YOUTH'S HERITAGE, *The world is mine,” said the millionaire. “Come, show me the thing that I cannot uy whe god of the world is a god of gold, hove gold, gold, gold—and a god am 1!” *Phe world is mine,” cried the youth, Though never a penny of wealth have I! WAN doors stand wide and all roada are free have youth, youth, youth-—-and you can- eager not buy! ~Isabel E. Mackay, in Youth's Com- pamion. ~~ ¥ FE I¥yY Rupid and Bray Hairs Qessssss secssatestsnsess (+) HE pretty gray-haired lady sighed. “I never relly T had a fair chance at part- ridge before,” she said, in- dicating her well-filled plate with a pathetic smile. “I have a fellow-felling,” she con- tinued, “for that old gentleman who said that the wing of the chicken was doubtless the very nicest portion of all, but that he had never tasted it. When he was youug the old people ~ mwvere supposed to monopolize it, and now that he had grown old, he said, it had to be reserved for the young. *My dear,’ he lamented, ‘I have never tasted the wing of the chicken! Trag- fe, wasn't it?” “It was dastardly!’ The fine-looking white-mmustached gentlemen on her gpight hand stifled a snort of indigna- tion. «“Nothing gets away from the young- sters of to-day,” he growled. “I'm only a bare fifty-nine, as you know—"" “Yes—i remember you were always Just five years ahead,” the sweet-faced little lady smiled sympathetically. “Fifty-nine years, Mrs. Merrydew! “and to judge from the attitude of the young fledgelings in this hotel, one would say I was a relic of the stone age—belonged somewhere, unclassified, svith the pyramids and Rameses 11."— his genial face took on a sudden mul- berry hue: “dastardly, I repeat! You can’t plead the most trivial sensation of indigestion nowadays, even just a plain, ordinary headache, but it's put down to incipient senility—I meet it on all sides, 1 can tell you!” . “I know—I know!” responded his fair listener, appreciatively. “And that rosy-cheeked girl from the acad- emy prefaces every other remark to me with ‘In your day—-! It does eome hard, certainly, when one is still In a fair state of preservation, and can yet maintain ordinary conversation.” “Conversation, humph! merely the fast expiring efforts of a once powerful intellect, my dear madam,” quoted the elderly gentleman, savagely. The pretty little widow giggled out- right at this—she could look very charm- Ing when a smile dispelled her natur- ally pensive expression. ‘Really, it's a comfort to meet you again, after so Jmany years,” she confided, “let's go over to that window seat, where we «can sympathize. I feel quite as young as I did twenty-five years back—and younger; but there is always such an unreasoning prejudice regarding gray hair—it’s public opinion concerning it that harrows up your soul.” “Gray hair is most becoming over a youthful face,” put in the gentleman, with 2 gallant bow, while they both Withdrew to a friendly alcove. “Ob, thank you for not saying ‘still’ youth- 1! That ‘still’ {s such a paralyzing ord!” the little lady shuddered. “They fight as well say: ‘Mrs. M. still re- tains her intelligent expression.’ It is all very unnerving.” He chuckled, and moved his chair a frifle closer. “I say, this judging of age by years §s the most outrageous procedure ever, dsn't it now? I maintain that it is primitive and unworthy of our so- called civilization. One might as well Judge by rheumatism, of which babes fn arms are our most prominent expo- hents in these days. Why, that young sub out yonder at tennis is barely a self-confessed twenty-four, and yet his mamma (the stout, be-diamonded per- ‘ gon, with three chins) is sore put to it to extricate him from his considerable and flourishing crop of wild oats (regu- {ar horse-chestnuts they are, too, I believe!) My dear young friend, you and I might be styled mere babes in the wood by comparison with this world-weary youth! And yet'—the white mustache went upward with a twist of fierce exasperation—“he want- ed to know what colleges they had in my day, and were telephones and horse cars invented.” The lady laughed so heartily that the frate speaker joined in perforce after a while. “I'm so glad you came,” she re- marked prettily; “I am getting demor- alized here alone by myself. Of course my daughter comes at times, but then I am more than ever guilty conscious of my shortcomings. If I as much as mention wearing my brooch or tor- toise-shell comb down to dinner I feel that it is almost a personal Insult to per, and sometimes I just long to take up the baby and soothe and pet him ‘swhen he is hungry or fretful, but I am promptly informed that the best grandmothers do not do it. Of course it is all for my best good, for she says 4t all in love, and it hurts her more than it does me (as she thinks it does). As for an eardrop, an eardrop is an anachronism! I don’t mind any of these things so mucl, but in my little parlor at home there are my pretty col- ored wreaths, and that quaint shell work father made, and the tidies I worked long ago when mother was alive—all unhygienic, I suppose—" “Unhygienic!” ejaculated her listen- er hotly, “and I've an old red silk dressing gown, reeking with germs, no &oubt, that’s been the chief prop and stay of my declining years; it's got to £0, of course, as soon 4s my folks strike the place!” | “And the motoes my little Emma worked when she was 1M, before the last!"