corn al- uts from 8 gener« ter thar because re nour nd to be bout ar- give no seed of e cheap ostly at used by "es. ORN. s whole planting, ind less ‘he corn and left st to en- posed to weather igh cold re them. ERS. ‘an keep out feel s sheep ock will most ap- hey are a large f sheep vill also he land. E. wount of ard that n it, es- d. Such to the ill make uch ma- undation down to t as ab- anure. EEDED. ssary if ever at- Get the will last seed, if 1 in the m single the tops » enough ive lost atoes in- duce the 1s saved op. TLES. nportant sands of in the in main- Ise pota- nd pota- food in e agency, s elabor- ecessary, d before 1d of al- e portion ‘toes are » growth 8 warm nt early, 1s. It is s there ds If the he seeds nts that 1p early,’ n a cool ere with ison, It te plants ke more rown in d. This t abund- are not th, It is early ase is better than in- frosts, as ned. CS. umbs are ince the heep are can I do eder an- one is to ip which only one the scab properly, ear, once 1g—when roved in er in the arrives. so trou- y in the he whole nt of the ng of the ~from all ese ticks t trouble- , If the from all no future ings will g only a +» comfort ir owner. 1t. CE ——————————— THREE FACTS ——— For Sick Women To Consider First, —That almost every operation in our hospitals performed upon women becomes necessary through neglect of such symptoms as backache, irregular snd painful periods, displacements of the female organs, pain in the side, burning sensation in the stomach, bearing-down pains, nervousness, dis- ziness and sleeplessness. SecoND.—The medicine that holds the record for the largest number of absolute eures of female ills is Lydie E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. It regulates, strengthens and cures diseases of the female organism as nothing else can, For thirty years it has been helping women to be strong, curing backache, nervousness, kidney troubles, inflam- mation of the female organs, weak- ness and displacements, regwating the periods perfectly and overcoming their pains. It has also proved itself invaluable in preparing women for childbirth and the change of life. Tairp.—The great volume of unso- licited and grateful testimonials on file at the Pinkham Laboratory at Lynn, Mass. suy of which are from time to time published by permission, give ab- solute evidence of the value of Lydia B. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and Mrs. Pinkham’s advice. Mrs. Pinkham’s Standing Invitation to Women.--Women suffering from any form of female weakness are invited to romptly communicate with Mrs. Pink- am, at Lynn, Mass. All letters are received, opened, read and answered by women only. Fromsymptoms given, your trouble may be located and the quickest and surest way of recovery advised. Mrs. Pinkham is daughter- in-law of Lydia E. Pinkham and for twenty-five years under her direction and since her decease she has been ad- vising sick women free of charge. Outot the vast volume of experience in treat- ing female ills Mrs. Pinkham probably has the very knowledge that will help your case. Surely, any woman, rich or poor, is very foolish if she doesnot take advantage of this generous offer of assistance. Substitutes For Coffee. Among substitutes for coffee not only roasted grains are used, but also roasted dandelion root, figs, turnips and even acorns. The last are much used among the poorest people in Berlin. To Launder Lace Curtains. Shake the dust from the curtains, and soak over night in cold water. In the morn- ing rinse through several cold waters before utting them into the suds. Then wash hrough hot Ivory Soap suds bysopping and squeezing. Use a second suds and leave for an hour in boiling water. Rinse, dry and then starch. Stretch in frames or by pinning to sheets.—ELEANOR R. PARKER. The consumption of spirituous lig- uors in Canada last year was less by $709,000 than in 1904. W. L. DOUCLAS $3.50 3° SHOES W. L. Douglas $4.00 Gilt Edge Line cannot be equalled at any price. ESTABUSHED | July g 876: ||CariTaL $2 500,000] UGLAS IAAKES & SELLS MORE W.L.D MEN'S $3.50 SHOES THANANY OTHER MANUFACTURER iN THE WORLD. $10 00 REWARD to anyone who can 3 disprove this statement. If I could take you into my three large factories at Brockton, Mass., and show you the infinite care with which every pair of shoes is made, you would realize why W. L. Douglas $3.50 shoes cost more to make, why they hoid their shape, fit better, wear longer, and are of greater Intrinsic value than any other $3.50 shoe. W. L. Douglas Front Made Shoes for Men, $2.50, $2.00. Boys’ School & Dress Shoes, $2.50, $2,931.75, $1.50 N.