The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, May 11, 1906, Image 4

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    Patton Courier.
Ruy Hou Decker,
class mail matter,
A No papers discontinued until all arrear
ages are pald, unless at the option of the
Entered at the Postoffice at Patton as second-
To say nothing of the merits or de-
merits of any of the contentions of either
the miners or the operators anent the
present strike, there is something radi
i AGE agian in an economic system tha
ESTABLISHED ote, [Sully wrong y by
re makes one class of men millionaires
TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. surrounded by luxury and another
One copy, one year, in advance, - - * 81.001 4000 the peul producers of wealth, so
poor that they have to be helped to the
necessities of life daring times of ad-
Card of thanks be per line,
Resolutions be per line,
Poetry be per line,
Business locals Se per line,
Display ads 10e per inch flat.
fably in advamce. No commission paid to
advertising agents,
These are “best” rates—no others go.
Legal notices 81 per inch for three insertions,
Foreign advertising must be paid for invar-
Commissioner Garfield.
and message to congress was pretty
near the real thing.
Properties In This End of the County That
Changed Hands Recently.
in Spangler, $1,950.
April 26, 1906.
ies and convention.
Jusse E, DALE.
Patton, Pa.
pay day, but it wasn’t.
erop to be ruined again.
Thomas W. and out-Tarbelled Ida M.
squelched several promising matrimon-
ial booms.
- LIF the Tri-State base ball pennant
- was fGipside down, the Johnstown club
would be first in the race.
“BACK to the mines’ for the anthra-
cite miners, but back up to the com-
missary for the men in this district.
THAT Chicago man who has wag-
ered $25,000 that he can go a year with-
out telling a lie evidently isn’t a fisher-
THE CouURIER fully, frankly and fear-
lessly takes back all the mean things it
“ever said about Commissioner James
R. Garfield.
THERE will be a rattling of dry and
old bones at the election in this state
this fall or we will forfeit our reputa-
tion as a prophet.
PROBABLE candidates for the Demo-
eratic nomination for sheriff are said to
be James P. Green, of Johnstown, and
Thomas Peach, of Ebensburg.
“THE settlement of the anthracite
strike is a mighty good thing for that
region but a dampener to the prospects
wu for peace in the bituminous field.
IF ever there was a time when Pat-
ton people should patronize home
_ industries this is it. Keep every
penny in circulation at home. We
need it and Beers, Sawbuck & Co. et
al don’t.
THE disclaimer of H. H. Rogers and
the other theives in the Standard Oil
companv won’t do any harm anyway.
All of them are known to the general
_publicjas monumental liars “of the first
WrrH the Republican state conven-
on but a few weeks distant, it’s a
se man who can prognosticate who
candidate for governor will be.
b§ hoping the victor will be Cam-
a county’s favorite son, Robert S.
THE new press agent for the Stand-
ard Oil company will have to bea
dandy if be can lie as much, fast and
fluently as his employers, from Pat
Boyle, of Oil City, down to St. John D.
Rockefeller, of anywhere he can escape |
a suppoena.
E not a socialistic ‘sheet and be-
Ye in few of the tenets of that ism,
the COURIER is of the opinion that the
government ownership of coal mines
would go a long ways in mitigating
the evils the people of this section
are now gowpelled + to endure.
or THE state highway commissioner has
decided to use a portion of the money
obtained from the $3 automobile license
for road construction. This fund
amounts to about $30,000 a year, which
means that there are about 10,000 of
these machines in use in the state.
© Owners of automobiles will not object
FOR SHERIFF-I hereby announce-
myself as a candidate for Sheriff, sub
the decision of the Republican
Soh Last Saturday ought to have been a
| ALMOST time for the Delaware peach
AND Teddy almost out Lawsoned
THE state constabulary made a new
record this week. They didn’t murder
AND saddest to relate, the strike has
Patton, $300.
ship, $1.
Weakland, lot in Patton, $1,215.
“| Anderson, lot in Susquehanna town-
ship, $400.
county to Philomena Miller, lot in
Carrolltown, $75.