—the sweet volce trembled a little ~*1 can't let them go, even If for thelr own sakes: “I'he Lord Will Pro. vide,’ ‘Welcome,” ‘No Cross, No Crown’ «1 cling to them all, even if they are old-fashioned.” Her voice ended In a little sob. The elderly man cleared his throat with 8 mighty nolse and patted the plump little hand in wordless sym: pathy. “Anyhov:, when it comes to the old drama we're all right!” he ventured at last. “Think of those good old names, and the old standard shows they gave! Plays that hurt nobody, and gave our imaginations some small chance for ex- ercise.” (A tacit but vigorous opinion of the modern stage was conveyed in the repressed growl with which he concluded.) The pretty color deepened a little in the lady's face; she looked up, smiling brightly. “I have a certain tassel from the old museum,” she said softly; “I had to have something.” “And I have a gilt cherub from one of the upper boxes,” he chuckled. “Jove!” he went on, his voice sinking to a confidential whisper, “it's good to meet some one who has things to re- member! Mrs, Merrydew—Anna!” he said softly, *‘do you ever recall a plece that answered to the name of the ‘Carnival of Venice’ or the ‘Blue Dan- nbe Waltzes? “And the ‘Last Hope, and ‘The Malden's Prayers’ and the ‘Battle of Sebastopol’? Can I ever forget them, you mean? And yet, if I want them nowadays I have to steal away and lock the doors like a criminal! And— what's the matter?'—she broke off suddenly as some memory of past wrongs darkened his face for a mo- ment. “Matter?” he echoed; “perhaps you noticed that at my parlor chat last evening nobody listened or appeared to care a straw for my modest remin- iscences of Holmes, Longfellow, Low- ell and Emerson? I was a doddering old imbecile to have undertaken it, of course. Everybody simply yawned un- til the lady monologist came on—the humorist.” “Humorist!” ejaculated the little widow, warmly. “There was nothing humorous about her except her bon- net—and our $20 doubtless went for that ‘creation!’ If that be creation, give me chaos!” | “1 was a little lower than the jani- tor,” he continued gloomily. “And the worst is yet to come. A sweet young freshman from Yale, addressing me as ‘In your day’ (why is that ine nocuous observation so unfailingly ex: asperating?) said he supposed I wad acquainted with all the leading lights of the early nineteenth century? I effaced myself before he could ask about Washington and Lafayette, and did I sign the Declaration of Independ- ence. It was blood-curdling?’ The speaker mopped his brow in fevered retrospect. “But the limit was reached this morning, when some youngster of- fered to read me the war headlines in the morning papers. I made up my mind then that I was considered in the advanced stages of paresis.” “It's fearfully aging, I think to meet such things,” sighed the little lady pathetically. “And then—some of the old ways I simply cannot get over —1 don’t want to try! The old hymns I lived by, and shall die by—that have brought me through so much sorrow and loss; there have been crises I never could have survived without the help of those old tunes”—she was weeping softly into a delicate film of a handerchief. “Never mind, dear little woman— these things are our for keeps, and no- body can take them away.” His voice was full of sturdy optimism and sym- pathy, but it was very gentle, and d bit unsteady, too. “Ha!” he exclaimed, suddenly, sit- ting up straight as though struck by a joyful inspiration. “Cheer up! I can see where we get ahead of the new dis. pensation of things, after all! Haw! Haw! I just happened to bethink my+ self of some old wine, inches deep in cobwebs, that these infernal young: sters would give half their possessions to attain! The spoils are not always to the young—ha! ha! great joke, isn’t it, er, my dear?” Milady dried her eyes and smiled faintly at his new-found exuberance of spirits. “I have some almost priceless old laces, and some china such as those rosy maidens have never even dreamed of in their philosophy,” she affirmed, “ond a highboy and sideboard that are worth their weight in gold, and some andirons—you remember those an- dirons of mother’s, don’t you, Stes phen?’ She blushed slightly as shd spoke—it had been a quarter of a cen: tury since she had called him Stephen. “And possibly you forget the waf- fles I made you one day—" “Waffles! say no more! I muy be a past, a pluperfect, but there are some memories that tell me I have not lived in vain!” “That soup to-night,” ke interrupted, breathlessly, “Mrs. Merrydew—Anna! didn’t it seem to you that it lacked a faint touch of something—something impalpable, inexpressible, soul-satisfy- ing—almost psychological—" “It did, indeed; also the steak and the croquettes! As you say, a some- thing—"" “Onions!” “Onions!” The word burst forth from both si multaneously—they gazed at one an- other in speechless ecstasy. “I just love them in everything,” she faltered in sweet confession. “Everything—everything! Mrs. Mer rydew—Anna! Dearest!” The Yale “fledgling” who was just entering the door closed it softly again, and reflected that there are some things that youth does not monopolize, after all.