—Insist upon having W.L.Doug- las shoes. Take no substitute. None genuine without his name and price stamped on bottom. Fast Color Eyelets used ; they will not wear brassy. Write for Illustrated Catalog. W. L. DOUGLAS, Brockton, Mass. Don’t Get Wet! TOWER'S SLICKERS will keep you dry as nothing else will, because they are the product of the best materials and seventy years’ experi-)/ ence in manufacturing. AOWERy lipo Ast prY® GOLD-MINING STOCK FRE waiters tit amount of stock free in the greatest gold-mining roromtion in the world’s history. Many fortunes A. J. TOWER CO. Boston, U.S.A. TOWER CANADIAN C0, Ltd. Toronto, Can. 831 re 0 ba made. ‘This is your golden OrTorIty rite toda, Don’t delay. AERO-CONCENTRA- TOR 00., Tract Society Building, New York. HE GREAT WHITE PLAGUE AND VACCINATION as the CAUSE. Send for book, 10c¢., to C.L.Seward, Liberty,Ind. 48 U. LOUK free, Highest refs S Long experience. Fitzgerald &Co.Dept. 54, Washington, D.C P. N. U. 16, 1906. warvact Thompson's Eye Water | UP A TREE. SOM. LEN the little A X United States © © mission explgrers, on their foe Rr return from Karluk Lake, ON were vesting their tired limbs in the genial company of Captain Larsen, in Uyak Bay, they found themselves temporarily storm-bound behind a little island which makes a good lee for the salmon fleet in west- erly winds, The steamers Haytien Republic, Bertha and Aleut and the bark Coryphene were anchored in this gnug harbor when Captain Larsen's Ella Robifss dropped anchor in their company. Our natives speedily pad- dled themselves away to the barabaras of their friends, and we joined a so- ciable gathering in the cabin of Cap- tain Brown, of the Haytien Republic. Here Captain Anderson, commanding the Bertha, related one of his cele- brated bear stories in language some- what as follows: An exceptionally brave man of Ka- diak was noted for his intimate ac- quaintance with all the appliances for killing big game, and particularly bear. There apparently nothing about the pattern and caliber of rifles, si shape and proper combination of parts in shells that this man did not know to the tips of his fingers. The vulner- able points of a bear weére open as day to this mighty man of the gun. A short time ago this bear slayer went forth heavily armed to search for his favorite quarry. He stepped brisk- ly and confidently into a densely wood- ed glen, through which a salmon stream tumbled and sparkled on its way to the sea. A sudden noise startled him, and, looking for the cause, he was astonished, grieved and finally terri- fied in beholding a bear which looked totally different from the one he was gunning for. The bear was not in the least disconcerted by the unex- pected meeting: he welcomed the in- truder and acted altogether unlike the conventional bear of our hunter's ex- perience. What did the hero do then? I blush to say it, buat he promptly and unmistakably ran toward a convenient tree, and the shameless brute came fumbering after. It was a tremendous dilemma, with a bare chance of es- cape from both horns, if the odds in climbing turned in favor of the man. The precious rifle fell from the nervous grasp of the climber, whose sole ac- tivity (both soles in fact), was con- centrated in the effort to got up higher. The bear had not seen a gun of that pattern before and he sat down to look it over, while the hero barked his shins in agony overhead. Bruin felt comfortable with his new toy and, not being in a hurry, lay down to wait for Its agile owner. Time passed and it was growing late and the hunter was becoming cold, hungry and very red in the face. Presently a small boy ap- peared in the distance, and the prison- er was horrified to see him coming in the direction of the bear. He shouted at the top of his voice, “Boy, run for your life! Danger! Bear!” Appar- ently the boy did not realize the dread- ful state of affairs, for he came straight on. “Boy. Danger! Go away! Run for your life!” again shrieked the frantic hunter. But the boy heeded bim not. Right into the jaws of death he marched. He deliberately walked up to the bear, took him by the ear and said: “What are you doin’ here, you young scamp. Come home and let the gent come down outen that tree.”