The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, May 04, 1906, Image 5
- re. ed. state d, all ested ms to T, Pa. . court Tuesday. Patt INTERESTING INDENTATIONS. —Qlean up your back yard. —EBverybody works but the miner. —Born-—To Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lantzy = son. —Frank Lingle was visiting in Phil ipsbarg this week. 2 — “What you gwine to do when the rent comes 'round ?” — Mus. A. B. Ramberger was visiting in Philipsburg this week. —R. 8. Tozer was visiting in New Washington over Sunday. —The heavens shed a few tears Wed- nesday night. “Just a few.” ~Is Patton going to celebrave the nation’s pata! day this year? —Ex-Sheriff Elmer E. Davis, Johnstown, was here yesterday. —Johnstown contributed $13,500 for the relief of the San Francisco victims, —A. M. Dunsmore, of DuBois, was calling on friends in Patton Thursday. —The Mellon Sisters have a new millinery advertisement of interest in this issue. —The state encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic will be held in Altoonain June. —William C. Prindible started out on the road Thursday to sell sewer pipe for the Patton Clay Mfg. Co. —All of the Stineman mines at South on Courier. of Fork are working, the owners thereof | being among the first to sign the scale. — Dinsmore Bros. have a new adver- tisement in this issue of interest to all wanting anything in the sartorial line. —Miss Virginia Lingle, who has been visiting at Janesville, Wis., for several weeks, returned home Thursday even- ing. —A fakir with the Jones circus was arrested at Barneshoro Wednesday and is now in the county jail awaiting trial at court. —The bill in equity in the case of Elizabeth Gill vs. Jerry Gill was dis- missed at cost of defendant at motion —The favorite pastime in Barnes- boro these days is fishing for pollywogs and bull frogs in the mud holes of the principal streets. —William Brown, of Nan-y-Glo, was fined $10 and costs for catching a trout that measured a half inch less than the legal requirement. —A large number of Patton people attended the presentation of Hoity Toity at Barnesboro last night and were well pleased with the perform- ance. —Judge O'Connor has issued an in- Junction restrainig the striking miners CLIPPED AND CONTRIBUTED, Black bass and trout every Friday at the City Restaurant, Only through personal character comes permanent civilization. For paper hanging and decorating call on A, CO. Fisher, Patton Pa. Spring suitings in all the latest de signs just received at Dinsmore Bros, In adding dollars to the bank account you will find it helpful to be adding sense to the brain account. No soap bubbles on Duquesne ! The ‘collar’ is pure cream. Ask it at the bars and get the best. You cannot measure your fidelity to your friend by the facility with which you find fault with him. for Seo our new line of gray and blue spring suitings just received. DINSMORE BROS You may buy a million with your manhood; but you cannot redeem it | with many millions, when once it is | sold. | There is no virtne in the good turn that you hope to turn into a good trade. The man who lets greed block up the windows of his soul always talks about this as a dark old world. It you want the best call for Du- » Beer. Not a head: in a car | it. Cool, sparkling and re-| quesn load freshing. There is only one man on earth who thinks that a holy tone is a heavenly | tune and that is the man who ig mak- ing the noise. For Sale—A good Cornish organ. Will sell cheap for cash or will trade for a good cow. Call on or address A. C. Fisher, Patton, Pa. If you appreciate anything clean, attractive and a variety of anything prepared in a first-class way, try the City Cafe at Barnesboro, north from the Corner Drug store. It is the best place of its kind in the north of the county and is a very desirable place for ladies as well as gentlemen for meals, lunch and all kinds of soft drinks. Strawberry, vanilla and choc- olate ice cream every day. Also fruit, candy, nuts and fresh roasted Jumbo peanuts. Rev. David J. Lawrence intends to move to Iowa the latter part of this month. It is his intention to sell all his household goods, consisting of one iron bed, one princess dresser, one bed room suit, wardrobe, writing desk, office chair, bookcase, side board, din- ing table and chairs, couch, hara coal heater, cook stove, kitchen cabinet, several rocking chairs and other arti- of goods will be ready for inspection at} the parsonage from the 14th to the 25th inst. from alleged illegal interference with the Berwind-White Coal company’s operations in Richland township. —There is a well defined rumor that the other coal operators in this district were handed a gold brick at the recent conference by one L. W. Robinson, of the Buffalo & Rochester Coal & Iron ‘company. —The Co:'RIER erred last week in stating that J. ‘‘Allie” Blough is the Johnstown correspondent for the Pitts- | Mr. Blongh has not | burg Dispatch. been engaged .in that capacity for some time. —The Cambria county aspirant for state legislative honors who doesn’t pledge himself to vote for a bill allow- ing trolley companies to carry freight and one to abolish the state constabu- lary will have mighty hard sledding in this neck o’ coal land. —Jones’ circus gave two very credit- able performances here yesterday undér adverse circumstances. The grounds were wet and necessitated the | omission