—Boston Transcript. The history of coal is comparatively modern. USING UP PETER'S PUMPKINS, Peter, Peter Pumpkin-eater He will hungry go, For Joe ng kd and Bob and Ned And Phil and Fred and John and Jed, And even little Tom and Ted, And every boy | know, Has made a Jack-o'-lantern (And some are making twoj. Poor Peter, Peter Pumpkin-eater! What will Peter do? ~—Youth’'s Companion, THE TARY MARK. Tt was the first day ol the month, and the reports for the month just closed were brought home by the chil- dren, and a dreadful cross appeared on Margie's report on the “tardy square” for the last Monday. Papa always examined the reports, and the children knew that all marks were considered and the reason for them demanded. Margie's face was very red when ghe handed her paper to papa. Papa pould understand that a little girl might miss in spelling, or might not do an example right when she was sent to the board, and sixty pairs of eyes watched every motion of the chalk, but papa could never understand why any one need ever be tardy. Margie watched papa “out of the corner of her eye,” as she would have said herself, while his eyes traveled down the paper. At last he came to that dreadful black cross, and glanced up at her. “Well, how was this?” he asked. Margie was slow. Her best friends, and she Lad many of them, always had to acknowledge that she was slow. So now she stood in front of papa, curl- ing the corner of ler apron round a lead-pencil, and trying hard to think just which of the many things that had happened last Monday morning would be likely to impress papa the most, for it would take such a long time to tell them all, and the noon hour was most gone. “Well,” said Margie, “I couldn't seem to find but one blue and one pink hair ribbon, and I had to hunt a long time to find mates to them.” If she had said that Sister Beth had sent her upstairs twice for a book, whose title was so long she had had much difficulty in remembering it, or reading it when she did come to it..or if she had said that she had played with baby while mamma had curled Beth's hair, or if she haa said that papa himself had told her to go round by Mr. Ford's with a note, all of which had been equally true, she would just have been told to start earlier the next time; but she unfortunately chose the thing that seemed of no import- ance to her father, - hile it had re- mained in her mind because Margie was an orderly little soul and usually knew where her belongings were, and the errands and the baby were such every-day events that they did not seem really worth mentioning. But papa had said such a dreadful thing. Margie opened both eyes and mouth wide; she really could not say a word, and papa had gone out of the house and down-town without giv- ing the matter another thought. An hour later mamma, going through the room, had found uer all in a heap on the floor, just where papa had left her, sobbing gently to Lerself. “Why, my deary,” said mamma, swhat has happened?’ And little by little Margie told her story, although even then she forgot the errands and the baby, until she came to the dread- ful thing papa had said. “Hb said,” she sobbed, “if I was late again this month 1 should have to avear a blue and a pink or a red and green ribbon, one on each pigtail, for a whole week! O mamma, do you think he would disgrace me 80°?” Margie was slow, but what she lost in slowness that month she made up by starting early. It never entered her head to refuse when the other chil- dren claimed her time to do errands which they should have done them- selves. Margie noticed that now quite frequently mamma interfered. When Philip said, “Here, Margie, run up- stairs and get my history. I've just time to finish this story before school,” mamma said, “Phiiip must get his his- tory himself. I want Margie to start for school now.” .I have spoken of Margie's many friends. One of her best was Miss Gardner, the second-grade teacher, who had found out that she really did know things, even if she was so slow about letting you know she did, and had pro- moted her to the second grade. Miss Gardner was the very nicest teacher, Margie thought, so the next night after papa had said “that dread- ful thing,” Margie waited after school to walk home with her, and had told her all about it. Now Miss Gardner liked Margie as much as Margie liked Miss Gardner, and a little girl who always knew what she was talking about and who always tried to ‘commodate” was & pleasing variety in that busy school- room, so Miss Gardner made a plan to help Margie, although she said noth- ing about it. It was really amazing how many people