—T. H. B., in Forest and Stream. party of Fish Com- EOY FIGHTS GULLS FOR LIFE. Showing plainly the marks of his battle for life with thousands of storm- terrified sea fow! on Eagle Island Ledge, a Saco boy, Arthur Whalen, one of the crew of a small Down East coaster, went to Portland, Me., and bad his wounds bandaged. His face was badly cut or pecked around the cheek bones, one eye was black and completely closed and he was stiff, sore and black and blue from head to foot. Whalen bad ten or fifteen dead sea fowl, representing several differ- ent varieties, which he had killed with a club. Whalen’s story of his all-night con- flict with the feathered hordes is al- most weird. When his vessel came to Portland last week he was taken ill and left her. On Friday morning he took a motor boat and made a long sail to Eagle Island. The storm over- took him, his engine gave out and he was marooned for the night. After dark he lit a fire and this may be what first attracted the sea fowls. “The first thing I knew,” said Wha- len, *‘there was a noise like a train and then a dozen big ducks and gulls went plunk up against the rocks behind me. Then the air was full of them. I picked up a club and a big gull, coming about a mile a minute, hit me in the chest and knocked me clean off my feet. 1 thought I was killed. I was so worked up I forgot to put out the fire and I suppose that kept the blamed things coming. The storm drove them like bullets, and when they got to the fire those that were not killed by the rocks back of the fire, hovered around and kept hitting me in the face and chest with their bills and wings. First 1 kept swinging the club round and roufid my head and I knocked a lot of them down, but I got so tired that I had to lie down flat on my face for a while till I got so cold I had to get up and build the fire, and than I had to fight them all over again. { would have sent the girl headlong on “When morning came I was all done up. I killed about a hundred birds" -New York Press, ———— CROSSES RAPIDS ON GIRDER. While a thousand of her fellow oper: atives watched her, scarcely daring to breathe, lest they should vibrate the narrow plank on which she was walk- ing, Yvonne Marcelle, a pretty eigh- teen-year old French mill girl, walked 300 feet across a foot-wide girder, for- ty feet above the swirling rapids of the Naco River, A single misstep the jagged black rocks that pierce the rapids every few yards in that part of the river, When the daring girl had safely crossed, the crowd on the oppo site bank gave vent to one great shout of admiration and relief, Two women in the crowd fainted. Yvonne seemed to think nothing of her really wonderfully feat, and did not attempt it either as a foolhardy “stunt” or to test her courage. Many of the operatives who work in the big Popperell cotton mills in Biddleford, Me., live on the Saco side of the river above the mill, and they cross on the Samersville wooden bridge every night and morning. During the day the underpinnings of the bridge were destroyed by an ice jam and the bridge came down. This necessitated a walk of two miles to the lower bridge. Miss Marcelle preferred the short cut over the narrow girder and didn’t hesitate for an instant. Once, in the centre of the girder, the wind caught her skirt and for a few seconds it looked to the breathless spectators as though she would lose her balance, but she only moved ahead all the faster and at the end she gave a little jump, landed safely on terra firma and, waving adieu to her friends on the opposite bank, walked leisurely home, Old river drivers said: miracle.,”—New York Press. ——— COSSACK CAVALRY. The horsemanship of the Cossacks has been famous for more than two centuries. The author of “A Journey through the Caucasus and Persia,” published thirty years ago, writes of their feats of skill and daring as he witnessed them. Startling as they are, they can probably be matched by the feats of West Point cadets, and even by some troops of American cavalry. After being paraded, the men, about sixty in number, mounted on strong, ugly little horses, were ordered to per- form a sham skirmish. Forming them- selves into two camps, each combatant attacked his opponent on his own hook and after his own fashion. Here was a fellow standing bolt up- right in his saddle and discharging his musket at another, who, hanging pen- dent by his legs, returned fire under- neath his horse's belly; there were two Cossacks clinging like cats to the flanks and ribs of their chargers, and thus completely sheltering their own bodies, they watched a favorable moment for pinking each other, although to me they almost appeared like a couple of riderless horses. Others flattened themselves at full length on their beasts’ backs and maneuvered for the chance of some unguarded movement on the part of their foes. All this at full gallop accompanied by a good deal of screaming and yelling. Other feats were then performed. Galloping with the head downward in the saddle and the body and legs erect in the air seemed a favorite one; still more so, picking up a stone or even a coin at the same pace, the performer holding on the while to his saddle by his feet. Two hours of this sort of work seemed to be enough for horse and man, so, closing up into a column four deep, the Cossacks marched home, singing in remarkably good time a native chorus with an accompaniment of two kettle-drums. “It was a WINTER MOUNTAINEERING. One of the arduous Alpine exploits of the winter is the climbing of the Shonhorn, which has just been suc- cessfully accomplished, with the aid of the well known guide, Anton Dor- sag. The ascent was made from the side of the Simplon village. Fortunate- ly, though the mountain side was cov- ered with ice, the weather was bright and clear, and several fine photograph- ic views were obtained of a landscape covered with snow and throwing off dazzling reflections in the sunshine, | though at a temperature ten degrees below freezing point. The ascent of about 9800 feet took ten bhours to complete.