James Perry to Sarah E. Ramage,one |
acre 80 perches in Allegheny township, |
George J. Schwaderer et ux to Ed-
ship, $100.
Catharine Pyles et vir to William
Beiter, lot in Patton, $975.
Fannie Greene et vir to Tda C. Rey-
nolds, lot in Reade township, $275.
F. W. Cunningham et ux to Al-
phonse Yannens, one acre in Carroll
township, $100.
James Westrick et ux to J. L. Spang-
ler et al, 69 acres 44 perches in Elder
township, $7,830.
Thomas B. McClain to A. Abatichio
et al, two lots in Spangler, $450.
I. N. Rodkey et ux to Charles Fara-
baugh, lot in Spangler, $425.
Beech Creek Coal & Coke company
to Steve Comyak, two lots in Elder
township, $125.
Della A. McAteer et al to Joseph A.
Scanlan, lot in Loretto, $1,000.
Joseph Kernely et ux to Guiseppe
Di Anito et al, lot in Susquehanna
township, $700.
Spangler Improvement company to
William Shultz, lot in Spangler, $300.
Bradley Edward to Henry N. Schenk,
43 acres 14 perches in Allegheny town-
ship, $1,500.
Prosper Rodger et ux to Vito Stango,
lot in Susquehanna township, $800.
Mary Marty to Lewis Burkhart,lot in
Elder township, $480.
Margaret S. Woodside et vir to Ber-
nard Friedland, one acre in Susque-
hanna township, $1.
Philip Keebler et ux to Michael
Keebler, Jr., 66 acres 654 perches in
Chest township, $1,000.
Nellie Neff to James Commons, lot
in Hastings, 8, 150.
Rurry at Meals Will Send You
fo 0. F. Wolf for Mi-0-na
‘Eat in haste and repent at leisure’’
is an old saying brought up to date.
Hurry at breakfast means a bad start
for the day, and if you hurry also at
the other meals, you will soon suffer
with loss of appetite, ‘sleeplessness,
nervousness, furred tongue, specks
before the eyes, headaches, backaches,
weakness and debility, indigestion, or
other ills that are caused by an abused |
Here in Patton, as in thousands of
other places over the country, hurry at
meals increases the druggist’s business.
Not a day passes that O. F. Wolf does
not sell several packages of Mi-o-na
stomach tablets to those who have
ruined their digestion by not taking
time to eat.
O. F. Wolf has seen so many cures |
made by Mi-o-na that he sells it under
an absblute guarantee that it will be |
successful in every case where it is
used in accordance with directions,
that is, one tablet before each meal,
and will refund the money to anyone
whom it does not help. A large box
of Mi-o-na tablets costs but 50 cents if
it cures; nothing if it fails.
—A large number of the striking
miners in Patton have secured employ-
ment in the Pittsburg district.
—Charles S. Shank, president of the
Windber local union of the United
Mine Workers, who was recently ar-
rested and placed in jail on the charge
of arson, or setting fire to a house be-
longing to the Berwind-White com-
pany, has been released on $4,000 bail,
which was furnished by his friends.
The general impression is that Shank
was arrested on a trumped up charge
to get him out of the way.
toatax of §3 if the money is used to
good purpose in improving the roads.
weighing friendship.
Trouble is the only reliable scale for
HURRAH for President Roosevelt and
That report |
Fannie Eastland to Essie George, lot
H. CO. Yerger to George Sheka, lot in |
Catherine McCans et vir to Samuel | Thomas Litzinger
Excelsior B. & L. Association to Eva i Meredith...
Benedictine Society of Westmoreland | Joseph Karlheim..
ward J. Cullen, lot in Cresson town- |
Borough Ordinances.’
ough of Patton.
Be it enacted and ordained by th
the same.
constructing the sewer
avenue, beginning at a point thirt
A. D,
1905, is ascertained to
it is therefore enacted an
| assessed upon the following, being a
sewer and line of improvement, to th
following amounts, and that the sam
| cording to the foot front rule:
An ordinance assessing a sewage tax That, whereas the actual cost of con.
on the property owners adjacent to | structing the sewer on Fourth avenue,
a sewer on Mellon avenue in the bor: |peginning at the north-east corner of
burgess and town council of the bor
ough of Patton, and it is hereby en-
acted and ordained by authority of
feet north of the boreugh line to inter- | [upon the following, being all the prop-
Isection of Park and Mellon avenues, erty owners adjacent to suid street or
constructed in purseance to Ordinance | line of sewer, to the following amounts,
No. 77, approved the 9th day of June, | and that the same be collected accord-
be ling to law and applied towards the |
ordained that a sewage tax be and is | Cole Brothers... co veins
the property owners adjacent to said |
| be collected according to law and ap-
Beech Creek Coal & Coke company plied towards the payment of said
to George Kopisik, lot in Chest town- | sewer, the assessment being made ac- | 8688 and town council of the borough
ough of Patton, and it is hereby en-
acted and ordained by authority of
George O'Brien,
the same,
Mary 8, O'Brien,
Minnie M, Probe
Mrs, Mary ann
land of Cole Brothers and extending
south and intersecting with Palmer
avenue sewer at Flannagan run, con:
| structed in pursuance to ordinance of
> Jo 0L Sperry
the borough of Patton No. 81, ap-| 1906,
| proved the 22nd day of September,
That, whereas the actual cost of A D. 1905, is ascertained to be §561.65,
on Mellon (jt, jg therefore enacted and ordained | Attest:
Y | that a sewage tax be and is assessed
| borangh this
| { 1906.
d | construction of said sewer: |
§ 1
36 |
18 |
16 44 |
8: ¥ 57
. 60 12 ¢
Anthony Dietrick...... «coin 12 hg
Atlantic Refining Company
| Peter Somics,
© | Henry Swoope
© | Frank Warner
Mike Mayovick.
Enacted and ordained by
I Notice
thie bur-
of Patton this 24th day of April, A. .
all outstandin
..124 feet § 60 uD: 1906. H. S. LIN
Mrs. Helena Mellon. Hz “ 55 05 | + ©. LINGLE,
B50 24 58 | President of Council.
. A. Williams 102 + 5013 | Attest: —
ey Sheka. 96 * 17 20 Ep. 8. MOORE,
| Barbara Karlheim. ; 16 22 | Borough Secretary.
“BAL Approved by the burgess of Patton | | IR
| Edward Strunatier od ei borough this 24th day of April, A. D. i: 1
| Mrs. Anna Tully, deceased. . “ 20 49 AP po rl
[w /illiam Lucas 60 29 49 | 1906.
G. L. Burns. 60 % . 2049! W. J. DONNELLY, 1] ;
Mrs. Paul Shor 60 * 29 | Burgess of Patton Borough.
Hugh McCaule, a 29 49
Hugh Whiteford. 60 Mao ORDINANCE NO. 89.
| Joseph Gauntner... 270 “ 132 71 | An ordinance assessing a sewage tax
Mrs. Helena Mellon
Joseph Fisher.
Samuel Styer...
Borough Secretary.
Approved by the burgess of Patton
borough this 24th day of April, A.
D. 1906.
Borgess of Patton Borough.
An ordinance assessing a sewage tax
on the property owners adjacent to
sewer on Magee avenue in the borough
of Patton.
Be it enacted and ordained by the
burgess and town council of the bor-
ough of Patton, Pa., and it is hereby
the same.
That, whereas the actual cost of con-
structing the sewer on Magee avenue,
beginning at a point at or near the
terminus of the present sewer opposite
the property of James Mellon and ex-
tending west to Little Chest creek,
constructed in pursuance to ordinance
of the borough of Patton No. 76, ap-
proved the 9th day of June, A. D.
1905, is ascertained to be $368.50, mak-
ing a pro ratio cost of $25.63 for each
fifty-foot lot so adjacent, it is therefore
enacted and ordained that a sewage
tax be and is assessed upon the follow-
ing, being all the property owners
adjacent to said street or line of sewer,
to the following amounts, and that the
same be collected according to law and
applied towards the cost of construct-
ing said sewer:
James Mellon...
L. K. Christoff..
Frank Bruneau...
Mrs, Helena Allison Li 25 63
John R. Cordell....... “ 25 63
H. E. Barton and F. B, Morey
Richard Lilly... :
M. M. Nolan..... 5
United Mine Worke
jen... 4 25 63
H. E. Barton.. ‘ 25 63
Mrs. Agnes Eagan, ’ 25 63
H, O. WInslow......c.c.cocciisrsersnisesd 50. + 25 63
Enacted and ordained by the bur-
gess and town council of the borough
of Patton this 24th day of April, A. D.
1906. ;
President of Council.
Attest: —
Borough Secretary.
Approved by the burgess of Patton
borough this 24th day of April, A. D,
Burgess of Patton Borough.
Be it enacted and ordained by the
burgess and town council of the bor-
$b 2p
58 98 | :
29 49 | Sewer on Fifth avenue and Park ave-
enacted and ordained by authority of
3 | $1,391.00, making a pro ratio cost of
An ordinance assessing a sewage tax “ “
on the property owners adjacent to | Mrs. Mary Wilson.
sewer on Fourth avenue in the bor-|John Palcho...
ough of Patton, Pa.
{on the property owners adjacent to
F. E. Farabaugh,
Edward Little....
Pomgratz Wiltusnic.
Beech-Creek Coal & Coke Co..
85 03
Sars Bloomberg.
T. M. Sheehan
Joseph A. Gray..
Frank Dunnegan..
Enacted and ordained by the bur-
gess and town council of the borough
of Patton this 24th day of April, A. D.
haffey with the
western railway.
wo J. F. Fairlamb,
New Y:
President of Council.
Attest: —
Borough Secretary.
Approved by the burgess of Patton
borough this 24th day of April, A. D.
W. J. DONNELLY, house.
Burgess of Patton Borough.
An ordinance assessing a sewage tax
on the property owners adjacent to
sewer on Mageé avenue, west of Little
Chest creek, in the borough of Pat-
ton, Pa.
Be it enacted and ordained by the
burgess and town council of the bor- |
ough of Patton, and is hereby enacted
and ordained by authority of the
That, whereas the actual cost of con-
structing the sewer on Magee avenue,
beginning at the bridge crossing Little
Chest creek and extending west to
bridge at or near the mill of W. J.
Donnelly & Co., constructed in pur-
suance to ordinance of the borough of
Patton No. 75, approved the 22nd day
of April, 1905, is ascertained to be
left out.
by WoLawrence ©
$43.64 for each fifty-foot lot so adjacent,
it is therefore enacted and ordained
that a sewage tax be and is assessed
upon the foliowing, being all the prop-
erty owners adjacent to said street or
sewer line, to the following amounts,
and that the same be collected accord-
ing to law and applied towards the
construction of said sewer.
J, H, Stroup... ....,
Matthew O'Brien,
Patton B, & L. Agsocintion
Sampson Hewlett
is hereby
07 | | partne rship existing between Joseph
18] | Flick and A. B. Kerns, under the firm
5 ge | name of Fiick & Kerns, has been dis-
solved by mutual consent, the business
being continued by Mr.
all bills are payable
dnacted and ordaine d by
goes nnd town council of the borough
of Patton this 24th day of April, A, D.
President of Council.
Ep. 8S. MooRg,
h Secretary.
Approved by the burgess of Patton
24th day «
Burgess of Patton Borough.
g debts.
Patton, Pa., April 20, 1906,
(Pennsylvania Division.)
Beech Creek District.
Condensed Time Table.
Connections—At Williamsport with Phila-
delphia and Reading Railway:
the Fall Brook District; at Mill Hall
with Central Railroad of Pennsylvania; at
Philipsburg with Pennsylvania railroad and
N Yand P CR R; at Clearfield with the Buf-
falo, Rochester and Pittsbury railway; at Ma-
haffey and Patton with Cambria and Clearfield
division of the Pennsyvania railroad; at Ma-
W. H. Nopinrep,
Gen'l Pass. Agt.,
ork, Willi
Home Killed Meat
No embalmed business in
We deal strictly in
meat killed at our slaughter
Everything in season.
Little Bros.,
Butchers and Dealers in All Kinds of
Fresh and Smoked Meats.
The kind with the
est lins
tific accuracy.
by the
Sold by
Binder & Starrett,
tton, Pa.
Flick, to whom
and who will pay
ho LR . .
a consists simply in pre-
“ 3 ¢ .
W0 % ae] sentin 0
AL g before the people
the bur-| the goods you have to sell
in an intelligent manner,
whether it is a house and
is too late at this day to
lot or a pair of shoes.
expatiate on the merits of
That has
been demonstrated so of-
»f April, A. D. advertising.
ten that iteration is futile,
The main question
now days
1 that the co-
is, what medium to use ?
Advertising experts long
ah ago settled it by declar-
ing that newspaper adver-
tising was by far the most
effective and brings better
returns than any other
extant. The merchants
of this section long ago
declared that better re-
sults were obtained by
using the COURIER than
Mrs. Mary McConnell 60 « 29 49 nues in the borough of Patton. Read up Read down
Joseph H. Hoover.. 6 + 20 49 | Exp Mail In effect Nov, 5,’00 Exp Mail
Charles Wells..... 60 ¢ 29 19 | Be it enacted and ordained by the No37 No33 No30 No 36 by any other means. It
Mrs, Eslens " burgess and town council of the bor-{ pm pm am ph
rs. Helena Mellon 100 53 5 920 150ar Patton lv 16 10 1 d k b
Matthew Robertson 50 « 24 5|ough of Patton, and it is hereby en-| gi 12 Westover 6s 33 1s read every wee y
C. K. Crossman... 66 “ 3244 acted and ordained by authority of| iar Arcadin 940 1:
hi y : | 830 100ar Mahaffey Iv 700 352
Eqwin Shers¥. 60 ¢ 29 49 | the same. 7 57 32 = Iv Kerrmoor ar? 2 4 17 hundreds of families and
omas Bisho 70 0“ 34 41 2 19 xazzam 427 .
All a @ « 2949] That, whereas the actual cost of con | 757 1212ar _Kerrmoor iw729 135)" goes into the homes of the
EAWin Shores. 6 * 294 structing the sewer on Fifth and Park | 732 1207 New Midvorl Ji 44 :
Simon Bortman 6 “ 201 avenues, beginning at the south side| 7 115 ' Michels 746 433 majority of the people of
Olof Forse..... 60 “ 2049 of Russell avenue and extending to| 6351100 Woodlan 34 32 {
Gust Dahlo Bon BI er er oe Lo San Waltaceton 3% s04| NorthernCambriacounty.
Andrew Strittmatter. 35 « 17 20 | ib 612 10 39 Morrisdale Mines 910 gl2 .
Andrew Batruski. 60 « 29 49 | Pursnance to ordinance No. 78, ap-| 538 10291v Munson ar 9 18 21 The rates are low just
] = . 5321000 1v Philipsburg ar942 645 2
Philip Link...... 60 * 29 49 | proved the 9th day of June, A. D.| 615 1050 ar “ {iam 532 d itabl :
Sophia Pearson. @ “24 1905, is ascertained to bo $404.86, itis| 53 [03ar Mumson ivem du| and equitable—one price
er 0, “ ‘ $ inburne ‘ 30
Rudoipl Gaunibs . 5 > Da therefore enacted and ordained that a 352 45 aie 28 si to all and the small ad-
cenrennn “ iY | . a Ye own
James Mulligan 70 «34 41 |8ewage tax be and is assessed upon the | 501 931 Snow Shoe 1009 715 . .
John J. Dietrick... 0 “« 2458 following, being all the property| {13 841 Boseh Cronk 03 5% vertiser gets just as good
Mrs. Agnes Boley. . 60 “ 29 49 | owners adjacent to said street and| 351 822 Lock Haven 1116 830 t th 1 -
Mrs, Paul Short L188 4 92401 : 336 800 Avis 1133 85 | a rate as the large ome.
rie didi i 2 4 line of sewer,to the following amounts, 326 752 Jersey Shore 1145 904 .
Enacted and ordained by the bur. |20d that the same be collected accord- FHiRv. Wijiamsport = arjz 2 If your business needs
y - We, ur. ing to law and applied towards the pm am Phil'a&ReadingRR pm pm : :
gess and town council of the borough i 225 650ar Williamsport Ivfi22osiizo| a tonic, come in and let
of Patton this 24th day of April payment of said sewer, the assessment | {3 3611 30 1v Philadelphia ar 730 650 2
’ i i am m
rilmomg being made according to the foot $0 "iv N ¥ via Tamaqua ar 040 “| US talk the matter over
H.S. LINGLE, front rule: 14253730 Iv N Y via Phila ar 1040 1902 "
President of CO il Joseph Gauntner... we 0 feet §2892|2™ PM Pla sm with you or send us word
resident o: ouncil, Beech Creek Coal & "Coke Co. 50 28 92 *Daily. Week days. 27 p m Sunday. {1100 .
Attest: Od CP "3 w+ 17g|amSunday and we will have a repre-
atJersey shore | sentative call on you and
explain everything about
our plan. You may do
ia and North-| business without adver-
tising, but you are certain
Gen. ng
lamspor a. .
to do more by advertising.
It is an investment that
will repay you an hun-
dred fold.
We will prepare your
copy and take complete
charge of your advertis-
ing campaign, however
large or small, without,
extra cost.
The Courier,
5 Patton, Pa,
Parnell, ‘Cowher & Co
—Agents for—
ren en || “ccm INSURANCE
from best ACCIDENT
nt and pur-
eed oil com- REAL ESTATE AGENTS.
with scien-
Good Bnilding, Patton, Pa.—'Phone No, ¥.
Office in Good Building, formerly
occupied by H. A. Seitz.
Office hours:--8 a. m. to 12 m.
1 p. m. to 5:30 p. m.
7p. m, to8 p.m.
MS. SUNSeri......oiivinucnireio 50 feet 8 43 64
Trustees of Swedish Lutheran I I \\ 1 L 1 i
Chere a T. H. WIRTNER, |violin, Mandolin, Gui-
Dennis Nolan 4 43 64 1
Hiram Wilki “ 43 64 M odern ta ra nd Ba njo
John Spangle. ge 13 64 Ph t h
Svea Mission Gi Loa Siogrepaen rAUGHY,
» sdish Miss rch 3220 {
| W. J. Donnelly & Co 63 51 69 PATTON, PA. { WM. M. SIMPSON,
E Lola B. Kauffman ... C30 43 64 |
Thomas Whitehead. . 50 13 64 4 Fifth Avenue. PATTON, PA.
. J. Donnelly & Co 50 13 64| Children’s Photographs a Specialty. Opposite M. E. Churh.
| a Quinn., , 50 13 64 | Picture Framing and Enlarging in
| Trustees Baptist C 5 13 64 . , IG
| Thomas Clark..., i a1 5 Crayon, Pastel and Water Colors. Estate ot Richard Rowland, Deceased.
| Mrs, Martina Fil = 21 so | Duplicates can be had of any pictures ekibok Torlamintas Ha above. cuales
| an, 2 2 > taken by my predecessors, Messrs. | Le ers testamentary on the a boye estate
i Kane...... 3 3 Perell. Harris and Kennedy. having been granted to the undersigned, all
Ww. J. Donne ly &C . 50 13 64 2 | persons indebted to said estate are requested
LOO 43 64 — : | to make payment, and those having claims to
i « 5562) Patronize the home print shop, | present the same without delay, to
John Paleo, L380 Bis We are better prepared than ever to RICHARD ROWLAND, Executor,
rs. BE. Wilkins, 50 ¢ 3 64 + +. dw Pattoh, Pa.
Beceh Oroek Coal & Coke Co..... 30 “48 64 turn out commercial printing of all _ May 2nd, 1906.
we TR 13 64 | Kinds and at prices that can’t be dupli-| — ~ *
“ « “13 64 | cated for good work. { J Read your own | paper.
8, ha;
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