watched the outcome of that month, Margie had confided in the grocer at the corner, while he was ty- ing up a bundle for rer one day, and the milkman who brought baby’s milk. when she had ridden down to school one morning, but refused a more ex- tended ride. “You see how it is,” she had ended her explanation, “I don’t teel as if I'd enjoy the ride, thinking | about those ribbons, ‘specially the red and green.” Papa, on his part, had heard consid erable about those ribbons, Iirst mams= ma had taken him to task. His part ner. who was one of Margie's fast friends, wanted to know “what he meant by abusing that child so.” Aud asked to explain himself, he had brought up the story of the ribbons. Even Miss Gardner had stopped him on the street, but by that time papa had heard about the errands and the baby, much to his surprise. “Can you tell me why on earth she did not tell me about those and not about those absurd hair ribbons?" he gasped. “Why, yes, I can,” said Miss Gard- ner, with the came smile that made the children love her. “You see, the errands and the baby are so much a matter of course that she didn’t think about them, and for such a dreadful offense she felt as if she must have some especially important excuse, and the ribbons had made the most impres- sion on her from the fact of its sel- dom occurrence.” Papa thanked Miss Gardner, and ex- plained that he had thought that he was letting Margie on’ with a very slight punishment, but that he had found out his mistake. mid he had also found out how many more friends his little girl seemed to have than he had any idea of; and then Miss Gard- ner and papa had laughed. When the month ended Margie brought home her report with a smil- ing face. ‘Che spaces for the tardy marks were all blank. Papa took the paper, and in his most impressive style congratulated Margie upon her suc- cess, and then assured her that in fu- ture he could trust her to take care of her own tardy marks, and that wheth- er tardy or not, he should know that she had done her best. Margie felt that the month of anxi- ety had been well spent if she had gained such a boon as that, but still she felt tha: she must make it thor- oughly plain that she had had a great deal of help, “specially irom Miss Gardner. You see.” she ended. “Miss Gardner didn't want me mertified, so she never rang the nell if I wasn’t there without coming to the door to see if I was coming, and once she waited until I ran into the yard, and then when I couldn't pes'bly be called 1ate she rang it.” “H'm!” said papa. “I wonder if Miss Gardner knows the meaning of the word partiality *” “I think so,” said Margie. “Miss rardner knows about everything.”— Martha Durant, in Youth's Companion, TO MAKE PINHEAD DRAWINGS. Take as many sheets ot paper of the same size as there are to be players, and lay them on the tabl: with all the edges evenly placed. Now take five pins or five grains of rice, and hold- ing them between the thumb and fore- finger a little distance above the table, drop them on the top sheet of paper. Put pencil dots where the pinheads or the grains of rice lie oun the paper, and holding the sheets firmly so that they do not move, thrust a strong pin through them all. This will result in having each sheet of paper pierced in five different places, one paper being like another. Now distribute these papers, one to each player, and give also to each a pencil, telling them to write their names in one corner of the paper, and then to draw the figure of a person, using one dot in the head. one in each hand and one in each foot. No talent in drawings is required, as the more ludicrous the results are the more fun the drawings afford. A prize should be awarded to the player mak- ing the best drawing, and a consola- tion prize to the one making the poor. est. The picture shows the five dote where the pinheads touched the paper, and three drawings made from and in cluding them. instead of a human figure, you may have the players draw animals, if you wish, varying the number of dots. But in each case the dots must be in like position on the different sheets of pa- per, and the same animal or bird should be drawn by each player. as this shows the variety of imagination that can be used by different people in the same simple game.—Good Literas ture. Ae———————i— It seems that after payinw $1500 a voltine for “Fads and Fanvcies,” New York's smart set still has money enough left to pay $1300 a pair of “medicated boots.” NEWSPAPER PRINTING, Call For Better Presawork and Smaller Sunday Papers, Jolin A, Loving, printer, of Spring- field, Mass, writes to the Republican of that city on newspaper typography. tle thinks that the so-called comic sup- plements are a debauchery of Journal. {sm, The ablest and most influential papers are generally examples of typographical good taste. After touching upon the laborions processes by which a book is made letter-perfect, Mr. Loring continues: There is no time for this sort of leisurely procedure on a daily paper, where, by the inexorable limitations of the day, hours must be compressed into minutes and every second be- comes a treasured interval, Frequent ly during my employment upon an evening newspaper the last telegraphic copy came in as late as 4.50, we rushed the forms down to the press. room at 5, and caught the mall (rain a quarter of a mile distant at 5.10. Everything had to go on the jump like lightning to do it, but we always “got there.” So, as a practical “book and job” printer, my views on the improvement of daily newspaper manufacture are influenced by an appreciation of the limiting conditions governing produe- tion. Here are three suggestions: The first is important, possible, and the public is entitled to it; the second is desirable; the third relates to a luxury. 