—London Globe. FOUGHT EAGLE IN ENGINE. A monster eagle flew into the cab of the Rock Island Railroad's Rocky Mountain limited, and while the train was going full speed attacked and knocked senseless the engine driver, and then made an attack on the fire- man. The bird fastened its talons in the fireman’s arms, but was beaten down with a shovel and captured. The bird overtook the train and evidently becoming bewildered by the smoke and noise, flew into the cab and attacked the engine driver and fireman. It measured seven feet eleven inches from tip to tip.—From a Limon (Col) Dispatch. WOLF CAUGHT BY CHILDREN. Emmette Coylem, aged ten years, and his sister, aged eight years, a few days ago ran down and killed a large gray woif without assistance. The young- sters had set traps for the pests. One animal was caught, but snapped the chain and started off with the trap on one foot. The children followed and killed the wolf with a .22 calibre rifle. | —Newecastle correspondence Denver Republican. ; It's impossible to c¢onvince a girl that exercise at a washtub improves 'he coraplexion. Wanted the Insurance, Applying for relief to the poor guardians of a London parish, an old woman sald she had a daughter who did not allow her anything, but kept up the payments on her insurance policy. Music for the Poor. Queen Wilhelmina of Holland is bearing the cost of concerts given by well-known singers in the slum quarters of The Hague. Only the poorest people are allowed to attend, Rise Liars, Uncle Sam's Library, The Library of Congress now con- talus 1,344,618 books, 410,352 pieces of musie, 183,724 prints and 82,744 maps and charts, according to the annual reporti of the Librarian, Herbert Putnam, just presented to Congress, The library gained 68,961 books and about 50,000 pictures and pieces of music during the last year, There were bought 22908 books, 16,248 were received by gift, 11,763 hy copyright and 6,174 gained by ex- change with foreign governments Wild Oats. The seed of the wild oats seems be endued with a sort of life of own, Wild oats, when held in the hand, will move about in a manner that strongly suggests the motions of larvae of certain insects, Romans Ate Oysters. The ancient Romans ate oysters as the first course at banquets because of their quality of stimulating the appetite, Pliny recommends oil and onions as condiments, And Salute Your Queen Ho, All Ye Faithful Followers of Ananias GIVE EAR! A Young Girl said to a Cooking School Teacher in New York: ‘If You make One Statement as False as That, All You have said sbout Foods ue Ameri This burst of dignation was caused by the the popular teacher saying that Grape-Nuts, pre-digested food, was made of stale bread shipped in and sweetened, The teacher colored up and changed the subject. There is quite an assortment of trav- pias who tell their false- tribe of An: hoods for a variety of reasons. In the spring it is the custom on a cattle ranch to have a “round-up,” and brand the cattle, so we are going to have a “round-up,” and brand these cattie and place them in their proper pastures. FIRST PASTURE. Cooking school teachers—this in- ca enor m——r———— cludes “teachers” who have applied to us for a weekly pay if they would say “something nice” about Grape- Nuts Postum. and when we have hire them to do this they get waspy and show their true colors. This also tors” and ** certain made t structed and declined to “demonstra- ’ gent out by a foods e, and these people in- iskered- institution doctor —to tell tions (you can spe word if you like). Th ducts a there is a to corresy questions as being written by the tor. In this column some time ago ap- peared the statement: “No, we can- not recommend the use of Grape- Nuts, for it is nothing but bread with glucose poured over it.” Right then he showed Lis badge as a mem- ber of the Ananias. He may have been a member for some time before, and swers the the answers ny of wel aforesaid doc- tribe of so he has caused these I to end into the ways of the tribe ver they go. When the y dy York put