of some of the best features. The trick baby elephant and several other acts were especially good. —Otis Clymer, a former member | JUST BREATHE IT. | | | Rational Way. Hyomei Cures Catarrh in Natural and | No dangerous drugs or alcoholic con- coctions are taken into the system | when Hyomei is used in the treatment | | of catarrh. Breathed through the neat | | pocket inhaler that comes with every | outfit, the balsamic healing of Hyomei | | penetrates to the remote cells of the | nose, throat and lungs, killing all ca- | tarrhal germs, healing the irritated mucous membrane and effecting a com- | plete and permanent cure. No medicine taken into the stomach | can possibly reach the remote cells of | the air passages, or give the immediate i relief that follows the use of Hyomei. | A few days’ treatment is usually all that is necessary to show how quickly | this remedy will cure catarrh. i So successful has Hyomi been in the cure of catarrh among his customers that O. F. Wolf sells it under a positive guarantee that it costs nothing unless it gives satisfaction. The complete out- fit sells for one dollar, while extra bot- tles can be obtained for 50 cents. cles too numerous to mention. The |- THE PATTON COURIEK, MAY 4, T. J. SCHOLL Cashier, A. G. PALMER, Vice-President, t National Bank OF PATTON, PA. Organized October 10, 1893. WM. II. SANDFORD, Precident, + : M ing fi wed Capital—fully paid - - $100,000 00 nivius - - - - 40,000 00 Stockholders’ lability - . - 100,000 00 Total Assets - 850,000 00 DIRECTORS. Geo. &. (tood, James Kerr, A. G. Palmer, E. O. Brown, Chas. Anna, H. J. Patton, W. C. Lingle, Geo. E. Prindible, Wm, H. Sandford. A general Banking Business transacted, Interest paid on time deposits, Banking by mails a specialty, We pay four per cent per annum on deposits in our Savings Department, compounded semi-annually, Why send your money to institutions in dis- tant cities, 8 to you, when you can do fully as well at home? Call or write for [ull information, You should have one or more of our Savings Banks in your home. It will teach practica in economy. Saved wages become wage earners for the saver. “Not what you get, but what you hold, Eases life’s burdens when you’re old.” CHAS. P. WELTY, Sanitary Plumbing and Heating. { | I have opened a Plumbing | Establishment in Patton and | | am prepared to do all work in| BAT and BALL uy line expeditiously and | are popular this year. Base Ball has | yell. taken a new hold. In fact, all sports | promise to be followed by an increased | wt 0 JN number of people this year. | : mm Come and see us. We have a line of Est ates Base Ball Goods at the following prices: | Chee rfu | ly Bats Base Balls Catcher’s Mitts Basemen’s Mitts Outfielders’ Gloves KINKEAD’S STATIONERY [res STORE. gin Store. 50c to $1.25 | 5cto 1.256 25¢c to 2.50 50c to 2.00 25¢c to 2.50 Furnished. If in need of anything in ‘my line, give me a call at | residence over Johnson's Bar- non-union labor is employed, or be. 4 | cause of the discharge of any union COMMUNICATED. The convention of operators an miners which was in gession in Clear- | employe. field, Pa., the greatey part of April ad- | Second. Pick mining, per gross ton, | journed April 27th, 1906. No agree- | 66¢. Pick mining, per net ton, 58.85c. Machine loading shall be five-ninths | of the pick price, plus one-half cent | and cutting and scraping whether by the ton, day or task, shall be advanced | aboye the prices paid at each mine in ment covering scale of wages to be in force until March 31, 1907, was reached | and the convention adjourned indefi- nitely. The convention began its session April 3rd, 1906. Early in the convention the operators nc Great Reductions IN NOBBY SUITINGS. We have a g season. Everyth and up-to-date. alike. SPRING RI reat line for this ing that is new No two patterns So make your choice early, as the choice ones are sure to go first. invitation to show line whether you We extend to you a cordial you through our purchase or not. DINSMORE BROS, THE TAILORS, Patton, Penn's, Every week finds us line ot goods. horns, Sailors Pc shapes. with an entirely new Unfinished Leg- in shades and ke Bonnet and Embroidery Hats for Children. Also Persian Brade for Dress Trim- mings. Call and look at our stock MELLON MILLINERY aTORE, Patto | deliver outside all coal gathered from | working places to the side tracks within | the eight hours of actual work, and shall be paid for such extra time worked at the rates per hour herein agreed upon. All outside labor fo | work the number of hours required and to be paid as per rates specified. Third. —There is to be no change im working conditions under this scale, from such conditions as have applied no observance of a Saturday half holiday. Fifth. Should differences arise under this agreement between the employers and employes touching the proper interpretation of any of its provisions, | there shall be no suspension of work on account thereof until an earnest | effort to settle such differences shall | have been made, first, through the local management at the mines, and ‘ought to make a good sheriff. of the Patton base ball club, but now | playing right field with the Pittsburg Nationals, had his left ankle broken while sliding to third base in a game | at Pittsburg Friday. He will be out of | Sund the game for some time and his batting | territory: will be missed by the Pirates. | Fiction Section First installment of —At their regular meeting last week { “A Bock ir the Baltie,” ooring i the county commissioners decided to { mance by Robert Barr. Printed before look after the matter of painting the book publication. Qomplete during various bridges in the county to pre- month of May. First of $150,000 series vent their deterioration from rust. A | of twelve novels by great authors. watch will be kept, and as soon as it is One Sho oni Sixt a | ‘believed that a bridge is suffering for | Base 2 section He oon. pages in, want of a coat of paint, the commis- color. Contains scheduies, records and | 3 | sioners will see to it that it is given. prospects of national g A Newspaper You Must Have, These added features makes next Sunday’s North American the greatest ay newspaper ever offered in this ame in big | i | leagues, minor leagues and among the | —Qambria county will receive a |gomi professional and amateur clubs. | school appropriation from the state | syficles by experts and players. Scores | this year of $96,718.10. The distribu- | jp pictures. tion of school funds is based as follows: | A pase ball game—To be cut out and | One third on the number of residents |, ynted. Scientific and practical, | taxable in each district, one third on | pay rainy days and evenings at home. | the number of children between six | When properly mounted it is as good | and sixteen years of age, and one third | 5 cent game that you can buy. he number of regular] yes] oy 2 O the phe S707 regularly employee | An ard suppilement—A picture of the ; | champion athletics. American League. —Gov. Pennypacker is now consid- | Fine printing. Perfect photographic | ering the claims of 12 aspirants to the | reproduction. Ready for framing. | office of high sheriff of Blair county | Regular big Sunday ection. and { to succeed the late G. Thomas Bell. | nowepager : | The friends of Miss Mary Marks, the| .dars must come early. present deputy sheriff, are presenting { never equalled. her claims for promotion. Miss Marks | This will be the biggest and best Sun- | is probably the first woman in Penn- | day issue of a newspaper printed wl sylvania to try for the office of sheriff, | pj). q elphia. | but as she made a good deputy she. on | Demand | Whose paper are you reading ? ! scale committee for the reason that it | would be a contract without equal re- sponsibility on the part of each, the operators being responsible and ac- countable for the performance of their part of the agreement, but the miners’ committees were not. The operators stated that such a procedure was not good business, and should not be expected. This question was then temporarily laid aside by. the operators, while the proposed scales were submitted. The miners submitted a scale, which they afterwards withdrew, admitting that its acceptance was not possible. On the 12th of April they presented another scale, which was on the lines of the 1903 scale, but with certain ad- ditional conditions as to dead work, ete., that the operators showed would practically mean a 12 per cent advance over the cost of mining based on the 1903 scale. This scale was refused by the operators. The operators, however, offered the miners the following scale, and stated that they would sign an agreement with the miners for this scale, the same to take effect April 1, 1906, and end March 31, 1907. SCALE AGREEMNT covering miin- ling wages and conditions of employ- ment between miners and operators in the Central Pennsylvania Bituminous District No. 2, of the state of Pennsyl- vania, to take effect as of the 1st of 1907. nated against, on account of member- ship, or non-membership, in any labor organization and there shall be no discrimination against or interference with any employe who is not a member of any labor organization by the offi- cers members of said union organization. The right of the operators at any and all times to hire and discharge without reference to the employe’s connection with a labor organization is conceded. The right of the employe to quit work is conceded, but it. shall be a or took exception to their again entering | the same proportion that the price for | failing in this the matter shall, second, into an agreement with the miners’ | pick mining is advanced above the | be presented to the general manager or | price paid in 1905, viz., 6.45-100. | owner, and if settlement is not reached All other day wages and monthly | with said manager or owner, the ques- men, both inside and outside mines,and | tion shall then, third, be referred to a | April, 1906, and ending March 31st, | all deadwork and yardage shall be | advanced at each and every mine | 5.85-100 per cent above the rates paid | at such mines during the scale year | | ending on the 31st day of March, 1906, | excepting all mechanics and skilled | labor, who are to be paid such prices | as can be mutually agreed upon by the operator and the mechanics employed. Coke men to receive an advance of 5.85-100 per cent over the rates paid during the scale year of 1905. Third. Eight hours of actual work at place of work shall constitute a day’s work for all labor inside the mines, except company men and monthly men who shall work the num- ber of hours required. It is understood and agreed, however, that the trip riders, motormen, drivers and cagers shall make the extra time required to clean up and deliver outside all coal gathered from working places to the sidetracks within the eight hours of actual work and shall be paid for such extra tithe worked at the rate per hour | herein agreed upon. The outside labor | shall work the number of hours re- | permanent board of arbitrators con- sisting of three miners, or their repre- sentatives, and three operators or their representatives, these jointly failing to agree shall appoint an umpire who | shall be neither a miner nor an oper- ator, but whose decision shall be final in the interpretation of the question at issue under this agreement. The miners’ scale committee refused to accept this scale and agreement pre- sented by the operators, and the con- vention then adjourned sine die. The operators afterwards decided to offer their employes the 1903 scale of wages and posted the following: NOTICE! To Employees of Beech Creek Coal & Coke Co. On and after this date, and until the will be in force at this colliery: First.—Pick mining, per gross ton, 66c. Pick mining, per net ton, 58, 85c. Machine loading shall be five-ninths Nn, Pa. at this mine and have been in practice thereat during the scale year ending March 31st, 1906. The miners of the Beech Creek Coal & Coke company in the Patton district held a mass meeting Monday morning, April 30th, and decided to not accept the operators’ scale of wages and con- ditions printed above and declared a strike. | The operators all through the con- vention at Clearfield contended and still contend for the ‘open shop’ | policy. That is, that they will not | refuse employment or discriminate against any man simply because he is or is not a member of a labor organi- zation, and likewise insist that there shall be no discrimination or interfer ence with any employe who is not a | member of a labor organization, by any officer or member of said labor organization. This is what is meant | by the term, ‘‘open shop policy.” Ib | does not have anything to do with the price of wages to be paid, as the scale { 31st of March, 1807, the following scale | fixes the rates of wages absolutely. | of wages and conditions of employment | The operators decline to collect the { checkoff, but if a checkweighman is { put on the tipples they agree to collect | the wages of checkweighman from | such employes as properly authorize the company to do so. The companies quired and be paid as per rate specified. of the pick price plus 1-2 c., and cut- | do not object to the miners joining a Fourth. There is to be no change in | the working conditions under this scale from such conditions as have ap- | plied at each and every mine and have | been in practice and vogue at each {mine during the scale year ending First. No person will be refused March 31st, 1906, and deadwork which employment, or in any way discrimi- | has been paid for the preceding year is to be paid for during the term of this agreement ab the price agreed upon as above, but no change is to be demanded | as to working conditions and customs | which have been in vogue during the | scale year ending March 31st, 1905. or All labor engaged in construction | work in the mines, or outside thereof, and all men engaged in opening new mines and workings, shall be exempt | from the wages, hours and other con- ditions of this agreement. The organization agreeing that the men will work regularly when there is condition of this agreement that union | employes are not * quit because any ' work, only absenting themselves on the legal and church holidays, and those desiring to attend fancrals, and | | men, ting and scraping, whether by the ton, All other day wages and monthly both inside and mines, and all dead work and yardage shall be advanced 5.85 per cent above the rates paid during the scale year ending March 31st, 1906, excepfing all mechanics and skilled’ labor, who are vo be paid such prices as shall be mut- ually agreed upon between the under- signed and the mechanic employed. Coke men to receive an advance of 5.85 per cent over the rates paid during the scale year of 1905. Higl at place of work shall constitue a day’s work for all labor inside the except pump men and monthly men, who shall work the number of required. It is understood and agreed, however, that the trip riders, inotor- it hours of actual work Second mines, hours men, drivers and cagers shail work the | up and’ extra time required to clean outside the |labor union, but consider that the | day or task, will be advanced 6-45 100 | union should hereafter attend to ite | per cent above the price paid in 1905. | own finances, and collect dues from such as belong to it, the same as other unions or orders do. The operators offer practically the wages the miners ask, which are the highest wages paid in 34 years, and to such as do not pay the checkoff of three per cent it would mean they would receive the highest wages paid since 1872. It therefore, that the miners are not striking because they are not offered sufficient wages. Their refusal to arbitrate differences between the employer and employes, as set forth above in the proposition of oper- ators, in view of the continued efforts of the union, through John Mitchell, for arbitration in the anthracive region, has caused the operators to question the sincerity of their advocacy of arbi- tration as a principal of their organi- zation. T thai would seem lead your pwn Cull