1. Better presswork Is wanted; clear print with ink that is black, not dirty gray mud. . 2. Make a few copies of each day's principal edition on permanent all-rag paper, for the office bound files and public libraries. To leave no daily his- tory of our time except upon wood- pulp “news” paper is a crime against civilization. 3. Reduce the ordinary Sunday pa- pers to the same number of pages as on week days. Tor the ‘Sunday sup- plement use super-calender book pa- per, upon which fine half-tone cuts and high-grade typography may appear in their perfect beauty. Modern photography and photo-me- chanical engraving give the live news. paper a splendid opportunity, whieh, if fully exploited might result in adding a regular feature of great educational, historic, artistic and financial value, and strengthen infinitely the prestige of the journal in its home field. Some of the metropolitan dailies have advertised “art supplements’ of this nature, but the performance fell far short of the promise, generally on account of inexeunsably poor all-round workmanship and material. WISE WORDS. There is no killing the suspicion that deceit has once begotten.—George El fot. The scorn of genius is the most ar rogant and boundless of all scorn.— Ouida. Among all the fine arts, one of the finest is that of painting the cheeks with health.—Ruskin. Time 1s the greater comforter of grief, but the agency by which it comes is exhaustion.—London. One may dominate moral sufferings only by labor. Study saves from dis. couragement.—Duchess d’Abrantes. Earnest discussion is commendabie; but factious argument never yet pro- duced a good result.—Scottish Re- former. You will always find it a safe rule to take a thing just as quick as it is offered, especially a job.—Old Gorgon Graham. I find friendship to be like wine, raw when new, ripened with age, the true old man’s milk and restorative cordial. —Jefferson. The sense of this word among the Greeks affords the noblest definition of it; enthusiasm signifies God in us.— Madame de Stael. Struggle with the outer world keeps up and increases the elasticity of an or- ganism; internal conflict lames and wears it out.—Carmen Sylva. Love and friendship are stronger than charity and politeness, and those who trade upon the latter are rarely accorded the former,—Seton Merriman, No great thing is created suddenly, any more than a bunch of grapes or & fig. If you tell me that you desire a fiz, I answer you that there must be time. Let it first blossom, then bear fruit. (hen ripen.—Epicietus. It is while you are patientiy toiling at the little tasks of life that the mean. ing and shape of the great whole of life dawns upon you. It is while you are resisting little temptations that yon are growing stronger.—Phillips Brooks, Relief For Earache. Earache is one of the most distress ing ailments of childhood. FIeat, per: haps, gives as much relief as any ap- plication. The ear may be gently filled with water as hot as can Le borne, poured in with a teaspoon. The child should lie with the affected ear uppermost and after a short time turn on that side and let the water run out. Sometimes a small mus. tard plaster behind the ear stops the pain. It should be left on only a few minutes. Cosmopolitan Household. A typical South African household described by Olive Schreiner had an English father, a half Dutch mother with a French name, a Scotch gov- erness, a Zulu cook, a Hottentot housemaid and a Kafiir stable boy, while the little girl who waited oun the table was a Basuto. VBown on Smoking. The Rev. W. Mayo, of Bristol, In- formed the annual meeting of the Brit. Ish Anti-Tobacco and Anti-Nareotie League, at Manchester, that 000 girls In his city have resolved to “have noth- ing to do” ya boys who smoke. Farm Topics} ESE SS SS SO SEED CORN, When selecting ‘your seed corn al- ways bear in mind that the plants from kernels with the largest germs geners ally withstand drouth much better thar would otherwise be, the case, because of the simple fact that they are nour ished the best, A SEED POINTER. The time for purchasing seed to be used for this year's crops has about ar. rived, and probably we could give no better advice than to say that seed of the best quality isinvariably the cheap est in the end. Poor seed is costly at any price, and should not be used by any one