the “iron on” and branded her r “teacher” sent $10.00 to the girl for her pluck and bravery. SECOND PASTURE. Edit as grocers’ papers. y of “Trade” papers known Remember, we don't put the brand on all, by any means. Only those that require it. These members of the tribe have demanded that we carry advertising in their papers and when we do not cousider it ad- visable they institute a campaign of vituperationand slander, printing from time to time manufactured slurs on Postum or Grape-Nuts. When they go far enough we set our legal force at work and hale them to the judge to answer. If the pace has been hot enough to throw some of these “cattle” over on their backs, feet tied and ‘“bellow- ing,” de you think we should be blamed? They gambol around with tails held high and jump stiff leg- ged with a very “cocky” air while they have full range, but when the rope is thrown over them “it's dif- ferent.” Should we untie them because they bleat soft and low? Or should we put the iron on, so that people will know the brand? Let’s keep them in this pasture, anyhow. an girl in- eling and stay-at-home members of the | is Absolutely Unreliable.” THIRD PASTURE. Now we come to a frisky lot, the “Labor Union” editors. You know down in Texas a weed called “Loco” is sometimes eaten by a steer and produces a derangement of the brain that makes the steer “batty” or crazy. Many of these editors are “Lecoed” from hate of anyone who will not instantly obey the }! “demands” of a labor union, and it is the universal habit of such writ- ers to go straight into a system of personal vilification, manufacturing any sort of falsehood through which to vent their spleen. We assert that the common citizen has a right to live and breathe air without asking permission of the labor trust, and this has brought down on us the hate of these editors. When they go far enough with their libels, is it | § harsh for us to get judgment against them and have our lawyers watch for a chance to attach money due them from others? (For they are | usually irresponsible). Keep your eye out for the “Lo- coed” editor. | oT the dish. wi | producing the most satisfactory results, | for the baby has food that it can digest {quickly and will go off to sleep well fed land contented. Now let all these choice specimens take notice: | We will deposit one thousand or {| fifty th and dollars to be covered by [a e amount from them, or any one of i them, and if there was ever one ounce of old b d or any other in different than our selected wh barley with in the mak lose the money. Our pure food factories are open at {all times to visitors, and thousands | pass through each month, inspecting (every department and every process, | clean that eat a {Our factories are so could, with good relish, | from the floors. | The work people, both men and wo- men, are of the highest grade in the meal State of Michigan, and according to the | State labor reports, are the highest paid iin the State for similar work. | Let us tell you exactly what you will | see when you inspect the manufacture sape-Nuts. You will find treme | dous elevators containing the choi wheat and barley possible to buy These grai are carried through long t quantities of this flour in the proper i to the big dough mixing machines, there | water, salt and a little yeast are added {and the dough kneaded the proper length of time. Remember that previous to the bar- ley having been ground it was passed floors and slightly sprouted, developing the diastase in the barley, which changes the starch in the grain into a form of sugar. Now after we have passed it dough and it has been kneaded enough, it is moulded by machinery or 6 inches in diameter. It is put into this shape for convenience in second cooking. These great loaves are sliced by ma- chinery and the slices placed on wire trays, these trays, in turn, placed on great steel trucks, and rolled into the secondary ovens, each perhaps 75 or 80 feet long. There the food is subjected to a long, low heat and the starch which has not been heretofore trans- formed. turned into a form of sugar generally known as Post Sugar. It can be seen glistening on the granules of Grape-Nuts if held toward the light, and this sugar is not poured over or put on the food as these prevaricators ignorantly assert. On the contrary the sugar exudes from the interior of each little granule during the process of manufacture, and reminds one of the little white particles of sugar that come out on the end of a hickory log after it has been sawed off and allowed to stand for a length of time, This Post Sugar is the most digesti- ble food known for human use. It is so perfect in its adaptability that moth- ers with very young infants will pour a little warm milk over two or three spoonfuls of Grape-Nuts, thus washing into loaves about 18 inches long and 5 | | lc la gredient | PET cent; fat, 1.60 per cent.: proteids,. ; 1 | 15.00 per cent.; soluble carbohydrates; 1j . cent, one | | proportion and these parts ave blended | | into a general flour w hich passes over | through about one hundred hours of | soaking in water, then placed on warm | Then this milk charged » is fed to the infants, h Post Sug When baby gets two or three months [01d it is the custom of some mothers to allow the Grape-Nuts to soak in the | milk a little longer and become mushy, {whereupon a little of the food can be fed in addition to the milk containing the washed off sugar. It is by no means manufactured for a | baby food, but these facts are stated as lan illustration of a perfectly digestible | food. It furnishes the energy and strength | for the great athletes. It is in common use by physicians in their own families and among their patients, and can be seen on the table of every first-class college in the land. We quote from the London analysis as follows: “The basis of nomenclature of this preparation is evidently an American pleasantry, since ‘Grape-Nuts’ is de- rived solely from cereals. The prepara- tory process undoubtedly converts the food constituents into a much more di- La neet® gestible condition than in the raw cereal. This is evident from the re- markable solubility of the preparation, no less than one-half of it being soluble in cold water. The soluble part con- tains chiefly dextrin and no starch. Im appearance ‘Grape-Nuts’ resembles fried bread-crumbs. The grains are | brown and erisp, with a pleasant taste | jot unlike slightly burnt malt. Accord- to our analysis the following is the position of ‘Grape-Nuts:’ Moist- 6.02 per cent.: mineral matter, 2.0% 49.40 per ecent.; and unaltered rbohvdrates (insoluble), 25.97 per The features worthy of note in { this analysis are the excellent propor- | tion of proteid, mineral matters, and soluble carbohydrates per cent. The ineral matter was rich in phosphorie *Grape-Nuts’ is described as a rain and nerve food, whatever that may be. Our analysis, at any rats, | shows that it is a nutritive of a high order, since it contains the constituents of a complete food in very satisfactory and rich proportion and in an easily as- similable state.” An analysis made by the Canadian mment some time ago shows that | Grape-Nuts contains nearly ten times the digestible elements contained in or- wry cereals, and foods, and nearly Gov conveyers to grinding mills, and there | tWice the amount contained in any converted into flour. Then the ma-| other food analyzed. ; chines make selection of the proper | I'he analysis is familiar to practically | every successful physician in America and London. | We print this statement in order that | the public may know the exact facts upon which we stake our honor and will back it with any amount of money that any person or corporation will put up. We propose to follow some of these choice specimens of the tribe of Ama. When you hear a cooking schoo teacher or any other person assert thaf j either Postum or Grape-Nuts are madg {of any other ingredients than thosg | the sugar off frem the granules and carrying it with the milk to the bottom “There's a Reason” Grape-Nuts and Postum into | printed on the packages and as we long | say they are made, send us the name and address, also name of two or three witnesses, and if the evidence is clear enough to get a judgment we will right that wrong quickly. S | Our business has always been con- ducted on as high a grade of human in- telligence as we are capable of, and we rropose to clear the deck of these pre- varicators and liars whenever and wherever they can be found. Attention is again called to the gens eral and broad invitation to visitors te go through our works, where they will be shown the most minute process and device in order that they may under- stand how pure and clean and whole- some Grape-Nuts and Postum are. There is an old saying among busi- ness men that there is some chance to train a fool, but there is no room for a liar, for you never can tell where youn are, and we hereby serve notice on all the members of this ancient tribe of Ananias that they may follow their calling in other lines, but when they put forth their lies about Grape-Nuts and Postum, we propose to give them ‘tunity to answer to the proper es. The New York girl wisely said that if a person would lie about one item, it brands the whole discourse as absolute- ly unreliable. Keep your iron ready and brand these “mavericks” whenever you find them running loose. for
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers