.86, it is| Approved by the bur f Patto seem to be up to them to trust you to | Rudolph Gauntner.. 0 ~ BOlpo rc onadted and ordained that Droveq. by Fos of lawson Hardware pay your Dues and Assessments, at |John Biller... 60 « 2949 and ordained that a | borongh this, the 7th day of May, A r your convenience and not by com- James Mulligan 0 “ 34 41 | sewage tax be and is assessed upon the | D, 1906. Three y John J. Dietrick 5 « 2458 following, being all the property W. J. DONNELLY fsa pulsion: or, in other words, to trust, . . Boley ts 4d 5 | : . ) rs. Agnes Boley. 60 29 49 | owners adjacent to said street and Bugs ot Patton Borough. you as far as you trust them, and as | Mrs, Paul Short. 88 “ 9240 line of sewer, to the foll ts, they trust the Anthracite men. Silas Ryan «60 «249 that the 2 Ho 1 A ’ a Do you know of any other Union| Enacted and ordained by the bur-|; . |. Sau 2 Ae sited] soo, N I YORK that collects its Dues through the Com- | gess and town council of the borough £ 1 2p res = \ i ’ | § pany office ? of Patton this 24th day of April payiient of said sewst, the Ssment | | . y : . | | We have no objection to your be-| A. D. 1906. being Tia fe. | decording io. She foot | i ion, i H. 8. LiNe : 1 1 longing to a Labor Union, if you want President of C wn Joseph uauntner.. ...... recess DO feet § 28 92 | Sanitary Plumbing to, or to the Masons, or to the Odd Fel- resident of Council. | Beech Creek Coal & Coke Co...... 50 “ 28 92 & HUDSON RIVER R. R. | lows, or any other lawful organization; | Attest: — Gray & Felton 3 « 172 (Pennsylvania Division.) | 1 H : but we draw the line at collecting Dues Ev 8. MOORE, F. E. Farabaug} M7 “8508 Beech Creek Distr anc eating. in which we have no interest and which Borough Secretary. Pawan Hie . » . = 2 eer Tee 15trict, | you have promised to pay. You would | Approved by the burgess of Patton | occy, Creek Coal & Coke Co. 12% 6 9 | Condensed Time Table. | refuse to make such collection if you borough this 24th day of April, A. | Ps 88 50 90 Read o ail In effect Nov. 5. 05 Read a | I have opened a Plumbing were in our place. D. 1906. og Bloauthers; 50° 28 92| No 37 No3 4 vy No 30 *No 36 | 'E t bli h ¢ P d vids T. M. Sheehan... 50“ 2892 pm pm @ stabli You have labor to sell and we are W. J. DONNELLY, Joseph oa a pee 52% pm Patton IvT610 $505 | shment in Patton an ready to buy it, at going rates, giving Burgess of Patton Borough. | Frank Dunnegan. He mel'wlx. Yestover 356 am prepared to do all work in as much for it as is paid by other ORDINANCE NO. 87. Enacted and ordained by the bur- | P80 J 00x Mahnfley Iv 30 5 1; diti people. Do not let a third party come | , ordinance assessing a sewage tax gess and town council of the borough | i 1 (Saanam A a my line expe itiously and . - . iQ . | 212ar errmoor in and spoil our trade. lon the property owners adjacent to | of Patton this 24th day of April, A. D. i307 New Millport well. # . 2 ants — | sewer on Magee avenue in the borough | 1906, fH. 8. LINGLE 11 55 Mitchells ' P. : | Hr Be y. rz 1125 Clearfield 1 of Pation : President of Council. | $5 110% Sgndiand 5 E Beit enacted and ordained by the | Attest: — 4 Wallaceuon ! sot] stimates 5 10 39 Morrisdale Mines hy 10 ¢ 12 burgess and town council of the bor- ED. S. MOORE, 558 1029 lv Munson 3 62 ough of Patton, Pa., and it is hereby | Borough Secretary. | 645 J00 Iv } Philipsburg { Chee rful ly enacted and ordained by authority of | Approved by the burgess of Patton | 33 1028 ar unson 62 the same. | borough this 24th day of April, A. D.| 582 59 Peale F : h d READY MIXED PAINT | That, whereas the actual cost of con- | 1906. | a Sia urnisned, i W. J. DONNELLY | 413 841 Beech Creek 57 809 | Sold on merit. You structing the sewer on Magee avenue, | 5 +B ’ | 101 829 Mill Holl . Su 9 | take no. chances for beginning at a point at or near the urgess of Patton Borough. | 35 32 Lock Haven 116 8 3 | If in need of anything in you get. satisfaction terminus of the present sewer opposite ORDINANCE NO. 90. 25 3m Toro a Su i or your building re- | the property of James Mellon and ex-| An ordinance assessing a sewage tax Ba # 2 tv Williamsport Arie 5 my line, give me a call at painted without cost. tending west to Little Chest creck, |on the property owners adjacent to |b 41, PMY SIAGE 5, ith | residence over Johnson’s Bar- Full measure—purest Sousiragied I pUISHin ce to id sewer on Magee avenue, west of Little |836*11301v Philadelphia ar 7 30 650 . . : . avi 0 or o tton : : . am pm m a materials—scientific= ine oug atto ©. 76, ap- | Chest creek, in the borough of Pat- 4 00 Py NY¥via Tamaqua ar Pe 2 2igamn Store. ally prepared—over proved the 9th day of June, A. D. | ton, Pa. | 1425 27801lv NY via Phila ar 10401902] an . : I m 300 square feet 2 1905, is ascertained to be $368.50, mak- | Be it enacted and ordained by shel i ho a ing a pro ratio cost of $25.63 for each *Daily. Week days. 77 p m Sunday. {11 00* . : : coats covered by t 5.6 ach | burgess and town council of the bor- | am Sunday THE piece of Silver- : fifty-foot lot so adjacent, it is therefore | ough of Patton, and is hereby enacted | Connections—At Williamsport with Phila- ware which you gr received on Christmas wiil lose its lustre and “turn to a brown color if you do not keep it wrap- ped in tissue paper away from the light: Yeu will | not care to do that so you “R had better get a jar of SILVER (REAM, the finest silver polish made. 25c at TOZER’S, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Ko dacks and Supplies. | Reuel Somerville, Attorney-at-Law, ParrON, Pa. Office in the Good Building. ola papers for sa. Io at this office—~ only 5¢ a bundle. One « ar) Ages a publis! Entere Busi Disp! Forel {ably i advert Thes: oo one INTE —F. Satur —E. Candc —M Jersey —Ba reside: ayenu —A were i the Ri —Tl advert botton —F. dition on Fift idly gr —Th proper of heal for nc forthw —Th club w Augus! team, 1 to that —Di youth couple Altoon the Rir —Do game C Tuesaa particu eighth —Mr visiting John E being t of that ~The deliver; ran aw: ishing t the occ John R —A SB council tax of 1 as follo poses, 2 23 for ir ~ —The C. Ling purchas conside will mo the fall, future. —In mornin; Pennsy] was des and two were als result of —Fort York Ce back by The mer The ord scinded the traff —Mr. New Yo within t| their hat place. ' pared fa servants York. —At a of the held at C delegate the coun member: Hastings of the or —The | cided the school sh parents’ postmast the mail. children the publi departme this decis —The Youngqu the New and vice was in Pi It is rum sured the bers of co he didn’t make the
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers