Be WGITRS STATEMENT. Statement of the financial condition of Patton borough for the year ending March 20, 1906. RLCKEIPTS, Prom Burgess W. J, nelly, licenses, vie, From George Hoo: 19, Done won 8 TOO Tq. “" fines, ote, . 70 50 From Janos Motion OMe eiss rena . 242 From J, D, Lyons, fines, leenses, ete, oe 06 00 From J. D, Lyons , collec- 301, 1905 dupliente. ww. 5,185 80 From J, D, pli collec tor, 1904 daplieate iH From County Treasurer, Hauer Heenses, 810 00 From Fore ig Fire Insur ance Co's, 208 09 From County “Commis. sloners on return (ax...... 128 78 ron money Dorromed of I Le Hoover @ 5 per . «1,000 00 y i Anthony Farabaugh per cent. 27 18 money borrowed of Mary Farabaugh @ 4% CIE CON sre serge ums seve pices 2.072 82 From James Mellon, bal ance in treasury March Be 1008. cover verrrnriniciing, 1,540 20 $12,490 97 DISBURSEMENTS, Paid orders for street work 970 07 i 18 00 1,281 40 225 95 192 46 1 859 60 orders for water. 480 00 - “ « glerk and 82 70 ha i ‘for | printing... 130 10 * * Intereston 199 12 ’ Paid. anders for Cole Bros... 350 55 “ R. Somer- vill, Boro: solicitor... 60 00 Paid orders for C. E. Trox- ell $7,000 Bond Issue, 0 and change of poll: 26 00 ny place, $ LOupons.... . Paid orders for James Mel- , treasurer's commis 1,235 50 115 00 28 52 7 70 5,000 00 20 99 $11,360 66 1,130 31 | STATEMENT OF TAX COLLECTOR. Pue from J. D. Lyons, du- E 3 7,612 62 CREDIT Qommission paid to J. D. yons on taxes collected for first sixty da duplicate of 1905 cent on $4,257.0 > 85 74 Paid to hy Asurer on 1905 duplica 3,185 80 Paid to ET: on 1904 fuplieate............. ............ 754 35 Five per cent rob taxes within 60 day 225 63 Five per cent comm on $773.22 ¢ollected with- in four months after re- bate ceased . 38 57 . Bxoneration plieate. 126 20 Exonerat ieate. . 57 80 Exonerations from ce unty commissioners on un- seated land tax. ..... 26 80 $6,500 89 Amount due from J. D. Lyons...........% L111 73 RESOURCES, Due ‘from J. D. Lyons 1905 duplicate 1,004 06 Due from . duplicate. .e 107 67 Dae from connty treasur- er, liquor license. 840 00 Due from comm return tax......... 26 80 Estimated | ipal buildin 350 00 e from as follows, Alex yontelih, Etizabe FY liams, sewer. 27 78 25 00 32 16 32 16 55 00 202 88 March AUB esac sans irra 1,130 81 $ 3,661 72 LIABILITIES. mrer commission on dis bursements of 1905, 2 per cent on §11,281.96......... ..... 25 70 $21,815 85 Net indebtedness of borough. ........o..$ 18,18 13 We, the undersigned auditors of Pat- ton borough, do hereby certify that we have examined the foregoing ac- eopnts of the borough for the year end- dng March 20, 1906, and find the same ‘to be true to the best of our knowledge and belief. H. E. BARTON, H. A. LEIDEN, Auditors, H. 8S. LINGLE, . President of Council. Attest: — ED. MOORE, Borough Clerk. Patton, Pa. April 16, 1906. NOTICE, Notice is hereby given that the -andersigued has purchased the follow- ing property of James A. Thomas and | the same has been left in his hands temporarily. All persons are forbidden to interfere with or molest the same wader penalty of the law: One brown | mare, onv Lio ess, 70 tons of | ice, one bu. zy, uct biocks and all | set of A. Thomas, JOHN A. THOMAS. | Patton, Pa., April 16, 1906. | | Fifth Avenue, Reuel Somerville, Attorney-at-Tax, Parron, Pa! Office in the Good Building. | old papers for sale at this often «only 5c a bundle. i Violin, Mandolin, Gui= butchering fois now in shop of James | | ta ra nd Ba njo LW YORK CONTRA & HUDSON RIVER R. R. (Pennsylvania Division) Beech Creek District. Condensed Time Table, ead down Head up Exp Mail In effect Nov, 5, Exp Mail Nod? Noid Noid No 36 pm pm am pm $20 150ar Patton v0 30 N00 129 Westover G36 325 153 wy Arcadia 3 10 $80 100ar Mahatley iv 700 3562 7 - K ar’ 1 17 427 Ke 7% 4385 New Millport TH AW Olanta 710 447 Mitchells 746 453 Ulearfield 821 525 35 Woodland 845 560 2 Wallaceton H00 604 3 Morrisdale Mines 910 gl2 5 2 Iv Munson aryl18 621 182 1000 Iv Philipsburg {iii 645 645 10 Mar} " Iv8a6 H32 551 102 ar Munson Ive 62 I Winburne 927 630 Peale 947 650 Gillintown 1008 710 Snow Shoe 1009 715 Beech Creek 1057 B09 Mill Hall 1100 822 Lock Haven 1116 830 Avis 1133 850 Jersey Shore 1145 904 Williamsport arl220 935 t pm am pm am 225 650ar pm pm Phil’a & Reading R R m pm Williamsport vil 220%11 & 18 36%11 30 lv Philadelphia J, 730 650 am pm pm am 400 lv NY via Tamaqua ar 1040 