under any circumstances, PLOW DEEPLY FOR CORN. The cutworm often destroys whole fields of corn, compelling replanting, which makes the crop late and less able to stand dry weather, The corn land should be plowed deep and left rough, so as to permit the frost to en- ter. When cutworms are exposed to alternate thawing and freezing weather many will be destroyed, though cold without dampness may not injure them. SHEEP GREAT FORAGERS. It is claimed that a farmer can keep one sheep for every cow without feel- ing the additional expense, as sheep consume much that other stock will not eat. The use of sheep is most ap- preciated by the fact that they are great foragers, and destroy a large number of weeds. A flock of sheep confined to a limited area will also add considerable fertility to the land. USELESS AS MANURE. There is always a large amount of coarse material in the barnyard that has little or no plant food in it, es- pecially if it has been exposed. Such manure is not worth taking to the fields, and if turned under it will make the soil dryer in summer. Such. ma- terial should be made the foundation for a new heap, so as to rot it down to less bulk, and also to use it as ab- sorbent material for fresh manure. GOOD SEED POTATOES NEEDED. yood seed potatoes are necessary if a large crop is expected. Never at- tempt to economize on seed. Get the best, as any mistake made will last into the harvest. Use whole seed, if possible, and give more room in the rows. While the sprouts from single eyes are breaking the ground the tops of whole potatoes will be large enough to plow. Many farmers have lost money by cutting the seed potatoes in- to small pieces in order to reduce the cost, but for every dollar thus saved they lose much more in the crop. DESTROY POTATO BEETLES. In the potato the most important constituent is starch. Thousands of bushels of potaoes are used in the starch industry, which assists in main- taining prices. Bakers also use pota- toes in the making of bread, and pota- toes are also used largely for food in various ways. It is through the agency, of the leaves that the starch is elabor- ated in the tubers, hence it is necessary, that potato beetles be destroyed before they damage the vines, instead of al- lowing them to consume a large portion of the growth. The best potatoes are produced early when the vine growth is vigorous. BETTER WAIT. When the weather becomes warm there is a temptation to plant early, and especially the garden seeds. It is a mistake to do so, however, as there is liability of frost at any time. If the ground is not well warmed the seeds may never germinate, and plants that are tender, and which come up early,’ may be so checked in growth on a cool night as to seriously interfere with their progress during the season. It has often been noticed that late plants which come up from seeds make more rapid headway than some grown in hotbeds and then transplanted. This is due to the fact that they get abund- ant warmth at the start, and are not checked at any stage of growth. It i well to get the plants out as early as the weather will permit, but it is better to wait a week or two rather than in- cur the risk of loss from late frosts, as time thus lost cannot be regained. REMEDY FOR TICKS. I find a good many of my lambs are badly infested with ticks since the sheep were sheared. The sheep are quite clear of them. What can I do for the lambs? The American Sheep Breeder an- swers this question as follows: The best thing that can be done is to dip the lambs in any good dip which is used for the scab. There is only one sure remedy against this and the scab insect as well, which is to dip properly, the whole flock twice every year, once jn the spring before shearing—when the fleeces will be much improved in appearance by it—and the other in the fall before the cold weather arrives. This will be found not nearly so trou- blesome as one dipping only in the year, and in fact will pay the whole fexpen:e of it in the improvement of the fleece, and again in the clearing of the lambs—and the sheep as well—from all kinds of parasites such as these ticks and fleas, as well as that most trouble- some disease—the sheep scab, If the flock is once freed completely from all these parasites there will be no future trouble, and these regular dippings will be a very easy matter, costing only a trifle to then insure complete comfort to the sheep as well as to their owner. and a great economy will result, — Soren { Foi Fine in our becom such s and of the burnis bearin ziness Sere the re absolv E. Pi It reg diseas nothix For wome! nervo matio ness | the p« their invalu childb Tan licited at the Mass. time } solute B. Pin Mrs. | Mrs toWo form ¢ romj am, receiv by wo your quick advise in-law twent and si vising the vi ing fe has tI your poor, advar assist An only r roaste and e used Berlin Shak soak O° ing rin utting hroug gqueez an hou then st to shee The uors i $709,0( fit bet! Intrinsi WwW. L. Men CAL las sho without Fast Co ‘Write D 0 TOR CC Gx for boc PA! If ami with w eyes,