1425 2730 lv NY via Phila ar 1040 1902 am pm pm am *Daily. tWeek days. #7 p m Sunday. {1100 am Sunday Connections—At Williamsport with Phila- delphia and Reading Railway: at Jersey Shore with the Fall Brook District; at Mill Hall with Central Railroad of Pennsylvania; at Philipsburg with Pennsylvania railroad and N Yand P C RR; at Clearfield with the Buf- falo, Rochester and Pittsburg railway; at Ma- hatfey and Patton with Cambria and Clearfield division of the Pennsyvania railroad; at Ma- haffey with the Pennsylvania and North- western railway. J. F. Fairlamb, Gen’l Pass. Agt., New York, ‘W. H. Northrup, Gen. Agent, Williamsport, Pa. GOOD for OLD and YOUNG _ seid ag August Flower keeps the children healthy and ong— Pull of ar and frolic the whole day long, So Tien bamn na needs more they rush off in And . Jout to the druggist : mel” Inability to get up brisk and fresh in the morning, Tack of appetite, pallor, muddy complexion and poor spirits— these all he ate a Ta ered stomach and bad digestion—in aduits and children, too. They also indicate the urgent need of taking Green's August Flower regu- larly for a few days. qIt’s a reliable old remedy forall stomach troubles, never fails to cure indigesti dyspepsia and chronic constipation. and is a natural tonic for body and mind. {Two sizes, 25¢c and 75c. All druggists ‘‘ Please give it to For sale by GUNN’S PHARMACY Are The One to Suffer by fhe po. -wise poundfool- 1 ing your own Lawrence Ready Mixed id from the best pigment and the purest linssed oil—with scientific accu- racy. Guaranteed by the maker. BEL ; Ly lL Sold by Sinder & Starrett, Patton, Pa. TAUGHT, WH. M. SIMPSON, PATTON, PA. Opposite M. E. Chuarh, T.R. MORRISON Dentist, PATTON, PA. burg, Pa., on At No. 1. Book No. 154, page 506. No. 2. said land from said e TERMS OF SALE: April 16th, 1906. >cutors clock p. m., Chest, bounded by land of A. W. Lee et : of Thomas M. Craver, by land of Jacob Schmidtbauer and by land of E. & M. Jordon, containing three hundred and sixty acres, more or less, together with the mining rights any privileges that were reserved by said executors with the said coal in deed for a portion of said land to Joseph 1 Rhiner, 1904, and recorded in said recording office in Deed Book No. 161, | to Thomas M. 1904, and recorded in said recording office in Deed Book No. 1, by land of Sylvanus J. Craver, his heirs and as: Wirtner, bear Jr, age 27 165, page {no mg ILUAGLE REAL Eol By virtue and authority contained in the last will and testament of James P. McCans, deceased, late of the Township of Clearfield, in Cambria county, Pa, undersigned Executors Said land will be offered for sale in separate pieces to suit the convenience of the bidders, that way provided a better price can be thereby obtained than by selling the land as a whole. All the coal in, under and upon all that certain piece or parcel of land situate in said Township of by land of Joseph McMullen, by land Sth date the and the will expose to Public Sale at the Court House in Ebene gy May 12,06. the following described real estate, viz: All that certain picce or parcel of land situate partly in the Township of Clearfield and partly in the Township of Chest, in Cambria County, Pa., bounded by land of —— Williams, by land of Elizabeth Thomas, by land of James Ryan, by land of Beech Creek Coal & Coke Company, by land of A. W. Lee et al, by land of A. B. Jordon et al, by land of John B. Strittmatter, by land of Mrs. Evaristus Wilt and by land of I containing two hundred and twenty-three acres, one hundred and thirteen perches, more or less, therefrom, however, all the coal in, under and upon the same, together with the mining rights and privileges that were granted and conveyed with said coal to F. J. O’Connor, his heirs and assigns, by deed bearing date the roth day of August, 1903, and recorded in the office for recording dee ‘nglebert Bender, but reserving ds, etc., in and for said county of Cambria in Deéd will be sold in day of February, 7, et seq., and in deed for the balance of gus, bearing date the 8th day of February 237 et seq. Ten per cent of the purchase money in hand at the time of the sale, one-third on confirmation of sale, one-third in six months and one-third in 12 Deferred payments to bear interest and to be secured by the judgement bond and mortgage of the purchaser. JAMES A. McCANS, the balance of months from the confirmation of sale. Patton, R. F. D. No. 1, JOHN J. DIETHRICH, Patton, Pa., Executors. TRY IT! PATTO { Bell PHONES: 1 Local Now on the Market .. PATTON BEER Warranted absolutely pure ard free from all deleterious substances. N BEER IS UNION MADE. TRY IT! FOR SALE AT ALL THE LEADING BARS IN THE COUNTY. THE PATTON BREWING CO., PATTON, PA Parnell, Cowher & Co | —Agents for— INSURANCE REAL ESTATE AGENTS, FIRE, LIFE AND CCIDENT Good Building, Patton, Pa.—’Pbone No. 9. | F. R. MELLON, Dentist. | t. occupied by H. A. Seitz. Office hours:—-8 a. m. to 12 m. 1 p. m. to 5:30 p. m. | 7 p.m. to 8 p. m. Old papers for sale at this office for | | Office in Brady Building. 5c a bundle. T. H. WIRTNER, Modern Photographer, PATTON, PA. Northern Cambria Street Railway Company Schedule of Cars. RUNNING ON A THIRTY-MINUTE HEADWAY, 10:15 p. m., First car leaves Patton for Barnesboro and Carrolltown at 6:00 a. m. The 11:09 p. m. car to pewer house ONLY. | thereafter until 10:30 p. m. nection on this trip. First car leaves power house at 5:00 a. m. for Carroiltown. First car leaves power house for Barnesboro at. Second car leaves power house for Barnesboro at Third i The “Third Car” First car leaves Barnesboro for Patton at The 10:45 and 11:15 p. m., cars to power house and St. Benedict ONLY. St. Benedict ¢ “ makes connections with P. R, R. train at Spangler for Cresson. 1. m, and every 30 minutes thereafter until and every 30 minutes No Carroiitown con- This car then remains on the { Branch and connects with all Main Line cars at Carrolltown Junction. First car leaves (x 1 10:30 pm. First car leaves Carrolltown for Barnesboro at 6:00 a. m. | until 10:30 p. m. Second car First s 4 “ 4 “ Children’s Photographs a Specialty. | Picture Framing and Enlarging in| { Crayon, Pastel and Water Colors. Duplicates can be had of any pictures | taken by my predecessors, | Perel, Harris and Kennedy. Office in Good Building, formerly DR: H. W. BRILEY Dentist! | Office Hours—8 to 12 a. m., 1to5 p., m. 6108] (p.m. i Room 16, Good Building. | [| LOCAL PHONE, Messrs. i “ leaving Patton at 6: receive passengers from again at 11:00 p. m. for the The 10:30 p. m1. ca Main Li irrolitown for Patton at 5:30 a. m, and every 30 minutes thereafter until and every 30 minutes thereafter r will be the last scheduled car for Carrolltown unless they e¢ cars at the Junction at 10:44 p. m. when they willl eave power house ONLY. TIME OF CARS AT STATION POINTS ON MAIN LINE. "| First car Victor No. 9 to Barneshore at.....5 Second car Victor No. 9 to Barnesboro at...5 | First car Brandon Hotel, Spangler, S. 4th street to Barnesboro ** Victor No, § power house * “ FKoxberg £ ¢ St. Benedict © 4 ¢# Carr’ltn Jet “ X Roads Ashcroft Columbia * $¢ £ “ Barnesboro * ..608 “Ashcroft * X Roads ¢ Carrit’n Jet * ‘St. Benedict “ “ Foxberg a “power house * First car leaving Barnesboro Baggage and packa Patton at Soa. 0l am “ “ Special cars can be arranged for. m. will connect with the N ) a. m, for Mah: ley, Cleartield, Philipsburg and Ww illiamsport, rried on all cars, ) 27 a m and every 30 mins, thereafier until 1057 p m 1100 * 1023 11:23 « 11274 1032 ¢ 1033 1034 1044 ¢ 1046 « 1048 1050 « 1038 1040 * 1042 ¢ 1044 1050 * 1051 *¢ 1052 « LY. GC. & H. R. R, R. train J. L. MeN ELIS, Supt. Advertise in the COURIER. FS A——— i. ‘1 rr 1 y «fy IN WILL The N NEEL It will b Pledged People Sub-Dis The cc sub-distr to secure “4n the co nesday t every Ic Was rept not sent of their In ope to the d the fact ' the min gone to | to urge more ac man, all been a ft said, the resentat were un measure which th After Presiden gates in secretar) Dugan’s as to jus contain came to structed. the var county h the sche platform candidat It is th select a c days to work of finished mitted to for ratif] has been Presiden county c placing i dates for The mi what the nor hav candidate offices. There the conve vitation | granges county t convenbi Dates and County announce teachers’ Those for June 14 township - June 1¢ $ownship June 16 Hownship June 2: Susqueha boro. June 2¢ ship. June 27 township June 26 Munster June 3( township July 11 township July 12 ship, Che August ination. Manutactu to the The la the Clear ing to Ho by fire ea Night W: his life wi between t Qarlson heart fail on the thi the clock afterward floor, evic tern. Hi in the rui insurance rebuilt,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers